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No. Vocabulary
Meaning and example

The physical or mental power or skill needed to do something. There´s no doubt about her ____.

2 about
3 abrupt on the subject of, or connected with. I´m worried _____ David.
4 acceleration

sudden and unexpected and often unpleasant. That´s an _____ ending for the book.
5 accept
6 acceptable The increase in something´s speed. The ability to go faster. She loves ______ while driving.

7 act
to agree to take something. I _____ your offer.
8 ads
9 advertisement satisfactory and able to be approved of. His decision is ______.
10 air
perform. Her _____ was amazing.
11 all set to go
short for advertisement. A paid notice that tells people about a product or service. Those ____ are great.
12 amusement
13 appetite A paid notice that tells people about a product or service. The Army __________ is so convincing.
14 appoint
the mixture of gases that we breathe. We have to be careful about ___ pollution.
15 approach
16 arrive ready to go. Is ______ on vacation?
17 artificial
the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh. She looked at him with ________.
18 attack
19 average the feeling that you want to eat food. His ______ is ferocious.
20 bargain
to name someone for a job or responsibility. Sussan was _____ as an English Teacher.
21 basement
22 become to come near or nearer to someone or something. José _____ toward me.
23 best
to reach a place, to happen or start. What time will your plane _____?
24 big
25 blood
made by people, as a copy of something natural. Are those flowers ______?
26 book
27 bonds to try to hurt or defeat using violence. He was ____ and seriously injured by the enemy.

28 bother a standard or level considered to be typical or usual. The _____ age for a Cadet at E.P. is from 16 to 22.
29 break offer. Negotiation. I bought my on a good ______.
30 breathe
31 brief room located below the level of the ground. Our guest room is in the _______.
32 broadcast to start to be. She finally ______ US citizen.
33 build
34 buy of the highest quality. He is my _____ friend.
35 call on large in size. He´s a _____ man.
36 calm
37 capture the red liquid that is sent around the body by the heart. I hate how ______ smells.
38 car Written text that can be published. Give me the English book.
39 chapter a connection. A financial document to show that you lent a company money and they will pay back to you at a
40 cheaper particular interest rate. I bought Q10,000 in Government _______.
41 closely
to make someone feel worried or upset. Stop ______ your brother.
42 column
43 comic to separate suddenly, cause to stop. During my _____ I will eat something.
44 communicate
move air into and out of the lungs. Give a deep _________.
45 compose
46 compute to give detailed instructions or information. Talk. Colonel Molina briefed his soldiers about the new rules.
47 concern
spread information, a tv or radio programme. The President Interview was _____ on a recognized tv programme.
48 connection
49 contact create something. Pao monitored the Engineers ______ her house.
50 cook
get something by paying money for it. I will ____ a new car this year.
51 cooperate
52 correct visit. She will _____ her friend.
53 crosswind
peaceful, quiet, without worry. Chuc is very calm.
54 damage
take someone as a prisoner. The Army ______ several drug dealers.
55 deal
56 departure a road vehicle with four wheels, seats and an engine. I bought a new _____.
57 distance
a part of a book. David read nine _____ from Mandela.
58 disturb
59 drizzle costing little money, less than usual. Daily uniform is ____ than the graduation one.
60 drown
directly connected, strong relationship. That accident was ____ related to drug abuse.
61 easy
62 eat vertical blocks of print into which a page of newspaper or magazine is divided. Palma has to check on the sports ___.
63 enjoy
funny. That ____ book is really good.
64 exact
65 examine share information with others. The Captain will ______ the final decision.
66 expect
to be formed or the parts that something is made of. The soccer team is _______ of 11 players.
67 expensive
68 extended period to calculate an amount using a machine. Nájera _____ the distance to shoot without mistake.
69 favorite
to cause worry to someone. His health _____ me greatly.
70 fever
71 fill relation to someone or something. I lost my flight ______.
72 find
talk, call. Pangan ______ Valenzuela to hang out that weekend.
73 first section
74 fishing pole prepare food. They ____ vegetables.
75 fishing reel
to work together. You must ____ with police officers.
76 fishing rod
77 foggy right, true. She took the _____ decision.
78 forget a wind blowing at an angle to the direction a vehicle is travelling in. The plane landed under full operating
79 friend conditions to facilitate ____ development.
80 fruit to harm or spoil something. That car was _____ because of the accident.
81 garage
82 get an agreement, offer. I bought a house in a good ____.
83 get in the fact of a person or vehicle leaving. It ____ at 8 p.m.
84 give
85 good listener
space between two places. There are 10 kilometers ______ from school to my house.
86 grab
87 gym to interrupt what someone is doing. Molina: Don´t disturb your sister.
88 hand
rain in very small, light drops. It feels _______ outside.
89 hard
90 have to cause to die by being unable to breathe underwater. He ___ in a ship accident.
91 headline
not difficult. ALCPT Exam is very _____.
92 headwind
93 health to put or take food into the mouth. Franly _____ a banana.
94 heart
to get pleasure from something. I ____ watching romantic movis.
95 heartbeat
96 heavy traffic correct, literal. The ____ meaning of love is "You".
97 help
look at someone or something very carefully. Let me ____ the reports.
98 hold
99 hole think something will happen. She ____ to see you on Saturday.
100 huge
costing a lot of money. Big houses are ____.
101 ignition switch
long or longer period. They scored a goal during the _____ .
102 ignore
103 increase best liked. Media Cancha is my ____ restaurant.
104 incredible body temperature is higher. Ramos got a very bad ______.
105 interrupt
106 join to make or become full. Please ___ the salt mixer.
107 jot down discover, search. I ´ve just ____ that song on Spotify.
108 large box
109 late the first part. I love the ___ of the book.
110 laugh a long rod with a strong string with a hook at the end to catch fish. I have to buy a _____ today.
111 learn
112 leave a round, wheel-shaped object. The ____ broke.
113 left a long pole made of wood, etc. With a hook to catch fish. I will buy a ____ tomorrow.
114 lessons
115 light
with fog. It´s a ____ day.
116 literal
117 long period of time unable to remember. I want to ___ you.
118 lunch
a person who you know well and like a lot. Franco is my best ____.
119 lungs
120 maintain the seeds produced by a plant and can be eaten. I love ____. Apples are healthy ___.
121 major
the place where a car is kept. Moya parked his car in the ____.
122 marvelous
123 meaning obtain, buy, earn, receive, etc. Valey ____ a promotion.
124 meet
enter. Hernández helped wheelchair users to _____
125 memory
126 mistake offer, provide. He ____ me a big hug.
127 money
someone who gives a lot of attention. Pérez is a ____.
128 move take with hand suddenly and roughly. López ______ a jack and left the room.
129 name
130 name tag a place to workout, practice physical exercises. I go to the gym every day.
131 narrow a part of the body at the end of the arm. My ___ is very small.
132 natural
133 news not easy. The military is a ___ career but very rewarding.
134 newspaper possess. I _____ three houses.

135 north wind words printed in large letters as the title of a story. That ___ is very negative for Guatemala.
136 obvious wind blowing in the opposite direction to the one you´re moving. The opposite of headwind is tailwind.
137 occur
138 offer state of being well in good condition. Your ___ is amazing. You´re always so athletic.
139 pack organ in your chest that sends bood around your body. The heart pumps ______ blood through the arteries and veins.
140 page
141 pass regular movement or sound that the heart makes as it sends blood around the body. It´s wonderful to feel your __.
142 pay attention many cars, I hate driving in _____.
143 piston rod
support to make it possible to do something. I promise I will ___ you with your English.
144 place to take and keep something in your hand. Wait. ____ for a minute, I have to _____ the books.
145 play
146 please an empty space. The soldiers bored a _____ to drill.
147 poor extremely large in size or amount. They live in a ____ house.
148 portable electrical system switch that causes the vehicle to start. The first step to learn to drive is to start the car by
149 Primary turning on the ignition switch.
150 progress
to intentionally not listen or give attention to. He _____ me.
151 Pulse to become larger in amount or size. The population ______ around 10% in 2018.
152 pump
153 put difficult to believe. That is an ___ story.
154 put on to stop a person from speaking or do. The little boy ____ his mother.
155 radiate
156 range connect. ____ the two pieces together using strong glue.
157 reach to write something quickly. He ____ a new version of the book.
158 receiver
159 recreation a large-size box. I need a ______ to wrap the gift.
160 reduce happening or being near the end of a perior of time. I´m sorry I was ___ for the meeting.
161 refuse
162 regulate to smile while making sounds with your voice. She´s so funny. She really makes me _____.
163 reject to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity. I _____ how to cook.
164 relax
165 represent go away. I´ll be ___ at 5 O'clock.
166 request on or towards the side of your body that is to the west. Turn to your _____ and walk straight three blocks.
167 rescue
168 rich an experience that teaches you something. A teaching/learning experience. This Semester I have to cover eight ___.
169 right the brightness that comes from the sun. The sun ____ is so bright this morning.
170 room
171 roommate a reliable translation of a text. Look for the ___ meaning of the word schedule.
172 safe
a large amount of time. I was waiting for you for a ______.
173 sale description
174 sale things a meal that is eaten in the iddle of the day. I´ll buy a salad for ____.
175 satisfied
two organs in the chest used to breathe. My ____ hurt when I breathe.
176 save
177 see keep in good condition. I have to ____ my car in good condition.
178 seize
More important. Citrus fruits are a major source of vitamin C.
179 self discipline
180 shaker extremely good. This ____ invention will help many disabled people.
181 shooting
what it expresses or represents. What´s the ____ of the word "purchase"?
182 shorts
183 sink To see and talk to someone the first time, come together. Loren and I will meet for lunch tomorrow.
184 sit
ability to remember. I´m able to retain facts easily. I have a good ____.
185 size
186 slang something you did in a wrong way. She admitted that she had made a mistake.
187 slot coins or notes used to buy things. Ho much ____ do you havesomething you did in a wrong way. She admitted
188 small bag that she had made a mistake?
189 sound change position. I´m so cold I can´t move my fingers.
190 speed
191 sporting appoint. For someone or belonging to someone. Please sign your ___ in the book.
192 stand for a small piece of paper, cloth or metal on which the is your name. I have to use a ___ in my uniform.
193 steam
194 stocks small width, limited. The election was won by the very ___ margin of votes.
195 stop not involving anything made or done by people. Your hair looks so _____.
196 storage battery
197 strong information or reports about events. I´ve got some good ____ for you. You passed ALCPT course.
a printed document consisting of large sheets containing reports, articles, ads, etc. Prensa Libre is a very
198 sudden
recognized ____.
199 suit
200 supper wind that blows opposite to the south. The north wind is very heavy at this time of the year.
201 tailwind
easy to see, recognize or understand. I know you don´t like her, but do you have to make it so ____?
202 take
203 target
happen. Many accidents ____ because of heavy traffic.
204 team
205 telephone provide or supply something. Agree to give. Your __ is very convenient.
206 tell
put into a bag or something. You have to ___ your stuff and get ready for the trip.
207 temperature
208 tennis shoes one side of a paper in written document. See ___ 10 for the details on how to enter the competition.
209 thermostat
succeed. I ___ my ALCPT exam.
210 throat
211 top to have a great attitute and show interest. Please ___ to this list of words.
212 trip a motion rod communicating a piston to the small end of a connecting rod. His gun had come to his shoulder
213 troops like the ____ of an engine.
214 unbelievable a particular portion of space. That room is a ____ of entertainment.
215 uninterested
216 unsatisfactory a dramatic performance, exercise or activity for recreation. My brother ____ all day long.
217 vertical section polite use for requests, commands, etc. Please, pass the salt mixer.
218 volume
219 want having little or no money. Deficient in skill, ability, unsatisfactory. His ___ development was the cause of his expelling
220 war light and small enough to be easily moved or carried. My laptop is ____.
221 water vapor
222 wear out more important than anything else. Main. That is my ___ task.
223 wind to improve or get better in knowledge, the action of moving to an improved state or to a forward position. Moya
´s performance resulted in a huge ___ moving from Section D to Section A.
224 word
225 work the regular beat of the heart. Her ____ is very weak. We have to keep monitoring her health information.
226 world
to flow out. The heart ___ blood around veins and arteries.
227 worry
228 wound cause someone or something to be in a situation or condition. To place. Please ___ the books on the table.
229 write
to wear, try something on and keep it. She ___ a dress on and she looks marvellous.
230 zoo
to give off. Emanate, shine. She ____ positivity.

limits. The _____ of acceptable values for ALCPT up to now is from 55 to 60

get, contact. Have you _____ Cayalá yet? If not, keep driving.

telephone handset, device. The phone was ringing, so Simon picked up the receiver.

play, entertainment. ___ is as important as learning in a normal school day.

decrease, lower the quantity. English Area will ___ the percentage of Cadets who don´t pass ALCPT Exam.

say no, decline. Avila ___ the offer.

control. It´s important to ____ our emotions.

refuse, not consider acceptable. Pangan _____ his working conditions.

to rest, avoid work and stress. Abi will relax this weekend.

stand for, symbolize, act on the behalf of. IGSS ___ the short name for Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social.

ask for, written petition (Her ___ is acceptable. We agree on that).

save. The Sergeant ____ his troop from the enemy.

wealthy, nutritious, full of flavor. The Rockefeller family is rich.

correct, part of the body opposite to left. Helping the poor is the ___ thing to do.

an area in a house or building. Luis cleaned his _____ .

person who shares a home. Nájera moved into an apartment with three roommates.

secure, cautious. We live in a ___ neighbourhood.

detail description useful for the purchaser/buyer of a product or service. The ____ presented was very complete.

Products or services to be sold. I will ____ in a garage sale.

pleased, happy. The principal is very ___ with the ALCPT results.

rescue. Colonel Hernández ____ three soldiers.

observe. I ___ you last night.

capture, grab. The soldier was _____.

control of oneself. You´ve always shown ____.

condiment mixer. Can you pass me the ____?

gun activity. There was a ____ between the thieves and the police.

clothing, not long, not far, brief duration. Send me the yellow shorts.

hand basin in bathroom, basin in kitchen, fall. Put the dirty dishes in the sink.

sit down, be placed, seated. Come and sit next to me.

physical dimensions, weight and height. That boy is big size.

very informal speech. Street speech is called ___.

narrow opening for inserting a coin, usb or disk. I inserted my quarters into the slot.

not big in size. I can´t go to the market because I only have a small bag.

seem. It ___ that I´m afraid of scary movies.

velocity. The average ____ in Guatemala is 70 kph.

relating to sports. I like to wear ____ clothes.

Represent. EP ____ Escuela Politécnica

water vapour. I bought a ______ device to clean my face.

finance equity. EEGSA´s ____ are being sold at a good price.

end, cease. The rain has _____.

place for storing. The ___ is full of electronics.

solid, powerful. David has a ___ personality.

abrupt. She took a ____ decision.

clothing (jacket and trousers). The cadet bought a blue suit for the party.

evening and light meal. I´m hungry, let´s take supper.

wind from behind (opposite headwind). He felt a stron ___.

grab, carry accept. She ____ the money and ran to the store.

objective, goal. She usually throws the arrow out of the ____.

group of people working together. The ____ worked to get the project finished on time.

device for making calls. His ___ was so modern.

say. Pao wants to ___ you the truth.

fever. Hot or cold. The child´s high temperature was the reason why her mother went to the Doctor.

Sport shoes. I have to buy ____.

device to control temperature. Please don´t touch the ___. It´s not working well.

part of the body inside the neck. Valenzuela has a sore ___. For him, it´s difficult to swallow.

the highest part. The gardener pruned the ___ of the tree.

journey. For my next vacation I´ll take a _____ to Europe.

a group of soldiers. The Sergeant´s _____ are very undiscipline.

untrue. Incredible, amazing. But Valey is very respectful. It´s ___.

not interested. That book soon became ___ for the students.

Not satisfactory. The Germay Soccer Team had an ___ performance.

a newspaper or magazine section, a column. The sports ___ was a flop (fiasco)

how loud. A book. He´s sick, please turn down the volume.

desire, would like to do. She ____ to play in a soccer team.

armed conflict. The ____ lasted 30 years.

steam. _____ is an excellent tool to clean the face.

destroy through use, make a hole. The Cadets have ____ their boots.

air. The ___ blows very strong after tide is high.

linguistic unit, promise. That ____ is difficult to pronounce.

be employed. I ____ at Escuela Politécnica.

planet earth. The _____´s environment is fragile.

feel uneasy. I´m ____ about your present situation.

injury caused by weapon. The Captain was ____ by the enemy.

form letters. 8th Semester Cadets already learnt how to ____ and essay.

a place where animals are exhibited. Sergeant Pérez took his kids to the ____.

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