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Social Forestry
 Social forestry is the practice of forestry on land outside the conventional forest area
for the benefit of rural and urban communities

Jack Westoby*** during his inaugural address at the 9th Commonwealth Forestry Conference held in Delhi
in 1968 coined the term social forestry to include forestry activities that aim at “producing flow of
protection and recreation benefits for the community”. The term remained unused and unnoticed till the
National Commission on Agriculture (NCA) resurrected it in its interim report on “production forestry and
man-made forestry” (1973).
 Supplying basic rural needs like fuelwood, timber, and other forest produces [Energy security].
 To meet the requirements of leaf fodder for ruminants.
 To meet the raw material requirements for household, cottage, and forest-based industries [Reduce
pressure on the forest].
 To increase rural income, employment, and equality.
 Eco-restoration, rehabilitation, and reforestation of degraded forest areas and wasteland [Habitat
 Supplement the National Forest Policy (1951, 1988), the objective of having 33 percent of land area
under the tree over [+ INDC]
 Protection of agricultural land against harsh weather, i.e., Frost, Hot/cold wind, crop-Lodging, etc., and
revive the productivity of farms
 Regulate water cycle and control runoff = Erosion control + flood control.
 To meet the recreational needs of both urban and rural populace.
 To reduce noise pollution in urban areas and increase the aesthetic value of the urban landscapes
IFoS 2016 : Briefly discuss aims, objectives and scope of social forestry.
Why is people's participation must in social forestry? (10m).
What is the concept of social forestry? Elaborate your answer with its
scope, objectives and types citing suitable examples. [HPPSC Civil
(Main) 2019 | 10 m]
Explain the benefits of social forestry [OPSC Civil (Main) 2020 | 20 M]
What is social forestry? Write comments on objectives & scope of
social forestry [MPPSC ACF 2017].

1 2
Protection forestry Production forestry

Commercial forestry
Industrial forestry

3 Urban forestry
Social forestry

Farm Recreational Extention Restoration of
forestry forestry forestry degraded forests

❑ PROTECTION FORESTRY : (a) protection or

amelioration of natural resources, i.e., Soil,
water, noise & Air pollution, etc. (b) Soil and
water conservation; (c) reduce the
hazardous effect of drought, floods,
tsunami, cyclones, etc.


crops for commercial purposes (as a cash
crop) or feeding industrial demands.

➢ Commercial and
➢ Industrial forestry
1 2
Protection forestry Production forestry

Commercial forestry
Industrial forestry

3 Urban forestry
Social forestry

Farm Recreational Extention Restoration of
forestry forestry forestry degraded forests
FARM FORESTRY : Growing of forest trees by the
farmers on their own land.

❑ Objectives : Fuelwood, small timber, leaf fodder, green Manure, Crop protection, etc. [Almost same as
given above – Objective/Benefits of social forestry

❑ Types : Commercial & Non-commercial

IFoS 2018 : What is farm forestry?
Difficulties : (a) Small land holding, (b) High initial investment Write about the objectives,
cost, (c) Lack of schemes like tree insurance coverage, (d) difficulties and financial return
Market connectivity, (e) Policy hurdle during liquidation of from the farm forestry (10 m).
investment (Ban of Tree felling), (f) Lack of availability of skilled
persons knowing tree architecture management, (g) availability
of suitable high yield exotic/indigenous species, (h) impact of
exotics over farm/local ecosystem, etc
Recreational forestry : practice of forestry with the object of raising
flowering trees and shrubs mainly to serve as recreation forests for
the urban and rural population

❑ Species : Delonix regia, Saraca indica, Cassia fistula etc

EXTENSION FORESTRY : Practice of forestry ❑ Linear/Strip plantation along roads /

(grow trees and shrubs) outside of forest area or Canals / rail tracks

away from conventional forest area to increase ❑ Environmental forestry (Around

Industrial complex)
the area under tree growth
1 2
Protection forestry Production forestry

Commercial forestry
Industrial forestry

3 Urban forestry
Social forestry

Farm Recreational Extention Restoration of
forestry forestry forestry degraded forests
EXTENSION FORESTRY : Practice forestry (grow trees and shrubs) outside
of forest area or away from conventional forest area to increase the area
under tree growth.
• Objective : (a) Increase area under tree cover, (b) Protect
environment/Soil-water conservation, (c) for social benefits, i.e., fuel,
fodder, timber, Minor forest products, etc.

• Difficulties : (a) Huge initial investment cost, (b) Skilled labour, etc.
IFoS 2008 : What is extension forestry ? list constraints in obtaining
people's participation in social forestry (10 m).

Summarise food fodder and fuelwood security under extension

forestry [OPSC Civil (Main) 2018].
Explain the forestry extension strategies for plantation and
community development [OPSC Civil (Main) 2017].
What is extension forestry? how is it related to social forestry
[Arunachal PSC Civil (Main) 2017-18].
URBAN FORESTRY : a kind of social forestry wherein trees are planted in urban areas for
improvement of environment and landscape. Usually, flowering and
ornamental trees /shrubs are planted. Simply, it is the application of
forestry principles and technology for the welfare of urban people
Aim : Counter air pollution

Objectives of urban forestry

• It reduces the greenhouse effects in the environment

• It prevents urban runoff and soil erosion.

• Abatment of air and noise pollution

• It helps groundwater recharge.

• The tree provides fuel, food, shade, etc.

• It improves the aesthetic view of urban lands

• It supports urban wildlife.

• The tree itself acts as an asset or economic property

Suitable species : Mango, Jamun, Neem, Khejari etc.

Limiting factors in urban forestry [Challenges]

• Lack of availability of Space and Fund (Investment)
• Soil : Polluted soil with deep groundwater table
• Atmosphere : High air temperature; a heavy load of Photo-chemicals, dust, and carbon shoots blocking
stomatal functioning.
• High biotic pressure
• Skill Human resources : Availability of skilled human resources, require longterm planning

Indian Tribes
The tribe is a collection of families bearing a common
name, a common living homeland, members of which
speaking the same languages and observed certain taboos
regarding marriages and occupations

• A tribe is a group speaking a common dialect and inhabiting

a common territory.

• A tribe is a small isolated, closely-knit society

Definite territory - members of a tribe occupy a common and well-defined
territory, i.e., the Bharia tribe of MP lives in the Patalkot (Chindwada
speak a common language or dialect but usually lack script,

originated from a common ancestor and blood related to each other

IFoS 2011 : Discuss the

Have common folk arts & culture, common religion, beliefs, customs,
characteristics which are
Taboos, and myths.
shared by the diverse tribal
groups all over India (10 m)
Names have common types of surname. [Repeated in, Arunachal PSC - Civil
Common occupation primarily depends upon the forest for their livelihood. (M) – 2015-16].

Habitation in remote and inaccessible forest areas, Illiteracy.

The rules of endogamy permit the members of the tribe to marry within a group or within
a specific tribe.

Name the different tribes in the country with their specific characteristic and
establish their relationship with forest development [OPSC Civil (Main) 2017].

Despite being of common origin, people living in different parts of the world differ from each other in
color, facial features, and height.

The race is a group of intermarrying people who are born of a common ancestor, possess similar
physical traits, and similar we feeling.
• Hair - Form, color and distribution on the head, face and body.

• Body construction, stature, size of chest, and shoulders

• Form of the skull, its height, and width

• Facial characteristics such as nasal form, lip form, eyelid, ear, jaw, etc.

• The complexion of skin and eyes

► MAJOR RACIAL GROUPS OF INDIA : Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Aryo-Dravidian, Mangoloids, Turk-Iranian, Nigrito,
Pro-Australoids or Austrics
• Hunting and gathering type : Tribes that are still in the
primitive phase are involved in (a) hunting, (b) fishing, and (c)
food gathering type economic activities.
• Hill cultivation Type : in the Northeast states, shifting
cultivation is the primary source of livelihood.

• Pastoral and cattle herders type, i.e., Gujjar and Bakarwal in J&K, Gaddhis in HP, Todas in Nilgiri, etc.
• Simple artisan type : some tribes still retained their traditional craft along with the primary source
of livelihood.
• Folk artist type : some tribes or groups of people in a tribe adopted singing, dancing, serpents, etc.
• semi-industrialized type : many industries, i.e., mineral mining, coal mining, national highways, etc.
• White-collar jobs & businessman type

• Forest-based economy : raw materials like edible fruits, fiber, timber

• Division of labor : usually have a similar occupation
• Simple technology
• Absence of profit motive in economic dealing and primarily based on exchange
• The entire community of an area act as a cooperative unit, and many types of works
they have done collectively like common grazing, collectively working on shifting
cultivation, joint hunting activities, etc.
• Periodic market
Collection of minor forest produce (MFPs) is the
main source of income in tribal economy. However,
it has its own challenges like –

• MFPs are Perishable in nature

• Tribals have lack of holding capacity,

• Lack of marketing infra & supply chain in tribal


• Poor bargaining power of tribals and Exploitation

by middle men.
• Poor government intervention at required time.

• Poor working capital & Finance.

• Negligible value addition at grass root level.

IFoS 2015 : Enumerate and Discuss the factors responsible for restricting tribal population in the national
parks (10 m) [Solution on page no 59]

IFoS 2013 : Give the fundamental characteristics of tribal economy in India (8 m).

IFoS 2011 : Write short notes on : (i) Tribal economy, (ii) Chola Naickans, (iii) Gujjars, (iv) Gonds (10 m).

IFoS 2006 : Forest are key to tribal economy, Justify.

Write notes on - Role of Forests in the life of Tribal communities [Himachal PSC ACF (Main) 2017].
Role of forests in tribal livelihood [Mizoram PSC Civil (Main) 2016].
Describe relationship between tribal and forest [OPSC Civil (Main) 2006].

Explain, in detail, the dependence of tribal society on forests what necessary steps could be taken for
the upliftment of their socio-economic status [OPSC Civil (Main) 2018-19].
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