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36 The Advertiser, September 18, 2008


By Daniel Darlington
Marlow, Bourne End, Flackwell Heath & the Wooburns email tel 01628 678221

TODAY (Thursday):
One Night of Queen,
tribute act by Gary
Mullen, Wycombe
Swan Theatre, St
High waters end river trip
Mary Street, High
Wycombe, 8pm. Sweet Thames did not flow softly for
Tomorrow (Friday):
Daniel Darlington
Marlow, Bourne End,
Jim Davidson. Stand- Kiwi canoeist’s upstream journey
up, Wycombe Swan,
Flackwell Heath and High Wycombe, IT WAS supposed to be a relaxing River Thames at Osney Lock north
the Wooburns 6.30pm. and pleasurable trip paddling up the of Oxford.
reporter Saturday: The River Thames while raising money “I had made various 20-mile day
01628 678228 Shakers and DJ Jivin for Diabetes UK. trips on the river during the summer George, rock and roll, But adventure-loving Kiwi and it was a pure joy to experience
Hedsor Social Club, Andrew Dunning’s odyssey to reach the gentle beauty of the Thames
Join the discussion Hedsor Road, Bourne the source of the mighty river in his from the Karot,” he said.
orange kayak Karot was foiled by “Little was I to know the week I
about where you live End, 8pm.
stormy squalls which swelled river chose to paddle the non-tidal stretch
www.maidenhead- Monday: Forum Players final panto currents. upstream would end with severe
read through, Progress upstream became more flood warnings across the south west
arduous and laboured as the 57-year- of England.”
Have a say Community Centre,
Wakeman Road, old fought to steer his little canoe
past large pieces of swift moving
While the rest of us were sitting in
our warm homes watching the sto- UPSTREAM WITH HIS PADDLE: Andrew Dunning at Cookham.
with PCSO Bourne End, 8pm.
Puppetry of the
Penis, Wycombe Swan
flotsam and numerous dead fish.
But when lock keepers opened the
ries of flood disasters in the west
country unfolding, Andrew was fac- some sort of natural disaster further and a great opportunity to do some-
DROP-IN dates have Theatre, High weir sluices to avoid flooding, the ing a rising Thames and 30mph upstream.” thing different.”
been announced for Wycombe, 7.30pm tide turned against Andrew, of Kiln squalls. Yellow warning signs were The 57-year-old Kiwi is hoping to
residents looking to Tuesday: Marlow Jazz Lane Bourne End, and the game was “As I progressed up the river, my replaced by red alert signs along the raise more than £500 for Diabetes
vent their concerns Club, Tribute to Benny up. conversations with other river folk banks of the river, meaning non- Research. His wife Caroyln has suf-
and frustrations about Goodman, British Leaving Teddington on September became increasingly brief as they powered craft should get out of the fered from various diabetic compli-
community safety in Legion Hall, Station 1 he hoped to reach the source of the flew past me unable to slow down on water. cations.
Marlow. Approach, Marlow, River Thames near Cricklade by the strong current,” he said. “The stream became narrow and If you would like to support
Police Community 8.30pm. Saturday, September 6. “It got to the point where I saw the current was flowing faster than I Andrew please visit his gift aid web
Support Officer Stuart Wednesday: Forum But his journey’s end came on a dead fish and all kinds of flotsam knew I could paddle. You can’t beat page www.justgiving/andrewdun-
Burt is set to speak Players panto wet and stormy day 90 miles up the floating past, as if there had been nature. It was a fantastic experience ning
with residents at the auditions, Community
On song
Barbecue ends special opening day
library in Institute Centre, Wakeman
Road, on Wednesday Road, Bourne End,
from 3-3.30pm; October
23, 6-7.30pm; November
20, 6-7.30pm and
Talk & Lunch, for concert
Hughenden Manor, AN AMERICAN song- PRISTINE new classrooms CE Infant School, in where assemblies and events for the school. She said: “It
December 18, 6-7.30pm. 11am. were opened at a school in Sandygate Road, includes can be held. was a very well attended
stress should bring
some glitz and glamour Marlow on Saturday. two classrooms and features The ribbon was cut at the event and the new class-
to the 23rd annual The extension at Marlow an outdoor amphitheatre ceremony by the Rev Nick rooms give us more space.
Bourne End Concert Molony from All Saints “We are very excited for the
Orchestra next month. Church in Marlow, with the future of the school now we
Soprano Lori Lynn help of the pupils. have the extension.”
will perform Mimi’s More than 100 schoolchild- Of the amphitheatre she
WORLDWIDE RESORTS 2008/09 ren, their parents and staff said: “It gives us the opportu-
Cppl!fbsmz!boe!tbwf!vq!up! aria from La Boheme at
Eftujobujpot!jodmvef; watched before belting out nity to have special outdoor

Nbvsjujvt-!Nfyjdp- the concert which is
boe!uif!Epnjojdbo!Sfqvcmjd held on the first Sunday the school anthem in perfect events, drama classes, assem-
of October each year. harmony. blies and gives us another

The musical evening A special speech was then facility.
is set to take place at given by headteacher “Having classes on the cur-
the community centre Elizabeth Toohig, as pupils riculum outside is very
in Wakeman Road on shared their thoughts about important.”
TONY SHELDON TRAVEL October 5 at 7.45pm. their hopes for future times The new classrooms have
M A I D E N H E A D ' S I N D E P E N D E N T T R AV E L A G E N T
.... WHEREVER YOU WISH TO GO..... Tickets are priced at at the new facilities. been added to the back of the
ON 01628 675 111 £10, available from the Mrs Toohig was delighted existing Marlow school.
OPEN DAY: The Rev Nick Molony with Harry Bender, Alfie to see the classrooms open A barbecue capped off a
OR VISIT US AT BRIDGE AVENUE, MAIDENHEAD, BERKSHIRE, SL6 1RS community centre, Bevan-Avery, David Benfell and Louise Tillier. Ref: 100101-2 and excited about the new era
Crocks and Crystals in memorable day.
Terms and conditions: *Based on two adults and two children (4-11 years) on further
afield resorts. Subject to availability. Date and village exclusions apply. For full terms and the Parade or by calling
Black spot
Cadet leader up for award
conditions, see page 162 of the Worldwide Resorts Collection 2008-2009 brochure.
01628 522 854.

road work
has been nominated for
stayed on to train as an
adult instructor and
will leave for work at
seven and gets back in
WARNING signs have
been put up instructing

STEAM TRAIN an award by his long-

suffering girlfriend,
even though his work
became a commanding
officer of the club two
years ago.
gone 10 at night,” said
Jodie. “He is working
his way up the company
motorists to slow down
while driving along an
accident black spot in
From Slough and Maidenhead with the sea cadets The 24-year-old lives and up the cadets or Marlow.
means she hardly ever in High Wycombe and possibly to an early
Departs at approximately 10.00 a.m. sees him. works for a travel con- grave.”
Carriageway resur-
facing should stop dri-
Jodie Hall feels her sultancy in London, but His role has been vers from skidding on a
boyfriend Nick Jones, two nights a week, hugely rewarding and treacherous stretch of
24, should win a YOPEY instead of heading Nick believes the cadets Chalkpit Lane, from
– Citygate Young home to his girlfriend, have kept many young- Chiltern Road to the
People of the Year in he heads to Marlow’s sters on the straight Royal Oak pub.
Buckinghamshire – for sea cadet base in and narrow. Additional chevrons
leading a unit of 20 sea Wethered Road. “I have seen a num- PROUD: Jodie Hall with and signs should help
cadets in Marlow. The sub lieutenant ber of cadets who I feel boyfriend and sea to improve safety on
Jodie’s nomination is helps educate and train could easily have cadet Nick jones. the road which has
surely worth a bunch of young men for the become associated with seen numerous colli-
red roses after putting cadets and also organis- the wrong group of or write sions in the past three
Nick in the running for es sponsored events in a young people had they to Young People of the years.
a prize of £1,000. bid to raise the £8,000 a not joined the cadets,” Year, PO Box 103, Hare The work by Bucks
Nick joined Marlow year, needed to keep the he said. Street, Ware SG9 0XD County Council and a
Sea Cadets 14 years ago Marlow unit afloat Anyone can nomi- for an entry form. maintenance office was
at the age of 10. When financially. nate a young person for Entries close on completed in 48 hours
others left aged 18, Nick “A lot of the time he a YOPEY. Logon to September 30. last week.
The locomotive hauling these trains will be 30777 Sir Lamiel
Sat 11 October to Gloucester
4 hours to shop and sightsee. Restored Victorian docks, Gloucester
Cathedral (used in the Harry Potter films) and shops.
Third time lucky for Harry’s girls?
Weds 15 October to Warwick or Stratford-upon-Avon THE dare-devil sisters attempt to jump out of base near Oxford. three girls hope to raise Youth Sports Trust and
3-4 hours in one of these historic towns with shops, museums and the of Harry Mills, an 11- an aeroplane this If they, and good more than £1,000 for the how donated money
year-old from Marlow Sunday in his honour. friend Louise Coleborn, Meningitis Research will be used to bolster
magnificent castle. who died from meningi- The girls, Marie, 21, 22, finally get airborne Foundation. its resources and per-
Pullman Style: £199: Champagne brunch, 4 course dinner inc drinks tis, will once again and Jenny, 19, have this weekend, their ■ On Tuesday, a more formance.
Premier Dining: £155: Champagne brunch, 4 course dinner been foiled in their 3,000ft jump will be conservative, but equal- Wendi Parcell and
1st Class £95: Glass of champagne, orange juice, tea and coffee recent attempts to made all the more satis- ly important, charity Gill May also hope to
make their Jump for fying after their disap- event will be hosted by persuade some of the
Standard Class: £65 Harry – by atrocious pointments. friends of Harry’s area’s Olympians to
weather conditions. If you would like to mother Judy Mills at St make a special appear-
Tel: 01483 209888 or Car Servicing And though the sun donate money for this Katherine’s, Parmoor, ance at the event.
the easy way finally shone last week- jump of remembrance, in Frieth. The reception is set
Tel: ☎ 0870 850 6651 end, the girls were once you can do so at www. Former world-class to begin at around

or BOOK ONLINE again grounded by rower Guin Batten is noon, with lunch at
THE CATHEDRALS EXPRESS MA607053 technical difficulties forharry. set to talk to more than 1pm and speeches start-
See our main ad in the motoring section with the plane at the Between them the 120 people about the ing at 2.30pm.

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