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Real Estate Price Predictor (REPP)

Superior University

Department of Software Engineering

Group Members:

Sr.# Reg. # Student Name

(i) BSEM-S20-016 Ahmad Tariq

(ii) BSEM-F19-035 Kareem Bakhsh

(iii) BSEM-S20-027 Umer Mukhtaar

(iv) BSEM-F19-215 Rana Muhammad Jazib

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
Purpose of Requirement Document ........................................................................................ 4
Scope of product...................................................................................................................... 4
Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations ................................................................................. 5
Related Work........................................................................................................................... 5
Overview of Remainder of the Document .............................................................................. 5
2. General Description ................................................................................................................. 6
Product perspective ................................................................................................................. 6
User Characteristics................................................................................................................. 6
General Constraints ................................................................................................................. 6
Assumptions & Dependencies ................................................................................................ 6
3. Specific Requirements ............................................................................................................. 7
Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................ 7
Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................................ 9
Inverse Requirements .............................................................................................................. 9
Domain Requirements ............................................................................................................. 9
Portability Requirement........................................................................................................... 9
Design & Implementation Requirement .................................................................................. 9
Performance Requirement ....................................................................................................... 9
Reliability Requirement........................................................................................................... 9
Safety ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Security .................................................................................................................................. 10
Supportability ........................................................................................................................ 10
Maintainability ...................................................................................................................... 10
1. Introduction:
The predictive field derived from the applications of Machine Learning has been garnering
incredible results for data scientists of the world. The field has opened new horizons the Computer
Scientists. People are using the machine learning and analysis combo to develop applications and
algorithms that can bring ease into people’s lives. Something similar is our goal here as well.

People have been driven into corners when they go out to search for real estate or properties by
cunning and deceptive brokers. Even when people do find a reliable and trustworthy agent, the
chore of finding and examining properties is still bothersome. In the past people had to go through
many hurdles before they could find the price of a real estate option, they found reliable but that
should not be the case in the technologically advanced world of today.

In the fast-paced world of today, people should not sacrifice their valuable time on things that can
be done instantaneously using some algorithms, techniques, and technology. With the help of
modern technology, this project empowers people to find out the price of any property they would
like and that too without having to pay up hefty sums. So, the middle-class section, overseas
citizens, or people living at great distances from their desired property no longer must fall victim
to greedy brokers or must travel great distances just to find the price range of a suitable property.
All of this can be done through the project being developed here.

The paper contains the functionalities of the Real Estate Price Predictor (REPP). The REPP project
aims to give its users ease and accessibility. The project hopes to eliminate the hardships and
deception people face when they are inquiring about real estate or property options.

Purpose of Requirement Document:

The Real Estate Price Predictor project as the name suggests is a prediction-based system. The
project accumulates data relevant to real estate and property and analyzes it. After the completion
of the analysis, the project gives price predictions of each real estate and property option.

Scope of Product:
The project when in full force can cut down the sizeable time people have to invest in first
searching and then inquiring about real estate options. Real estate agents and brokers can charge
hefty amounts for even the smallest of inquiries so this is another issue that the project would try
to tackle and eliminate. Users will be able to look up and get a proper estimate of properties without
having to pay outstanding charges or leaving the comfort of their homes.

The project will be using real estate data that is derived from and focuses solely on Pakistan. The
project will be trained to analyze the data after which it will be able to aptly perform price
prediction of any real estate option present within the source country. The project will also suggest
users’ similar properties present in the nearby areas of their searches. The project has expanded
potential, as real estate and property options are present in every part of the world and people will
be more than happy to see the project in their countries/areas.


1- Real Estate Price Predictor (REPP) REPP

2- Software requirement specification SRS

3- Graphical user interface GUI

4- Stakeholders User

Related Work:
The platform has been providing digital service regarding Real Estate options for
quite some time now. The one thing that the platform lacks is that it does not provide price
predictions and that is where the project comes in. The dataset of the project has been taken from

The project intends to automate the real estate search process to provide users with a platform
from where they can get the prices of their desired property from the comfort of their homes.
The project is trained through the live testing phase due to which it can start recommending the
relevant property to users automatically. This application enables users to view property details
and the site predicts the price according to the features and amenities of the selected area. Users
can create an account instantly and can then view any available property of their desired area.
2. General Description:
REPP System is a web-based application that assists users with searches that revolve around
the prices of real estate options. The system uses real estate data that is derived from and
focuses solely on Pakistan. The system predicts the price of the searched property, and this
application suggests users similar properties present in the nearby areas of their searches.

Product Perspective:
This system is aimed to help the users that want access to accurate property prices without leaving
the comfort of their homes. The users receive price predictions based on actual data. To get a
prediction, the users of the system first have to make an account on REPP. Only then they will be
able to use the full features of the system. After registering the users need to fill out a form related
to the category and some other attributes of the app. After getting the information, the system will
run a test. Finally, the users can search for predictive prices of properties after which they can
make purchasing decisions. The system eliminates the need for a real estate consultant.

User Characteristics:
The users of the system must have the ability of a basic level data entrant to use it properly. The
users should grasp the predictive concept being used in the system so that they can take full

General Constraints:
The system should work on the constraints mentioned below:

 Regulatory policy: it should follow some sort of rules and regulations set by the government
or the other organization that has deployed it.
 Hardware Limitations: the software should run on basic level hardware as available.
 Interface to other applications: The software should have some sort of connecting interface
so that it can connect it with the other applications.

Assumptions & Dependencies:

The system should only work on windows pc or mac. REPP includes machine learning
algorithms so NumPy, Pandas, and other machine learning algorithms will be used in it. The
system will only work when the user will give it some sort of data to predict.
3. Specific Requirements
The essential requirement is to develop a reliable and accurate system that gives users precise
results quickly. There are millions of applications on the web from different developers that belong
to different categories and types. The system will use a data set containing the data collected from
reliable vendors and so its results can be based on a diverse set of data. This enables
the system to get more accurate results. The result from this system will provide newer developers
a guideline to see what is more popular and acceptable in the market so they can make their product
more likable for their target audience. It can be seen whether the system has been successful or
not, by using its results and comparing them to actual data to see how accurate its prediction are.
The skills required for these goals are to have some practice in the Python programming language
and an understanding of data sciences.

Functional Requirements:
 The system saves the entered data.
 The site predicts the price of the property.
 Identify important features that reflect the price.
 It downloads the data entered by the users.
 Calculates the area with the most potential amenities.
 Users can give ratings to each property.
 Users can give suggestions/complaints.
 It is a web app.
 The system contains users.
 Filters out invalid or unrecognized searched locations.
 Sorts of property by location
 Sorts of property by amenities.
 Filters out property which do not have an associated price.
 Online documentation must be legal. A tight check must be kept on it.
 The system is user-friendly.
 Flexible service architecture for future extension.
Raw extracted Interpretation Type

(1) System saves the (1) The Real Estate Price Predictor
data entered by the (REPP) system shall save the data.
(2) The Real Estate Price Predictor UBIQUITOUS
(2) System predicts the (REPP) system shall recommend a
best property price precise price for the located property

(1) Sorting Property by (1) When a user searches for a property

Area. through the area filter The Real Estate
Price Predictor (REPP) system shall sort
the list of property by area.
(2) Sorting Property by (2) When a user searches for the
property through the price filter REPP
system shall sort the list of property by

(1) system predicts the (1) If a user enters an area that differs
area for property from the specified location, then the
REPP system will show an invalid
(2) The system contains (2) If users enter inaccurate login
credentials REPP system will not allow
them access

(1) Identify important (1) While the users enter the property
features that reflect the details REPP system shall identify the
property price important features that reflect the
property price.

(2) While the users are providing STATE-DRIVEN

(2) Online property documents online REPP
documentation must be system shall check that documents must
legal. A tight check be legal and verified.
must be kept on it.
(1) users can give (1) When the price of the property is
ratings predicted then The Real estate (REPP)
System shall ask for its ratings from the
(2) It gets feedback users.
(2) After the end of the users’ session
REPP system will ask them for

Non-Functional Requirements:

Usability Requirement

Simple and smooth interface for the ease of users. The simple interface enables the
project to keep users’ errors to 1%.

Efficiency Requirement

The site of the project should be capable to handle a 10000 customer per second.

Portability Requirement

The site of the project must be responsive on all kinds of devices including mobile, tablet,
and desktop. It should also be able to open on all widely known browsers such as Safari,
Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Firefox.

Implementation Requirement

The project should be mostly composed of python.

Performance Requirement

The site of the project should load in 3 seconds when the number of simultaneous users
exceeding the 2500 figure is minimized.

Reliability Requirement

The server must not suffer more than one failure in three months. The site must be
available to users 99.8% of the time every month.

The data of the user will be safe. The site will take care of the data privacy of the user,
personal information provided by the user will not be shared with other users.


Security measures should be set for the sensitive data being stored on the site, such as the
site will ensure that payment will be done in a completely secure way to the officials. The
site will save data and secure the site from hacking.


The site will be accessed through any browser.


The application server takes care of the site and database as well. In case of failure, a re-
initialization of the program will be done. User will be able to maintain data if site
experience critical failures.

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