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Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation: A Process

for Beneficiation of Titano-Magnetite Ore
a a a a a a
M. S. Jena , H. K. Tripathy , J. K. Mohanty , J. N. Mohanty , S. K. Das & P. S. R. Reddy
CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Accepted author version posted online: 04 Nov 2014.

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To cite this article: M. S. Jena, H. K. Tripathy, J. K. Mohanty, J. N. Mohanty, S. K. Das & P. S. R. Reddy (2015) Roasting
Followed by Magnetic Separation: A Process for Beneficiation of Titano-Magnetite Ore, Separation Science and Technology,
50:8, 1221-1229, DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2014.965834

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Separation Science and Technology, 50: 1221–1229, 2015
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0149-6395 print / 1520-5754 online
DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2014.965834

Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation: A Process

for Beneficiation of Titano-Magnetite Ore
M. S. Jena, H. K. Tripathy, J. K. Mohanty, J. N. Mohanty, S. K. Das, and P. S. R. Reddy
CSIR-Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, India

may be determined. Ferromagnetic minerals are themselves

Titano-magnetite is an ore of iron and titanium, and is magnetic (i.e., magnetite and pyrrhotite) and can be easily
highly magnetic. Magnetite and ilmenite are two major miner- separated from other minerals by a low intensity magnetic sep-
als. Ilmenite exhibits various textural dispositions. Widmanstatten arator. Conventional magnetic separation devices are generally
and granular exsolution textures are important ones exhibited by
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:38 18 May 2015

the constituent mineral. Reduction roasting followed by two-stage restricted to separating strongly magnetic materials, such as
LIMS gives a magnetic concentrate of 65.74% Fe at a yield iron and magnetite. A number of different types of devices have
of 61.22% with 78.07% Fe recovery. Also, a by-product having been developed, but they reflect a tendency to give less attention
28.76% TiO2 at a yield of 20.08% with 36.78% TiO2 recovery to maximizing the magnetic forces than to refining mechanical
is produced. The concentrate (rich in magnetite) can be used as operation for various feeds (10–11).
heavy media in coal washeries whereas the middling fraction can
be taken for Ti recovery. Roasting is a metallurgical process involving gas-solid reac-
tions at elevated temperatures with the goal of purifying the
Keywords titano-magnetite; reduction roasting; magnetic separation metal component(s). It is the process of preparing ores or
ore concentrates for subsequent enrichment, nodulizing, or
smelting. Roasting changes the physical properties or chem-
ical composition of ore, converts the useful components into
INTRODUCTION extractable form, and removes impurities. The temperature to
Magnetic separation is a process usually adopted for con- which the ore is heated depends on the specific ore and on the
centrating the iron bearing minerals from the raw ore (1–5). purpose of roasting. Iron ore can be subjected to roasting, which
Also, it has potential applications in pollution control, biotech- is usually reductive and converts iron oxides into the highly
nology, chemical processing, and beneficiation of both other magnetic form for subsequent enrichment. Oxidative roasting
ferrous and non-ferrous mineral industries, etc. (6). The most is used to remove sulfur, carbon dioxide from carbonates, and
commonly used beneficiation methods for iron ores are the moisture from hydrates. The extent of industrial roasting of
gravity and magnetic separation techniques, as they are sim- ferrous ores is limited.
ple, inexpensive, and non-destructive. Magnetic separation may Titano-magnetite represents a valuable raw material for the
be preferred solely or in combination with gravity separa- production of magnetite and titanium. In several countries they
tion, depending on the ore characteristics (7–9). Selection are already processed whereby the treatment is adjusted to the
of magnetic separation techniques depends on many factors content of the components to be recovered. Upgrading is rather
like ore mineralogy, mineral liberation size, their correspond- simple for all types of titano-magnetites and can mainly be
ing magnetic susceptibility, process economics, etc. Magnetic achieved by magnetic separation after suitable grinding (12).
separation takes advantage of differences in the magnetic prop- The most widely used titanium product is titanium dioxide
erties of minerals. Minerals generally fall into one of three (TiO2 ), being used as pigment, as filler in paper, plastics and
magnetic properties: ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamag- rubber industries, and as flux in glass manufacture. Only about
netic. Based on the magnetic susceptibility of the minerals, 6% is used to produce metallic titanium (13–14). The main
the selection of high or low intensity magnetic separator titanium containing minerals are ilmenite, rutile, and leucoxene.
Ilmenite supplies about 91% of the world’s demand for titanium
minerals (14–16). Magnetite is a dense medium solid com-
Received 7 April 2014; accepted 11 September 2014. monly used in heavy/dense medium separation process for coal
Address correspondence to M. S. Jena, CSIR-Institute of
Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar, 751013, India. preparation. Most of the magnetite is produced as a by-product
E-mail: of iron ore processing. Demand for magnetite is expected to
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be increase continuously and the increasing cost of magnetite has
found online at led to a growing interest in recovering magnetite from alternate
1222 M. S. JENA ET AL.

sources. Considering the cost and demand, it is now necessary current with scanning interval 2θ = 10-65◦ and a scan speed of
to beneficiate the low grade magnetite ore to improve the qual- 2◦ /min.
ity for proper utilization (17–18). This paper discusses about
the processing of low grade titano-magnetite sample through Microscopic Study
roasting followed by magnetic separation. The samples taken from the “as received” low grade titano-
magnetite ore sample are polished and the polished sections are
prepared as per the standard procedure for mineralogical study
MATERIALS AND METHOD under microscope.
Sample Preparation
About 500 kg of low grade titano-magnetite ore (∼ −40 mm
size) sample is collected from a mine of Gondia district, Beneficiation Studies
Maharashtra, India and used for these present investigations. Magnetic Separation Study
The whole “as received” sample is thoroughly mixed and some The wet high intensity magnetic separation (WHIMS)
representative samples are drawn for characterization studies. study is carried out using the laboratory model (Box Mag
The rest of the material is classified at 6 mm screen and the Rapid) batch type WHIMS. In each case, around 100 gm of
oversize material is stage crushed (by jaw crusher followed −53 micron sample is taken for WHIMS study. The slurry of
by roll crusher) to pass through the 6 mm screen. Three rep- 100 gm sample with 2-3 liter of water is fed to the magnetic
resentative samples from this −6 mm size material are taken
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:38 18 May 2015

separator. The concentrate is washed with fresh water before

for magnetic separation, oxidation roasting followed by mag- disconnection of magnetic field. The current is varied at 2.5,
netic separation, and reduction roasting followed by magnetic 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, and 12.0 amp to create the magnetic intensities
separation studies, respectively. For beneficiation by magnetic of 4900, 7700, 11800, 13720, and 15400 gauss, respectively.
separation (WHIMS and LIMS), the −6 mm raw ore as well Both magnetic and non-magnetic fractions are collected and
as −6 mm roasted (oxidation/reduction) ore are ground in a again the magnetic fraction is subjected to WHIMS for second
closed circuit ball mill to pass through the 53 micron sieve. stage separation to produce better grade magnetic product at the
The coke breeze, containing about 1.27% moisture, 11.47% same operating condition. The second stage non-magnetic frac-
ash, 1.36% volatile matter, and 85.9% fixed carbon, is ground tion is taken as middling. All the three products generated in
in a ball mill and then classified to produce −500 + 300 micron each of the experiments are dried, weighed, and analyzed for
size material, which is used for reduction roasting studies. Fe content.
The wet low intensity magnetic separation (LIMS) study is
carried out using the laboratory scale SALA make continuous
Characterization Studies drum type LIMS, supplied by M/s Sala International, Sweden.
Size and Chemical Analysis The experiments are conducted at a feed rate of 10.0 kg/hr with
The detail chemical analysis of “as received” low grade 20% solid concentration at a wash water flow rate of 2 lit/min
titano-magnetite ore is carried out to determine the contents of using the −53 micron size ground sample. The magnetic sepa-
Fe, FeO, TiO2 , Al2 O3 , SiO2 , and LOI present in the sample as ration is carried out at 2000 gauss magnetic intensity. The slurry
per the standard wet chemical analysis procedure. is fed to the LIMS after setting the current at appropriate posi-
The size analysis is carried out using standard BSS sieves by tion. Additional water is added to wash the magnetic fraction.
wet method for the “as received” sample. Each size fractions Both magnetic and non-magnetic fractions are collected and
are then dried, weighed, and analyzed for Fe content. the magnetic fraction is again subjected to LIMS for second
stage sequential separation to produce better grade magnetic
concentrate at the same operating condition. The second stage
Density Determination non-magnetic fraction is taken as middling, and then all the
The “as received” sample, crushed to −6 mm size, is pre- three products are dried, weighed, and analyzed for Fe and TiO2
pared for bulk density measurement by using standard test content.
procedure. The true density of “as received” as well as mag-
netic concentrate of reduced products is determined using
Oxidation Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation Study
Quantachrome make Automatic Helium Gas Ultra Pycnometer
Roasting in oxidative atmosphere is carried out at 950◦ C
as per standard test method.
in a muffle furnace. Around 1 kg of −6 mm “as received”
ground sample is kept inside the muffle furnace and then the
X-Ray Diffraction Study furnace temperature is raised. After raising the temperature to
The mineralogical compositions of the “as received” sample 950◦ C, the sample is kept for another 1 hour inside the fur-
is evaluated by XRD analysis using PANalytical, X’Pert-PRO nace. The sample is then taken out, cooled, and ground in a
X-ray diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). ball mill to pass through 53 micron sieve. Subsequently, repre-
Measurements were conducted at 40 kV voltage and 30 mA sentative samples are taken from this −53 micron size ground

sample and subjected to WHIMS as well as LIMS separately. 70

Weight, %
The WHIMS and LIMS studies are conducted as per the proce-
Grade (Fe), %
dures and conditions stated in previous section. All the products 60
are then dried, weighed, and analyzed for Fe and TiO2 content.
Reduction Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation Study

Percentage, %
Reduction roasting is carried out at different temperature 40
ranging from 750◦ C to 1050◦ C in a muffle furnace using
coke breeze as reductant. Around 550 gm of the −6 mm “as 30
received” crushed sample is mixed thoroughly with 200 gm of
coke breeze (−500 + 300 micron). The mixture is further cov- 20
ered with additional coke breeze of about 150 gm to prevent
re-oxidation of top layer during the process of heating. The box 10
containing the mixture is kept inside the muffle furnace and the
furnace temperature is raised. After raising the temperature to 0
+40 +30 +22 +16 +10 +6 +3 +2 +1 –1
the desired level, the sample is kept for another 1 hour inside
Size, mm
the furnace. Then the sample is taken out, covered with addi-
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:38 18 May 2015

tional coke breeze (around 50 gm) over the hot roasted material FIG. 1. Size and chemical analysis of ‘as received’ sample.
to prevent re-oxidation, and then cooled. This cooled roasted
product is subjected to dry PERMROLL magnetic separator, TABLE 2
supplied by M/s. Ore Sorters Limited, Australia, to separate True density of “as received” sample and concentrates
coke breeze and ash. Then the magnetic product is ground in
True density,
a ball mill to pass through 53 micron sieve. Subsequently, this
Details g/cc
ground −53 micron sample is subjected to low intensity mag-
netic separator (LIMS) as per the procedures and conditions As received sample 4.6869
stated in section 2.3.1. All three products, obtained from LIMS, Reduction roasted (850 ◦ C) magnetic 5.1202
are dried, weighed, and analyzed for Fe and TiO2 content. concentrate
Reduction roasted (950 ◦ C) magnetic 5.3950
Reduction roasted (1050 ◦ C) magnetic 5.7627
Characterization Studies concentrate
Size and Chemical Analysis
The detail chemical analysis of the “as received” titano-
magnetite ore sample is given in Table 1. The ore contains
around 52.49% total iron and 16.84% TiO2 . It indicates that of beneficiation techniques are not suitable for beneficiat-
the ore is rich in TiO2 content. ing this titano-magnetite ore sample. Hence, it is decided
The size and size wise Fe analysis of “as received” sam- to reduce the size of the “as received” sample to below
ple is given in Fig. 1. It shows that the “as received” sample 53 micron for beneficiation through magnetic separation as per
contains only 2% of below 1 mm size material and the Fe the mineralogical studies (19).
values are uniformly present in all the size fractions. This
indicates that simple classification or conventional methods Density Determination
The bulk density is measured for the “as received” sample
crushed to −6 mm size and found to be 2.7 gm/cc.
TABLE 1 The true density of the “as received” titano-magnetite ore
Chemical analysis of “as received” sample ground to below 53 micron and magnetic concentrate of
reduced product (at different temperatures) are measured and
Constituents Percentage, %
tabulated in Table 2. It indicates that the true density increases
Fe 52.49 as the temperature of reduction roasting increases. It is found
FeO 8.86 that true density of magnetic concentrate of reduced product,
TiO2 16.84 roasted at 1050◦ C, increases up to 5.7627 gm/cc.
Al2 O3 5.05
SiO2 4.28 X-Ray Diffraction Study
LOI 0.56 The X-Ray Diffraction study using Cu Kα target for the “as
received” sample is carried out and shown in Fig. 2, which
1224 M. S. JENA ET AL.

observed. The aggregates are at places about 3 mm in length.

Small ilmenite grains (max. 20 µ dia) are observed within
the magnetite. Also, ilmenite grains are found along the grain
boundaries of magnetite. These grains have a max. 100 µ dia.
Rounded ilmenite granules (max. 1 mm; av. 0.20 mm dia) are
found along the grain boundaries of magnetite. Large ilmenite
aggregates have 3 mm length and 0.8 mm width.
Because of the complex textural pattern and intimate
ilmenite-magnetite association, it is difficult to separate
ilmenite from magnetite and also both from other gangue.
However, coarse ilmenite grains and lamellae of around 50 µ
in size can be separated after grinding. Based on these find-
ings, the “as received” sample is ground to below 53 µ size for
recovery of iron values by magnetic separation technique.

Beneficiation Studies
Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation (WHIMS)
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The wet high intensity magnetic separation is carried out

FIG. 2. X-Ray Diffraction patterns of ‘as received’ sample. on the “as received” titano-magnetite ore ground to below
53 micron size. The current is varied from 2.5 to 12.0 amp to
indicates that this ore contains mostly hematite, maghemite maintain the magnetic intensities from 4900 to 15400 gauss,
(magnetite converting towards hematite), ilmenite, and kaolin- respectively. The results of the effects of magnetic intensity
ite as major mineral phases. XRD pattern of the sample also on this ground ore are shown in Fig. 4. From the results, it is
revealed that maghemite is the major mineral followed by observed that the yield of the magnetic concentrate increases
hematite, ilmenite, and kaolinite. with the increase in magnetic intensity but simultaneously the
grade of the concentrate decreases. Though the percentage
Mineralogy recovery of Fe is increased but the grade of the concentrate is
not appreciable. In this study on the raw ore at 4900 gauss mag-
The polished sections of the “as received” sample are exam-
netic intensity, a concentrate of 49.67% yield with 55.48% Fe
ined under microscope for mineralogical and textural attributes
recovery is produced with a grade of only 59.92% Fe.
of the ore. It indicates that the studied sample is a titanifer-
ous magnetite (contains ilmenite and martitized magnetite), but
the magnetite is completely altered to martite/maghemite. The Low Intensity Magnetic Separation (LIMS)
sample contains minor amounts of silicate minerals; may be The low intensity magnetic separation for the below
hornblende, biotite, and feldspar. The ore exhibits various inter- 53 micron ground raw ore is carried out at 2000 gauss mag-
growth textures characteristics of titano-magnetite ores world- netic intensity and the results are given in Table 3. Though the
wide. The ore exhibits common textures such as Widmanstatten LIMS study has given a better concentrate in terms of grade
texture, granular exsolution, trellis intergrowth, and micro- but the yield and Fe recovery is very low. A concentrate of
graphic intergrowth. Ilmenite lamellae occur at the octahedral 16.74% yield with 20.77% Fe recovery at a grade of 64.68% Fe
planes of magnetite giving rise to Widmanstatten texture as is produced in two-stage magnetic separation. The grade of the
shown in Fig. 3a. Sometimes large tabular ilmenite grains are concentrate indicates the presence of magnetite. TiO2 content
present along with ilmenite lamellae in the ore as observed in non-magnetic fraction is also slightly increased.
from Fig. 3b. The ore exhibits trellis intergrowth where the
ilmenite lamellae met with coarse ilmenite grains with tapered Oxidation Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation
ends as shown in Fig. 3c. The ore also exhibits external granular Oxidation roasting is undertaken at 950◦ C in a muffle fur-
exsolution where the ilmenite lamellae grow outwards from the nace on this “as received” titano-magnetite ore sample, crushed
magnetite grain boundaries as observed from Fig. 3d. Figure 3e to below 6 mm size (19). The wet high intensity magnetic sepa-
shows ilmenite is also present as fine internal granules within ration (WHIMS) is carried out on the roasted sample ground to
the magnetite/maghemite. The ore shows graphic intergrowth below 53 micron at similar conditions as in the case of raw ore.
texture where fine vermicular ilmenite grains are intimately The results of WHIMS study on the oxidation roasted sample
associated with magnetite as shown in Fig. 3f. and the effects of varying magnetic intensities are depicted in
Ilmenite forms intricate intergrowths with magnetite. Fig. 5. The results indicate that the yield of the concentrate is
Ilmenite plates/lamellae are max. 20 µ width but the length reduced drastically to 19.19% and also the grade is reduced by
may be max. 3 mm. Coarse granular aggregates of ilmenite are 2-3% in comparison with the raw ore taken for WHIMS study.




(a) (b)
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100 µm

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

FIG. 3. (a) “Widmanstatten texture” due to orientation of ilmenite(Ilm) lamellae along the octahedral planes of titano-magnetite. (b) Coarse ilmenite grains (Ilm)
in the ore besides two sets of ilmenite lamellae (Ilm) perpendicular to each other within magnetite host. (c) Ilmenite lamellae showing trellis intergrowth. (d)
External granular exsolution of ilmenite in the ore. (e) Fine ilmenite granules within titano-magnetite host showing internal granule exsolution texture. (f) Graphic
intergrowth between magnetite and ilmenite.
1226 M. S. JENA ET AL.

100 60 40 58

59 35

Grade (Fe), %
Recovery, %

Grade (Fe), %
58 30

Recovery, %
70 56

57 25

50 Weight recovery (Yield), % 20
Weight recovery (Yield), %
Fe recovery, %
Fe recovery, %
Grade (Fe), %
Grade (Fe), %
40 55
15 54
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Magnetic intensity, gauss
Magnetic intensity, gauss
Downloaded by [New York University] at 22:38 18 May 2015

FIG. 4. Effect of magnetic intensity in WHIMS study on ‘as received’ sample.

FIG. 5. Effect of magnetic intensity in WHIMS study on oxidation roasted
(950 ◦ C) sample.

As the magnetic intensity increases the yield and Fe recovery

53 micron at similar conditions as in the case of raw ore.
of the concentrate increases but the grade of the concentrate
The effects of reduction roasting temperature on low intensity
decreases, which is not acceptable.
magnetic separation are shown in Fig. 6. The results show a
The low intensity magnetic separation (LIMS) is carried out
drastically significant change in both yield as well as grade due
on the roasted sample ground to below 53 micron at similar
to sequential reduction of iron phase from Fe2 O3 → Fe3 O4 →
conditions as in the case of raw ore. The results of the LIMS
FeO → metallization (20). At 850◦ C, the maximum conver-
study on the oxidation roasted sample are given in Table 4. The
sion of iron phase towards Fe3 O4 and also slight liberation of
results indicate that separation by LIMS has given better con-
TiO2 from iron phase takes place and hence the yield, grade,
centrate in terms of grade than WHIMS on roasted sample but
and recovery of both Fe and TiO2 are increased. An appre-
the yield has been further reduced to 12.97%.
ciable better concentrate with 65.74% Fe content at a yield
From the above studies, it is observed that roasting at oxida-
of 61.22% with 78.07% Fe recovery is obtained, by two stage
tive atmosphere for this titano-magnetite ore has no positive
low intensity magnetic separation, with a by-product (middling)
effect in magnetic separation than raw ore. Also, it is seen
having 28.76% TiO2 content at a yield of 20.08% and 36.78%
that separation by low intensity magnetic separator (LIMS)
TiO2 recovery. The non-magnetic fraction may be considered
gives better results in terms of grade for both Fe and TiO2 .
as tailings, having low iron content, which may be rejected.
This indicates the presence of highly magnetic material like
While roasted at 950◦ C, the iron phase is reduced to FeO
magnetite/maghemite and ilmenite.
(non-magnetic), which is reported in non-magnetic fraction.
As TiO2 is mostly associated with iron phase, the non-magnetic
Reduction Roasting Followed by Magnetic Separation
fraction has become rich in TiO2 . At 1050◦ C, due to iron met-
Reduction roasting is undertaken at different temperature allization, again the yield and recovery of magnetic concentrate
ranging from 750◦ C to 1050◦ C in a muffle furnace on this raw is increased to some extent. The results of low intensity mag-
ore crushed to below 6 mm size. As per the earlier observa- netic separation (LIMS) studies conducted on raw, oxidized,
tions, only the low intensity magnetic separation (LIMS) is and reduced (at 850◦ C) ore are compared and given in Table 5.
carried out on the reduction roasted sample ground to below

Results of LIMS study for “as received” sample
Details Yield, % Fe, % TiO2 , % Fe Rec., % TiO2 Rec., %
Magnetic 16.74 64.68 6.89 20.77 6.94
Middling 8.56 62.16 9.47 10.21 4.87
Non magnetic 74.70 48.16 19.61 69.02 88.19
Head 100.00 52.12 16.61 100.00 100.00

Results of LIMS study at 2000 gauss for oxidation roasted (950◦ C) sample
Details Yield, % Fe, % TiO2 , % Fe Rec., % TiO2 Rec., %
Magnetic 12.97 60.03 12.13 14.98 10.02
Middling 45.36 50.26 17.62 43.83 50.85
Non magnetic 41.67 51.38 14.76 41.19 39.13
Head 100.00 51.99 15.72 100.00 100.00

80 70 intricate intergrowths of magnetite (converted to

maghemite/hematite) and ilmenite, it is difficult to
separate them by conventional beneficiation tech-
niques. Hence, the sample is ground to below
53 micron before subjecting to magnetic separation
60 65 based on the mineralogical studies.

Grade (Fe), %
Recovery, %
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Investigations carried out for beneficiation of this low grade

50 titano-magnetite ore reveals that
• This sample responds well to magnetic separation. The
40 60 magnetic separation by wet high intensity magnetic
separator (WHIMS) and low intensity magnetic sep-
30 Weight recovery (Yield), %
arator (LIMS) on the “as received” ore indicates that
Fe recovery, % LIMS, operated at 2000 gauss magnetic intensity, has
Grade (Fe), % given better performance than WHIMS for treating
20 55
700 800 900 1000 1100
this particular ore.
Temperature, °C • Oxidation roasting followed by magnetic separation
by WHIMS as well as LIMS has not shown any
FIG. 6. Effect of roasting temperature on LIMS study of reduction roasting positive effect for beneficiation of this ore.
• Reduction roasting followed by low intensity magnetic
separator (LIMS) has given a remarkable up-gradation
CONCLUSIONS for both Fe in concentrate and TiO2 in middling (by-
Characterization studies, carried out on this low grade titano- product) in terms of grade and recovery.
magnetite ore, reveal that • After reduction roasting of the ore at 850◦ C followed
by LIMS, a concentrate with 65.74% Fe content at a
• This sample contains around 52.49% Fe, 8.86% FeO, yield of 61.22% with 78.07% Fe recovery is obtained.
5.05% Al2 O3 , 4.28% SiO2 , 16.84% TiO2 , and 0.56% Simultaneously, a middling (by-product) with 28.76%
LOI. Size analysis of the “as received” sample shows TiO2 content at a yield of 20.08% with 36.78% TiO2
the uniform distribution of Fe values through out all recovery is produced. The magnetic product, which
the size fractions. has specific gravity more than 5, can be used as heavy
• Mineralogical studies indicate that this ore con- medium during the “Heavy Medium Separation” pro-
tains hematite, ilmenite, kaolinite, and maghemite cess in coal washeries. The TiO2 rich middling frac-
as major mineral phases. As there are fine and tion may be used for production of ferro-titanium

Comparison of LIMS results at 2000 gauss on raw, oxidized, and reduced sample
Concentrate Fe By-product (Middling) TiO2

Sample Yield, % Grade, % Recovery, % Yield, % Grade, % Recovery, %

Raw 16.74 64.68 20.77 8.56 9.47 4.87
Oxidation roasted 12.97 60.03 14.98 45.36 17.62 50.85
Reduction roasted 61.22 65.74 78.07 20.08 28.76 36.78
1228 M. S. JENA ET AL.
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