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MAY 30, 2023

Submitted by:M.Shuja 21-cs-53

Car Rental System DFD or also known as Data Flow Diagram depicts

the overall flow of data when it enters and exits the project. It is a
structural illustration on how the data moves inside the system while it
process the command made by the user. The DFD for Car Rental
System is a designed diagram that has complete explanation on how the
system handles the data in form of Levels 0, 1 and 2.
The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) represents the flow of data and
the transformation in Car Rental System. In the
DFD, input, processing, and output are used to represent and define the
overall system.
 Car Rental System DFD Level 0
The DFD Level 0 is also know as the context diagram of Car
Rental System. Car Rental System context diagram presents the
main idea to be the basis for the proceeding levels. The basic idea
is represented by a single process consisting the main process,
users and data .
This context diagram portrays the general process done in Car
Rental System. The general process is based on the concept of the
proposed project and illustrated using the DFD symbols to
visualize the idea. This will also serve as a guide as you go
through the deeper processes of the car rental system data flow

A context diagram outlines how external entities interact with an internal software
system. It's primarily used to help businesses wrap their heads around the scope of
a system. As a result, they can figure out how best to design a new system and its
requirements or how to improve an existing system.

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