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DEFI mining DEFI သတ္တ ုတွင်းမေးခွန်း

Liquidity mining is a process in which crypto holders lend assets to a

decentralized exchange in return for rewards. These rewards commonly
stem from trading fees that are accrued from traders swapping tokens.

What is liquidity mining example? Liquidity Mining ဥပမာက ဘာလဲ။

Liquidity mining means that always two trading pairs are fed into the
system by independent liquidity miners, for example USDT and ETH-DFI.
These liquidity miners, who put money into the system, naturally want
something in return: so-called Liquidity Mining Rewards.

for example, if we save about 10000 $ in the bank , the global interest
rate is 8% per year and you will get 800 within a year, and it is long term

if you save about 10000 $ in the crypto mining, you will get 3% daily and
300 per day and then 9000 as a profits only in a month.. it is base on the
calculation of a month only,. you think if 2 months will be 18000 plus
with the original capital 10000 and you will get 28000 within 2 moths.

Is liquidity mining real? ငွေဖြစ်လွယ်သောသတ္တ ုတွင်းသည် အမှ န်တကယ်ဖြစ်ပါသလား။

Yes, liquidity mining is an important part of the yield farming strategy.

The automated type of yield farming provides a significant amount of the DEX
trading volume that drives liquidity rewards higher.

How do you earn from liquidity mining?

Liquidity mining is a process in which crypto holders lend assets to a
decentralized exchange in return for rewards. These rewards commonly stem
from trading fees that are accrued from traders swapping tokens.

Is liquidity pool profitable? Liquidity Pool က အကျ ိုးအမြတ်ရှိလား။

For investors, liquidity provision can be lucrative. Protocols incentivize

liquidity providers through token rewards. This incentive structure has given
rise to a crypto investment strategy known as yield farming, where users
move assets across different protocols to benefit from yields before they dry
How is liquidity paid? Liquidity ကို ဘယ်လို ပေးချေသလဲ။

Liquidity providers earn fees from transactions on the DeFi platform

they provide liquidity on. The transaction fees are distributed proportionally
to all the liquidity providers in the pool, so the more crypto assets you stake
the more fees you'll earn.
Is liquidity a good investment? ငွေဖြစ်လွယ်ခြင်းသည် ကောင်းမွန်သော ရင်းနှီးမြှ ုပ်နှံ မှုဖြစ်

Liquidity is important in investing to be able to access the wealth that

you build. If your assets are all tied up in long-term investments or highly
illiquid investments, you may find yourself cash-poor. This can significantly
reduce your ability to direct funds into an investment opportunity that comes
your way.

What is liquidity crypto?

Liquidity in cryptocurrency means the ease with which a digital currency or
token can be converted to another digital asset or cash without
impacting the price and vice-versa.

What is good liquidity crypto?

Importance of Liquidity

High liquidity means the crypto asset can be easily bought or sold close
to its value without much hassle; high liquidity crypto-assets can easily be
identified by their high trade volumes and a large number of investors.

What is the meaning of liquid mining?

Liquidity mining is the practice of lending crypto assets to a decentralized
exchange (DEX) in exchange for rewards. In this way, both the crypto
exchange and token issuer reward the community for providing liquidity. This
investment strategy is most commonly used by automated market makers

Customers ဘက်က ဘာကြောင့် USDT ကို mining လု ပ်ရတာလဲမေးလာ

What is the benefit of using USDT?
USDT enjoys all the advantages of a normal cryptocurrency. This means
that you can send USDT anywhere in the world without major problems
and with low commissions. It allows exchanges to maintain a high degree
of liquidity and protection against the high volatility of cryptocurrencies.

Is mining USDT good? USDT သတ္တ ုတူ းဖော်ခြင်းသည် ကောင်းမွန်ပါသလား။

Maybe you won't know but Tether (USDT) cannot be mined since its tokens
are bound to the value of the US dollar (USD) and mining would go against
the purpose of this cryptocurrency.

What is USDT liquidity mining?

Liquidity mining is a process in which crypto holders lend assets to a
decentralized exchange in return for rewards. These rewards commonly
stem from trading fees that are accrued from traders swapping tokens.

What is the point of using USDT? USDT အသုံ းပြုခြင်း၏ အဓိပ္ပါယ်မှ ာ အဘယ်နည်း။

Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency pursuing a steady

valuation. Tether is used by investors who want to avoid the volatility typical
of cryptocurrencies while holding funds within the crypto system.

How does USDT make money? USDT က ဘယ်လို ငွေရှ ာသလဲ။

Centralised stablecoins, like USDT (Tether) and USDC, make

money through lending and investing, in a manner similar to traditional
banks. They do these through fractional reserve banking, where only a
fraction of deposits are backed by physical cash on hand that can be
withdrawn by investors.

Is 1 USDT equal 1 USD?

Tether (USDT) is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar. Currently the
most popular stablecoin in the market, USDT is backed 100% by actual
assets in the Tether platform's reserve account. Each unit of USDT has a
monetary value of US$1.

Why USDT price is so high? USDT စျေးက ဘာကြောင့် ဒီလောက်မြင့်ရတာလဲ။

Usdt price fully depends on both buyers and sellers. USDT is tradable I.e. if
market is crashed then lots of people want to buy more usdt on priority as rate
of usdt will high and same in vise versa as market is high in price lots of
people want to sell their usdt on priority.

Why do stablecoins pay so much interest? Stablecoins သည် အဘယ်ကြောင့် ဤမျှ

အတို းပေးသနည်း။

Demand for stablecoins constantly exceeds supply. So people with

stablecoins to lend can charge premium interest rates, and crypto platforms
desperate for stablecoins offer high interest rates to attract new stablecoin
lenders. That's why stablecoin interest rates are so high. It's simple

Can I sell my USDT? ကျွန်ု ပ်၏ USDT ကို ရောင်းချနို င်ပါသလား။

You may find multiple ways of selling USDT. However, the fastest way to do
this is via a cryptocurrency exchange. CEX.IO is a secure and reputable
platform available 24/7/365, so you may do any procedure when you need it.
The platform offers multiple trading options, crypto staking, savings account,
loans, etc.

Is USDT safe to invest?

All of its tokens are pegged at 1-to-1 to their matching fiat currency and are
backed 100% by Tether's reserves. USDT is the largest dollar stablecoin by
market cap. You are able to redeem your Tether crypto for the real currency
any time you wish, and so far, it has proven to work flawlessly in practice.

How do I turn USDT into cash?

There are many ways to sell your USDT in exchange !!! like Binance and
some exchange app

What is Binance ?
What is Binance and how it works? Binance ဆို တာ ဘာလဲ ၊ ဘယ်လို အလု ပ်လု ပ်လဲ ။

Binance is an online exchange where users can trade cryptocurrencies. It

supports most commonly traded cryptocurrencies. Binance provides a crypto
wallet for traders to store their electronic funds. The exchange also has
supporting services for users to earn interest or transact using

Is Binance trustworthy? Binance သည် ယုံ ကြည်စိတ်ချရပါသလား။

Binance is an excellent crypto exchange for serious traders. It offers very low
commissions, a large variety of coins, and advanced trading tools. Most
importantly, Binance is a fairly safe crypto exchange, with lots of advanced
security features. But no crypto exchange is completely secure .

Is Binance legal? Binance သည် တရားဝင်ပါသလား။

In 2021, Binance was put under investigation by both the United States
Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service on allegations of money
laundering and tax offenses. The UK's Financial Conduct Authority
ordered Binance to stop all regulated activity in the United Kingdom in
June 2021.

Is it safe to sell on Binance? Binance တွင်ရောင်းချရန်အန္တရာယ်ကင်းပါသလား။

Binance is a safe and secure platform to buy and sell cryptocurrencies

quickly using our streamlined buy/sell process. You're just three steps
away from your first Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

Is Binance real or fake?

Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange which is the largest exchange in the
world in terms of daily trading volume of cryptocurrencies. It was founded in
2017 and is registered in the Cayman Islands. Binance was founded by
Changpeng Zhao, a developer who had previously created high frequency
trading software.

What is trust wallet

Trust Wallet is a noncustodial multi-crypto wallet app that gives users full
control over their digital assets, from cryptocurrencies to non-fungible
tokens (NFTs).

Is crypto trust Wallet safe? crypto ယုံ ကြည်မှု Wallet သည် ဘေးကင်းပါသလား။
It's extremely secure, free to use, and supports many blockchains and
cryptocurrencies, which is why it's widely considered one of the best
cryptocurrency wallets. Binance acquired Trust Wallet in 2018, and it's the
exchange's official decentralized wallet.

How do I sell crypto on trust Wallet? ယုံ ကြည်မှု Wallet တွင် crypto ကို ဘယ်လို ရောင်း

It's important to understand that you can't sell directly from the Trust Wallet
app. You must send your Bitcoin from the app to a cryptocurrency exchange
first. Creating an account on a cryptocurrency exchange is free and is the first
step in cashing out your Bitcoin from Trust Wallet.

ဘာကြောင့် mining လု ပ်တဲ့ အခါ wallet လို တာလဲ

Do you need a wallet for mining?

You'll need a wallet for your cryptocurrency to store the keys for any
tokens or coins your mining efforts yield. Wallets have a unique address
allowing you to send and receive tokens securely. There are many types of
online wallets, and there are even "cold storage" wallets that don't operate

How do crypto wallets make money?

Many blockchain and crypto wallet downloads are offered for free, and most
don't charge anything if you're just storing your crypto assets. However, some
make money by charging users for certain transactions, crypto staking,
and consulting work.

ဘာကြောင့် mining လု ပ်ရတာလဲ

Across the full sample, 43% of businesses had temporarily closed, and
nearly all of these closures were due to COVID-19. Respondents that had
temporarily closed largely pointed to reductions in demand and employee
health concerns as the reasons for closure, with disruptions in the supply
chain being less of a factor

နမူ နာအပြည့်အစုံ တွင်၊ လု ပ်ငန်းများ၏ 43% သည် ယာယီပိတ်ထားရပြီး ယင်းပိတ်သိမ်းမှုအားလုံ း

နီးပါးသည် COVID-19 ကြောင့်ဖြစ်သည်။ ယာယီပိတ်ထားသော ဖြေဆို သူ များသည် ၀ယ်လို အား
လျော့ နည်းခြင်းနှ င့် ဝန်ထမ်းများ၏ ကျန်းမာရေးဆို င်ရာ ပူ ပန်မှုများကို လျှော့ ချရသည့်
အကြောင်းရင်းများကို ထောက်ပြကြပြီး ထောက်ပံ့ ရေးကွင်းဆက်တွင် အနှေ ာင့်အယှ က်များသည်

covid ဖစ်တု န်းက တစ်နို င်ငံ လုံ းအတို င်းအတာ အနေဖြင့် ယာယီပိတ်ခံ ခဲ့ ရတယ်။အစို းရ
ထု တ်ပြန်ကြေညာချက် တွေကို အဖြစ် မနေ ကျန်းမာရေးအရ ‌အရေးကြီးတဲ့ အတွက်ကြောင့် ငါ့ရဲ့ စီ
ပွားရေးတွေကို ခဏရပ်ဆို င်းခဲ့ တယ်

ရပ်ဆို င်းထားတဲ့ အချိန်မှ ာ ငါ့မှ ာ ၀န်ထမ်း‌အရေအတွက်က များသောကြောင့် သူ တို ရဲ့ကျန်မာရေးနှ င့်

အခြေခံ လစာတွေကို ထောက်ပံ့ ပေးခဲ့ တယ်၊ အစက ငါထင်တာကတော့ covid ဟာတနစ်အတွင်းပီး
ဆုံ းသွားမယ်လို ၊ ဒါပေမယ် second wave လောက် မှ ာငါရဲ့စီပွားရေးရဲ့ရောင်းလို အားတွေ သိသိ
သာသာကျဆင်းထိခို က်လာတယ် ။၀န်ထမ်းအင်အားက များတာရယ် သူ တို အတွက် အခြေခံ လာစာ
က ရှ င်းပေဂရန် တာ၀န်ကတလနဲ့တလ ငါ့အတွက် အကြပ်အတည်းဖစ်လာတယ် ။တချ ို၀န်ထမ်း
တွေရဲ့လစာကို ငါမ‌ပေးနို င်လို တ၀က်အထိလျော့ ချက်ပြီး ကျန်းမာရေးအတွက် ငါထောက်ခံ ပေးနို င်ခဲ့
တ ယ် ။ငါ့ရဲ့လု ပ်ငန်းကလည်းတို င်းပြည်ရဲ့ ခရီးသွားလု ပ်ငန်းဘက်မှ ာမူ တည်နေတာကြောင့်
second and third wave လောက်အထိကို ငါအ လံ မထူ နို င်သေးဘူ း။ ငါ့အတွက်စီးးပွာရေးကျ
ဆင်းမှုတွေ ၀န်ထမ်းတွေအတွက် လစာ‌‌ပေးရမယ့် စရိတ်တွေအတွက် ငါ online ကနေ ငါ့အဖေနဲ
အတူ လေ့ လာယ်။ ငါအဖေက IT engineering ဖစ်တယ် ။သူ နဲ့ ငါ crypto ကို စတင်လေ့ လာခဲ့
တယ် ။ အဲ့ ဒီ အချိန်မှ ာmining ကို ငါလေ့ လာခဲ့ တယ် ။ အဲ့ ဒီအချိန်မှ ာ ငါmining ကို လေ့ လာခဲ့ ရာက
နေ ခု mining မှ ာရင်းနှီမြှ ုပ်နှံ နေတာ ၂ နစ်ရှိပြီ။အဲ့ အချိန်မှ ာငါအရမ်းပျော်ခဲ့ တယ် ။ mining က
ဒု တိယ၀င်ငွေဖြစ်လာခဲ့ တယ်။
ဆုံ းရှုးသွားသော စနစ်တွေကို ငါပြန်လည်ဖြေရှ င်းနို င်ခဲ့ တယ်
မင်းလု ပ်နေတဲ့ platform ကစိတ်ချရဲ့လား

This platform enables depositors to lend its native stablecoin, DAI, and earn
interest as they would with a centralised bank. Maker generates revenue via
its stability fee which is the interest charged to borrowers, as well as
taking a cut on every liquidation.

There are a lot of investor the platform that I am investing like celebrities,
investors and Business persons above 10K! The platform that I am investing
has the official channel in telegram.

It is good for new user, they annonced for new users for the Bonus Since the
March 22 and till now ! As this platform will reach to 4th Anniversary!

It has 24 hours of customer services and withdraw is 24 hours services! It has

a team for staking specialist too. What does staking mean in mining?
Staking is another way to validate the blockchain, but it works differently than
mining. It involves buying cryptocurrency with the objective to hold it for
an undetermined period. With staking, you put your cryptocurrency in your
crypto wallet so the network can use those coins to validate transactions.

Mining process အစအဆုံ း

Binance or crypto app အသင့် ရှိထားသူ များအတွက်

You need to buy USDT (ဘာကြောင့် usdt သုံ းရလဲ ရှ င်းပြပြီးအသင့် ရှိ) for 101 USDT
and need wallet ! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Crypto coin hold သူ များအတွက် ဆေးနည်း

Is it safe to hold Bitcoin?

If anonymity is part of your definition of security, Bitcoin( ETH, XXX)
might not be entirely secure. Similarly, your cryptocurrency is only as
secure as the crypto wallet you keep it in. If you lose your wallet password or
someone else gets ahold of it, you lose your Bitcoin.
Can I hold bitcoin for long-term?
Hodling can still be risky. Even though a few cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
Ethereum are established investment assets, their history is still too short
to ensure investors of their long-term value.

Can I hold bitcoin for long-term?

Hodling can still be risky. Even though a few cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
Ethereum are established investment assets, their history is still too short
to ensure investors of their long-term value.

ကို င်ဆောင်ခြင်းသည် အန္တရာယ်ရှိနို င်သေးသည်။ Bitcoin နှ င့် Ethereum ကဲ့ သို့သော

cryptocurrencies အနည်းငယ်သည် ရင်းနှီးမြှ ပ်နှံ ထားသော ပို င်ဆို င်မှုများဖြစ်သည်ဆို
သော်လည်း၊ ၎င်းတို့၏ရေရှ ည်တန်ဖို းကို ရင်းနှီးမြှ ုပ်နှံ သူ များသေချာစေရန် ၎င်းတို့၏သမို င်းသည်
တို တောင်းလွန်းနေသေးသည်။

A negative balance occurs when you buy cryptocurrency or deposit money

into your Coinbase account, but Coinbase has not received successful
payment from either your bank or card issuer. If it drops below what you
paid, you still have your BTC, but it is how priced less against what you
used to buy it.

How risky is Bitcoin now?

Bitcoin is extremely volatile and high risk. It's certainly not a good idea to
invest all of your savings in cryptocurrency. If you are willing to take the risk,
first make sure you understand what you are investing in and have a crypto
investment strategy.

Trading သမားတွေအတွက်

Is trading in cryptocurrency safe?

It is possible to get filthy rich by investing in cryptocurrency -- but it is also
very possible that you lose all of your money. Investing in crypto assets is
risky, but can be a good investment if you do it properly and as part of a
diversified portfolio.
Can you get scammed trading?
Investment scams using online trading platforms are often promoted
online and via social media channels. Fraudsters typically promise high
returns and use fake celebrity endorsements and images of luxury items to
entice people to invest in their scams.

You can be rich by stock trading or day trading and there are a lot of
examples who are successful in day trading but it will take a great
understanding of the market, in-depth knowledge of concepts and your
psychology and controlled emotions will lead your way to glory.

Why is trading so difficult?

Trading is so hard because there are so many aspects to trading that you
need to know. Some of those are the quantity of misleading information out
there, your own biases, and the necessity of striking a balance between risk
and return.

Why do most traders fail?

The reason many forex traders fail is that they are undercapitalized in
relation to the size of the trades they make. It is either greed or the
prospect of controlling vast amounts of money with only a small amount of
capital that coerces forex traders to take on such huge and fragile financial

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