Esbau5 1N260 Aa

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Zp _Engineering Specification ES.SHEET METAL GAUGES & THICKNESS TOLERANCES ESBAUS-ANDEOWAA iA A A mfp Ble a RESON TREFERENGE DEZEOT | A_| Al [Rabased Notice ¥NBOO-E-12005170008 ££59849-1N20-A8 06-12-08 |B |All [Reteased; Notice # NBOO-E-11700649-595, TPREPRREDAPPROVED BY O21 11 | A | All [Retased; Notice # ABODE -12510257-006 sare 05-3711 | A_| All [Released Noice WABOOE:12510257-007 CREED BY | OSTALEDBY ‘CONCURRENCEAPPROVA sy Sars Tasha asaer ‘CORCURRENCERPPROVAT ‘SNATURES - Europe 7 esr | 7c a 2~ ‘CONGURRENCEAPPROVAL Whee [FRAME 1 OF 4 REVE Pp Engineering Specification FRAME 2 OF 4 REV.LET.A. PART NO. ESBAUS-INZBO-AA GENERAL “This specification is fsued to define the allowable bickness tolerances of fat sheet metal (steel anc aluminum) stock fr all col wid used inthe production of automobile pars and panels and is appicabe o al regions. The tables below (I, 12.13, il 5, andll.6) hs the slowable 7 tolerances associated win the nominal meta tlekress speceatone. Nomina ckiess ard reflerence to associated /-olerance design requirements are to bs spectied on all pat craw/ngs ‘Ths Engneering Speciicaton number shoula appear as a noe nthe pat detal of al sheet metal drawings a! THICKNESS MUST COMPLY WITH ESEAUS-INZS0-AA, “The tabusted tolerance informaton included inthis specication covers the body and the head or tal of the material cit ‘The head and tail ofthe cll are defined asthe fst an¢ last 30 meters ofthe co, respective). as delivered. eet metal ‘supplid as blanks shall mest the body requirements ofthe tables sine the ead ang tal are undefines for blanks, “Tho tlorance data inte tables isto be used for both coated and urcoated materials, Coated materials covered include zine and inc alloy coatings knowns hol cp gelenized(G.). hot dp galvanneeled (GAY, an electrogaivanzed (EG) per WSS-MIPO4-A. The thickness of coated materials fs Gefined as the sum of tne tickness ofthe sheet stock andthe Coating ‘llolerance values should be roundel tothe nearest 0.01 mm folowing conventional rounding rues. ‘Asa general up, Pooled sheet cannot be purchased below a gauge of 1.50 mm. Any question should be directed tothe Raw Matera’ Purerasing Deparment ‘All measuremerts related to this specication aro to be taken at a distance nt las than 4 mm fom the mil edge or 15 mm from the cut edge. Any variation ffom this requirement must be agreed to by both Manufacturing and Preduct Engineering ‘Tas ciscraton ie axeresos jen norco minimize material cots while ngurng design intant and manufacturabity. For llpars, the exception must be added to the part's drawing & CAD ile asa Note. Adctonally.forintemaly stamped pars. the exception may alo be specifc on the Vehcte Operations Material Specification Sheet (Sheet #3) 0: other ‘ocumentaton used io define mater blank specfeatons released by the local stamping acy forthe speci part Exceptions ore lobe sated in frm ofan exact aistance irom the mil edge or out edge, ‘Weld lines within a col shouldbe avoided if possible. However, ts required to joln two cols to meet the length required the head anc tal Werance shouldbe applied tothe material wih meters of ether side of fe Wed Ine. Care shoul be taken in down-gauping and up-gauging to achieve cost reductions. The gauge may be just above or below 2 price break where the nent une or next hiker gauge cost more per kilogram forthe gauges n question. Raw Materia Purchasing shouldbe contactod fo veal cost impacts associated tne change cf material thickness prior to he release of a design change. ‘This Engineering Specication lea supplement othe celoaced drawing for a part. and all requirements herein must be met In adeiton tall other requirements ofthe part crawing ‘The Engineering Specification s intended to evaluate speciic characteristics es a supplement to normal material Inspections, dimensional checking, and in-process contol, and should in 90 way adversely influence ches inspection operators. Preparation and submission ofan acceptable Conol Plan are the responsbiy of the manufacturing source, The ‘manufacturing source wil retain the orginal Cortal Plan and an late revisions per ISOITS 16949 ard prove @ Copy to {he design esponsibe Procuct Engineering activ, 1, SUMMARY OF PRODUCTION VALIDATION AND IN-PROCESS TESTS: Production Validation (PV) tects aro use to obtain an nial estimate ofthe process gotemialto produce parts that cenform to anginaerng roquirarents, and i ident causal ar predictive riatonshipe betwean signifcant design and process, ee ie 3 procucton tooing and processes before Par Submission Warrart (PSI) approval and authorization of production pars can Bir 3847a2© —reinnsoumeaieons ap Engineering Specification FRAME 3 OF 4 REV.LET.A PART NO. ESBAUS-INZ50-AA ‘e issued Sampling plans [or PV fesng must be Included in the Consol Plan, Paris must be revalidated whenever any change s made as outlined in Section IV. In-Process (IP) tests are used o further understané the relationship between significant design and process characterises ‘and to establish a bass for continuing improvement. Tests must be completed wn procucton matenal an an angoing basis. Sampling plans for bon IP testing and evaluation of signfcant process characterstics must be included in he Control Pian Whee the process ie found to be aut of contol othe tat aceaptancs ertaria are nt mat, the reaction plan ‘2pproved inthe Contel Plan shall be invoked ‘The tabetha follows summarizes the allowable tolerances for sheet metal products for PV and IP tests, They form the ‘basis on which to develop 9 complete Contl Pan for hese and tel relates sgnifcart process cnaractrates. The Control Pian wilinclde frequencies, sample sizes and reaction plans, see Ford Qually System Requirements, ISO/TS 10348, SUMMARY OF TESTS AND ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURES es a a cere |S |e tag, Thess PV.IP | See abies Spaced | See tables Hsia, | Measurement Thekness is ae INL TEST PROCEDURES ‘Thickness meacurement and the measurement oquipment ar the responsblty of tha manufacturing source for both PV and soceptanes. Thexnoss measurement recute are required for al mater shipped. IIL1 THICKNESS MEASUREMENT ~ Cold Rol Stee! Sneet(YSuq<270 MPa) [cere |e ree | Measrrst econ ‘Specs Nara Tiss oe) = 008 a 008 mT 112 THICKNESS MEASUREMENT ~ Gold Rot Stee! Sreet (270 MPa s YSuu < 360 MPa) Messvwret acston Sovca Nera an Foe) Boar 03 a 005 sac] ILS THICKNESS MEASUREMENT ~ Cold Rot Stee! Sneet(YSua 2 380 MPa) spottes nara! Tsas (ran Tse Ta com | 08 006 see 008 e070 Byer 3847820 rremavaenmy deen Ep Engineering Specification FRAME 4 OF 4 REV.LET.A PART NO. ESBAUS-INZ5O-AR IIL4 THICKNESS MEASUREMENT - Hot Rol Steel Sheet (YSup < 360 MPa) eseaneses ‘Tire Teen ee) INS THICKNESS MEASUREMENT — Hot Rol Stoel Sheet (Sj * 380 MPa) Praesens ‘erse Tolerance vn) = a sae lILG THICKNESS MEASUREMENT — Aluminum Sheet (6XXX. XXX) a a a TT I, REVALIDATION REQUIREMENTS ‘There are no revalidation requirements for this ES. \V. INSTRUCTIONS AND NOTES “There are no additonal instructions or nots forthe ES. Beyer 3947AZ©—remnscnenay tend

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