Fundamentals of Ethics MCQs 1-377

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Fundamentals of Ethics MCQs 1-377

1. Mc Dougall defines ‘instinct’ as an ----------- psycho physical disposition

A. unnatural

B. inherited

C. acquired

D. none of these Answer: B

2. Axiology is the science of -------

A. values

B. beauty

C. science

D. beauty Answer: A

3. In ordinary language desire and --------- are synonymous

A. self-satisfaction

B. good

C. beauty

D. wish Answer: D

4. ----------- is not a positive science

A. physics

B. zoology

C. ethics

D. sociology Answer: C

5. --------- is a representative of emotivism

A. kant

B. j s mill

C. a j ayer

D. descartes Answer: C

6. ------- is a postulate of morality

A. law of excluded middle

B. immortality of the soul

C. law of identity

D. none of these Answer: B

7. According to psychological hedonism ----------- is the only object at which we aim

A. pleasure

B. good

C. utility

D. perfection Answer: A

8. --------- is the criterion of good according to pragmatists

A. intuition

B. desire

C. workability

D. duty Answer: C

9. Killing is a wrong action for ever ‘ This assertion is based on ----

A. deontological theory

B. relative theory

C. consequentialist theory

D. none of these Answer: A

10. The permanent bent of mind constituted by the settled habits of will is termed as

A. wish

B. character

C. conduct

D. will Answer: B

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11. The view that all our actions are determined by some unseen forces or super natural powers is ---

A. fatalism

B. indeterminism

C. self determinism

D. none of these Answer: A

12. Utilitarianism is also called ------ hedonism.

A. egoistic

B. universalistic

C. analytic

D. none of these Answer: B

13. The etymological meaning of the term Dharma is

A. what sustains

B. union

C. morality

D. none of these Answer: A

14. Who among the following is an advocate of Utilitarianism

A. hegel

B. kant

C. spinoza

D. bentham Answer: D

15. ------ is not a pragmatist

A. f.h.bradley

B. john dewey

C. c.s.peirce

D. f c s schiller Answer: A

16. ----- is the Governing Purushartha

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A. dharma

B. artha

C. kama

D. none of these Answer: A

17. ----- is the proponent of qualitative utilitarianism

A. bentham

B. kant
C. j.s.mill

D. none of these Answer: C

18. Aparigraha means

A. non killing

B. non possession

C. non stealing

D. none of these Answer: B

19. Identifying ethical properties with natural properties is --------- fallacy

A. subjectivistic

B. objectivistic

C. naturalistic

D. none of these Answer: C

20. Kama literally means

A. desire

B. freedom

C. sex

D. none of these Answer: A

21. Transmigration of the soul is associated with

A. virtue ethic

B. karma doctrine

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C. custom

D. none of these Answer: B

22. Anuvratas are the ----- vows

A. neutral

B. lesser

C. higher

D. stronger Answer: B

23. ‘My station and its duties’ is the concept of --------

A. hegel

B. f h bradley

C. moore

D. ross Answer: B

24. Purushartha of ------ is directly related to material life

A. moksha

B. artha

C. kama

D. brahmacharya Answer: C

25. According to Hindu ethics wealth satisfies our -----

A. material needs

B. economical needs

C. biological needs

D. none of these Answer: C

26. Gita teaches -------

A. karma yoga

B. bhakti yoga

C. jnana yoga

D. all of these Answer: D

27. ------- believe in the law of Karma

A. hinduism

B. buddhism

C. jainism

D. all of these Answer: D

28. The process of making a choice when there are different desires

A. wish

B. will

C. deliberation

D. none of these Answer: A

29. According to Buddhism --------- is the means to the cessation of suffering

A. astanga marga

B. karma

C. bhakti

D. none of these Answer: A

30. When the wish is actually carried out , it becomes ---------

A. will

B. desire

C. choice

D. deliberation Answer: A

31. Rights and Duties define the ethical duties of the --------

A. individual

B. citizen

C. ministers

D. president Answer: B

32. Ethical skepticism is the position of --------

A. hegel

B. hume

C. j s mill

D. carnap Answer: D

33. --------- is the normative description of human conduct

A. psychology

B. ethics

C. philosophy

D. sociology Answer: B

34. The subject matter of ethics is ________.

A. Human conduct

B. Ultimate truth

C. Knowledge
D. Reality Answer: A

35. The Greek term from which _________ is derived means ‘custom or ‘habit’.

A. Morality

B. Psychology

C. Education

D. Ethics Answer: D

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36. The word ‘Ethics’ is derived from the Greek adjective …………

A. ethica

B. mores

C. rectus

D. psych Answer: A

37. Ethics deals with the “____________ of human beings living in societies.”

A. Conduct

B. Duties

C. Rights

D. Desires Answer: A

38. The term ‘Right’ is derived from the Latin word rectus, meaning:

A. ‘Straight’ or ‘according to rule’

B. Habits or customs

C. Supreme end

D. Ideal in life Answer: A

39. ‘First Philosophy’ refers to:

A. Aesthetics

B. Metaphysics

C. Epistemology

D. Ethics Answer: D

40. Which among the following is wrong definition of Ethics?

A. Ethics is the science of customs and habits of men

B. Ethics is the science of character and conduct of animals

C. Ethics is the science of rightness and wrongness of human conduct

D. Ethics is the science of the highest end or purpose of human life. Answer: B

41. Which Ideal is concerned with Ethics?

A. Truth

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B. Beauty

C. Good

D. Spirituality Answer: C

42. Which aspect of our conscious life dealt with Ethics

A. Knowing

B. Feeling

C. Willing

D. Dreaming Answer: C

43. Ethics as a normative science deals with the __________ of human conduct.

A. ideas

B. standards

C. betterment

D. emotions Answer: B

44. Which among the following is the correctstatement

A. Ethics is a Practical Science

B. Ethics is a Positive Science

C. Ethics is an Art

D. Ethics is a Normative Science Answer: D

45. Which among the following is the wrongstatement

A. Ethics is not Positive Science

B. Ethics is not Normative Science

C. Ethics is not a Practical Science

D. Ethics is not an Art Answer: B

46. A _________ teaches us to know how to do.

A. Positive science

B. Normative science

C. Practical Science

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D. Natural Science Answer: C

47. Which among is the following is the correct statement

A. Ethics is a theoretical science

B. Ethics is a practical Science

C. Ethics is an art

D. Ethics is the study of actions of animals Answer: A

48. Ethics is:

A. a part of Science

B. a part of Philosophy

C. a part of Psychology

D. a part of Art Answer: B

49. Normative science deals with:

A. Facts

B. Values

C. Nature

D. what is Answer: B

50. Positive science deals with:

A. Facts

B. Values

C. Good

D. what ought to be Answer: A

51. Example for Positive science

A. Ethics

B. Logic
C. Aesthetics

D. None of these Answer: D

52. ______ may be defined as a systematic and more or less complete body of knowledge about a
particular set of related events or objects.

A. Science

B. Art

C. Ethics

D. Epistemology Answer: A

53. Positive science 3

A. Describes the objects or phenomena

B. Judging the objects or phenomena

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a nor b Answer: A

54. Which among the following is the wrong statement

A. Normative sciences seek to determine Norms, Ideals, or Standards

B. Normative sciences are concerned with actual facts or their laws

C. Normative sciences are concerned with norms which regulate human life

D. Normative sciences are not systematic explanation of the causes and effects of Answer: B

55. Which among the following action is objects of moral judgment

A. Voluntary and habitual actions of rational persons

B. The actions of animals and phenomena of nature

C. Actions of children, insane persons and idiots

D. Actions done under coercion Answer: A

56. Ethics is deals with:

A. Voluntary Actions

B. Involuntary Actions

C. Non-Habitual Actions

D. Instinct Actions Answer: A

57. Find out an Ethical question:

A. What type of diet allows for the best athletic performance?

B. What is the most appropriate way to worship?

C. Is killing a murderer justified?

D. Are same-sex marriages constitutional? Answer: C

58. Ethics deals with:

A. What is

B. what ought to be

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b Answer: B

59. ______ tells us how we actually will.

A. Philosophy

B. Ethics

C. Psychology

D. Logic Answer: C

60. _________ teaches us how we ought to will

A. Ethics

B. Psychology

C. Logic

D. both a and b Answer: A

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61. Psychology is a _____________ science

A. Normative

B. Positive

C. Ideal

D. Metaphysical Answer: B

62. ___________ is a science of actual

A. Psychology

B. Ethics

C. Logic
D. Aesthetics Answer: A

63. Which among the following mental process deals with psychology

A. Knowing

B. Feeling

C. Willing

D. All of these Answer: D

64. The outstanding form of moral action 4

A. Ideo-motor action

B. Desire

C. Unconscious mental tendencies

D. Sense of duty Answer: D

65. A craving of an agent for the attainment of an object to relieve some want is:

A. Will

B. Desire

C. Motive

D. Intension Answer: B

66. It is a state of tension between the actual state of the self and the idea of a future state not yet

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A. Desire

B. Motive

C. Wish

D. Will Answer: A

67. A dominant desire is called

A. Wish

B. Will

C. Motive

D. Habit Answer: A

68. -------- is an effective desire

A. Will

B. wish

C. Motive

D. Conduct Answer: B

69. _________ induces us to act in a certain way.

A. Wish

B. Motive

C. Will

D. Desire Answer: B

70. The process of making a choice when there are different desires is called:

A. Desire

B. Willing

C. Deliberation

D. Wish Answer: B

71. The essential mark of _______ is that the whole character or personality is involved in the act

A. Willing

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B. Desire

C. Deliberation

D. Wish Answer: A

72. A philosophical term of art for a particular sort of capacity of rational agents to choose a course of
action from among various alternatives:

A. Free will

B. Moral responsibility

C. Character

D. Conduct Answer: A

73. If human actions are completely determined by _________, it is not free will.

A. reason

B. moral imperative
C. circumstances

D. All these Answer: C

74. The force of will leads to _________.

A. Action

B. inaction

C. result

D. wish Answer: A

75. Who is the advocator of ‘freedom of will’

A. David Hume

B. J.S.Mill

C. Kant

D. None of these Answer: C

76. ‘Character’ refers to the complete system constituted by the acts of ____ of a particular kind.

A. wish

B. desire

C. intention

D. will Answer: D

77. Collective name for voluntary actions

A. Conduct

B. Desire

C. Wish

D. Good Answer: A

78. What constitute conduct

A. Purpose

B. Choice

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a and b Answer: C

79. ---------- is outer expression of character

A. Will
B. Wish

C. Desire

D. Conduct Answer: D

80. The permanent bent of the mind, constituted by the ‘settled habits of will’ is:

A. Conduct

B. Desire

C. Character

D. Wish Answer: C

81. ___________ is a formed habit.

A. Custom

B. Desire

C. Wish

D. Character Answer: D

82. Character is built up by a person out of his natural tendencies and dispositions by controlling and
regulating them by ___

A. Passion

B. emotions

C. reason

D. Desire Answer: C

83. _______ is the acquired habit of controlling the natural instincts and impulses in order to realize
definitely conceived ends.

A. Character

B. Conduct

C. Wish

D. Desire Answer: A

84. Pleasure/pain is the norm of moral evaluation in __________.

A. Intuitionism

B. Virtue ethics

C. Hedonism
D. All these Answer: C

85. “Men always do seek pleasure”. This position is called __________ hedonism.

A. Psychological

B. ethical

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C. egoistic

D. universalistic Answer: A

86. Universalistic hedonism is also called ___________ .

A. ethical hedonism

B. psychological hedonism

C. utilitarianism

D. egoistic hedonism Answer: C

87. Ethical hedonism is the view that human beings ___________ seek pleasure.

A. always do

B. ought to

C. shall not

D. ought not Answer: B

88. ___________ hedonism refers to the pleasure of each individual.

A. Egoistic

B. Psychological

C. Universalistic

D. none of these Answer: A

89. ___________ hedonism refers to the pleasure of all human beings.

A. psychological

B. egoistic

C. ethical

D. universalistic Answer: D

90. The ethics of __________ is precisely termed utilitarianism.

A. Kant
B. Spencer

C. J. S. Mill

D. T. H. Green Answer: C

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91. Both Bentham and Mill share the __________ principle of morality.

A. pleasure

B. evolutionist

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: A

92. According to hedonists, pleasure is the only thing that is ____________.

A. possible

B. avoidable

C. visible

D. desirable Answer: D

93. According to Hedonism, hedoneor ------ is the ultimate standard of morality

A. Pleasure

B. Will

C. Good will

D. reason Answer: A

94. __________ hedonism holds that pleasure is the natural and normal object of desire, that we always
seek pleasure and avoid pain

A. Ethical

B. Egoistic

C. Psychological

D. Altruistic Answer: C

95. ________hedonism holds that pleasure is the proper object of desire; that we do not always seek
pleasure but ought to seek pleasure.

A. Ethical

B. Egoistic
C. Psychological

D. Altruistic Answer: A

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96. According to _____ hedonism the pleasure of the individual is the moral standard

A. Ethical

B. Psychological

C. Egoistic

D. Altruistic Answer: C

97. According to __________ hedonism the greatest happiness of the greatest number or general
happiness is the moral standard.

A. Ethical

B. Psychological

C. Egoistic

D. Altruistic Answer: D

98. According to_________ hedonism, all pleasures are alike in kind they differ only in intensity or
degree; there is no qualitative difference among them.

A. Altruistic

B. Egoistic

C. Gross Egoistic

D. Refined Egoistic Answer: C

99. The theory that what we ought to aim at is the greatest possible amount of pleasure of all human
beings, or of all sentient creatures.

A. Utilitarianism

B. Perfectionism

C. Egoistic Hedonism

D. Humanitarianism Answer: A

100. Who is the advocate of quantitative utilitarianism

A. J.S.Mill

B. Jermey Bentham

C. Immanual Kant
D. F. H. Bradley Answer: B

101. Who is the advocate of qualitative utilitarianism

A. J.S.Mill

B. Jermey Bentham

C. Immanual Kant

D. F. H. Bradley Answer: A

102. Who is the advocate of Utilitarianism:

A. Jermey Bentham

B. J.S. Mill

C. Immanual Kant

D. both a and b Answer: D

103. Bentham holds that the only standard of valuation of pleasures in:

A. Quanlitative

B. Quantitative

C. both a and b

D. neither a nor b Answer: B

104. Who wrote Utilitarianism

A. Immanuel Kant

B. Jeremy Bentham

C. J.S.Mill

D. F. H. Bradley Answer: C

105. According to Mill pleasures differ from one another in ____

A. Quantity

B. Quality

C. Utility

D. time Answer: B

106. According to Bentham a pleasure is pure when:

A. It is free from pain

B. It is mixed with pain

C. It gives rise to a number of other pleasures

D. It is preferable to barren pleasure Answer: A

107. Bentham by introducing ----- as a dimension of pleasure introduced altruism into his doctrine.

A. Intensity

B. proximity

C. Extent

D. Fecundity Answer: C

108. The higher quality pleasure according to Mill

A. Bodily pleasure

B. Intellectual pleasure

C. Sensual pleasure

D. Animal pleasure Answer: B

109. Mill’s utilitarianism is known as:

A. Gross Utilitarianism

B. Quantitative Utilitarianism

C. Refined Utilitarianism

D. Psychological Hedonism Answer: C

110. Mill’s Internal sanction of consciousness is

A. Sympathy

B. Fellow-feeling

C. Social feeling of mankind

D. All of these Answer: D

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111. Bentham recognizes moral obligation to pursue general happiness by

A. The external sanctions only

B. The internal sanction only

C. Both the external sanctions and internal sanctions of consciousness

D. Neither external nor internal sanctions Answer: A

112. The only thing that is good without qualification or restriction is a _________
A. Good will

B. Imperative

C. Categorical Imperative

D. Hypothetical Imperative Answer: A

113. Who’s work is Critique of Practical Reason:

A. Immanuel Kant

B. Jeremy Bentham

C. J.S. Mill

D. F. H. Bradley Answer: A

114. Kant’s ethical theory is:

A. Ontological

B. Deontological

C. Utilitarian

D. Hedonic Answer: B

115. Which among the following is NOT Kant’s work

A. Critique of Pure Reason

B. Critique of Practical Reason

C. Ground work of the Metaphysics of Morals

D. OnLiberty Answer: D

116. It is wrong to break a promise because as a moral law it cannot be universalized. This illustrates the
ethical position of _____________.

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A. Kant

B. J. S. Mill

C. Bentham

D. Spencer Answer: A

117. According to Kant, moral imperative is ___________.

A. evolutionary

B. hypothetical
C. categorical

D. all these Answer: C

118. Kant accepted ________ as the final authority in moral life.

A. pleasure

B. reason

C. freedom

D. pain Answer: B

119. In which book Kant established the dignity of the moral law and makes the ethical life fundamental
in Philosophy

A. Critique of Pure Reason

B. Critique of Practical Reason

C. Critique of Judgment

D. Both a and c Answer: B

120. Kant says “The only thing that is good in itself without qualification or restriction is a:

A. Good will

B. Categorical Imperative

C. Hypothetical Imperative

D. Moral law Answer: A

121. A ------ imperative is always unconditional

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A. Categorical

B. Hypothetical

C. both a and b

D. Neither A nor B Answer: A

122. Kant is an advocate of

A. Teleological ethics

B. ontological ethics

C. Jural ethics

D. Utilitarian Ethics Answer: C

123. The moral law is:

A. Categorical Imperative

B. Hypothetical Imperative

C. Disjunctive

D. All of these Answer: A

124. The laws which are means to other ends are of the nature of ______ imperative

A. Moral

B. Categorical

C. Hypothetical

D. Good Answer: C

125. Which among the following is NOT a Hypothetical Imperative:

A. Laws of Hygiene

B. Economic Laws

C. Moral Laws

D. Legal Laws Answer: C

126. Kant says: “ There is nothing in the world, or even out of it, that can be called good without
qualification, except a ------

A. GoodWill

B. Categorical Imperative

C. Hypothetical Imperative

D. Law Answer: A

127. Pick up the wrong answer. The Good will is:

A. the only good

B. Unconditional good

C. Good in itself

D. actuated by inclination Answer: D

128. According to Kant, the will is ------------ when it acts solely from a sense of duty.

A. Autonomous

B. Heteronomous
C. Actuated by inclination

D. Teleological Answer: A

129. According to Kant, it is wrong to break a promise, because

A. This act cannot be universalized

B. Because you will go to jail

C. Cheating is not acceptable

D. It adverselyaffects on trust Answer: A

130. Kant’s which maxim shows that ‘None should enslave himself or others’

A. First

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth Answer: B

131. Kant’s second maxim shows:

A. Treat personality as of absolute worth

B. A person is an end in himself, and not a means

C. The rational nature which constitutes humanity should be respected.

D. All of these Answer: D

132. According to Kant to commit suicide is wrong, because:

A. It will lead to the annihilation of human life if it is universalized.

B. The person treating himself as a means to the removal of the disgust of life

C. He is not regarding himself as an end

D. All of these. Answer: D

133. Kant’s third maxim says:

A. Act as a member of a kingdom of ends

B. Respect for the dignity of persons

C. What is right is universal

D. Treat personality as of absolute worth Answer: A

134. Which among the following is NOT a Postulates of Morality

A. Freedom of the Will

B. Immortality of the Soul

C. Mortality of the Soul

D. Existence of God Answer: C

135. Kant says, we are autonomous when we act according to

A. Duty

B. Feeling

C. Pleasure

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D. inclination Answer: A

136. In the opinion of Kant, a right action should satisfy

A. It should conform to the moral law revealed by reason

B. The agent should perform it out of pure respect for the moral law.

C. The moral law has reference to any external ends.

D. Both a and b Answer: D

137. According to perfectionism the highest good is:

A. Self-realization

B. Self –control

C. Self –knowledge

D. Self-sacrifice Answer: A

138. Who holds that each person has a place and function in the human society in accordance with his

A. F. H. Bradley

B. Immanual Kant

C. J.S. Mill

D. Bentham Answer: A

139. Self –realization means:

A. Realization of the relational self

B. Realization of the sentient self

C. Realization of good self as well as realization of bad self

D. Both a and b Answer: A

140. Self –realization means:

A. The development of personality

B. Actualization of immense potentialities of the self

C. Both a and b

D. Self-gratification Answer: C

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141. Who’s concept is “ My Station and its Duties”

A. Aristolte

B. Bradley

C. Immanual Kant

D. Buddha Answer: B

142. The duty to the self includes

A. Intellectualduty

B. Duties to the Family

C. Duty to pray to God

D. Duty to take care of domestic animals Answer: A

143. According to Bradley the Supreme Duty is:

A. Duties to Self

B. Duties to Others

C. Duties to God

D. Self- realization Answer: D

144. Who wrote EthicalStudies:

A. Aristotle

B. Immanuel Kant

C. F.H. Bradley

D. J.S. Mill Answer: C

145. Who authored Appearance and Reality

A. Bradley
B. Kant

C. Buddha

D. Mill Answer: A

146. F.H. Bradley is a ---------- philosopher

A. Materialist

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B. Idealist

C. Spiritualist

D. Naturalist Answer: B

147. Who authored Republic

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Kant

D. Mill Answer: A

148. “Virtue is Knowledge” related with:

A. Kant

B. Socrates

C. Plato

D. Aristotle Answer: B

149. The Greeks used the term Eudaemonia in the sense of

A. Pleasure

B. Happiness

C. Prosperity

D. None of these Answer: B

150. --------- is the special virtue of the ruling class.

A. Justice

B. Courage

C. Wisdom

D. Temperance Answer: C
151. Temperance is the special virtue of the -------

A. Ruling Class

B. Traders

C. Kings

D. Soldiers Answer: B

152. ______ is the power of resisting the fear of pain and temptation of pleasure.

A. Wisdom

B. Justice

C. Courage

D. Temperance Answer: C

153. ________is the harmonious functioning of intellect, emotion and desire under the guidance of

A. Justice

B. Wisdom

C. Courage

D. Temperance Answer: A

154. Wisdom is the virtue of the ________ part of the soul

A. Rational

B. Emotional

C. Obedience

D. Hereditary Answer: A

155. Courage is the virtue of the ------- part of the soul

A. Rational

B. Emotional

C. Obedience

D. hereditary Answer: B

156. Cardinal virtue of Plato

A. Love

B. Friendliness
C. Temperance

D. Truthfulness Answer: C

157. Which is not a cardinal virtue:

A. Wisdom

B. Courage

C. Temperance

D. Goodness Answer: D

158. __________ comprehends all cardinal virtues:

A. Wisdom

B. Courage

C. Temperance

D. Justice Answer: D

159. The ethical theory of Aristotle is popularly known as:

A. NicomacheanEthics

B. Deontological Ethics

C. Hedonism

D. Utilitarianism Answer: A

160. Central concept of Aristotelian ethics and moral philosophy

A. Eudaimonia

B. Hedonism

C. Deontology

D. Utility Answer: A

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161. ‘Virtue is a permanent state of mind’ who holds this this view?

A. Kant

B. Mill

C. Aristotle

D. Socrates Answer: C

162. For Aristotle what was the formal cause of the moral life?
A. Happiness

B. Virtue

C. Good will

D. All of these Answer: B

163. For Aristotle what was the final cause of the moral life?

A. Happiness

B. Virtue

C. Good will

D. None of these Answer: A

164. “Virtue is the habit of choosing the relative mean” Who holds this view?

A. Kant

B. Mill

C. Aristotle

D. Socrates Answer: C

165. Who made the distinction between intellectual virtue and moral virtue?

A. Kant

B. Mill

C. Aristotle

D. Socrates Answer: C

166. The aim of the punishment as per Deterrent theory:

A. To prevent or deter the offender from committing similar offence

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B. To prevent or deter others from committing similar offence

C. Both a and b

D. Neither a nor b Answer: B

167. Which theory of punishment, the offender is treated merely as a means to the good of others.

A. Deterrent theory

B. Retributive theory

C. Reformative theory
D. Deontological theory Answer: A

168. Which theory is against Capital Punishment

A. Deterrent

B. Retributive

C. Reformative

D. All of these Answer: C

169. The aim of punishment as per Reformative theory

A. To prevent others from committing similar offence

B. To educate or reform the offender himself

C. To allow man’s deeds to return on his own head

D. To punish people who resist reformation Answer: B

170. The aim of punishment as per Retributive theory:

A. To prevent others from committing similar offences

B. To educate the offender himself

C. To allow man’s deeds to return on his own head

D. All of these Answer: C

171. --------- theory of punishment is more humanitarian

A. Retributive

B. Reformative

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C. Deterrent

D. a and b Answer: B

172. Which theory of punishment appears to justify the law of ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’

A. Retributive theory

B. Reformative theory

C. Preventive theory

D. Both b and c Answer: A

173. Deterrent theory of punishment is:

A. Preventive
B. Reformative

C. Educative

D. all of these Answer: A

174. Retributive theory of punishment involves:

A. Education

B. Reformation

C. Revenge

D. Conversion Answer: C

175. Education is a practical means that corresponds to the ----- theory of punishment

A. Deterrent

B. Retributive

C. Reformative

D. None of these Answer: C

176. Karma literally means

A. Joining

B. Duty

C. A deed

D. None of these Answer: C

177. The term Svadharma means

A. Duty

B. One’s own nature

C. Duties of one’s own

D. A Deed Answer: C

178. The society was divided into four classes (varnas). They are:

A. Brahmacarya, Grahastya, Vanaprasta and Samnyasa

B. Brahmana, Ksatriya, Vaisya and Sudra

C. Wisdom, Courage ,Temperance and Justice

D. Elders, Children , Men and Women Answer: B

179. Sva?bhava stands for

A. One’s own duty

B. Satva,rajas&Tamas

C. One’s own nature

D. None of these Answer: C

180. The central teaching of the Gita is:

A. Niskamakarma

B. Jnana Yoga

C. Bhakti Yoga

D. Karma Answer: A

181. The author of the Gita is:

A. Valmiki

B. Manu

C. Vyasa

D. Bharathan Answer: C

182. There are three fundamental qualities or gunas which is present in every individual. They are:

A. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

B. Rupa, Rasa and Gandha

C. Earth, Water and Air

D. Love, Friendship and Goodness Answer: A

183. Whose doctrine is anticipated by the Gita conception of svadharma appropriate to svabhaba.

A. Buddha

B. Bradley

C. Mill

D. Kant Answer: B

184. The duties of the individuals of the each varna is determined in accordance with:

A. Their birth

B. Guna

C. Their nature

D. strength Answer: B
185. Which is Purushartha:

A. Wealth

B. Truth

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C. Beauty

D. God Answer: A

186. Which Purusharthahas moral value:

A. Artha

B. Kama

C. Dharma

D. Moksha Answer: C

187. Which purushartha has Psychological value

A. Artha

B. Kama

C. Dharma

D. Moksha Answer: B

188. _________ satisfies mental and emotional needs

A. Artha

B. Kama

C. Dharma

D. Mosha Answer: B

189. --------- satisfies rational, social and moral needs.

A. Artha

B. Kama

C. Dharma

D. Mosha Answer: C

190. ---------- are protecting people from external aggressions and internal disturbances, chasing the
wicked etc.

A. Brahmana
B. Kshatriya

C. Vaisya

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D. Sudra Answer: B

191. Who should tend cattle, and carry on trade, agriculture, and commerce.

A. Brahmana

B. Kshatriya

C. Vaisya

D. Sudra Answer: C

192. Brahmana should cultivate the virtue:

A. Spiritedness

B. tranquility

C. service

D. crafting Answer: B

193. The ________ is different vocational groups in accordance with their qualities.

A. Guna

B. caste

C. asrama

D. satva Answer: B

194. The duties obligatory on ________ are teaching, performance of ceremonial sacrifice etc.

A. Brahmana

B. Kshatriya

C. Vaisya

D. Sudra Answer: A

195. The five vows of the clergy in Jainism are called: 16

A. Maha-vrata

B. anu-vrata

C. vrata

D. Asteya Answer: A
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196. Not a Jainavrata:

A. Non-injury

B. Non-truthfulness

C. Non-stealing

D. Sex-restraint Answer: B

197. The clergy and the laity are organically related and the difference is only of degree and not of kind

A. Buddhism

B. Jainism

C. Sikhism

D. Hinduism Answer: B

198. The five-fold vows (panchasila)

A. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha

B. Himsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha

C. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Yoga, Aparigraha

D. Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Grahasta Answer: A

199. Who ought to observe the great vows?

A. Clergy

B. Monks

C. laity

D. Children Answer: B

200. Jainavratas corresponding the five restraints (yama) of the ----- system.

A. Charvaka

B. Nyaya

C. Yoga

D. Advaita Answer: C

201. The three Jewels of Jainism:

A. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, Right Conduct

B. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, Right Devotion

C. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, Right Spirituality

D. Right Faith, Right Knowledge, Right Advice Answer: A

202. _____ is the keynote of the ethics of Buddhism.

A. Satya

B. Brahmacharya

C. Ahimsa

D. Aparigraha Answer: C

203. Buddha’s ethics is:

A. ascetic

B. hedonism

C. midway between hedonism and asceticism

D. inactivism Answer: C

204. ___ consists in abstention from killing, stealing, illegal sex indulgence, lying and drinking liquor for

A. Right belief

B. Right Resolve

C. Right Conduct

D. Right Speech Answer: C

205. The primary right:

A. Right to live

B. Right to freedom

C. Right to property

D. Right to education Answer: A

206. The article guarantees equality before law.

A. Article 14

B. Article 15

C. Article 19

D. Article 21 A Answer: A
207. Pick up the wrong statement. The fundamental rights are:

A. Absolute

B. Not absolute

C. It can be enhanced

D. It can be removed Answer: A

208. Which is NOT a fundamental right as per Constitution of India

A. Right to Equality

B. Right to Freedom

C. Right to Property

D. Right to Freedom of Religion Answer: C

209. The fundamental duties of the citizens were added to the Constitution by :

A. The 44th Amendment in 1978

B. The 42nd Amendment in 1976

C. The 86th Amendment in 2002

D. None of these Answer: B

210. Which among the following is the duty of a citizen of India

A. To abide by the constitution and respect its ideal and institutions

B. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture

C. To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform

D. All of these Answer: D

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211. Fundamental duties are:

A. Enforceable by the Courts

B. Not enforceable by the Courts

C. Against patriotism

D. Based on individual liberty Answer: B

212. The word was added by the 42nd Constitution Amendment

A. Sovereign

B. Socialist
C. Secular

D. Democratic Answer: C

213. Which of the following word have not been written in the preamble of the Indian Constitution

A. Sovereign

B. Socialist

C. Democratic

D. Indians Answer: D

214. What thing does make ones’ life happy?

A. Bad thing

B. Better thing

C. Good thing

D. Best thing Answer: C

215. From which does the term ‘ethics’ origin?

A. Aletheia

B. Ethis

C. Mores

D. Ethos Answer: D

216. What is the material object of ethics?

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A. Human conduct

B. Human intellect

C. Human senses

D. Human mind Answer: A

217. What is the formal object of ethics?

A. To determine what type of conduct is better

B. To determine what type of conduct is right or wrong

C. To determine what type of conduct is bad

D. To determine what type of conduct is the best Answer: B

218. ) What is a moral action?

A. An action is done deliberately for the good/bad of others

B. An action is done intentionally to destroy others

C. An action is done deliberately and freely to attain ultimate happiness

D. An action is done freely to destroy others Answer: C

219. ) What does immoral mean?

A. Not observing a universal known moral rule

B. Not observing a universal known immoral rule

C. Not observing a particular known moral rule

D. Not observing a universal known immoral rule Answer: C

220. ) What do you mean by Amoral?

A. Relevant to

B. Not relevant to

C. Concerned with

D. None of these Answer: B

221. ) Which of the following is not an example of Amoral action ?

A. Famine

B. Flood

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C. Breathing

D. Killing Answer: D

222. ) In which branch of science do ethics come under?

A. Positive

B. Normative

C. Descriptive

D. None of these Answer: B

223. ) Identify the major branches of ethics?

A. Meta, normative, applied

B. Ontological, logical, Meta

C. Philosophical, normative, Meta

D. Ecological, applied, relative Answer: A

224. Applied ethics deals with __________

A. Universal truths

B. Philosophical sciences

C. Controversial issues

D. Truths Answer: C

225. ) Applied ethics is also known as __________

A. Normative

B. Ethical theory

C. Positive

D. Casuistry

226. ) Which of the following sciences does give data for science of ethics?

A. Sociology

B. Psychology

C. Anthropology

D. all of these Answer: D

227. ) Ethics is not the art of right conduct but act of __________

A. Moral life

B. Judgement

C. Observation

D. Intuition Answer: A

228. ) Which among them does make an action voluntary?

A. Freedom

B. Knowledge

C. Will

D. all of these Answer: D

229. ) _________ is proper only to humans.

A. Act of human

B. Human act
C. Act of women

D. None of these Answer: B

230. ) Who proposed the three postulates of ethics ?

A. Kant

B. Rashdall

C. Aurobindo

D. Descartes Answer: A

231. ) Which one is considered as the postulate of ethics ?

A. Proof for evil

B. Proof for God

C. Existence of God

D. Mortality Answer: C

232. ) Postulates are ___________.

A. Self-evident truths

B. Evident truths

C. Not self-evident truths

D. Evident norms Answer: A

233. ) “Reason of God is the criterion of judgement”. Who said these words ?

A. St. Augustine

B. St. Anselm

C. St. Aquinas

D. Boethius Answer: C

234. ) When was the breaking up of the Greek city state ?

A. 4th c

B. 8th c

C. 12th c

D. 16th c Answer: A

235. ) who named ‘hermic’ and ‘mnemic’ tendencies ?

A. Plato
B. J.S. Mill

C. W.S. Gilbert

D. Aristotle Answer: C

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236. ) Who distinguished the two aspects of conscience?

A. Broad

B. Butler

C. Plato

D. Aristotle Answer: B

237. ) What do you mean by the Greek term ‘hedone’ ?

A. Pleasure

B. Difference

C. Ethics

D. Perfection Answer: A

238. ) Universalistic hedonism is also known as _________.

A. Egoism

B. Utilitarianism

C. Ethics

D. Pleasure Answer: B

239. ) Who is the founder of the science of political economy?

A. Adam Smith

B. Butler

C. J.S. Mill

D. Bentham Answer: A

240. ) Conscience belongs to which faculty?

A. Social

B. Political

C. Individual

D. Pleasure Answer: C
241. ) What is the view of Epicures?

A. Ethical universalism

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B. Ethical egoism

C. Ethical hedonism

D. Deism Answer: B

242. ) Who among these philosophers is considered as a champion of happiness ?

A. Bentham

B. Kant

C. Plato

D. J.S. Mill Answer: D

243. ) J.S. Mill gave importance to __________ base.

A. Pleasure

B. Quantitative

C. Qualitative

D. Hedonism Answer: C

244. ) Who hold that moral progress is characterized by the deepening of the moral insight?

A. T. H. Grew

B. T.H. Green

C. Eric Ericson

D. Anne Roe Answer: B

245. ) Whose opinion that moral life of an individual exists in a moral universe of moral ideals which is
generally recognized by the society?

A. Aristotle

B. Socrates

C. Mackenzie

D. Plato Answer: C

246. ) Who says that moral progress is morality in progress ?

A. James
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B. James William

C. James Peter

D. James Seth Answer: D

247. ) Which is the philosophical virtue of Plato and Aristotle ?

A. Justice

B. Love

C. Law

D. Value Answer: A

248. ) Which are the theological virtues?

A. Faith, Love, Justice

B. Love, Goodness, Truth

C. Faith, Hope, Charity

D. Faith, Love Charity Answer: C

249. ) According to Aquinas, ________ is the form of all virtues ?

A. Hope

B. Faith

C. Charity

D. Love Answer: C

250. ) According to Aristotle, virtues are a kind of ________ nature.

A. First251. ) which is the greatest knowledge according to Socrates ?

A. Value

B. Virtue

C. Law

D. Know Thyself Answer: D

252. ) Knowing one is the real _________ formation.

A. Integral

B. Mutual

C. Spiritual
D. Physical Answer: C

253. ) Realization of self helps to realize the _________ self.

A. Lower

B. Middle

C. Supreme

D. Inner Answer: C

254. ) By nature human is indebted to search for ________ since he is a moral person.

A. Intellect

B. Reason

C. Knowledge

D. Truth Answer: D

255. ) Ethics aims at finding out the truth about something that is both interesting and important

A. Experience and influence

B. Principles and precepts

C. Rightness and wrongness of human act

D. Existence and essence Answer: C

256. ) _________ is the dream of ethics, according to all ethicist.

A. Good character

B. Communion with God

C. Good knowledge

D. Morally high life Answer: D

257. ) ___________ is the moral end.

A. Principles in life

B. Communion with God

C. Good character

D. Free man Answer: C

258. ) _________ is the modern term used to indicate by name of ‘good’ traditionally.

A. Value
B. Personality

C. Education

D. Knowledge Answer: A

259. ) Hippocratic Oath is still recited to ___________ students.

A. Engineering

B. C. A.

C. Medical

D. Mechanic Answer: C

260. ) ______ was the greatest Christian theologian and philosopher of middle ages ?

A. Aquinas

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B. Willam Craig

C. Karl Rahner

D. Aristotle Answer: A

261. ) Eternal law for man cannot be physical, but only ________.

A. Natural

B. Moral

C. Rational

D. Divine Answer: B

262. ) Whether man has reached the highest point of development of his moral consciousness?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not yet

D. Of course Answer: C

263. ) The progress of human consciousness is the fact of _________.

A. Universality

B. Emphasis

C. Influence

D. Experience Answer: D
264. Ethics is concerned precisely with the __________ to decide the right/wrong in human conduct.

A. will

B. norms

C. imagination

D. laws Answer: B

265. The __________ word ‘mores’ is the root of the word ‘morality’.

A. Greek

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B. English

C. French

D. Latin Answer: D

266. Intuitionism 3. Hedonism 4. Human rights 4. Conscience

A. 2, 3, 1, 4

B. 3, 1, 4, 2

C. 4, 3, 1, 2

D. 3, 1, 2, 4 Answer: B

267. Summum Bonum refers to the _________ good.

A. personal

B. social

C. supreme

D. lower Answer: C

268. _________ is not a positive science.

A. Ethics

B. Sociology

C. Physics

D. Biology Answer: A

269. Ethics as a normative science deals with the __________ of human conduct.

A. ideas

B. standards
C. betterment

D. None of these Answer: B

270. A desire that continues to be effective can be termed a ___________.

A. will

B. motive

C. wish

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D. intention Answer: C

271. Human desire is _________ animal appetite.

A. different from

B. similar to

C. the same as

D. not distinguishable from Answer: A

272. A human being may be hungry and yet not __________ food.

A. take

B. provide

C. like

D. desire Answer: D

273. __________ may be outer or inner.

A. Desire

B. Wish

C. Intention

D. All these Answer: C

274. The motive of an action is a part of the __________.

A. intention

B. will

C. wish

D. none of these Answer: A

275. ___________ is a representative of hedonist ethics.

A. Bentham

B. J. S. Mill

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. Neither (a) nor (b) Answer: C

B. Second

C. Third

D. Fourth Answer: B

276. ‘Character’ refers to the complete system constituted by the acts of _________ of a particular kind.

A. wish

B. desire

C. intention

D. will Answer: D

277. __________ exactly corresponds to character.

A. Wish

B. conduct

C. Will

D. Desire Answer: B

278. Find out the items in the List B that match those in the List A. List A List B 1. Hedonism 1.A selected
desire 2. Free will 2. Herbert Spencer 3. Wish 3. Pleasure as moral standard 4. Evolutionary morality 4.
Higher human faculty

A. 3, 4, 1, 2

B. 2, 3, 1, 4

C. 1, 4, 3, 2

D. 3, 4, 2, 1 Answer: A

279. Universalistic hedonism is also called ___________.

A. ethical

B. psychological

C. utilitarianism

D. altruism Answer: C
280. It is wrong to break a promise because as a moral law it cannot be universalized. This illustrates the
ethical position of _____________.

A. Kant

B. J. S. Mill

C. Bentham

D. Spencer Answer: A

281. All conduct either promotes or hinders the organism’s adaptation to the environment. This implies
the ___________ theory of morality.

A. hedonist

B. evolutionary

C. intuitionist

D. none of these Answer: B

282. Adjustment of internal relations to external relations is the basic postulate of the ethical theory of

A. Bentham

B. J. S. Mill

C. Kant

D. Herbert Spencer Answer: D

283. According to ____________, moral life makes the inherent rational/spiritual principle more and
more explicit.

A. J. S. Mill

B. T. H. Green

C. Herbert Spencer

D. Bentham Answer: B

284. ________ is the author of Methods of Ethics.

A. Kant

B. T. H. Green

C. Butler

D. Sidgwick

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Answer: D

285. Desire and _________ are frequently used as synonymous.

A. pleasure

B. intention

C. wish

D. will Answer: C

286. Find out the mismatching pair.

A. Kant/hedonism

B. Ethics/normative science

C. Intuitionism/conscience

D. Evolutionism/adaptation Answer: A

287. According to __________, conscience is superior to self-love.

A. Bentham

B. J. S. Mill

C. Butler

D. Spencer Answer: C

288. Actions are right/wrong according to their intrinsic nature. This is the position of _________.

A. Intuitionists

B. Hedonists

C. Utilitarians

D. None of these Answer: A

289. According to Kant, an action is good/bad ____________.

A. with reference to some external standard

B. according to the pleasure/pain it produces

C. in itself

D. extrinsically Answer: C

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290. ‘The moral principle that guides your action should become a universal law’. This is the view of
A. J. S. Mill

B. Bentham

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: D

291. The ethical theory of ___________ shows a close affinity with Darwin’s theory of evolution.

A. J. S. Mill

B. Herbert Spencer

C. Immanuel Kant

D. None of these Answer: B

292. “The greatest happiness of the greatest number” is the dictum of _________ hedonism.

A. egoistic

B. psychological

C. universalistic

D. all these Answer: C

293. Sidgwick argued that _________ keeps us impartial in the choice of pleasure.

A. ego

B. reason

C. passion

D. society Answer: B

294. Psychological hedonism recognizes _________ as the object of desire.

A. pleasure

B. reason

C. pain

D. law Answer: A

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295. According to J. S. Mill, some pleasures are more desirable on account of ___________.

A. quantity

B. quality

C. appetite
D. beauty Answer: B

296. Sidgwick tried a synthesis between __________, J. S. Mill and Kant.

A. Bentham

B. Spencer

C. Butler

D. None of these Answer: C

297. The author of The Data of Ethics is ___________.

A. Kant

B. Spencer

C. Bentham

D. J. S. Mill Answer: B

298. Perfection or self-realization is the ________ of moral evolution.

A. beginning

B. content

C. law

D. ideal Answer: D

299. The view that moral development is directed towards a specific goal is __________.

A. universalistic

B. teleological

C. legal

D. all these Answer: B

300. __________ is the author of Prolegomena to Ethics.

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A. Bentham

B. Aristotle

C. T. H. Green

D. J. S. Mill Answer: C


301. A _________ action ‘tends to bring about what is good’.

A. bad

B. right

C. wrong

D. legal Answer: B

302. ________ argued that if conscience had strength and authority, “it would absolutely govern the

A. T. H. Green

B. J. S. Mill

C. Butler

D. Immanuel Kant Answer: C

303. Avoiding injury either to oneself or to another’s physical well-being implies the Respect for

A. Life

B. Character

C. Freedom

D. Property Answer: A

304. Respect for life corresponds to the right to __________.

A. Property

B. Freedom

C. Education

D. Life Answer: D

305. Mackenzie defines ________ as ‘The science of the ideal in human conduct’.

A. Character

B. Ethics

C. Hedonism

D. Utilitarianism Answer: B

306. Butler’s term for intuitive moral faculty is _______.

A. appetite

B. desire
C. purpose

D. conscience Answer: D

307. The right of the child to education corresponds to the parents’ __________ to ensure it.

A. interest

B. duty

C. right

D. capacity Answer: B

308. Education is a practical means that corresponds to the _________ theory of punishment.

A. Deterrent

B. Retributive

C. Reformative

D. None of these Answer: C

309. The right to freedom is essential to _________.

A. Hedonism

B. Democrac

C. Dictatorship

D. All these Answer: B

310. Deterrent theory of punishment is ___________.

A. preventive

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B. reformative

C. educative

D. none of these Answer: A

311. Retributive theory of punishment involves ___________.

A. education

B. reformation

C. revenge

D. conversion Answer: C

312. Capital punishment cannot be justified according to ___________ theory of punishment.

A. Retributive

B. Reformative

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: B

313. The right to ________ is recently included in the fundamental rights in India.

A. life

B. freedom

C. education

D. property Answer: C

314. _________ is not a proponent of hedonism.

A. Kant

B. T. H. Green

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: C

315. Social Darwinism refers to the position of ___________.

A. Kant

B. J. S. Mill

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C. Bentham

D. Spencer Answer: D

316. Those phenomena of conduct in these highest creatures, with which Morality is concerned, also
conform to the laws of evolution. ___________ said this.

A. Herbert Spencer

B. Charles Darwin

C. Bentham

D. T. H. Green Answer: A

317. Find out the matching pairs. 1. Bentham/hedonism 2. Reformative view of punishment/the penalty
of death 3. T. H. Green/utilitarianism 4. Kant/Critique of Practical reason

A. Only 4
B. 1 and 4

C. 2 and 3

D. Only 1 Answer: B

318. According to Sidgwick, ‘nothing is desirable in itself except ___________.

A. pain

B. pleasure

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: B

319. Rights and duties are the __________ constituents of the citizen’s life.

A. opposite

B. contradictory

C. invalid

D. complementary Answer: D

320. Right to _________ is the most fundamental right.

A. property

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B. freedom

C. education

D. life Answer: D

321. ___________ theory of punishment is more humanitarian.

A. Retributive

B. Reformative

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b) Answer: B

322. The word ethics is derived from

A. Latin word ‘ethike’.

B. Greek word ‘ethik’

C. Greek word ‘ethike’

D. Latin word ‘ethik’ Answer: C

323. ‘It is difficult but not impossible to conduct strictly honest business’ is famous quote by:

A. Mahatma Gandhi

B. Adam Smith

C. George Bernard Shaw

D. Peter Drucker Answer: A

324. The term ‘business ethics’ came into common use in year _________

A. 1950

B. 1960

C. 1970

D. 1980 Answer: C

325. Ethics is a set of _________ of human conduct that govern the behavior of individuals or

A. principles

B. standards

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C. principles or standards

D. None of the above Answer: C

326. ______________ is about obeying and adhering to rule and authority.

A. Ethics

B. Code

C. Conduct

D. Compliance Answer: D

327. Which of the following is an unethical business practice?

A. Collusion

B. False Communication

C. Insider Trading

D. All of the above Answer: D

328. Administrative corruption includes ‘gifts’ to the ___________

A. factory inspector
B. boiler inspector

C. pollution control board inspectors

D. All of the above Answer: D

329. Business ethics is based on well accepted ____________

A. moral and social values

B. social values only

C. moral values only

D. none of the above Answer: A

330. Business ethics has a ____________ application.

A. universal

B. natural

C. practical

D. none of the above Answer: A

331. ____________ are beliefs about what is right and wrong or good or bad.

A. morals

B. motivators

C. cultures

D. ethics Answer: D

332. Business Ethics is _____________ in nature.

A. absolute

B. not absolute

C. permanent

D. none of the above Answer: B

333. The relevance of ethics is in its

A. Context

B. Principles

C. Application

D. Understanding Answer: C

334. Business malpractice does not include

A. Black marketing

B. Adulteration

C. Advertising

D. Duplication Answer: C

335. Ethics refers to a ________ that guides an individual while dealing with others.

A. code

B. conduct

C. code of conduct

D. rules of conduct Answer: C

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336. Ethics in compliance means

A. it is about obeying and adhering to rules and authority.

B. it deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing.

C. it deals with the duties of a company to ensure that pr oducts and production processes do not

cause harm.

D. None of the above Answer: A

337. _________made it important for businesses to have an ethics code, something in writing about
what one ought to do, and what to strive for.

A. The Ethics & Code Conduct Act, 2000

B. The Sarbanes-Ethics of Code Conduct Act, 2001

C. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002

D. None of the above Answer: C

338. Compliance is about obeying and adhering to _______________.

A. rules an authority

B. discipline

C. laws

D. All of the above Answer: A

339. An expert who is c onfidentially available to solve the e thical dilemmas is known as
A. Ethic coach

B. Ethics trainer

C. Ethics guide

D. None of the above Answer: A

340. Which of the following statements about business ethics is true?

A. It concerns the impact of a business activities on society.

B. It refers to principles and standards that determine acceptable behavior in the world of


C. It relates to an individual’s values and moral standards and the resulting business decisions he

or she makes.

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D. What is ethical is determined by the public, government regulators, interest groups,

competitors and individual’s personal moral values. Answer: B

341. Top managers demonstrate commitment to ethical business practices with

A. the adoption of written codes of ethics.

B. employee empowerment.

C. decentralized decision making practices.

D. collusion with other companies. Answer: A

342. Feature that is NOT present in business ethics are—

A. It has universal application.

B. It is absolute in nature.

C. It depends from business to business.

D. It cannot be enforced by law. Answer: B

343. In setting ethical standards, perhaps the most effective step that a company can take is to

A. adopt a code of ethics.

B. demonstrate top management support of ethical standards.

C. engage employees in ethics training.

D. take an accommodative stance. Answer: B

344. Following is not a professional characteristic:

A. Competition (Undercutting)

B. Competency

C. Character

D. Compensation Answer: A

345. Ethics has become important because of

A. Globalization

B. Communication explosion

C. Both (A) and (B)

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D. None of the above Answer: C

346. Corporate codes of ethics

A. are always externally audited.

B. create guidelines for employees to work by.

C. are always compliance bas Answer: B

347. Ethical and unethical behaviours are determined by

A. the individual.

B. the culture.

C. both the individual and the culture.

D. neither the individual nor the culture. Answer: C

348. The crucial step in understanding business ethics is

A. Establishing codes of ethics.

B. Learning to recognize ethical issues.

C. Having efficient operations.

D. Implementing a strategic plan. Answer: B

349. A set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is member of a
particular group is known as

A. Code of ethics

B. Values

C. Ethics
D. None of the above Answer: A

350. The idea of business ethics caught the attention of academics, media and business firms by the end
of the _______________ .

A. First World War

B. Second World War

C. Cold War

D. None of the above Answer: C

351. Which of the following is not a ‘Code of conduct’ ?

A. Code of ethics

B. Code of practices

C. Code of behaviour

D. Code of management Answer: D

352. Ethical executives abide by _______________ relating to their business activities.

A. laws

B. rules

C. laws, rules and regulations

D. None of the above Answer: C

353. ________________ is a set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any
person who is member of a particular group.

A. Code of conduct

B. Code of ethics

C. Code of practice

D. Any of the above Answer: B

354. Law is ___________________ of ethics.

A. No connection

B. Decodification

C. Codification

D. Visualisation Answer: C

355. Business ethics calls for avoidance of

A. Competition

B. Publicity

C. Monopoly

D. Self Interest Answer: C

356. Ethics has evolved with evolution of

A. Culture

B. Value

C. Moral

D. Society Answer: D

357. Business ethics relates to

A. Customers decisions

B. Government decisions

C. Society’s decisions

D. An individual’s or work group’s decisions Answer: D

358. Morality means:

A. What is considered as correct within a society.

B. Making the right decision and avoid a wrong decision.

C. Defining what is right and wrong for an individual or a community.

D. It helps an individual to make an ethical decision. Answer: C

359. Business ethics is

A. The study of business situations, activities and decisions where issues of right and wrong are


B. Defined as decisions organizations make on issues that could be considered right or wrong.

C. Ethics that can be applied to an organization’s practices for profit maximization.

D. Ethical processes businesses use in order to achieve a good ethical standard. Answer: A

360. “We wish to be good citizens of every community in which we operate.” This is

A. Ethical Code

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B. Political and Social Code

C. Legal Rule

D. Legal Act Answer: A

361. The study of ethics is divided into ______________ operational areas.

A. four

B. three

C. five

D. seven Answer: A

362. Business Ethics is a code of conduct which society should follow while conducting their social

A. True

B. False

C. Partly true

D. None of the above Answer: B

363. Which statement is/are true?

A. Ethics is not synonymous to religious morality or moral theology.

B. Ethics is the principle that guide the human behaviour.

C. The terms ‘ethics’ and ‘morality’ are not synonymous terms.

D. All of the above Answer: D

364. Which of the following does not contribute to the development of a business enterprise’s standard
of ethics?

A. Competitors’ behaviours

B. Society’s norms and values

C. Life experiences of company’s key persons

D. Environmental situations Answer: A

365. Unethical behaviour is often triggered by

A. Pressure from higher management to achieve goals.

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B. An organizational atmosphere that ignores such behaviour.

C. A regular control system of checks and balances.

D. Both (A) and (B) Answer: D

366. Business Ethics is a code of c onduct which businessmen should follow while conducting their

A. Special activities

B. Specific activities

C. Normal activities

D. None of the above Answer: C

367. Managers today are usually quite sensitive to issues of s ocial responsibility and ethical behavior
because of___________.

A. Interest groups

B. Legal and governmental concerns

C. Media coverage

D. All of the above Answer: D

368. Which functional area in business ethics is ab out obeying and adhering to rul es and authority?

A. Ethics in finance

B. Ethics in production

C. Ethics in compliance

D. None of the above Answer: A

369. Holders of Public Office should promote and support the seven principles of public life by
___________ and prove to be example in whatever way they perform.

A. accountability

B. integrity

C. leadership

D. Honesty Answer: C

370. The relevance of ethics is in its

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A. Principles

B. Understanding

C. Context

D. Application Answer: D
371. Which one of the following is not the seven principles of public life?

A. Selfishness

B. Objectivity

C. Content

D. Honesty Answer: C

372. For survival of business

A. to have guidance on ethics

B. it is always better to follow appropriate code of conduct to survive in the market.

C. need to obtain feedback from customers.

D. to have Governments support. Answer: B

373. Reasons why a “ good understanding of business ethics” is i mportant, can be st ated as follows:

A. Healthy Competition

B. Conduct

C. Accountability

D. Application Answer: A

374. The main aim or objective of business is

A. to Increase in profit

B. consumer satisfaction

C. To become a business leader

D. creation of job opportunities Answer: B

375. Business Ethics helps to

A. create wealth

B. stop business malpractices

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C. expand business

D. None of the above Answer: B

376. Business Ethics is also called as

A. Absolute Ethics

B. Permanent Ethics
C. Corporate Ethics

D. None of the above Answer: C

377. Following is not a Professional characteristics:

A. Competition

B. Character

C. Competency

D. Compensation Answer: A


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