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Systems of Linear Equations and

3 Matrices

2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-1

3.1 Basic Matrix Operations
What is a Matrix? Sizing a matrix Special Matrices Addition
and Subtraction of Matrices Scalar Multiplication

2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-2

What is a matrix?

A Matrix is just rectangular array of items.

A typical matrix is a rectangular array of numbers
arranged in rows and columns.

21 62 33 93
A 44 95 66 13
3x 4
77 38 79 33

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Sizing a matrix

number of rows (m) by number of columns (n).

21 62 33 93 7 3 2
A 44 95 66 13 B 8 4 1
3x 4 3 x3
77 38 79 33 6 5 9
11 4
14 7
C D 17
4x2 16 8 1x1

22 3
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Square matrix: a square matrix is an mxn matrix in which m = n.
That is a matrix with equal number of rows and columns.

7 3 2
B 8 4 1
3 x3
6 5 9
Vector: a vector is an mxn matrix where either m OR n = 1
(but not both).
If m = 1, it is a row vector 12
If n = 1, it is a column vector 9
X Y 7 22 14
4 x1 4 1x 3

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Scalar: A scalar is an mxn matrix where BOTH m and n = 1.

D 17
1x1 0 0
Zero matrix: A matrix of zeros.
0 0 0
0 0
Identity Matrix: A square (mxm) matrix with 1s on the
diagonal and zeros everywhere else. 1 0 0
I 0 1 0
3 x3
0 0 1
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Example1 Finding Values to Make Two Matrices Equal
Find the values of the variables for which each
statement is true, if possible.


Since corresponding elements are equal, a = 3,

b = 9, c = 5, and d = 0.

The statement cannot be true.

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Example 2 Adding Matrices
Find each sum, if possible.


10 13
6 0

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Example 2 Adding Matrices (cont.)

(c) A + B if and

A and B cannot be added because A is a 2 3

matrix, while B is a 3 2 matrix.

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Example 3 Subtracting Matrices
Find each difference, if possible.


16 13
1 9

(b) 15

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Example 3 Subtracting Matrices (cont.)

(c) A B if and

A B is not possible because, A is a 2 3 matrix,

while B is a 2 2 matrix.

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Example 4 Multiplying Matrices by Scalars

Find each product.

6 15
12 0

20 8
12 36

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Section 3.2 - Matrix Products and Inverses

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Example 5 Deciding Whether Two Matrices Can Be Multiplied

Suppose C is a 2 5 matrix and D is a 4 2 matrix.

Can the product CD be calculated? If so, what size is it?

No, CD cannot be calculated.

Can the product DC be calculated? If so, what size is it?

Yes, DC can be calculated.

The result is a 4 5 matrix.

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Example 6 Multiplying Matrices

Find each product, if possible.

(a) AB AB cannot be calculated.

(b) BA
A 2 2 matrix multiplied by a 2 3 matrix results in a
2 3 matrix.

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Example 6 Multiplying Matrices (cont.)

13 16 14
1 12 63

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Example 7 Multiplying Square Matrices

Find each product.

(a) CD

4 23
16 27

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Example 7 Multiplying Square Matrices (cont.)

(b) DC

30 19
14 7

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Example 8 Multiplying Square Matrices
2 3 2 3
= , =
1 1 1 1

Find each of the following.


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Example 8 Multiplying Square Matrices (cont.)


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The Determinant of a Matrix

The determinant of a matrix A is denoted by |A|

(or det(A)).
Determinants exist only for square matrices.

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3 1
1 2
A (3)(2) (1)(1) 5

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The Inverse of a Matrix (A-1)

For an n n matrix A, if there is a matrix B such

that AB = I = BA, then matrix B is the inverse of
matrix A.
The inverse is analogous to a reciprocal
A matrix which has an inverse is non-singular.
A matrix which does not have an inverse is
An inverse of a matrix A exists only if A 0

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How to find inverse of matrices? determinants? and

a b
If A and |A| 0
c d

-1 1 d b
det( A) c a

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1 2
Find the inverse of A= 3 4

1 1 4 2 0.4 0.2
10 3 1 0.3 0.1
To check AA-1 = A-1 A = I
1 1 2 0.4 0.2 1 0
3 4 0.3 0.1 0 1
1 0.4 0.2 1 2 1 0
0.3 0.1 3 4 0 1

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Singular Matrix

Singular Matrix: A matrix is considered singular if

the determinant of the matrix is zero and the matrix
cannot be inverted

2 6
A A 2*3 1*6 0
2x2 1 3

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Given matrices A and B as follows, determine whether B is the
Example: inverse of A:
3 1
1 2
A ; B 1 .
4 6 2

Solution: B is the inverse of A if AB I and BA I , so we find those

3 1
1 2 1 0
AB 1 I;
4 6 2 0 1
3 1
1 2 1 0
BA 1 I.
2 4 6 0 1

Therefore, B is the inverse of A; that is, A B. (It is also
true that A is the inverse of B, or B 1 A.)

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Section 3.3 - Applications of Matrices

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Example 1 Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrix
Use the inverse of the coefficient matrix to solve the

Write the system in matrix form. That is A X = B

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Example 1 Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrix
Inverses (cont.)
Find :

= =

3 2
1 11 11
A 2 5
11 11

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Example 1 Solving Systems of Equations Using Matrix
Inverses (cont.)
Now find :


Solution set: {( 3, 7)}

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Example 2
Use matrix algebra to solve the given matrix equation for X.
8 12 3 2
= ; = , =
2 4 2 1

where is an identity matrix

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Example 2 (cont.)

Find :
3 2 1 0 2 2
= =
2 1 0 1 2 0
Find :

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Example 2 (cont.)

Now find :

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4 Trigonometric Functions

2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-1

4.1 Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions Quadrantal Angles Reciprocal
Identities Signs and Ranges of Function Values Pythagorean
Identities Quotient Identities

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Trigonometric Functions
Let be a point other than the origin on the terminal
side of an angle in standard position. The distance from
the point to the origin is . The six trigonometric
functions of are defined as follows.

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4.1 Example 1 Finding Function Values of an Angle

The terminal side of an angle in standard position

passes through the point (12, 5). Find the values of
the six trigonometric functions of angle .
x = 12 and y = 5.

y 5 13
r 13
y 5 x 12
tan cot
x 12 y 5
r 13
y 5
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4.1 Example 2 Finding Function Values of an Angle

The terminal side of an angle in standard position

passes through the point (8, 6). Find the values of
the six trigonometric functions of angle .

x = 8 and y = 6.

10 6

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4.1 Example 2 Finding Function Values of an Angle (cont.)

y 6 3
r 10 5

y 6 3 x 8 4
tan cot
x 8 4 y 6 3

r 10 5
y 6 3

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4.1 Example 3 Finding Function Values of an Angle

Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of

angle in standard position, if the terminal side of is
defined by 3x 2y = 0, x 0.

Since x 0, the graph of the

line 3x 2y = 0 is shown to the
left of the y-axis.

Find a point on the line:

Let x = 2. Then
3( 2) 2y 0 y 3
A point on the line is ( 2, 3).
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4.1 Example 3 Finding Function Values of an Angle (cont.)

3 13
2 13
3 2
2 3
13 13
2 3
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4.1 Example 4(a) Finding Function Values of Quadrantal
Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of a
360 angle.

The terminal side passes

through (2, 0). So x = 2 and
y = 0 and r = 2.
0 1

0 undefined

1 undefined
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4.1 Example 4(b) Finding Function Values of Quadrantal
Find the values of the six trigonometric functions of
an angle in standard position with terminal side
through (0, 5).
x = 0 and y = 5 and r = 5.


undefined 1
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Reciprocal Identities
For any angle for which both functions defined, the following identities hold.
1 1 1
= = =
1 1 1
= = =

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4.1 Example 5 Using the Reciprocal Identities

Find each function value.

(a) tan , given that cot = 4.

tan is the reciprocal of cot .

(b) sec , given that

sec is the reciprocal of cos .

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Signs of Trigonometric Function Values

in Quadrant

I + + + + + +

II + +

III + +

IV + +

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4.1 Example 6 Determining Signs of Function Values of
Nonquadrantal Angles
Determine the signs of the trigonometric functions of
an angle in standard position with the given measure.

(a) 54 (b) 260 (c) 60

(a) A 54
trigonometric functions are positive.
(b) A 260
sine, cosine, secant, and cosecant are negative, while its
tangent and cotangent are positive.
(c) A 60
cosine and secant are positive, while its sine, cosecant,
tangent, and cotangent are negative.
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4.1 Example 7 Identifying the Quadrant of an Angle

Identify the quadrant (or possible quadrants) of an angle

that satisfies the given conditions.
(a) tan > 0, csc <0
tan > 0 in quadrants I and III, while csc < 0 in
quadrants III and IV. Both conditions are met only in
quadrant III.
(b) sin > 0, csc >0
sin > 0 in quadrants I and II, as is csc . Both conditions
are met in quadrants I and II.

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Ranges of Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometric Range Range

Function of (Set-Builder Notation) (Interval Notation)




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4.1 Example 8 Deciding Whether a Value is in the Range of
a Trigonometric Function
Decide whether each statement is possible or impossible.

(a) cot = 0.999 (b)cos = 1.7 (c)csc =0

(a) cot = 0.999 is possible because the range of cot


(b) cos = 1.7 is impossible because the range of cos

is [ 1, 1].

(c) csc = 0 is impossible because the range of csc is

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4.1 Example 9 Finding All Function Values Given One Value
and the Quadrant
Angle lies in quadrant III, and Find the values of
the other five trigonometric functions.
Since and lies in quadrant III, then x = 5 and
y = 8.

8 89
5 89
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4.1 Example 9 Finding All Function Values Given One Value
and the Quadrant (cont.)




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Pythagorean Identities
For any angle for which the function values are defined, the following identities hold.

+ = + = + =

Quotient Identities

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4.1 Example 10 Finding Other Function Values Given One
Value and the Quadrant
Find cos and tan given that sin and
cos > 0.

Reject the negative root because cos > 0 (given).

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4.1 Example 10 Finding Other Function Values Given One
Value and the Quadrant (cont.)


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4.1 Example 11 Using Identities to Find Function Values
Find sin and cos given that cot = 24 and
is in quadrant II.
Since is in quadrant II, sin > 0 and cos < 0.
7 24 25
cot tan sec
24 7 7
tan2 1 sec 2 7
2 cos Quad II
24 25
1 sec 2
7 sin2 1 cos2
625 2 7
sec sin 2
49 25
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4.1 Example 11 Finding Other Function Values Given One
Value and the Quadrant (cont.)
2 7
sin 1

2 576

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Trigonometric Function Values and
4.2 Angle Measure
Right-Triangle-Based Definitions of the Trigonometric Functions
Cofunctions Trigonometric Function Values of Special Angles
Reference Angles Special Angles as Reference Angles
Determination of Angle Measures with Special Reference Angles

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Trigonometric Function Values and Angle Measures

Right-Triangle Based Definitions of Trigonometric Functions

Let A represent any acute angle in standard position.


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4.2 Example 1 Finding Trigonometric Function Values of An
Acute Angle
Find the sine, cosine, and A C
tangent values for angles A
and B in the figure.
sin A

cos A

tan A
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4.2 Example 1 Finding Trigonometric Function Values of An
Acute Angle (cont.)
Find the sine, cosine, and A C
tangent values for angles A
and B in the figure.
sin B

cos B

tan B
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Trigonometric Function Values and Angle Measures

Co-function Identities

For any angle A, the following hold.

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4.2 Example 2 Writing Functions in Terms of Cofunctions

Write each function in terms of its cofunction.

(a) sin 9 = cos (90 9 ) = cos 81

(b) cot 76 = tan (90 76 ) = tan 14

(c) csc 45 = sec (90 45 ) = sec 45

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4.2 Example 3 Finding Trigonometric Values for 30°

Find the six trigonometric function values for a 30



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4.2 Example 3 Finding Trigonometric Values for 30° (cont.)

2 3

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Trigonometric Function Values of Special Angles

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Reference Angle

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4.2 Example 4(a) Finding Reference Angles

Find the reference angle for 294 .

294 lies in quadrant IV.

The reference angle is

360 294 = 66 .

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4.2 Example 4(b) Finding Reference Angles

Find the reference angle for 883 .

Find a coterminal angle between 0 and 360 by

dividing 883 by 360 . The quotient is about 2.5.

883 is coterminal with 163 .

The reference angle is

180 163 = 17 .

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4.2 Example 5 Finding Trigonometric Functions of a
Quadrant IIl Angle
Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for
225 .
The reference angle for 225 is 45 .
Since 225 lies in quadrant III, the tangent and
cotangent are positive while the sine, cosine, secant
and cosecant are negative.
sin225 sin 45
cos 225 cos 45
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4.2 Example 5 Finding Trigonometric Functions of a
Quadrant IIl Angle (cont)
cos 225 cos 45
tan225 tan45 1
cot 225 cot 45 1
sec 225 sec 45 2

cscc 225 csc 45 2

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4.2 Example 6(a) Finding Trigonometric Function Values
Using Reference Angles
Find the exact value of sin( 150 ).

An angle of 150 is coterminal with an angle of

150 + 360 = 210 .

The reference angle is

210 180 = 30 .

Since an angle of 150 lies in

quadrant III, its sine is negative.
sin( 150 ) sin30
2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-42
4.2 Example 6(b) Finding Trigonometric Function Values
Using Reference Angles
Find the exact value of cot(780 ).

An angle of 780 is coterminal with an angle of

780 2 360 = 60 .

The reference angle is 60 .

Since an angle of 780

lies in quadrant I, its
cotangent is positive.
cot 780 cot 60
2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-43
4.2 Example 7 Finding Angle Measures Given an Interval
and a Function Value
Find all values of , if is in the interval [0 , 360 )
and sin =

Since sin is negative, must lie in quadrants III or IV.

The absolute value of sin is so the reference

angle is 60 .

The angle in quadrant III is 60 + 180 = 240 .

The angle in quadrant IV is 360 60 = 300 .

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4.3 Radian Measure
Radian Measure Converting Between Degrees and Radians

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Radian Measure

An angle with its vertex at the Centre of the circle that
intercepts an arc on the circle with length equal to the
radius of the circle has a measure of 1 radian

Converting between Degrees and Radians

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4.3 Example 1 Converting Degrees to Radians

Convert each degree measure to radians.


5.685 radians

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4.3 Example 2 Converting Radians to Degrees

Convert each radian measure to degrees.



167 18

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4.4 The Unit Circle and Circular Functions
Circular Functions Values of Circular Functions Determining a
Number with a Given Circular Function Value

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4.4 Circular Functions
We know that a point is on the unit circle if

If an angle is in the standard position and the point

lies on the terminal side of the angle on the
unit circle, then the trigonometric functions of angle
are known as circular functions.
The circular functions are defined as

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4.4 Domain and Range of Circular Functions
The domain of and is
The domain of and is

The domain of and is

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4.4 Domain and Range of Circular Functions
The range of and is
The range of and is
The domain of and is

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4.4 Circular Functions
Find the exact values of sin ( 3 ), cos ( 3 ), and
cot ( 3 ).

An angle of 3 intersects the

unit circle at ( 1, 0).

sin 3 y 0
cos 3 x 1
cot 3 is undefined

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4.4 Example 2(a) Finding Exact Circular Function Values

Use the figure to find

the exact values of

4 3
3 2
4 1
3 2

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4.4 Example 2(b) Finding Exact Circular Function Values

Use the figure and the

definition of tangent to
find the exact value of

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4.4 Example 2(b) Finding Exact Circular Function Values

Moving around the unit

circle units in the
negative direction
yields the same
ending point as
moving around the
circle units in the
positive direction.

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4.4 Example 2(b) Finding Exact Circular Function Values

corresponds to

2 1
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4.4 Example 2(c) Finding Exact Circular Function Values

Use reference angles and degree/radian conversion to

find the exact value of

In standard position, 330 lies in quadrant IV with a

reference angle of 30 , so

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Graphs of the Sine and Cosine
4.5 Functions
Periodic Functions Graph of the Sine Function Graph of
the Cosine Function Graphing Techniques, Amplitude, and

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4.5 Periodic Function

A function is said to be periodic if there exists a real

number such that

holds for all in the domain of the function.

If is the least positive real number for which (1) holds,
then is called the fundamental period of .

The fundamental period of and is

The fundamental period of is .

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4.5 Amplitude of a Periodic Function

The amplitude of a periodic function is defined to be the

difference of the maximum value of and the minimum
value of divided by .
That is

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4.5 Amplitude and Period of and
, where

The amplitude of both and

is .

The period of both and

is .

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4.5 Amplitude and Period of , where

The amplitude of is not defined because it

is an unbounded function.

The period of is .

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4.5 Example 1 Graphing y = a sin x

and compare to the graph of y = sin x.

x 0 /2 3 /2 2
sin x 0 1 0 1 0
x 0 0 1/2 0

The shape of the graph is the

same as the shape of y = sin x.

The range of is

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4.5 Example 2 Graphing y = sin bx

and compare to the graph of y = sin x.

The coefficient of x is , so b = , and the period is

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4.5 Example 2 Graphing y = sin bx (cont.)

The x-values are

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4.5 Example 2 Graphing y = sin bx (cont.)

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4.5 Example 3 Graphing y = cos bx

The coefficient of x is , so b = , and the period is

The x-values are 0, , 2 , 3 , and 4 .

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4.5 Example 3 Graphing y =

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4.5 Example 4 Graphing y = a sin bx

Graph y = 3 sin 2x.

The coefficient of x is 2, so b = 2, and the period is

The amplitude is | 3| = 3.

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4.5 Example 4 Graphing y = a sin bx

x 0 /4 /2 3 /4
2x 0 /2 3 /2 2
sin 2x 0 1 0 1 0

3 sin 2x 0 3 0 3 0

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4.5 Example 5 Graphing y = a cos bx

The coefficient of x is , so b = , and the period is

The amplitude is |2| = 2.

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4.5 Example 5 Graphing y = a cos bx for b That is a Multiple
of /2 (cont.)
x 0 1 2 3 4
0 /2 3 /2 2

1 0 1 0 1

2 cos 2 0 2 0 2

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4.6 Trigonometric Identities
Fundamental Identities Uses of the Fundamental Identities

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4.6 Fundamental Identities

The following identities are known as fundamental

(a) Pythagorean Identities

(b) Reciprocal Identities

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4.6 Fundamental Identities

(c) Quotient Identities

(d) Even-Odd Identities

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4.6 Example 1 Finding Trigonometric Function Values Given
One Value and the Quadrant
If and is in quadrant IV, find each function

In quadrant IV, is negative.

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4.6 Example 1 Finding Trigonometric Function Values Given
One Value and the Quadrant (cont.)
If and is in quadrant IV, find each function


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4.6 Example 2 Writing One Trigonometric Function in Terms
of Another

1 cos2

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4.6 Example 3 Rewriting an Expression in Terms of Sine and
1 tan2
Write 1 sec 2 in terms of and , and then
simplify the expression so that no quotient appear.
2 2
1 tan 1 tan
1 sec 2 (sec 2 1)

sec 2
cos2 1
sin2 sin2 csc 2
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4.8 Trigonometric Equations
Linear Methods Zero-Factor Property Quadratic Methods
Trigonometric Identity Substitutions

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4.8 Example 1a Solving a Trigonometric Equation by Linear

is positive in quadrants I and III.

The reference angle is 30 because

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4.8 Example 1 Solving a Trigonometric Equation by Linear
Methods (cont.)

Solution set: {30°, 210°}

b) for all solutions

Solution set: {30° + 180°n, where n is any integer}

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4.8 Example 2 Solving a Trigonometric Equation by


90 or 270 135 or 315

Solution set: {90°, 135°, 270°, 315°}

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4.8 Example 3 Solving a Trigonometric Equation by

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5 Differential Calculus

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Section 5.1 - Limits

2015 Pearson Education, Inc. All right reserved.

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Limit of a Function

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Analyzing a Limit

Using the function

f (x) = 2x 1 x=2
through the following chart:

x 1.5 1.9 1.99 1.999 2 2.001 2.01 2.1 2.5

f ( x) 2 2.8 2.98 2.998 ? 3.002 3.02 3.2 4

We see that as x approaches 2, f (x) approaches 3.

In limit notation we have
lim 2 x 1 3.
x 2

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Example 1

The function is not defined when . (Why?)

What happens to the values of when ?
Solution: which is undefined

Evaluate at several numbers that are very close to , as in the

following table:
x 1.99 1.999 2 2.0001 2.001

4.98 4.998 --- 5.0002 5.002

The table suggests that

as gets closer and closer to 2 from either direction, the corresponding
value of gets closer and closer to 5.
Therefore, or

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Example 2
If what is ?
Solution: Make a table showing the values of the function at numbers
very close to 3:

x 2.9 2.99 2.9999 3 3.0001 3.01 3.1

12.31 12.9301 12.9993 --- 13.0007 13.0701 13.71

The table suggests that, as approaches 3 from either direction, gets

closer and closer to 13

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Example 4
Find , where is the function whose rule is

and whose graph is shown in figure.

Solution: From the definition of limit,

as approaches 4 involves only values of that are close, but not
equal to 4 on either side, the corresponding value of is 1.
So, .
However, since 4 is an integer, . Therefore, .

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Properties of Limits
If and k is a constant, then

For any real number a,

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2 2
lim x 3x lim x lim3x 4 6 2
x 2 x 2 x 2

2x lim 2 x 8
x 4
x 4 3x 1 lim 3x 1 13
x 4

From these examples we conclude that

1.lim f ( x) f (c ) f any polynomial function

x c
r any rational function with a
2.lim r ( x) r (c)
x c nonzero denominator at x = c

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Example: Find lim
x 5 x 3

lim x
Solution: lim
x x 5
Quotient property
x 5 x 3 lim x 3
x 5

5 5
. Polynomial limit
5 3 8

5 5
Note that f 5 . So the limit of f x as
5 3 8
x approaches 5 is the value of the function at 5:

lim f x f 5 .
x 5

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Rational Limits

If is a rational function and a is a real number

such that defined, then

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Indeterminate Forms

It is important to note that there are restrictions on some of

the limit properties. In particular if lim r ( x) 0
x c

then finding lim

f ( x) may present difficulties, since the
x c r ( x)
denominator is 0.
f ( x)
If lim f ( x) 0 and lim g ( x) 0 , then lim
x c x c x c g ( x)
is said to be indeterminate.

may not exist.

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This example illustrates some techniques that can be useful for

indeterminate forms.

which is indeterminate.
Algebraic simplification is often useful
when the numerator and denominator are
both approaching 0.
x2 4 ( x 2)( x 2)
lim lim lim( x 2) 4
x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

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which is indeterminate.

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which is indeterminate.

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Section 5.2 - One-Sided Limits and
Limits Involving Infinity

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On the other hand:

lim f (x) 2
x 0

lim f (x) 2
x 0
lim f (x) 2 Since the limit from the left and
x 2
the limit from the right both
lim f (x) 5 exist and are equal, the limit
x 2
exists at 0:
Since these two are not the
same, does not exist. lim f (x) 2
x 0

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Example: Find each of the given limits.

2 2
(a) lim 4 x and lim 4 x
x 2 x 2

Solution: Since f x 4 x 2 is not defined when x 2, the right-

hand limit (which requires that x 2) does not exist.

For the left-hand limit, write the square root in exponential

form and apply the appropriate limit properties.
lim 4 x 2 lim 4 x 2 Exponential form
x 2 x 2

lim 4 x Power property
x 2

01 2 0. Polynomial limit

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Example: Find each of the given limits.

(b) lim x 3 x2 1
x 3

Solution: lim x 3 x2 1
x 3

lim x 3 x2 1 Exponential form
x 3

lim x 3 lim x 2 lim1 Sum property
x 3 x 3 x 3

lim x 3 lim x 2 lim1 Power property
x 3 x 3 x 3

01 2 9 1 10. Polynomial limits

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Continued on next slide
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Continued from previous slide

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Evaluating a Limit at Infinity


x 50 100 1000 10000

0.02 0.01 0.001 0.0001

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Limits at Infinity

am x m
then lim f ( x) lim
x x bn x n

There are three possible cases for these limits.

1. If m < n, then lim f ( x) 0


2. If m = n, then xlim f ( x) bm

3. If m > n, does not have a limit

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Example 1 Evaluating a Limit at Infinity

Find the limit.

Use the properties of limits.

=4 3(0)

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Example 2 Evaluating a Limit at Infinity

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Examples Evaluating a Limit at Infinity

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5.5 Techniques for Finding Derivatives

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5.4 Derivatives of Products and Quotients

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Slide 1 - 15
In words: The derivative of the product of two functions is the
first function times the derivative of the second function plus
the second function times the derivative of the first function.

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Example: Find the derivative of y x 3 x2 5x .

Solution: Let u x x 3 x1 2 3 and v x x 2 5x. Then

y u x v x v x u x

x1 2 3 2 x 5 x2 5x x 12

1 32 5 12
2 x 3 2 5 x1 2 6 x 15 x x
2 2
5 32 15 1 2
x 6x x 15.
2 2

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Slide 1 - 17

Find the derivative of y = 5x2(x3 + 2).

f ´(x) = u(x) v´(x) + v(x) u´(x)
= 5x2 3x2 + 10x x3 + 2)
= 15x4 + 10x4 + 20x = 25x4 + 20x.

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Slide 1 - 19

Find the derivative of y = 3x / (2x + 5).


D (x) N (x) N (x) D (x)

f (x) 2
(2x 5) 3 3x 2 15
(2x 5)2 (2x 5)2

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Tangent Lines

Let f (x) = (2x 9)(x2 + 6). Find the equation of the tangent
line to the graph of f (x) at x = 3.
Solution: First, find f ´(x):
f ´(x) = (2x 9) (2x) + (2) (x2 + 6)
Then find f (3) and f ´(3):
f (3) = 45 f ´(3) = 12
The tangent has slope 12 and goes through the point (3, 45).
Using the point-slope form y y1 = m(x x1), we get
y ( 45) = 12(x 3) or y = 12x 81
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5.5 The Chain Rule

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Example: Use the chain rule to find Dx 15 x 2 1.

Solution: Write 15 x 2 1 as 15 x 2 1
. Let f ( x) u1 2 and u g ( x) 15 x 2 1.
Then 15 x 2 1 f g x and
Dx 15 x 1 f g x g x .
1 12
Here, f x u , with f g x , and g x 30 x so that
1 12
Dx 15 x 2 1 g x g x
1 12
15 x 2 1 30 x
15 x
15 x 2 1

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Generalized Derivative Rules

d n n 1
f x n f x f (x)

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Let u(x) = 2x2 and f (x) = [u(x)]3 = 8x6. Which of the

following is f ´(x)?
(a) 3[u(x)]2 (b) 3[u´(x)]2 (c) 3[u(x)]2 u´(x)
We know that f ´(x) = 48x5.
(a) 3[u(x)]2 = 3(2x2)2 = 3(4x4) = 12 x4. This is not correct.
(b) 3[u´(x)]2 = 3(4x)2 = 3(16x2) = 48x2. This is not correct.
(c) 3[u(x)]2 u´(x) = 3[2x2]2(4x) = 3(4x4)(4x) = 48x5. This is
the correct choice.

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Examples for the Power Rule

The terms of the Chain rule are marked by squares:
dx d n n 1 du
u nu
dx dx
y x 5 , y 5x 4
y (2x)5 , y 5(2x)4 (2) 160x 4
3 5 3 4 2 14
y (2x ) , y 5(2x ) (6x ) 480x
y (2x 1)5 , y 5(2x 1)4 (2) 10(2x 1)4
y (e x )5 , y 5(e x )4 (e x ) 5e5x
y (ln x)5 , y 5(ln x)4 (1 / x)
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Section 5.6

Derivatives of Exponential and

Logarithmic Functions

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Caution: The derivative of ex is not x ex 1

The power rule cannot be used to differentiate the

exponential function. The power rule applies to exponential
forms x n, where the exponent is a constant and the base is a
variable. In the exponential form ex, the base is a constant
and the exponent is a variable.

2017, 2013, 2009 Pearson Education, Ltd. 5-2


Find derivatives for

f (x) = f ´(x) =
f (x) = 2ex +x2 f ´(x) = 2ex + 2x
f (x) = 7xe 2ex + e2 f ´(x) = 7exe-1 2ex
Remember that e is a real number, so the power rule is
used to find the derivative of xe. The derivative of the
exponential function ex, on the other hand, is ex. Note
also that e2 7.389 is a constant, so its derivative is 0.

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250, 000
Example: Let y
2 15e 4 x
. Find y .

Solution: Use the quotient rule:

4x 4x
2 15e 0 250, 000 60e
y 2
2 15e
15, 000, 000e
2 15e

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Example: Find the derivative of

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Example: Find the derivative of

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Examples for
Logarithmic Derivatives

1 1
y ln(4x), y 4
4x x
1 4
y ln(4x 1), y 4
4x 1 4x 1
2 1 2
y ln(x ), y 2
x x
2 1 2x 2
y ln(x 2x 4), y 2
(2x 2)
x 2x 4 x 2 2x 4

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Examples for
Logarithmic Derivatives

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Examples for
Logarithmic Derivatives

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Chapter 6
Integral Calculus

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Section 6.1

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The Antiderivative

Many operations in mathematics have inverses. For

example, the operation of division is the inverse of
the operation of multiplication. The inverse
operation of finding a derivative is called
integration and the function that we obtain after
applying this operation is known as the
antiderivative. Thus
A function F is an antiderivative of a function f if
F´(x) = f (x).

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Find a function that has a derivative of 2x.
Answer: x2, since d/dx (x2) = 2x.

Find a function that has a derivative of x.

Answer: x2/2, since d/dx (x2/2) = x.

Find a function that has a derivative of x2.

Answer: x3/3, since d/dx (x3/3) = x2.

Slide 1 - 19

Find a function that has a derivative of 2x.

Answer: We already know that x2 is such a


Other answers are x2 + 2 or x2 5.

The above functions are all antiderivatives of 2x.
Note that the antiderivative is not unique.

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Indefinite Integrals
Section 6.1

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If a function has more than one antiderivative, then
the antiderivatives differ by at most a constant.

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Slide 1 - 2
Indefinite Integrals
Let f (x) be a function. The family of all functions that
are antiderivatives of f (x) is called the indefinite
integral and it is denoted by

The symbol is called an integral sign, and the

function f (x) is called the integrand.
The symbol dx indicates that anti-differentiation is
performed with respect to the variable x.
The arbitrary constant C is called the constant of
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Find the indefinite integral of x2.

2 x3
Answer: x dx C , because

d x3
C x2
dx 3

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Examples for Power Rule
444 dx = 444x + C (power rule with n = 0)

x3 dx = +C (n = 3)

5 dx = +C (n = 3)

x2/3 dx = x5/3 + C (n = 2/3)

x4 + x + x1/2 + 1 + x 1/2) dx
= x5/5 + x2/2 + (2/3) x3/2 + x + 2x1/2 + C
But you cannot apply the power rule for n = 1:
x 1 dx is not x0/0 + C (which is undefined).
The integral of x 1 is the natural logarithm.
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Example: Find the antiderivative of the following exponential

(a) 8e x dx

Solution: 8e x dx 8 e x dx 8e x C

(b) e8t dt

Solution: e8t dt
1 8t
e C

(c) e du

5u 5u 5u
1 6 6 6
Solution: e du 3
e C 3
e C

18 6
e C
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More Examples

4 ex dx = 4 ex + C
2 dx = 2 ln |x| + C

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Section 6.4

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

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Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

If f is a continuous function on the closed interval [a, b],

and F is any antiderivative of f, then

f ( x) dx F ( x) a F (b) F (a)

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3 3
5 dx 5x 5 3 5 1 15 5 10
1 x 1

3 x 3 9 1
x dx 4
1 2 x 1 2 2

3 x3 3
x 2 dx 9 0 9
0 3 x 0

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e 2x
dx ? Let u = 2x, du = 2 dx

1 1 eu 1
eu du
2 x 1 2 x 1

e2 x 1
e2 e 2
2 x 1 2 2

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2 1 2
dx ln x
1 x x 1

ln 2 ln 1 ln 2 0.69314718

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5 x2
dx ? Let u = x3 + 4, du = 3x2 dx
0 x3 4
5 x2
dx ?
0 x 4
ln u 5 ln ( x 4) 5

3 x 0 3 x 0

ln u 129
(ln 129)/3 (ln 4)/3 1.1578393
3 u 4

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This is a combination of the previous three problems

2 2x 1
x e dx
1 x
x3 e2 x 3
ln x
3 2 x 1

9 (e6 )/2 ln 3 1/3 (e 2 )/2 ln 1


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Definite Integral Properties

f (x) dx 0

b a
f (x) dx f (x) dx
a b

b c b
f (x) dx f (x) dx f (x) dx
a a c

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Assume we know that

3 9 3
x dx 2
9 , and
2 37
x dx , 0
x dx .
0 2 3 3
3 3
A) 4 x dx 4 x 2 dx 4 (9) 36
0 0
3 3 3
2 2
B) (3 x 2 x) dx 3 x dx 2
x dx
0 0 0
3 (9) 2 ( ) 18
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3 9 3
2 37
x dx , x dx 9 , and x dx .
0 2 0 3 3
2 37
C) x dx x dx
4 3 3
D) x 2 dx 0

2 37
E) 3 x dx 3 x dx 3 x dx 39 3 64
0 0 3 3

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= 10 8 = 2

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