MKT4009 Proposal Form

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Project and Dissertation MKT4009 Proposal Form

Save this document to a new file name before submission via Please include your surname in the file name for ease of identification. Name: Student Number Middlesex E-mail address Home e-mail address
Only complete the following section if you are undertaking an in-company project

Company Name Company Contact Name Company Contact Job Title Company Contact e-mail Company Telephone Company Address

Please complete this form using the spaces provided, which indicate the required length of each section. This is your research proposal, and as such is an indication of what you intend to do for your dissertation, rather than a rigid plan. It is very likely that your final dissertation will vary from your initial proposal in some respects. However, the proposal is the first stage of your project, and an important starting point for your research and for your discussions with your supervisor. It will help you to plan your work and to focus on the purpose and structure of your final dissertation.

You proposal is marked as pass/fail. Please refer to the Module Handbook for detailed guidelines on how it will be assessed.

1) Working tile of your dissertation (subject to change)

2) Overview of company or market sector: Provide a brief description of the

company or market sector you propose to investigate, including the approximate size, activities, competitors, strategic issues faced. Give your reasons for choosing this area for your investigation.

3) Research question/objective: Specify the problem you have identified. What is

it precisely that you are attempting to find out? A clear statement of the purpose of your research is necessary, either in the form of a hypothesis or a research question. Your research findings will be measured against your statement of research objectives, so they should be clear and achievable.

4) Research method: Outline all the research methods you propose to use to

undertake your study and to gather data. Both secondary and primary research methods should be described in as much detail as possible.

5) Discussion and Analysis: Describe the techniques you plan to use to analyse

the data you collect.

6) Literature Review: Identify the main authors, themes and theories that you wish

to explore in your dissertation, and list any models that you might apply, test or review.

7) Practical and ethical issues: Identify any practical difficulties you may have to

overcome in working on your project and gathering information, and discuss any ethical issues involved in undertaking your research.

8) Plan or timetable: Show when you plan to complete each of the major elements

of your project. A Gantt chart would be useful (see Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill Research Methods for Business Students for guidance).

9) References: Please provide a complete list of all the references you have used

in writing your research proposal. It is vital that you list your references correctly. You will fail the proposal stage if you do not follow the proper conventions. Refer to the English Language and Learning Support website (on OASIS, for guidance on how to reference your work

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