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M-NAV Modernisation Project – Support for the Safety Case related to the new
Air Navigation Services procedures and facilities

1. Background

Since the last quarter of 2013, the Air Navigation Service Provider of the Republic of
North -Macedonia, “M-NAV”, is upgrading its ATM system. The modernisation
programme includes 7 components of which 3 have already been fully delivered (a
VRRS, an AWOS at Skopje and Ohrid airports and a Mode S radar upgrade in Ohrid)
whilst the remaining 4 are to be delivered before end of 2023 (a VHF, Mode S radar
for Skopje, VCS and a new ATMC system).
Since 2013, the M-NAV modernisation programme is financed via a Loan from the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD, also termed the “Bank”
in the rest of this document). In July 2022 a loan with a local bank, Komercijalna
Banka AD Skopje, has been signed for refinancing the EBRD’s loan and at the same
time a new loan agreement has been signed between M-NAV and EBRD on 29.07.2022
for the continuation of the M-NAV’s modernisation programme. As per the EBRD
financing conditions, M-NAV has established a Project Implementation Unit (PIU)
charged with the responsibility to manage, co-ordinate, supervise and monitor the
implementation of the Project in liaison with the Bank.
In this context, M-NAV is seeking an external support (the “Consultant”) to assist them
to prepare the Safety Case for the changes introduced by the modernisation programme
in their aviation system, in compliance with the European Regulation EC 2017/3731.
The assignment will be performed under the responsibility of M-NAV safety
department in close cooperation with the PIU and in accordance with the safety
procedures of M-NAV.
2.      Objective
The overall objective is to facilitate the timely and effective preparation of the Safety
Case for the changes introduced by the modernisation programme in M-NAV aviation
The consultant appointed to support MNAV for the Safety Case will be required to
familiarise themselves with the M-NAV safety management system and the relevant
safety-related activities already engaged by M-NAV for the different sub-projects of the
modernization programme.
Through the consulting services, M-NAV shall gain access to international best
practices on safety assessment as well as advice on specific safety-related issues of the
modernization programme.

3.      Scope of Work

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017 laying down common requirements for providers of air
traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight, repealing
Regulation (EC) No 482/2008, Implementing Regulations (EU) No 1034/2011, (EU) No 1035/2011 and (EU) 2016/1377
and amending Regulation (EU) No 677/2011.

The M-NAV new ATM system, i.e. the changes to be considered in this assignment,
encompasses the following systems:

 The Main Operation Systems (including Operational Display System,

Surveillance Data Processing System, Flight Data Processing System, Safety
Nets, Monitoring Aids and MTCD, Technical Monitoring and Control System,
Recording and Replay System, Data-Link System, Data Preparation system…)
(from Leonardo);
 The VHF,
 The Voice Communication and Control Systems;
 The VRRS and
 The Skopje and Ohrid Mode S radars.
A regular safety process encompasses specification, design, installation and test phases,
as well as transfer, operation and maintenance. At the date of the start of the assignment
the M-NAV new ATM system will be already fully designed and installed and (partly)

In this context, the Consultant shall support M-NAV in the preparation of the Safety
Case, mainly focusing on an operational safety study, considering to the systems as
they are (i.e. designed and nearly installed) and assuming strong safety inputs from the
systems’ suppliers. Those suppliers shall ensure their system is safe by design.

The Consultant shall assume the following tasks, among others:

Task 1: Support the preparation of the Safety case/ Support safety case

The Consultant shall assist M-NAV with the preparation of the Safety case including
the following activities:

 Familiarisation with M-NAV Safety Management System

 Review the Safety Project Plans
 Assist M-NAV for the creation of the new change management
proceduresOperational and Functional Hazard Assessmentin accordance with
373/2017 requirements (safety case, support safety case)
 Assist M-NAV for the Safety Assessment and Support Safety Assessment steps
Risk mitigation strategycapturing M-NAV needs and covering failure
conditions & transition
 Support M-NAV for the collection of evidence that demonstrate that the safety
requirements and the safety objectivescriteria are valid and will be met
(transition&prior operations) are met.
 Participate to the necessary workshops/meetings with M-NAV:
a) To review the existing Safety PlanAssessments;
b) To develop a risk identificationsafety case/support safety case
including hazards identification/definition of specifications,

determine safety criteria;operational consequences and settling of
safety objectives;
c) ToTo identify the mitigation means in line with the risks identified
and safety targets defined in the hazard workshop;anlize, evaluate
risk/ analyse design
d) To To finalize the Safety Risk Assessment and Mitigation Process
verify change and spevcify monitoring criteria
 assist in bringing and recording all the Project documents and procedures in
accordance with International Quality Assurance Standards, if required.

Task 2: Support the preparation of the Transition Plan

The Consultant shall assist M-NAV with the preparation of the Transition Plan,
including the following:

 Review the preliminary Transition Plan

 Assist M-NAV for the development of the final Transition Plan
 Participate to the necessary workshops/meetings with M-NAV to review and
validate the Transition Plan;

Task 3: Provide Administrative Support to M-NAV and the PIU

During the assignment, the Consultant shall:

 Deliver monthly progress reports;

 Assist M-NAV in the preparation of ad hoc reports to suppliers for safety

related issues.

4. Project Schedule

The assignment is envisaged to start in Q23-20232 and should be completed by eEnd

ofin Q2- 202342.

5. Implementation Arrangements

As mentioned above, the assignment will be performed under the responsibility of M-

NAV safety department in close cooperation with the PIU and in accordance with the
safety procedures of M-NAV.
M-NAV will provide, if and when needed, suitable furnished office accommodation
with telephone (without PC, printer etc.). Local transport, services and stationary will
be arranged by M-NAV but paid for by the Consultant. M-NAV will assist the
Consultant in finding competent English-speaking secretarial assistance, but the
Consultant will be responsible for the payment of secretarial assistance. Transport for
visiting sites that are included in the modernization will be arranged and paid by M-

6. Experts profiles

The Consultant will provide a suitable expert team including:

 A Senior ATM safety consultant, acting also as project manager, with

extensive “hands on” experience on conducting safety assessment in accordance
with EC regulations on changes involving ATM system, radars and
communication systems;

 An Experienced ATM safety expert with extensive “hands on” experience on

conducting safety assessment in accordance with EC regulations on changes
involving ATM system, radars and communication systems;

 An Experienced local ATM safety expert with extensive “hands on”

experience on conducting and auditing safety assessments in accordance with
EC regulations on ATM changes.

 Key experts shall be able to work in English language;

All Experts shall have at least ten (10) years of previous professional experience
and at least one of the similar project/assignment in required domain\shall have
been implemented within the last 3 years.

7. Deliverables

1. Safety Plan;

2. Safety caseChange management and safety assessment documentation;

3. Transition plan;

4. Monthly Project Progress reports.

All documents shall be in English language.

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