3rd Quarter Reviewer

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when does neoclassicism started?

the western movement in decorative and visual arts
Jacques David
was an influential French painter in the neoclassical style, and considered to be the pre
eminent painter of the era.
Robert Adam
He was known as the Palladian architect of Neoclassical.
Jean Ingres
He was influenced by Italian Renaissance painters like Raphael and his paintings we're
usually nudes
Antonio Canova
he was a prolific Italian artist and sculpture who became famous for his marble
sculptures that delicately rendered nude flesh
Bertel Thorvaldsen
he was the first internationally acclaimed Danish artist
continuous line of columns around a building
Henri Labrouste
his masterpiece is the Sainte Genevieve
Beux Art Style
classical block aesthetic was also known as
Charles Garnier
he design the most famous classical block of all which is the Palais Garnier
was a movement in which the artist of neoclassical period sought to break you ground in
the expression of emotion both subtle and stormy.
Jean Gèricault/Jean Gericault
he was the first French master and the leader of the French realistic school .His master
pieces were energetic, powerful, brilliantly colored and tightly composed.
Eugene Delacroix/Eugène Delacroix
he was considered is the greatest French romantic painter of all .He achieved brilliant
visual effects using small, adjacent strokes of contrasting color.
Francisco Goya
he was a commissioned romantic painter by the king of Spain.
He was also a print regarded both as the last of the "Old masters" and the first of the
_____________ painting that depicts the physical world that surrounds us and includes
features such as Mountain, Valley, vegetation and body of water.
Francois Rude/François Rude
he was the best known for his social art which aimed to inspire and capture the interest
of a broad public
Antoine Barye
he was the most famous animal sculpture of all time.
He studied the anatomy of his subjects by sketching residents of the Paris Zoo
Charles Barry
was the name behind foremost gothic revival Monument ,the Westminster palace (a.k.a
the houses of Parliament)
Felix Padilla/Felix Padilla
he was the one of the great Filipino painters of the late 19th century who was significant
in the Philippine history for inspiring members of the Philippines reform movement
Juan Luna/Juan Novicio
he was a painter and sculptor who became one of the first recognized Philippine artist.
Fernando Amorsolo
he was a national artist in painting. He was a portraitist in painter of rural Philippine
landscapes and he was popularly known for his craftsmanship and mastery of the use
of light
Guillermo Tolentino
he was a Filipino sculpture who was named National artist for the visual art in 1973, and
is hailed as the " Father of Philippine Arts".
Napoleon Abueva/Napoleón Abueva
he was a national artist for sculpture. He was entitled as the" Father of Modern
Philippine sculpture" .
Oath of the Horrati/Oath of Horrati/Napoleon Crossing the Alps/The Death of
Marat/Death of Marat
Jacques David famous artwork
Third of May/The Third of May/The Burial of Sardine/Saturn Devouring His Son
Francisco Goya famous artwork
Departure of the Volunteers/Jeanne d'arc/Jeanne/Jeanne Darc
François Rude famous artwork
Liberty leading the people
Eugéne Delacroix famous artwork
Lion of Lucerne/Christ/Jesus/Jesus Christ
Bertel Thorvaldsen famous artwork
Robert Adam famous artwork
Jean Ingres
he was a pupil of Jacques David and he was regarded as one of the great exemplars of
academic art and one of the finest old masters of his era.
Francois Rude
a sculptor who was best known for his historical art
Jean Gericault
first French Master and leader the French realistic school
Eugene Delacroix
French romantic painter that use a brilliant visual effects
Juan Luna/Juan Novicio
he became one of the first recognized Philippine artist during the Philippine evolution
Hercules sitting on a bull/Theseus Slaying the Minotaur
Antoine Barye famous artwork
1740/1740s/late 1740/late 1740s
when does gothic Revival started
Gothic Revival
is an architectural movement that begun in the late 1740 in England
Charles barry/James Renwick
architects who used Neogothic style

This is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction
you wish to go. It is defines as transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Try one!
Stand with your weight equally distributed to both of your feet. Now, let your right foot
carry it all. You got it! That's what you call a step.
Series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction. In execution
observe that there's this moment when both feet are in contact with the ground while
one foot supports the weight and transfers it to the other.
Series of walks executed quickly in any direction wherein only one foot stays on the
ground while the other is off the ground.
This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the ground.
There are five ways to do it
Locomotor Movements
These are movements that allow you to move from one point in space to another.
Non-Locomotor Movements
These are movements that are performed in one point in space without transferring to
another point. They don't allow you to move from one place to the other.
It is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term is to bend.
This is the opposite of flexion. You are extending if you are increasing the angle of a
joint. Stretching is the other term.
Locomotor Movements
These are movements that allow you to move from one point in space to another. It is
canned from two words, "locos" which means place and "motor" which means
This is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction
you wish to go. It is defined as transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Try one!
Stand with your weight equally distributed to both of your feet. Now, let your right foot
carry it all. You got it! That's what you call a step.
Series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction. In executing a
walk, observe that there's this moment when both feet are in contact with the ground
while one foot supports the weight and transfers it to the other.
Series of walks executed quickly in any direction wherein only one foot stays on the
ground while the other is off the ground.
This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the ground.
There five ways to do it:
Take off from one foot and land on the same;
Take off from one foot and land on the other;
Take off from one foot and land on both feet;
Take off from both feet and land on one foot; and
Take off from both feet and land on both.
Non-Locomotor Movements
These are movements that are performed in one point in space without transferring to
another point. They don't allow you to move from one place to the other.
It is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term for flexion is to bend. If you
bend a joint, like your elbow or knee, you are performing flexion.
This is the opposite of flexion. You are extending if you are increasing the angle of a
joint. Stretching is another word for extension.
A muscle movement done when it shortens, narrows and tightens using sufficient
amount of energy in the execution.
A muscle movement opposite to contraction done when it let goes or let looses of being
held into a shortening movement.

A transfer of weight from one foot to the other. Usually the heel touches first.
Locomotor Movements
These are movements where the body travels through space from one location to
another. Locomotor movements primarity use the feet for support however, the body
can travel on other parts such as the hands and feet.
A transfer of weight from one foot to the other, however, the body is propelled into the
air and suspended between run steps.
Requires the body to push off from one or both feet. Most common is a two foot take off
and two foot landing. A jump can take off on one foot and land on two or take off from
two feet and land one one foot.
Requires a push-off from one foot and landing on the same foot.
Performed by pushing off from one foot and landing on the other foot. The body is
suspended in the and between the push off and the landing. Can be combined with a
run or walk.
Even Rhythm
Walk, run, jump, hop and leap.
Uneven Rhythm
Skip, gallop, slide.
Non-locomotor Movements
These are movements that occur in the body parts or the whole body and do not cause
the body to travel to another space. However, non locomotor movements can be
combined with locomotor movements such as a walk and arm swing.
A pendular motion of a body part that can move forward and backward or side to side.

Sinulog Festival
Cebu City

Sto Niño
Dinagyang Festival
Iloilo City

Sto Niño

Ati-atihan Festival
Kalibo Aklan

Sto Niño

Penafrancia Festival

Virgin Mary

Higantes Festival
Angono, Rizal

Saint Clement

Longganisa Festival
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

Saint Paul

Kinabayo Festival
Dapitan City

James the Great

Pintados Festival
Pintados City, Iloilo

Sto. Niño

Santiago City

Senor San Tiago

Sangyaw Festival
Tacloban City

Sto. Niño


Fireman's Carry
The easiest way to transport a light and smaller victim
Piggy Back
When the victim is unconscious
Pack Strap Carry
When the victim is smaller than the first aider
Shoulder Drag
Used when the floor is smooth, short distance transport
Fireman's Drag/ Tied-Hands Crawl
Used when first aider and victim must crawl underneath a low structure
Blanket Drag
Used when the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted
Chair or Seat Carry
When there are two first aiders and a chair is available
Hammock Carry
When there are three first aiders
Bearer Alongside Carry
Carriers will stay on the uninjured side of the victim
Six Man Lift and Carry
When there are six first aiders
Identify the following musical composers whether they represent Classical period or Romantic period.
Write CLA if Classical and ROM if Romantic period composer. _______1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
_______2. Franz Schubert _______3. Josef Haydn _______4. Hector Berlioz _______5. Richard Wagner
Which among the following style of composition can be attributed to Classical period Composers? Put a
check mark on the Classical composers style of creating and performing music.  Sonata-allegro form 
Basso Continuo  Polyphonic setting  Monophonic setting  Orchestral music What

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