Communication Engineering

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Introduction BRETT Pete signal. ive to lnsitction of signa. i is Ditforentiate between the fllowng: 7 Cootigeous ne ugaas and dacrteti elena Peredicand aperodie signal sc and random signals. io Determinis Rawr | Signal : I iso physial quantity that varies with time, space or any Shr independent variable or variable, le give the information aba behaviour or atsre ofthe phenomena (Classification of signal: The signals are broadly classified 25: Signals Continasi-tine sgeae CT sgnals) Disertetime signal (DT renal) Determidsticand Perioicand ._Canaland. - Byenand ‘todom signals non peritic signals non-ausal signals signals bysin. | | 11D ECSem-0 | | Communication Bain i 1-3BEC-Sem-4) ing ae Wh Sisarviess6 6 os x0 ig 1.11) Continue) Disereetime signals, “The soqunes shown in ig. 1.1.16) canbe written as Deterministic and random sign Deterministic sina can completely specified in tire. The pattern of | this signal ie regular aod canbe characterized mathersatically, So its fature value at any instant canbe determined easily Por example t= sini) ‘Random signals take random valucs at any given time, The pattern of this signal is irogular and teannat be defined mathematically. So, foutevlug of these signals at any instant cannt be predicted Forexample ose yen and odd sala: A sig) rns referred sn ayometric. reve signal i HC = x0 orate =x and referred teas non-eymmetrcor dd signal it = pe @ ® 112. Beste at) PHE/12 xsi oon sigs ad signa Periodic and non-periodic signals A periodic signa repeats its iter oer tine perio, * 0 where, Ti period of x) ‘lol where, is pried of xn For continuous-time, + For discrete-time, in +N) ® » 2 Asignal which doesnot satity the periodicity condition is eferred to nonperiodic signal ¥. Bnergy and power signals: Energy signal: The energy signal i one that ha a finite energy and sero average power ie, <8 <2 and P= 0, Foremtininse sine sigs xy = f LO a Fordiverstetime signal sini; = > [xin Power signal : A power signal i dofined as signal having finite average power and infrite energy ir, O 28-0) +80 +0) ‘The Fourier transform af os) cots of two impala ato, and ik, sin (oy Fat) = Xo) S36), nen) ‘Using eq, (1.3.1) and (1.3.2), we have tee 1 Ho) = F280 oy)- 20 = 1-88 (BC-Sem-4) Communication Bgineering 1-78 (8C-Sem-4) Hie) = F810-oy)-Ho+ 20) = ial 10: i satay) E+ FIo(e-oy)-t0+)) = ial ee i a jo —h i BESTE weet do you understand by signum function ? Find Fowsior treneform of elguum fonction ‘Signum function 1. Ieserepresented by sga(t) and is given a5 1 fort<0 sent= {0 fort=0 1 fort>0 o sgnlt) = ult) w= Dal —1 2 Graphically signum function can be given as sot) meses ee eco as en ee a ln pacman Seen Me eed sia a Bees: [eseanonre-a]-~ a 44 The amplitude spectrum [Xo)| and phase spectrum Ze) are shown in Fig. 14.210) and (respectively. on 7 7 . @ o ‘Fig 142. (a) Magnitude spectrum (b) Phase spectrum: FRB ns as eceiectranctarm of a fre the maguitnle ond phase spasm ete = Answer: 1 ere ee x)= [xem ae Xo) 2 3. The amplitude spectrum |X(jo)| and phase spectrum 2 X (jo) are shown in Fig. 1.5.1 (a) and (6) respectively. IXGof (Communication Engineering 1-98 (EC-Sem-4) Caenitnieere 0 ETE] ovtermine the Fourier transform o he rectangular = sh fe tad Porte (ass +1 \0 otherwise om ee Etherington 1. ThoPPourier transform is given by, Moye fave ata f wea(femat = fem ae Xo) = tsine(or2) 2 Since, sine @) = Ofors == n2 Therefore, sine (o:/2)= 0 for (ae?2)= + ne n=1,2,3, ees on 228 $40 16x 185 8. The plot ofthe Xo) is given in Fig. 1.61. 1-108 C-Sem-4) ae CONGEPT OUTLINE + Tnamplitade nodulation, th ample of aro siglo ved in accordance with the modulating signal abot *+ Tho advantage of SSB over DSB-SCis thatthe required bandwidth is reduced by afactor of U2. EBT Watt modulation ? Why modulation ie needed’? on os lacus the hase need of modulation ths eee + chan (aro a a] Answer | ‘Modulation : |L_ Modulation is defined as the process by which some characteristic of ‘signal called carier is varied in accordance with the instantaneous vale of baseband or modulating signal 2 ‘Thesignal resulting rom the process of modulation itcalled modulated signal 1-11 B (BC-Sem-4) 1-12 B (EC-Sem-4) Communication Engineering yes of dation Digital dl Pulse ain cei nate Polen Ampito Pulse poston Seeders Pubecmpitaie | ASK Pon Palo with SK, PSK Fig 17 eitaton’ de ten eee vgn Gn ogre version of transmitted signal after propagation through the channel, ‘This re-creation is accomplished by using process called demodulation. Need of modulation : Multiplexing ‘Sending multiple messages over a channel is called multiplexing. Ifthe signals are transmitted without modulation, they will interfere with ‘each other because their baseband (spectrum) are identical However, the signals can be send without interfering using multiplexing techniques, which are of two types frequency division multiplexing and time division multiplexing Practicability of antenna : ‘The message signals are sent through an antenna at the transmitter when free space is used as the communication medium. For affective transmission the height of the antenna should be of the order ofthe wavelength to be transmitted. Therefore, ifthe frequency of the signal is 5 kHz then height ofthe antenna should be h_é | axiot 5x10) 30 km which s impracticable. ‘The height ofthe antenna can be reduced by modulation, as it provides frequency shifting. The higher frequency signals with small wavelengths are used for modulation, Therefor, if an audio frequency is translated to radio frequency of 1 MHz, then height of the antenna is sae 2 _ aio 2° 2x10" whichis practically achieve, = 150 meter 3 Narrowbanding: i. Even if we assume that the height of the antenna is practicable, the _ audio signals transmitted extend frm 50 kilsto 10 kil, the et of higheat fo lowest wavelenge a 200, ii So single antenna cannot receive all the signal. Now i the audio signals are translated te radio rang frequency of 1B, then ratio 10 +50 1 ‘Que TS. | Explain the amplitude modulation and deduce equation for this wave, Also derive the expression of modulation index in terms of maximum and minimum voltage. “Answer ‘Amplitude Modulation : 1. Amplitude Modulation (AMD is defined as a aystem of modulation in which the amplitude of the carrier is made proportional to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating voltage keeping frequency of the earrier constant. 2. Baseband or modulating signal is generally low frequency audio signal and earrier is high frequency RF-signal. 8. Let the carrier voltage (v_) and modulating voltage (v,) respectively given as | c08 0, «18 v.24, cos o,f 1.82) where A, is the maximum amplitude of carrier wave and A, is the maximum amplitude of modulating wave. ig. 181. 4, From the Fig. 1.8.1, itis clear that amplitude of AM wave A is givenas: pamper 0.83) From eq, (1.8.2) we have AnA,+A, coma a (1.84) A= A(1-Aromont % Comm coring 113B. ocean eM oa sown ow medlation index (). The mod 5 Banco lt ren Oana: tof earned arg ines eel he prentagemoation 6. So from eg. (L8.4) we have amplitude of modulated wave, eg Ommaney) (aas, setantanoueatageotanpitse modlated Wave vena Loe Gar ony omen (since frequency is constant) From eq, (1.85) we have, ia Vg, =A, (1-4, 608 0, 608 0,f 186) ‘This is th completo equation of AM-wave, 92 Now expanding eq (1.86) We have Vy = A, 08 046 + mt (2.08 ,,t.608 ef) A, cnte,-o, + MAcon(o, +038. | a cato-ah Micon +09) ee f +f, ‘Fig 1.8.2. Frequency spectra of AM-wave. 10, Amplitude Modulated wave consists of unmodulated carrier and two sidebands LSB and USB, U1, Theenvelope of Amplitude modulated wave is expressed in Fig. 1.8.5. 1.14B EC-Sem-4) QueT.9. | Draw the phasor diagram of AM modulated signal and also draw the spectrum of AM modulated signals. (ARSE =e Phasor diagram of AM modulated signal : Upper sideband phasor Carrier Lower sideband phasor ; Fess, 1 Hl here acre bn epee apd me cto phasor ech sample ane Ash te AM signal Spectrum of AM modulated signal : 1. The AMsignal is given as Vy =A, cos s+ A con tat «ft eA cos Bef fat 1-15B (EC-Sem-4) _ ‘Communication Engineering ; 2 Hence, the spectrom of AM modulated signal is given by A. A 2 fg [fe CLOT ° =f) fe PERRI 2a tno retain between the output power ofan AM trammmltter snd the dpth of modslatlon oR Derive the power ealeulation of AM signal. OT) fe 1. Wecan write AM-wave equation as below = Across Ace, -0, i+ acalo,+0, where, m is depth of modulation or modulation index. 2 The total power in AM wave (a.101) P= Power in carrier + Power in two sidebands PHP +Pigt Pog 3, The different power can be written as m( At) where i esstance 4. Now trom eq (1.102, (1.103) and (1.10.4) hes a3) a (aR) (a.10.2) 1.103) (1.10.4) © Wekoe stat, Pate raplte Power for single sideband only oF) om aa ¥] nase, (= m= 1 for 100% modulation depth) — ‘Communication Engineering 1h Oe ‘Thus power saving increases as depth of modulation is reduced. TERT] The efficiency 1 of ordinary AM is defined as the reentage of the total power carried by the sidebands, that is per en here? isthe power carviedby the sidebands and P, is the total power of the AM signal. i, Find y for m, = 0.5 (50°% modulation) fi, Show that for a single tone AM max is 33 % at m, = 1. ‘ARTU 2077-18, Marks 10 Given:m, = To Find: for m, = 0.5 = 50% To Show :n,,, = 33 % atm, =1 1. Weknow that, ay 2. Power of sidebands, P,= P, 3. Total power, P= p+ where, im, = Modulation index 4 Biiciency, sre 5. For asingle tone AM, » at m, = 1, is given by, Pa Foe * 100 =933% QueTIS.] An amplitude modulated signal is given by Yau (= 10 con Be 10%) + 8 con (nx 104) coe (x x 10%) © 2 cos (2x x 10°) cos (4x x 10*) volts. gee 1-188 (BC-Sem-4) i. Find various frequency components present and the corresponding modulation indices. kd Calculate power contained in the signal and efficiency of the Siena (aU ao a] al eye Vgy 8) = 10 008 2x x 105) + 8 cos (2x x 1044) os (xx 1074) ++ 20s (2x x 10%) cos (4 x 10%) volts 10 +5 008 (2x x 10%) + 2 cos (4x x 10%] eos (2x x 10%) 10 [1 + 172 cos (2x x 10%) + 1/5 cos (4x x 10%) cos (2x x 1082) 2 Oncomparing with Yq, =A, [1+ m,, 608 (2x ff) + m,,c08 nf, D] cos (ef, 1) Here carrier frequency = 10° Hz = 1 MHz and modulating signal are of two frequencies f, = 10° Ha, f,= 2% 10° Hz, 3. Modulating indices are m,,= 1/2 and m,, = 1/5 and overall modulation index can be found by, 5. Efficiency, Que fad, | Explain DSB-C modulator and DSB-C demodulator. “Answer | DSB-C Modulator : 1. ADSB-C modulator can be generated by using a mixer that generates the sidebands as well as carrier signal and the baseband message signal. 2, For DSB-C modulator only the baseband message is to be filtered out. Let us consider a simple switching modulator circuits with only one diode. 1-19B (EC-Sem-4) as > ¥.-A.d@ aoa " a we BPF |i, cos o,t + ky mt) ens at 1 eee ii 3, The BPF passes frequency o, +, where o, is maximum frequency of message signal, carrier is represented by A ‘cos o,f 4. The switching action can be approximated by a pulse train as, 1,2 —Leossa,t+ Heos50,t-AcosTo,t+ se 1,2 [omoy gost + seosdot~FeosTot+..] (1.14.1) 5. Now the combined signal message m(t) + A cos o,f will appear at the ‘output when the diode is switched ON otherwise not. Yt) = Umit) +A c0s o,f s(t) 5 = Imit)+A cos of] x (cose feotet Zomins-fom7ot~..}| = OA cia ts 2 minneosot+ Acoso + HO = A coso,ts 2miieosod +A coso't DSB-C Demodulator: 1. Envelope Detector : This detector uses linear characteristics of diode. [For satisfactory detection] > uF 2 7 i fe ee (4a) 5 ee [For satisfactory detection} 1 a somone Z4 pom ‘ ; Rian eel aaa é cr il o-- = wSE5 ae AM 2 1, (mon sinogt) ° Bo? (Teteeont arate In the circuit, Cis a small capacitance and Ris large resistance. 6. For maxi) 6s Gs aati 2 The parallel combination of R and Cis the load across which ec ao? mee output voltage V, is developed, ‘Sede no Fafparee 3. Ateach positive peak of the RF cycle, C charges up to a poten r Ifm, << 1 then, equal to the peak signal voltage. Fain cee aes c o : ai 4. The output voltage developed across R is repli RE Zn is replica of modulating signal RC a ae 1. This the condition for satisfactory detection of AM with some ripples, oo ane 1-21B (EC-Sem-4) ‘Communica a, GEG] ncn vse sc manne and DSBS demodulator, of splain how DSB.SC demodulator works? pen ee amplitude modulator. Acciboct Alt rmileoso,t + mb =m) | tmedulator [aia Ampitede] modulator | A, [1 alo eos, tm) ig. 1.15.1. The outputs of two amplitude ‘modulators are combined to produce a double sideband suppressed carrier output. 2. The carrier inputs to the two modulators are of reverse polarity as are the modulating signals. 3. The modulator outputs are added with consequent suppression of the 4. The product terms of the two modulators will be reinforced. The arrangement of Fig. 1.15.1 iscalled a balanced modulator. DSB-SC Demodulator : 1. A method for detecting the AM-SC signal shown in Fig, 1.15.2 is used at the receiver end for recovery of the message signal. 2 The method of retranslation is similar to that of translation. Here modulated signal m(t) cos o.t is multiplied with cos @, (locally generated carrier), and passed through a low pass filter. 3. The signal m() cos o,f when multiplied with cos «of, yields 1 mit) cos! at = 1 mie) {d+ cos 20, nf = FU) [+ e08 20,0) Aled = gimlt)+ 5 mit cos 20,0 (1.15.1) 1-228 (EC-Sem-4) Int 4. tis clear from right-hand side of the eq, (1.15.1) that the term V2 mit) cos 2o,¢ centered near + 20, can be bypassed by alow pass filter, and atthe output ofthe low pais lter original baseband signal V2 m() is recovered. e mit cos? otf QaeiAe | With the support of mathematical expressions explain the working of balanced modulator. Tow pase |__p filter Bi ‘Multiplier mit) cos of Modulating signal ft) li Pace 1. Ina balanced modulator, two non-linear devices are eonnected in the balanced mode, so as to suppress the carrier wave. 2. Inthe Fig. 1.16.1, voltages e, and e, are given as: os ot + fd) = cos otf) 8 Currents i, andi, are: ae, +e alcos o,f + 0) + bleos ot + AOI? ae, +be%, = aleos o,f A] + bleos wf — RO? ae 1-23 (EC-Sem-4) Communication Engineering |. Thevoltage at the output ofthe bandpass filter (BPF) is given by: 220-0 REAR 1 = 2Rlaft) + 267) c08 o,f) 5. The output of BPF centered around + 0, is given by Output = 25RAe) cos of = Kf) c08 ot ‘This is the desired DSB-SC signal TESTA] Prove that the balance modulator removes the carrier and gives the two sidebands only. Balance modulator : 1. Using diode: Diode ar Tnput (Pig. 1.1712) Citruit diagram of balance modulator using diode and FET. eerie? ee 1. Two cirults ofthe balancod modulator are shown in Fig. 1.17.2, Each utilizes the non-linearity principle. a 2 The modulating voltage V fed in push pul and the arin in parallel, to a pair of dentieal diodes or class A (teanaator or FET) onlin 3. Inthe FET circuit, the carrier voltage is thus applied tothe two gatesin phase; whereas the modulating Voltage appears 180° out of phase t the ates, since they are at opposite ends ofa center-taped transformer. 4, The modulated output currents of the two FETS are combined in the center tapped primary of the push-pull output transformer. 5, If this system is made completely symmetrical, the carrier frequency vill be completely cancelled. 6. _Itisnot possible to have completely symmetrical system in practical, so nly carriers are suppressed and the generated output is known as Double Side Band-Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC). Proof: 1. FET transfer equation is given as i= a +bV seve For FET with (V,+ V,) as gate input we have ig a+ DV, +V,) + 0(V,4 Ve ig = a+ BV, + BV, + 0V,4 + 0V24 20 VV, (117.2) 3, For FET with (V,—V,) as gate input we have ig = a+ AV, ~V,) + €V,E4 6V,2— 20 V, Vyra(.17.8) 4, Since two currents are out of phase. LITA) i, = BV, + 40V,V, (1.17.4) We may take earrier voltage V, by V, sin o,¢ and the modulating voltage V, by V,, sino, Hence from eq. (1.17.4) we have, 2bV, sino,¢+ 4eV,V sin otsin a,t 2BV,, sin o,¢ + 2°V,, V, eos (@, a, - 00 (0, + 0.) 1475) 6. The output voltage V, is proportional to this primary current (i). Let the constant of proportionality be a. ‘Then, V,=ai, |-25 B (EC-Sem-. ‘Communication Engineering 1 abS ECS From eq, (1.17.5) we have He ae BV, sin ot + 22V,V,c08 (2,—,)t = 20V,V,, c08 (o, + 0,38 Now let P = 20bV,,Q= 20V,V, 7. Then outpat voltage of modulator vx, Poina,t +Qooslo,-2,)t- Goose, + en inet Bq, (1.17.6) shows that the carrier has been cancelled out leaving only, the two sidebands and the modulating frequency. Be ef Up liteierwib remove nodaltngtbiaacy iaaithe outs DSBS HERBIE) Doscrinetne working principle of ring modulator to tenerate DSE-8C amplitude modulated lpual ‘ATU 2014-15, Marks 05 ‘Answer 1. The Chopper type balanced modulator (Ring modulator) consists of four diode connected in rng form; hence te eet i also known a ring modulator. 2 The baseband signal m(t) can be chopped by a switching or chopper circuit. One such chopper circuit is shown in Fig. 1.18.1 ae BPr : ae aoe oe cosa, t R SL Fig. 118.1. Te dines ae und asa rvithing ng devin, Tecarie signals muh tha its anplade A>|mD]- and 90, where ote frequency component pnt inthe batband sige For a positive cycle ofthe carrier si postive eel of th jgnal, all the four diodes are forward 1-268 (EC-Sem-4) 15, ‘The four conducting diodes provide a short circuit to the baseband signal ‘m(¢) and the output is zero for the period of positive halfeyeles. 6, On theother hand, for negative cycles of the earier, all the four diodes: are reverse binsed, and provide a path forthe signal m(@) to reach atthe output. 7. Hence, for a postive half eyele ofthe carrier, no output appears, whereas, for the negative half eyele, m(t) appears at the output, and thus, & chopped version of m() is obtained atthe output of the chopper circuit. 8, The parallel RLC network tuned to o,acts asa bandpass filter and atthe output of this filter the DSB-SC signal is achieved. 4. ‘Thecireuitisrefered to aa double balanced modulator asitis balanced wrth reoect othe bascand signal as well athe carrier. ‘FEETABT] Draw the block diagram of phase cancellation SSB tencration and explain how the carrier and the unwanted sideband sre suppressed. on iagram of generating SSB signals using balance modulator and explain each block. [AEEUBOUEI5]MAHEO5] on Draw and explain the block diagram of phase shift method for encrating the SSB signal [ARTO 077, Maris 10) Taewer ‘SSB modulation by phase shift or phase discrimination method : 1 Phase shift method of SSB generation is shown in Fig. 1.19.1. 2, Let baseband signal m(t After passing through 90° phase shift network: Draw the block cos0,¢ malt) = c08 (0, 1+ 90") = sino, t 3, Similarly, let the carrier be cos oat one modulator and sin o,f at the other, 4. The outputs ofthe balanced modulators (multipliers) are 1.19.1) €08 @,f,€08 @ fleos(o, 0, )t +008 (0, +0,)41 sin o,t-sinog =@,) = c08(0, +0) (119.2) 1 pienso, 1-27B (BC-Sem.4) Communication Engineering [Balanced] __ Ab sin ogt 90° Phase - [| modulator asoband| 07 Pha 90° Phase] Carriee| Adder output Besbend 7 ie si [Sere NT PRS signal | network network subtractor cos o,t} 90° Phase difference F m(Q)eos o,t + Balanced Aut) sin ot m@) Lmodulato Tit) cos ot Fig. 119.1. 5, Ifeq. (1.19.1) and (1.19.2) are added, the lower sideband results, ie., 6. Ifeq. (1.19.1) and (1.19.2) are subtracted, the upper sideband appears at the output, ie., HMI pete tue concept AM-S58 modulation and domistslatlon with tho help of at diagram and mathematical analysis for coherent detection. ‘ARTO 2016-17, Marke 15 ‘SSB modulation : Refer Q. 1.19, Page 1-26B, Unit-1 Coherent detection : 1. To demodulate m() from single sideband signal mga(t),w coherent detection as shown in Fi ae we aren ak rmultiplying m, pase fle. 3. Aswe know, c08 (o,—0,)t v, = 008 (0, + 0, 6120.1. Timeana Ween fet nt te sma With coherent carrier and pasting it ihreegh cer Mag) = A mit) 08 0,t-+ Amt) sino, where m,(0) is mt) delayed by n/2 4 0) Magy (008 wf =A mit) cos! of + Amt) sin w,t c08 0 ¢ = 0.54 m(l1 +08 2.01 £0.5 my) sin 20,¢ 1-28B (BC-Sem-4) 4, This signal when passed through a LPF of bandwidth that of mi) suppresses components around 2o, and recovers the frst term, fe, the message signal yb) malt) Le |e Que i2i] What is VSB modulation ? What is the application of ‘VSB modulation ? ‘Answer ‘Vestigial sideband modulation : 1. In VSB modulation, one sideband is passed almost completely, whereas just a trace, or vestige, of the other side band is retained. ‘The spectrum of VSB is shown in Fig. 1.21.1. xi, so fy Full USB 0 UW” go (a) Spectrum of message signal (9) Spectrum af VSB signal 41. ‘The transmission bandwidth ofthe VSB modulated wave is given, Ba (We) He cin W= Message bandwidth fy = Width of the vestigial sideband Generation of VSB modulated wave he block diagram of a VSB modulator is shown in Fig. 1.21.2. 1-29B (EC-Sem-4) Communion Eager DSB-SC signal ‘Modulating Product Sideband |VSB signal signal x0) modulator fare ay se TH = Transfer B,cos2x ft function of filter Carrier oscillator ‘Fig, 121.2. Generation of VSB signal. 2 The output of product modulator is it) = x(0. E, cos (2x48) ‘This represents a DSB-SC modulated wave. 4. ‘ThisDSB-SC signal is then applied toa sideband shaping filter. ‘A. This iter will pass the wanted sideband as it is and the vestige of the unwanted sideband. 5, Hence, the spectrum of the VSB modulated is given by, sin Bayt) 80 E80) Detection of VSB wave : ‘The synchronous detector for the detection of VSB modulated wave is shown in Fig. 1.21.3. SB. Product | ™(t) [Low-pass | Yo") wave Si) | modulator >| filter <, frenoscn tice cosa “Fig. 1.21.8. Synchronous detector for VSB demodulation, Ceeeeet 1 TheVBB madlsied waveis paved trough prod mad ee re pie eure ism withthe lealygeneatedsyactronmiacarrieg Hence, th output ofthe produet modulator given by, ; mt) = St) eos 3. Tkothe Fourier transom ofa side fog (1.21.1) tgu a 21.0) 1-30 B (EC-Sem-4) ; ae mina sipr[ hay +f) hau -1)]=38UF + 19-3810 f)-.212) But Si) = = IXG-f)+XF+f NH) olds Mp = © weg 2) MY—f) X01) H+ 1 E, +E xpmg-m+HG+f 0213) ‘The spectrum Mi/) is illustrated in Fig. 1.21.4(a), The first term in the eq. (1.21.3) represents the VSB modulated wave, corresponding to @ carrier frequeney of 2. This term will eliminated by the filter to produce output u,(0, Mm l= ee TR +W Te+W (a) Spectrum of product modulator output gE. SEXO) [HL + HID) 0g wideband Fm >>1 BW = 20) QucSm | Compare Narrowband FM (NBFM) versus Wideband FM (WBFM). 2-9B (EC-Sem.4) 1. | Modulation index is less than 2 _ | Frequency deviation s less. | Bandwidth =2/,- Modulation index is greater than one. Frequency deviation is more, Bandwidth is 15 times of NBFM| bandwidth. |Z |Tasssuppressingofnoise, | Noise ismore suppressed, contains two| Spectrum contains infinite| number of sidebands and| 5. [Spectrum sidebands and carrer. PR ron eet araniagn ot troquency modulation? The carrier frequency of an FM broadcast transmitter is 100 MHz and ‘maximum frequency deviation is 75 kEiz. If the highest audio frequency modulating the carrier is 15 kHz, what is the approximate bandwidth of the signal ? ‘Advantages of frequency modulation : Improved noise immunity 2. Low power is required to be transmitted to obtain the same quality of received signal atthe receiver. 3. Covers alarger area with the same amount of transmitted power. ‘Transmitted power remains constant. 5. Allthe transmitted power is useful, — ome | ToFind: 100 MH, 4f= 75 KHz; Highest audio frequesieys Bandwidth , ; 5 p= 2-5 a bes lh Bandwidth = 215 + 1)f,=2(6+1) 15 ate BRIE] «vir wave ot tguney 100 Ms renee modulated sinusoidal wave of amplitude 20 V and frequency 2-10B (EC-Sem-4) 100 kz. The frequency sensitivity of the modulator is 25 kHz per volt. Determine approximate bandwidth of FM signal, So the bandwidth, BI 215 x 108 + 10°) Hz BW = 12ME QeeTAL | Write a short note on performance comparison of frequency modulation and amplitude modulation. ee a 52 oe Sn eenviicn is siguer and) <3 eee pecs ie Me . modulation index. 2, | Since bandwidth sarge, fdelity | AM has poor fidelity due to is better. narrow bandwidth. 3. _| Noise interferences minimum. | Noise interference is more, “| Ibis possible to decrease noise | This feature is absent in AM, by inereasing deviation. ‘Alltransmited powerin wef | Carrier ower and oe sideband power is useless, & [eased poor sonata) Trangmitied power vase rete Poe | sean noes ‘modulation index. GueaAa| Consider a frequency modulated signal is given by Vpy (0) = 20 cosl2r-108# + 0.1 sin(10*-t)] . Given k= 10 % derive the ‘expression for the modulating signal. g +0.1 sin 100 1 Given: V(t = 20.0 [2108+ + 02 (a0 xt | ToDerive : Expression for modulating signal. 4. Comparing with standard equation of Vy) A Vpylt) = A, 008 [ewe + sin 2rf,t A 20.1, 2nf, = 104 2 Modulating signal mid (Qfqt) = 2 cos (10% nt) (Que258,] tn an FM system a 7 kHz modulating signal modulates 107.6 MHz carrier wave so that 107.6 Mite carrie that the frequency deviation is i. Carri i i ‘arrier swing in the FM signal and modulation index. il The highest and lowest frequency attained by the FM signal. Answer: Given :,, =7 Kila; = 107.6 MB; Af = 50 kHz ‘ToFind :Carior swing; Modulation index, mi; Highest frequency, fy: Lowest frequency f, Cater ening of Final = Modsatonden wn *=2*80= 100s oats Bt 50kitz Thi ~ 2-12B (BC-Sem-4) fi, Highest frequency, fn e+ = 107.6 MHz + 50 Kitz 107.65 ME x 107.6 Miz 60 kElz = 107.55 MHz Que aid | Explain generation of FM signals and define its methods. Lowest frequency, fy oR Mlustrate the principle of Armstrong method of generating FM. Tnewer | 1 ‘There are two methods of generating FM signals, namely, direct FMand indirect FM. 12 Indirect method the carrier frequency is direetly varied in accordance ‘with the input baseband signal whereas in indirect method, the Trodulating signal is frst used to produce a narrowband FM signal and frequency multiplication is next used toinerease the frequency deviation to the desired level 3, The FM modulator cieuits used for generating FM signal ean be grouped into two categories a. Parameter Variation Method : 1. Inthis method, the modulating signal directly modulates the earrier, The yenerator which produces the carrier ofan FM waveform isa tuned rit oar Th regen eatin ren ef which Lis the inductance and Cis the capacitance 2, The capacitor consists here of fixed capacitor C,, which is shunted by & voltage variable capacitor C,, 3. A voltage variable capacitor is commonly known as varicap. In this circuit, the modulating signal varies the voltage across C, Voltage variable capacitor Le ‘To remainder of . oscillator eieuit Modulating signal, mt) De ireasicicg 2-188 (BC-Sem-4) ——— “A Therefore the capacitance of C, changes and causes a corresponding change in the osillator frequency. ‘5 An oatillator whose frequency is controlled by the modulating signal voltage is called a voltage-controlled oscillator. 6 Aprincipal difficulty with the parameter variation method of frequency ‘modulation isthe dificult it entails when we require thatthe carrier frequency be maintained constant to a higher order of precision over extended period of time. 1. There is certain measure of inconsistency in requiring a device that ‘have long time frequency stability and yet be able to respond readily modulating signal. b, FM Generation by Armstrong's Indirect Method : 1A phase-modulated waveform in which the modulating waveform mi¢) is written as coslo,¢+m()]. I'modulation is narrowband {|rm(t)| << 1, then’ coslo,t + mi) = cos 0,t~m( sin ot Here, m() is modulating waveform and sino, the carrer. sin | og phase | omet shit Carrier * FM signal signal | sino,t Adder -—> mi=pan ogg | Balanced NOS B Seat | modulator | ~ Modulation m(t)sin o,¢ = sin ogtsin ot tng the principle of the = of generating a PM signal. 2 In this, a balanced modulator is employed to generate the DSB-SC signal using sin o,t as the earrier of the modulator. 3. This carrier is then shifted in phase by 90° and, when added to balanced ‘modulator output, forms an NBFM signal. 4 The signal so generated will be phase modulat e Bl lated rather than frequency ‘5. Ifthe system yields an output signal whose phase deviation is directly Proportional to the amplitude of modulating i Ci gamble of modulating signal, then the phase BERR] 4 enctemmoduatea signal with carrier trequency @,=2 x 10¥is deseri : Bion 10 sin B0oor 7 BE CAMAION Vy = 10 cs (t+ 5 sin 214B(EC-Sem-4) i. Find the power of the modulated , Find the frequency deviation Af, ey fii, Estimate bandwidth of the FM cignals, log sin00# «Osa = «0, + 10000 cos 2000nt + 300007 cos 3000s maximum values of earrier deviation = 10000 x + 30000 10000 + 30000 2e frequency deviation, 4f = 20k, iii Bandwidth of FM signal 1 + fanaa = 2120000» 1500] ~ 49 ks. Que 2.16. | A PM modulator has a phase deviation sensitivity of 2.5 radians/V, and a modulating signal of m(t) = 2 cos (@x x 20001). Determine the peak phase deviation and phase- modulation index. 2-15B (EC-Sem-4) Se Communication Bagineering, 1 Phase modulation index im, = hg = 25 2 Peak phase deviation =, m(t) = 2,5 [208 (2x x 2000 8) ‘5 cos (2x x 2000 1) Peak value of phase deviation = 5. GeeaAA] with the hetp of block dingram explain working of FM demodulator. ” : ‘The FM demodulator performs the extraction in two steps : 1 Tteonverts the FM signal into corresponding AM signal by using frequency dependent circuits, called frequeney discriminators. AM signal ee =a Original ™M nator eee ~ Et +] iscriminat pias ‘modulating signal £¢) Fig. 217.1. 2 The original modulating signal fe) is recovered from this AM signal using linear diode envelope detector. 3. The discriminator cireuit consists of a tuned circuit which is slightly detuned from the carrier frequency «, 4. Theeireuit converts the FM signal into an AM signal 5. A small change in the frequency (4) of the input signal produces change in the amplitude of e,y by an amount egy, = a(A0): © Thus frequency variations tthe input proce corresponding variations at the output. Be PONE 7 _Inthis way, the FM signal is converted to AM signal, which is detected to eeover the modulating signal ft), SS2AH] Explain the working of a balanced frequency liseriminator with the help of circuit 2-16 B (EC-Sem-4) * 4 Frequency discriminator: 1 converts the FM signal into x srrsponding AM signal by uing frequency dependent ety, e, crete ian sur ear donna gn Input frequency (f). Such eiuits an soled ah discriminators, i ee Balanced frequeney discriminator: ‘The circuit diagram consists oftwo LC circuits as shown in Fig. 2.18.1. ‘The two tuned cireuits are inthe stagger-uned mode, i-,one is tuned above the carrier frequeney f, and other is tuned below f Fig. 21841, Fig. 2.182 shows the characteristic of the balanced slope detector (frequency discriminator). It shows V,. with respect to input frequency. When ‘Then, 2-17 B (EC-Sem-4) Communication Bagineering __7 Tne 5S When fhe e Va Vee oom Vin.= Viq—Vigis maximum positive for/,+ 87 6 When fal ¥ Va? Va ee Vgg= Vy ~Vigis maximam negative for — 8 8 For other frequencies of input, the output (V,,.) is produced according tothe characteristics shown in Fig. 2.18.2. For example ifinput frequency (f) tries to increase above, then V,, will be greater than Vj» and net output will be positive. No harmonic distortion is caused when operation is restricted to the linear region i.e, region between f,— 8f and f, + 8f. PEM rem tne circuit aingram of Foster-Secley Giecrmination. Explain its prncipleof operation with the help of eee age oR Write short note on Foster-Seeley discriminator. Taower |] AKTU 2017-18, Marks 10 ‘The circuit diagram of phase discriminator or Foster Seeley discriminator isas shown in Fig. 2.19.1 Here, the primary and the secondary windings both are tuned to the same center frequency f, of the incoming signal. cenecees le of operation : 1. Even though the primary and secondary tuned circuits are tuned to the same center frequency, the vol : : same center frequency, ihe voltage applied tothe two diodes D, and D, 2 They vary depending on the frequency ofthe input signal. Tiss due to the change in phase shift between the depending on the input frequency. imary and secondary windings a. Atf,, =f, the individual output voltage of the two diodes will be equal ‘and Opposite. The output voltage is zero as, V,=Va-Veg b. _Forfj,> the phase shift between the primary and secondary winding is such that the output of D, is higher than D,. Hence, the output ‘voltage will be positive. For SEPT See ears erica nn X= jaine meat = 7" xite dt 4. Forreal x(t, IOP =X. X0 = [xe def ate dt, ai fr Ieee any and, S40 =m Spent 5. Interchanging the operation of integration and ensemble averaging, Sip [Rae 0 ana, lol = Haale [aPele ale” aed 6 Her, in eq (2.6.2) we have wide-sense stationary, EF. xt) (362) assume that the process X(¢) is at least Eft, 4) Communication Engineering 10, nL. 2, 18 Let Rylt, —t,) 0-4) =H.) Lye ta Si = Vere l [i Mi A dtdt ‘The integral on the right-hand side is a dou integral over the range ("1,7 foreachof the verahse and a ‘The square region of integration in the f, ~ t, plane is shown — plane is shown in ‘Then, 864) rear 1 tae Re was wiih a a Fig 96, ‘The integral in eq. (8.6.4) is volume under the surface ¢(f,—t,)over the square region. ‘The dbl integral cane converted to single ntogral hr observing the t,t.) is constant along any linet, ~f, = vin the ¢ Let us consider two lines, such that f,~f, tt, 1) = 4 over the shaded region whose areas (Ts. Hence, the volume under the surface @(t, ~f,) over the shaded region is $0) Fe: In ease «is negative, the volume would be @) (T+ 28 ‘Thus, the volume over the shaded region i x) (TA 1y goxr-|s)ae ‘Therefore, Sup winl go(t- a = Juoes S+10B (EC-Sem-4) Noise SOB we Sew I cemuncation Bginnring 14. Provided jlse)dr is bounded, Substituting e9. (8.64) into this R= aaa if nt seh hee; abd o tia, we have 4. Au weknow thatthe PED of) wi ; aust oe Det eine afer, syn- [Riweras _LPOE S pom sin =f 8p lBOE § genes 15. Provided | [s|Ry(0)e™"dr is bounded. Thus, the PSD of a wide-senae sy ROE stationary random process the Fourier transform ofits autocorrel : Ss tation INE) Forte rancom binary procenn dnerinn oan BOABM it the probability ofransition rom ta-1orvice vera) ateach node ‘This is Wiener-Khintchine Theorem. OSs FERS Fina tne PSD 5,7 for apolar random signa a lee sag ee 1 RAO = Payrg LD + Pre 1,-2) pulse as shown in Fig 3.7.1. The digits are 1 and 0 equally likely and digits are transmitted every T, seconds. Each digit is independent of the remaining digits. Pye D~Prya(le—D 2. Because of symmetry the first two terms and the last two terms on the righthand side are equal, ¥ Pye, Qe) = Pye LD and Py CH and from Bayed role, Ry (@) £2 yx, 0 —Pyg (0h) = BP e(DIPy ig, DCP IDI SP -2 ToT 5. Consider th ease n7,<|s| <(n-+1M, In thn cat, ther are aeastn re odes anda possibility of +1 nodes AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10] gb 4. Inthis case, a, can take on values 1 and ~1 with probability U/2 each. Henee, Y 4,PCo,)= (P+ CD Pye D 4. Prob in nodes) = 1~ Prob (n+ Yinodes] = (n+ 1)— ) can occur if there are N nodes and no state range at only 2 nodes or state change at ‘The event (X, = 1/%, change at any node or state che ooo a Zoi ta)= OP Pag +6 PPD 6. Hence, Py,yx, (1| 1) = Prob fin +) nodes) Prob (state change ie number of nodes) + Prob (n nades) Prob (state changes at even number oe : darter 2, 2088 ot wayain which change aX nodes out ofV nade 5c is Cy. 2 Because each digit is independent of the remaining digits, Seeees & Hence, Pryyx, (HID = [MCyOshO.4r* +" C06" 04Y (n+ 1 a) qr, [<7,(n=0) (El-n) + [rouo.s"o.4y + "C(0.6%04)"*+ snd Ref) = BP, x21 D-A Pe eal iT, < Ie1<2T, (n= 0) 52M, ) Transmitter] Receiver|—> roveived Noise P6824. Bok digram of ommunieation ng eff ‘Communication Engineering N= Noise power Importance : The comparison of SIN ratio at the input and output of ‘wo-port network provides the noisiness indication ofthe network. QueSA4] Calculate signal to noise ratio for single side band suppressed carrier (SSB-SC). “Answer 1. InSSB-SC system, the demodulator is multiplier, 2 Here the carrier is A cos 2xft 3. For synchronous demodulation, the demodulator must be furnished with a synchronous locally generated carrier cos 2. 4. We assume that the upper sideband is boing used, hence the earrier filter has a bandpass that extends from [10 f+ fy where fy is the baseband bandwidth con eet si0=Anad at (= Acosl2ett,+fol gay] Sy ae s-a%2 a Tonio 14, Qh end | filter Ht filer Hy | Noise spectral Noise spectral a mer eo Pes) st (0) density = Gy density 3-18B (EC-Sem-4) Noise 5. The bandwidth of the baseband filter extends from zero to fy 6 Let us assume thatthe baseband signal is a sinusoid of angular TLC, fy) The carrer frequency is, and, since we have assumed that the upper sideband i being used, the received signal is S(t) =A cos [2n(, + fq] (8.14. 7. ‘The outputof the multiplier is S40 =8,(0 e08 of Acti Sent 20 Only the difference-frequency term will pass through the baseband filter. Therefore, the output signal is Si Acoma which is the modulating signal amplified by 1/2. ee ie poecr, 528 a while the output signal power is, ‘communication Engineering When a noise spectral component at a frequency /is multphi con 2 the orginal noe coment gle a one at frequency f+ f and one at frequency each new eouponea having one fourth power of the original. ° 2. Theinput noise is white and of spectral density 2. ‘The noise input to multiplier has spectral density G,, The density of noise ater multiplication by cos is G,». Finally, the anise transmitted py the bch Gr ste co Nyx 24 e 1349) 4 Thos, signal to noae ratio a the tpt, S/4_§, Ny Wald the ee 5. The importance of S/N, is that it serves as « igure of merit of the performance of communication system. Ques | How to calculate signal to noise ratio for DSB-SC, ‘Answer Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSB - SC): 1. When a baseband signal of frequency range fy is transmitted over a DSB-SC system, the bandwidth ofthe carrier filter must be jyrather than fy 2 Thus, input noise in the frequency range f~fi'®fe*/y willeonteibts tooutput noise Guy 12 a0] ' +t Gao teh bar ws Felt sic ti lclliweste ° That] :of noise in DSB demodulation, (a) De filter, (b) Density G,» of nose output “baseband filter. ‘ed Calculation of noise power : It shows the spectral density @, of the white input noise after the IF filter. ‘The noise is multiplied by cos «,¢. The multiplication results in a frequency shift by +f, and the reduction of power in the power spectral density ofthe noise by a factor of 4 ‘The noise power spectral density in the region betw WA. Hence, the output noise power is twice as large as the output noise power for SSB. fg 00+ fyi X, 4 (2fy) = "Na. (3.15, Fehy 8.15.5) Calculation of signal power : Let us assume a sinusoidal baseband signal of frequency f,, < fy. Te Keep therecived ower the same asin SSB casei2.,S,= 4” we write S(0 = JB Acos 2a cos Bt 208 [2a(f, + fy)t] + A008 2a, —f, 1 ‘The received power is, a) 2 In the demodulator, S(t) is multiplied by eos ot. The idechand 7 0s o,¢. The upper sideban ‘term yield a signal with the passband of baseband filter given by eat Set) = 5 75 008 oft (3.15.6) ei St) = 3 c08 29, (3.15.7) which has power, 5. Tharelore, sgn iss fe aa Ne We FEERRII Div the ccproias frien e Tower | {Letra ton ere signal. Demodulation is achieved synchronously asin SSB-SC and DSB-SC. 2 The carrier is used as a transmitted reference to obtain reference signal cos og. Here we replace S, by §{88, where $59 isthe power in the sideband alone. Then, s, We 5. Suppose thatthe received signal is S{0) =AlL+ mi) eos ft 2A cos Daft + Amt cos Daft ‘where, (isthe baseband sigal which amplitude modulates the career ‘Neos des. The carrier power i A¥/)- The sdebands are contained in the term'Am(t) cos 2af 4. ‘The power associated with term i (47/2) m'(t) ,where "(0 is the time average of the square ofthe modulating waveform. ‘Thus the total input power Sis given by AL gan A) sx Bese aot Eliminating 42, we have yo age WN, 7 tem) the a In terms of carrer power, ,=“g- weset Noise Sot £- mop sinusoidal with ‘m(t) =m cos 2, Blo 2A sm cs 2a) cos af FRB cette egzn so noes ratio for an FM os ia gaat eo eine rain Decocibo methods tl calculate noise in AM and FM systems. [AKTU 2018-10) Marka 0] Noise in AM system : Refer Q. 3.16, Page $-21B, Unit-3 Noise in FM system : 1. Letus consider that input signal to the IF carrie filter 5(0 = Aac|asok {mova (am) where, m(t) is the frequency modulating baseband waveform. 2, We assume that the signal is embedded in additive white gaussian noise of power-spectral density w/2 8. The IF carrier filter has a bandwidth B = 247+ 2, 4, Thisfilter passes the signal with negligible distortion and eliminates all noise outside the bandwidth B. 5, When the signal-to-noise ratio is high, the noise does not affect th ‘output signal power. ey = 7 ‘When the seal 0 ave atte gute ten, si Acalerr| mora] Thus, = kf moar For the output ofthe discriminator S,0)= ao, + akm() ‘Thus, the output signal S,( = akm(t) and output-signal power is S,= km @) AB173) Output noise power: Let us now calculate the noise output ofthe FM discriminator which results from the presence at the input of white noise having a power spectral density n/2. Let we set m(t) = 0 i, the noise output is approximately independent of m() ‘Atthe limiter input, wet Vit) = Acos af +n) cos wt- nt) sin of A+ nilceas—ni0sinws 8114) Note thatthe phar representing m0) ono in hate wh Oe carrier phasor A cos o,f. The phasor representing n,{) sin a has an ‘amplitude nt) and isin phase quadrature with other two terms, RW no a no) ‘The envelope Ri) is easily computed Ri) = arn +10, 0F (3ATB) ilar, ve phase Wis = io nit) “AB.17.8) a = tan Fn) : ose forming V0 ast ‘Thus signa and sine eo fod +O) 3 - miter tndpase itr Th, theoutput ft og “where, A, i determined by limiter andi constant. Lotus assume that, oe) = ao aa vao= poor 0.178) 8 Compare eg. (3.17.8) with, V40 = ao, +0440) 10. The resulting equation will be v(o= af. +4410] ‘Avoiding DC term v= 4, 11. Therefore, the spectral density of n,(¢) is G,,(/) given by (0 = Sn, Ins 12, Thus, the output noise power N, Nix fedpar 5 (8.17.9) ea(BAT.10) Differentiator 1Ht@)|?= alo? / A? Hy Gy -— Go @ Ht Tenino a eG 3 Rm) A/D : fi 2. Letuseonsider that the modulating signal m(®)is sit a frequeney deviation AY. Thus, si = so) sets] where, /, is the modulating frequency. 3. comparing ouation = Ase 0 we get differentiating argument ie, emit) = 2nd 008 DA ip eee Bm = ‘mi(t) in eq. (3.17.11) 4. Then potting the value of # S, _ 3( af) At/2 wy,” 2X) a AL ON, jere p = is the modulation index. Herep= 7 PAR’ Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis. Questions-Answers Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions (Que348)] Discuss SNR improvement using pre-emphasis. i] 2 ‘Welnov that the bandwidth occupied by the output ofan FM modulator is fixed ifnormalized power of modulating signal is kept fixed. ‘The normalized power of the base band signal m(¢) must be the same the normalized power of the pre-emphasized signal m,(t). IfG.(f) is the power spectral density of m,(¢), then the power spectral dently frm) io [HADI Gand thas Fi i J Guar he P communication Engineering t = ) HNP G,¢ I Dap where fy is the maximum frequency of modulating signal oe nde ee oiioom Inde beens of a emphst npt nines 5, Then, the ratio of output noise without de-emphasisto the output noise with de-emphasis. i (4s%n) i Pap ni efrouta R fis ip JrarnHsor 6. This quantity gt is the ratio by which pre-emphasis, de-emphasis improves the signal to noise ratio. QueSAw.| Write the short note on pre-emphasis and de-emphasis. 1s and how SNR improves by "Find out the figure of merit oR and de-emphas .d de-emphasis in SSB-SC System. “Answer | ts 1. Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis crea ‘unwanted noise - 4 2 ‘The anise has » gromtenetes panies ‘modulating frequencies ‘than on the lower ones: ‘are used for suppression of the m, 3-288 (BC-Sem-4) Noise 1 were artificially boosted at the transmits has ine eur a the rcever, an improvement in ol 2 lb expested thereby increasing the signal onoise ray ‘This boosting of the higher modulating frequencies is termeg 4 Tis oman and the compensation at the receiver is alleg deemphasis 4 Thocteuite used for each function is shown is Fig. 3.19. ¢ R Pre-emphasized ee aFin AF out Pre-emphasized De-emph R c phasized R AP in AF out ‘Time constant R,C = 75 ys (a) Pre-emphasis ciruit ‘Time constant RC = 75 ys (6) De-emphasis circuit Fig. 3.19.1. 6 Normally pre-emphasis and de-enphasis scared out according to standard curves. Fig. 3.19.2 shows the 75 ys emphasis curves. a an Pre-emphasis saan} oa. 408 -1148 90 He 22te IS Kite Fig. 3.19.2. 75 us emphasis curves, ‘A715 us pre-emphasis corresponds to a frequency res; irve which is corresponds to afr :ponse curve wi s 9 dB up at a frequency whose time constant RC is 75 us re., with = 2122 Hz communication Engineering SNR improvement using, Unit 3 Preemphasis:ReferQ 8.18, Que 320. | Explain threshold effect in angle modulation. =a 1. The threshold effect is more in FM as compare to AM, beeause in this, the signal to noise ratio (S/N) at the input of a detector, at which threshold effect starts is higher. 2, Lower the threshold level (S/N), better isthe system, because thresbeld can be avoided at a comparatively lower (S/N,)ratio, anda small signal js needed to avoid threshold for an equivalent-noise power. 3. Hence, it is desirable to lower the threshold level in the FM reosivers, The process of lowering the threshold level is known as threshold ‘improvement, or threshold reduction. 4. There are two methods used forthe improvement ofthe threshold i. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasiseireuits, and ii FMFB (Frequency modulation with feedback) Quesal, Write short note on frequency modulation with feedback: CEMFB). ‘Answer i ehreshold improvement : Tn this method, afeedbock paths used for 9% eS asshown in the block diagram ofFig S511: : ofa voltage controlled oscillator (VOO)- ‘$-90B (EC-Sem-4) Rosa ome iF Pu oe oman] on [Pe rina 109) fe ae 20 ‘alee ith edback (FMF), 2 The mixer circuit isa voltage multiplier circuit which generates a signal atits output whichis a multiplication ofthe two inputs of the mixer ie, Mixeroutput = 1(@) of) (3211) where o; is the FM signal mixed with noise and v/t) is the feedback signal coming from the VCO output. 3. The FM signal v(t) is given by, n{t) = Al) c08 lot + ¥,(0 + ¥(0)) (3.21.2) where, A() is the envelope of the carrier plus noise signal (0), and ‘¥(0) respectively are the phase deviations produced in the FM wave by the noise and message signals respectively. II cee eiags Sore cater in beict. Answer 1 Voage controled oslo (VCO) isan electronic sine wave silat, ts requeney i controled by an externally epledvaage Tina VCO is a kind of frequency modulator. a ‘AVCO can be adjusted to generate veo erate a sine wave of frequency in the absence of any external control voltage. Now, when an eter alevntedl ‘oliage is ppd, te Roque VCO dopare heen The amount ofFequeny change per nitnput voltage is defined athe Sensitivity of the VCO, denoted by re Ae do, qaredy (3.22.1) where do, is the change in the instant i in the instantaneous frequency for a sm: change do in the external input voltage abuse 2 “The corresponding phase angle a the VoO WO = Jodteo, +6,fooae Hence, the VCO output voltage is given as, Veo = C: oles +6, foe «| where C is amplitude of VCO output voltage. [ASRS win nthe ont ofthe ea ae feedback? Taswer | ‘A demodulation process can be achieved with feedback (FMEB). The ‘demodulated output voltage is similar to an open lop (without feedback) discriminator output, except that the output of FMFB is reduced. 2. In the absence of a control voltage, the VCO is offset from o, by an amount «, ie., the VCO is adjusted to have a frequency (o, 3. The output of the VCO then is given by, 1 ° ofits {The mize output produce te sum and ils esa input signals v(t), and u(t). The bandpass filter , put signals), and nt) The bandpass ty, eee only the difference frequency, Thus, the output of the bandpass filter is given by, Jn | (8282) because it has no if FMFBis given by. 1a val = Denfass 40-10 rarily chosen © The amplitude D has been arbitraslt Ct significance in FM demodulation. Theo a1, 22.06, (2? ot) ‘where K is a constant of proportionality Solution of eq. (9.23.3) yields 3-828 (BC-Sem-4) Noo SS Ka 2 Ede ¥) °0- TRG, at (3.23.4) Be cr erentenn cierininator (without foedoast a eta to a change inte intantancous Frequency ofthe topit Tet tian irenepen inp Snctininator 2,0 d Loy) +801 (3.2355 KGW My (3.235) 9. This output is similar to the output voltage of FMFB given ineq, (3.23.4) ‘except that the amplitude of the FMFB output is reduced by a factor (+KG,) 10, Thus, the demodulation process is identical in both the eases. Since the amplitude reduction is identical for the noise and message signals, $/N, ratio remains same in both cases. 3 PERBEID acive tse reation between, and B, Be] 1. The bandwidth B, ofthe FM signal at the input of the FMFB discriminator is less, as compared to the bandwidth B, of conventional open loop FM discriminator ie, B,[ Encoder J mi) —> [Sampler i Fig. 4:1, Pulse code modilaton. PCM transmitter (Encoder) + Quantized Digitally aM PAM’ —_encoded signal Band.limiting By ign ! Tein Foal 2 feel ese ose Par si fe iP sae On 0 iar * Berea Pulse |_f generator Fig. 45.2, POM transmitter (Encoder) Operation : 1. The analog signal xt) is passed through a band-limiting low pass filter, which has a cut-off frequency f, = W Hz. This will ensure that x(t) will not have eny frequency component higher than W. This will eliminate the possibility of aliasing, 2 The band limited analog signal is then applied to a sample and hold circuit where itis sampled at adequately high sampling rate. Output of sample and hold block is flat topped PAM signal. ‘These samples are then subjected to the operation called quantization in the quantizer. Quantization process is the process of approximation. ‘The quantization is used to reduce the effect of noise. 4. The combined effect of sampling and quanti quantized PAMatthe gunner stp tin Produces the 8 5. The quantize ‘be auantized PAM pulses are applied to an encoder which is basically ay aa Each quantized level is converted into an N-bit oe toD converter. The value of N can be 8, 16, 32, 6 6 Tre ead ou ae esse into a stream of pulses by the parallel trainofdigital pole 75 2t the PCM transmitter output we et 8B (EC-Sem-4) a of duration seco tang ao as sampling signal forthe sample aad ont eg oH Tissgnalacts 3, The same signal acts as clock si ‘The frequency fs adjusted to saietyene gear serial converter, : ‘Waveforms : The waveforms at various pina in he ren are as shown in Fig. 4.5.3, ious points in the PCM transmit er + x Continvovs time message a mf ql ‘ + Pulse ee output Reap yy Try " mo | riatiop PAM * auanizead || [| \ PAM : ia Lela je 25 7 ee PCM ip par] re T 30. 2m, Cote Fig. 453. Waveforms at diferent point poor Pou neste ith noise is available at the ‘receiver, 1. A PCM signal contaminated wit Be iver will separate the POM pulses stat the rece 2 Theregeneratin direlt atthe TR gal from noise and will reconst" Communication Engineering 49B C-Sem. eu ‘Serial to eats | Reeeeration Eee? fp] exer [tow nase] Analog fznal x(t) hslee ‘ireuit ae (Dia) ff] filter i ‘Nedigit ““Quantized Palse PCM word PAM. generator Fig. 4.5.4, PCM receiver (Decoder). 8. The pulse generator has to operate in synchronization with that atthe transmitter. Thus at the regeneration circuit output we get a close POM signal 4. Thereconstructed PCM signal is then passed through a serial to paralle converter. Output of this block is then applied to a decoder. 5. Thedecoder is aD to A converter which performs exactly the oppasit operation of the encoder. pe 6. Thedecoder output is the sequence of quantized multilevel pulses. The quantized PAM signal is thus obtained, at the output ofthe decoder. 7. This quantized PAM signal is passed through a low pass filter to recover the analog signal, x(t) 8 The low pass filter is called as the reconstruction filter and its cut-off frequency is equal to the message bandwidth W. WII cp tnc tne sentir of tuo Pat aystem. Also write oa Answer 1 Letus consider that there are n channels, each band I:mited tof, tobe time division multiplexed 2 Let N be the length of PCM code so that there are 2¥ = L quantization levels 3. ‘The bandwidth ofthe PCM system depends on the bit duration, which may becalculatedas, Sampling frequency = 2f,, and 1 Samy riod = = pling per 2%, 4, Asthere aren channels and N bits per sample, one bit separating each channel and one synchronizing bit, the total number of bits/sample nN +n+1=n(N+1)+1 5, Therefore, the bit duration smpling period ‘total number of bits 7, Putting the value of7, in 4.62) me gy = InN +1) ¢: x ‘. it Noo Landa BW = BaNf He 4. Pulse code modilation base scheme for the transmission ssvoice and video signals ‘Advantages of PCM system: 1, Robustness channel noise and intrfeenes 2, Effieiont regeneration of the coded signal long the ransnssin pth, 4, _Bfcint exchange of increased hannl bandwith fringed enalto noise ratio, obeying an exponential law. past 4. Avuniform format for the transmission of frat Kind of shan Signal, hence thei intgration with oe fos fig ateinconmen network 5. Comparative ease with which message sources maybe dropped or re-inserted in atime division mulplering sem. 6 Secure communication through the se of sei modation schemes or encryption. Que 47, | Differentiate between PAMand PCM, === this amplitudes often : coerce ar aie meetin according to the samBle ate ft menage | PAM falls under analog eee PA ie techniques. ULB EC-Semg Comrie ages se ‘ARTU 2017-18, Marks 1 “Answer 1 _ Indiferential pulse code modulation (DPCM) instead of quantizing each sample, the difference between two successive samples is quantized, encoded and transmitted asin PCM. 2 TheDPCM works onthe principle of prediction. The value of the present sample is predicted from the past samples. 3. Fig 4... shows the transmitter and receiver of DPCM system, DPCM Encoder F Wave Comparator oO ea) Quantizer ) ae DPCM Input +[pexe] ‘Output a ® ‘48:1: DPOM eystem (a) Transmitter (b) Receiver. ‘Transmitter ; 1 The input signal tothe quantizer is defined by nT) = stn) - starry (480) 328 (HC-Sem-t) ne 3 where, Sarg S00) neainuteotany ‘the dferencsiznal dni?’ isthopredctonenne Sy mhich he reiton ier foto pad eet amount By encoding the quantizer output, we obtain avesneapeey {iferetil pulse code medulatin cope, san of POM Row ae ‘The quantizer output may be expressed as e (nT) = en) + qin) en wore, e{i) i the quent verona) ad fn) the juantization reor ‘The input ofthe prediction filter is Hn.) + ent) Hn.) +n) + gin) = xin) + gin) (nt) where x (nT) represents a quantized version ofthe input sample xin) Receiver: ‘The receiver consists of decoder which is used to reconstruct the quantized error signal. i the ‘The quantized version of the original input is reconstructed from decoder output using the same prediction filter used in the transmitter. ‘The prediction filter output and quantized error signals are summed uP to give the quantized version ofthe original signal Receiver output = en) + sin) = x0) GuedS. | Explain processing gain of DPCM system. al L ‘The output signal to noise ratio of the DPOM sysiam SS by (SNR) oa 1 inpat sample min], assumed tobe of where a ofthe oii quantizer aud zero mean and o°gis the ie oxo, (4)

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