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Most Important Essays

1. My Hobby
2. My Aim In Life
3. My First Day At College or School
4. Unemployment
5. Science and Our Life
6. A Visit to Historical Place
7. Technical Education
8. My Hero / My favorite Personality / Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal
9. Pollution
11.Women’s Education
12.Internet Advantages and Disadvantages
13.Mobile Phone Advantages and Disadvantages
15.A Road Accident
16.Essay On My Aim 
19.Why I love Pakistan
20.Place of Women is society
21.Life in A Village
22.The Holy Quran
23.A cricket match
24.Energy crisis

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
Important and Multi-Topic Essays


Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Education plays an important role in molding and building the character of an individual. It
provides him better understanding of the person and his environment. The development of
personality does not concern men only. It is also necessary for women who compose an equally
important portion of human society. The need for female education, therefore, can never be
denied. The Holy Prophet (SAW) has emphasized the point in his saying,

"Acquiring of knowledge is essential both for men and women."

In our society certain conventions and taboos hinder the progress in this field. A good percentage
of our masses who themselves are illiterate believe that education makes women free and
fashionable. It spoils their morals and makes them society girls rather than domestic women.
They have a wrong notion that educated woman become rude, disrespectful, spendthrift and
hence unmanageable. Besides this, they hold that the motive behind female education is to come
parallel to men by getting job in various fields.

Entering into service, if domestic affairs do not suffer, is not as in. In developed countries,
women are sharing their responsibilities by taking equal part with men in different fields of life.
Moreover, there is no sense in keeping half the population idle. They must play their part to
make their country strong. It is the duty of every Pakistani man and woman to get rid of the
baseless conventions and popularize the idea of female education. The masses should be
convinced that education broadens the vision of women folk and raises them above the petty
differences so common in their sex.

You educate a man; you educate a man.

You educate a woman; you educate a generation.

Education not only helps women to look after their own selves but also guides them in their
family affairs. The importance of education for women can never be denied. By educating one
man, we educate an individual but education of a woman has its effect over the whole family.
She is responsible for rearing up of younger generation. Educated women only can infuse good
ideas in the mind of their children and can make them responsible citizens.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

History is a cyclic poem written by Time upon the memories of man

Different people have different choices. On holiday some people like to enjoy sleep. Some
people like to visit different places. Some people like to play games and some like to read.
But I have great love for visiting historical places. Holidays are a big chance to visit the place of
your own choice.
Last Sunday, we were all tired of our work and studies. My friends planned that we should go for
a picnic to the River Ravi. But I suggested that we should go to some historical place like
Jahangir’s tomb. There would be some novelty, knowledge and charm. My friends accepted my
suggestion and we all got a taxi and went to enjoy the picnic.

In fact, Lahore is full of historical buildings. Lahore itself is a historical city. Everybody who
visits Lahore must go to visit historical buildings. They show us the picture of the past and the
achievements of our great forefathers. I had not seen the tomb of Jahangir before. In no time we
reached there. The grand tomb of Jahangir was before our eyes. Everybody was happy to see it.
It looked beautiful. I could not believe as it was so grand.

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter

The four tall minerates of the tomb can be seen from a distance. The tomb is in a park enclosed
by a high wall. The park appeared to be well kept. The seasonal flowers were in all their glory.
There were many trees here and there spreading cool shade. A fountain in front of the tomb was
sending forth a cool shower of water. It was presenting a beautiful scene. It filled our heart with
pleasure. For some time, we were lost in thoughts. It looked another world. Cool breeze was

Ah, happy, happy boughs! that cannot shed Your leaves, nor ever bid the spring adieu

After it, we reached the tomb itself. It is a large and beautiful structure. In an inner room sleeps
the Great Mughal Emperor. There was nothing to disturb him now. The walls of his room have
curious and coloured designs on them. The huge tomb has a vast terrace. In each corner a
minaret soars up in the sky. I went up and from the platform of the minaret saw the splendid city
of Lahore. Man does not believe in his eyes. Everything looked so attractive and so charming.

When old age shall this generation waste,

Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe

We kept on moving about for quite a while. We sat in the grassy lawn for some time. When as
evening time, the light began to fade. The silence and peace affected us strangely. Our minds
were full of thoughts and colourful memories. In the twilight it appeared to us as if we were in, a
fairy land. The whole scene was presenting a beautiful picture. We were much impressed by the
scene. It was time to go back. We did not feel like coming back but we had to. We came back
tired but happy.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
Beauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know


There's a time and place,

To just about everything.
It's called college.

College life is a life of freedom. The word „college‟ is wonderful and fascinating to a Youngs
schoolboy. It gives him delightful moments of wishful thinking. It fills his mind with beautiful
images, hopes and ideas. He dreams of the day when he will join a college and live a free,
pleasant life. He knows that going to college will be the sign of his independence and maturity.
His parents will stop treating him like a child. These all hopes of a schoolboy are not mere

"College is the longest vacation you will ever take.”

The very first thing a boy feels on entering a college is a sense of great relief from the pressure of
school. There, he was treated as a child who must be forced into doing things which were
considered good for him. The atmosphere of the college is the very air of freedom and bliss, and
he can breathe according to his will. He feels that he has left his worries and cares behind him.
He is elated. His professors talk to him as they would to a young friend. He likes it and feels that,
at last, he is important and has a role to play.

The sense of freedom and importance does him good, but more pleasures of college are ahead.
As he gets used to his liberty, he finds himself in the center of an interesting, intellectual
atmosphere that has its own pleasures. He may not have expected this. At first, he is a shy and
reluctant spectator. But gradually he gets bold and discovers new pleasures. If he remains aloof
and ignores all the activities of college, he will repent later. College life makes him bold enough
to face tough situations. Even shouts, boos, peals of laughter and ridiculing remarks do not
dampen one “spirit when one is young and confident.

“A college is a place of light, of liberty and of learning.”

Then there are the pleasures of the sports field. There are other activities and other pleasures, too.
There is a college library for instance. The students find books other than the prescribed
textbooks for the first time in life. A student has access to all of them. He discovers that
pleasures of reading are many. He enjoys the company of great writers. This broadens his
notions and outlook. But these pleasures are only for those who look for them, and wish to live a
full and active life. There is a considerable difference between the school life and that of college
life. College life contains an equal opportunity for making or spoiling one’s life. The freedom
that is present at college level should not be misused. It is an opportunity that enables a student
to learn in his own way. Therefore, a college student should try to take full advantage of the
positive opportunities which college life offers.

“College is like a fountain of knowledge andthe students are there to drink”

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

I don’t know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports

Nobody can deny the importance of sports and games in life. They play a vital role in building
our body and muscles and nerves. Besides this, games teach us endurance and tolerance.
Matches are the events full of enthusiasm, zest and gusto. Some matches are quite thrilling,
sensational and full of suspense. Such matches are really enjoyable and people are amazed to
watch them.

I will always be someone who wants to do better than others. I love competition.

I also got a chance to watch such a match just last Friday. It was the final match of a cricket
tournament. The match was played between Pak Fighters Cricket Club Multan and Eleven
Stars Cricket Club Alipur. It was played on a pleasant morning. The stadium was jam-packed
with the spectators. The umpires with the two captains came into the ground. First of all, the two
captains tossed a coin, and it was won by the captain of Eleven Stars Cricket Club Alipur.
They decided to bat first. Both the openers entered the ground with dignity. They came running
towards the pitch circling their bats around. The fielding team also came up running to take their
positions in the field. The two official scorers took their seats. The commentary on the match,
both in English and Urdu, was exciting and enjoyable. The sky was overcast a bit at the start of
the match, but soon, afterwards it was a sunny day.

At the beginning, the match was a bit slow in tempo. It was 25 overs match. In the first ten overs
the batting team could score only 30 runs for the loss of four wickets, in the next 10 overs, they
further lost three wickets but the score was then one hundred one. Last five overs were the most
exciting, for they scored 57 more runs in them. The total reached to 158 runs in 25 overs for the
loss of nine wickets.

After the first innings, there was a short break of 45 minutes. During it, the vendors appeared
with various eatables. The spectators began chatting, eating and drinking tea and cold drinks,
soon the match resumed. In the First seven overs, the Pak Fighters Club easily scored seventy
runs without losing any wicket. But the next three overs were crucial. They lost four important
wickets one after the other. In short, the match was even till the last over in which the batting
side was to get only nine runs and the bowling side was to take only one wicket to win the

Every ball created suspense and excitement among the crowd. At the last ball only two runs were
required. The batsman hit a boundary and the Pak Fighters Club Multan won the match.
Some excited spectators ran towards the winning team, some started leaving and some kept
sitting to see the prize distribution ceremony.

It’s not so important who starts the game but who finishes it

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
My Hero In History
OR Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
OR My Favorite Personality
OR Our National Poet
“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident.
Be proud.” (Shannon L.Alder)
Hero is a man of outstanding character and matchless genius. He must be a man of unique
qualities. Though the Muslim History is full of great men, my hero in history is Allama
Muhammad Iqbal. I think, he is really a man worthy of the title "Hero."

Allama Muhammad Iqbal, our national poet was born at Sialkot. After completing his primary
education, he came to Lahore for learning. At time the English were the rulers. They did not like
the Muslims. They tried their best to keep the Muslims backward and ignorant. Iqbal, who was a
great well-wisher of the Muslims, tried to awaken the Muslims from their sleep of ignorance. He
wrote a number of poems and verses to make the Muslims realize their negligence. He taught the
lesson of 'self-esteem'. He made them realize the achievements of their forefathers. He wrote
many letters to Quaid-e-Azam to urge him to work for his nation.

In the session of Allahabad in 1930, he suggested the solution to the discontent in India. He
showed a sure way of peace and happiness for the people living in India. This speech of Iqbal
shows his concern for his nation. He said that the Muslims were different in their religion, beliefs
and traditions from the other nations living in the sub-continent. He said that the concept of
nationality of the Muslims was quite different from those of other nations of the world. He said
that India should be divided into two national states. The territories of the
Muslims majority should be made a new Muslim state.

Iqbal was a great Muslim poet. The purpose of his poetry was to teach the Muslims what they
had forgotten. It was the lesson of their golden traditions and matchless achievements. He wrote
his poetry to urge the Muslims to break the chain of slavery. His poetry is permanent source of
joy and inspiration for the Muslims. It is full of national feelings and sentiments.

The poetry of Iqbal places him high among the stars in the sky of immortal fame. He wrote both
in Urdu and Persian. Many references to the Holy Quran can be found in his poetry. Some critics
go even to the extent that his poetry is the true explanation of the Holy Quran.
It elevates spiritually and morally.

In this age when the Muslims are being insulted throughout the world, it is necessary that we
should get guidance and inspiration from his poetry. If we study his poetry and follow his advice,
we would regain our lost status. His poetry is not for one time. It is for everyone and for every
age. What a perfect code of ethics and morality! May the Muslims of today study his poetry and
get a urge to gain their golden past. Aameen!

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure

This modern age is the age of science. The influence of science can be seen in every walk of life.
Science has provided us with many wonders. If our ancestors happen to visit the modern world,
they will not be able to recognize it. The world today has completely changed.

The contribution of science is seen in our daily life. It has increased the happiness and comforts
of human beings greatly. It has made our domestic life very easy. Now the housewife does not
have to work very hard. With the help of the modern cooking devices meals can be cooked
quickly. Food can also be preserved for a long time in the refrigerator. The clothes can be
washed in the washing machines. Science has also given us fans and air conditioners.
Electricity is really a great wonder of science. Thus, a housewife can enjoy more leisure and can
save a lot of her time.

Science has also made travel very comfortable. There are so many modes of travel available to
us. We can travel by railway trains, motor cars, buses or ships. Aero-planes have brought the
different countries very close. Within a few hours, we can travel thousands of miles and reach
different corners of the world.

“The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it”

Science has also revolutionised the methods of communications. We can talk with our friends
and relatives thousands of miles away from us with the help of modern scientific devices like
telephones and mobiles. We can also send messages to different parts of our country and even to
all corners of the world within a few minutes. Broad casts made from England and
America can be watched all over the world.

Science has also helped mankind to fight against dangerous diseases. It has lessened the
sufferings and miseries of man. Many diseases which were incurable in the past can be cured
now. It has also worked wonders in the field of surgery. Operations of delicate parts of the body
like brain and heart can be carried out. Even transplantation of hearts and kidneys has become

But this is only one side of the picture. If in certain aspects it has proved a blessing, it has also
acted as a curse in certain fields. It has produced highly destructive weapons like atom bombs
and hydrogen bombs which can destroy the world in no time. During the Second World War
millions of people were killed in Hiroshima, and Nagasaki when USA dropped atom bombs. If a
third world war takes place in the near future, it may destroy all life on the earth as it will be a
nuclear war. Man was never as insecure as he is today.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided

Science has opened up a whole new world of entertainment. This entertainment is often immoral.
Vulgar movies, songs and pictures are badly affecting our youth. They should be saved through
proper check on media.
In reality there is nothing wrong with science. It is up to the man to decide whether he wants to
use it for peaceful or destructive purposes. Science is such a knowledge which can be turned
both into a blessing and curse. But man should always use science for the promotion of peace
and happiness of mankind.

“The effect of science is neither bad nor good. It is effect only and it is our view point that
describes it as good or bad.”


Life should be led like a laughing lad; either it is in a metro city or a small remote village.

A village is composed of small population that is not advanced whereas a city is very advanced
and has large population. Life in a village is completely different from life in a city. This
difference is like distinction between earth and sky. It is hard to find similarities between persons
of different characteristics and same as with life in villages and cities. Cities are getting more
advanced every day and it has forced people to leave their village pride behind and become more
city oriented. City and village life have characteristics that are similar and different.
There are great benefits of village life. Villagers have advantages which we cannot have in
towns. Fresh air, simple living and beautiful natural surroundings make country life very
attractive. Everything is so fresh. There is no smoke, no dust, no overcrowding and suffocation.
It is true that Pakistani villages are not clean as they ought to be. Their houses also are not well
built but the villagers spend most of their time in the open air in the fields and under the trees.

Village is the mirror of heavenly bliss; that one may find.

The villagers have no temptations. They have the freshest and best though simple things to eat
and that is why they are so healthy and seldom require the services of a doctor. They are strong
and sturdy and their red faces show that they have plenty of blood in their bodies.
Their joys are also simple and they are franker and more straightforward. They are more
sympathetic and hospitable than the city people. Their amusements are also simple. A marked
improvement is now visible in the villages and there is more cleanliness also. Now in villages
there are many facilities. Some of them are the same as in the cities.

In cities the advantages of educational facilities are very great. Schools, colleges and libraries
help in the mental development of the people. A lot of good and beautiful things in the town

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
enrich life and make it more enjoyable. The health of the citizens is not good. They live in small
houses and the streets are narrow and overcrowded in big cities as Lahore.

A thing least wanted by a poet is dwelling in the city.

There is the smoke, nuisance besides the want of fresh air. People are overcrowded in shops and
factories. Food stuffs can never be got in a pure state. The noise and bustle of cars and carriages
and machines is so great that no peaceful meditation is possible. In towns everybody is for
himself. They are just like the parts of a machine.

Cities are being improved with a view to removing all these defects in these days. Parks and
gardens are made and the sanitary conditions are being greatly improved. Houses are also better
built; bazaars and streets are being widened. Better lighting arrangements now exist and the
water supply has also been greatly improved. Scientific drainage keeps the air free from
pollution. Measures such as these have made big cities a much better place to live in than it used
to be twenty or thirty years ago.


Praise them! Praise women! We need them in our mist! For without them we cannot exist.
Praise them! Praise women! Praise onto the women that raise thee!

Men and women are two wheels of the cart of society. The cart cannot run properly if one of the
wheels is defective. Women form almost half of the population of a country. If such a large
portion is ignored, the task to educate the country is bound to lag behind. There was a time when
it was said that educated women would neglect their domestic duties. Educated women were
suspected to be self-conceited. But those days have gone. The importance of education for
women is now admitted by everyone.

Women have to play every role in the society. So, there are many advantages of education for
women. An educated woman is aware of her duties as a citizen of a state. An educated woman is
aware of the part she has to play in the growth of her nation. She understands her responsibilities
towards herself, her family and country. Women cannot become good citizens if they are
uneducated. Moreover, they pass on their education to their children. It has been rightly said:

If you educate a man, you educate an individual. But if you educate a woman, you educate a

Quite recently educated women have come forward to take more and more important part in
many spheres of life. In some respects, they have excelled men. In sports, intellectual and artistic
pursuits, in office and industry, they have set a new record of honesty and efficiency.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
They have succeeded marvellously as teachers and nurses. They are working as lawyers, judges,
ministers, administrators and much more. Now women are enjoying great place in society which
they could never think of in past.

There is no field where educated women are not competing with men. In professions of outdoor
life and law, they claim equality with men. In business, in education, in politics, in
administration, in scientific research, in literary and artistic activities, they are playing their roles
everywhere. Eve is making herself feel all over the place. They are police and military officers.
Even in Pakistan, we have women athletes, writers, leaders, administrators. They are discarding
veil and coming to active outdoor life. Law has given women a status equal to that of man. In
nearly every democratic country, women have the right to vote.

Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with knowledge, skills
and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process.

We can conclude that education is necessary for women. More girls‟ schools, colleges and
universities should be opened for them. But all women do not need that type of education which
is imparted to men. There are many who are to stay at home. Useful subjects such as nursing,
domestic science and sewing should be taught to them. They must be taught how to manage the
house. They should be able to look after the house properly through such education.

Give me the educated mothers and I shall give you the educated nation.

We can conclude that both city and village life have their advantages and disadvantages.
People live in cities and villages according to their needs and priorities. Job, education, health
facilities and better life style are the factors that affect the choice of the people of living in a city
or a village.

Grass is always greener on the other side.


There’s a time and place for just about everything it is called college.

College life is a life of freedom. I remember my first day at college. I had looked forward to this
day from my school days. Life at college meant for me a new life. I was no more a young boy
but a young man. I had begun to think myself to be a gentleman with a sense of freedom.

College is the longest vacation you will ever take

When I entered my college for the first day, I looked around with a mixed feeling of confusion
and joy. The grand building with massive pillars made a deep impression on my mind. I was

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
puzzled as it was a strange feeling for me. The students in groups were moving up and down the
corridors for their classes. The professors were coming smilingly and exchanging greetings with
the students in a friendly manner. Some senior students were also standing there. They were in a
jolly mood and wanted to befool the new-comers. They were large in number and were making
the new corners act according to their wishes. They asked us to do strange things like singing
funny songs and doing monkey pranks. Meanwhile, a senior professor came and rescued us from
this problem.

Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

I joined my class in room number 11. The first lecture was of English. The professor came with
the attendance register. After finishing roll-call, he delivered a short lecture on college- life.
What impressed me most was the fluency with which he spoke. He advised us to take the
maximum advantage of college-life. All the other professors, who came to teach advised us in
the same way and introduced their subjects to us.

A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend an idea and oneself

There was an off-period after every two lectures. This gave me a chance to make a tour round the
college building. I with one friend went to College’s Common Room. It was a big hall with
plenty of noise. There were facilities of table-tennis and carom boards. There were newspapers
and periodicals. On the first day, I was of course a mere spectator. The senior students were
there, playing games, reading newspapers or discussing things. Then I left for the library. The
next place of attraction was the library. There were shelves containing books.

The room was full of students who were absorbed in reading or writing. I sat next to my friend
and started studying a book.

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.

Then we both left the library and came to the ground. We discussed the lectures of our teachers
and decided to work hard from the beginning to get through the examinations getting very good
marks. I bade good-bye to my friend and came out of the college.

I found a considerable difference between the school life and that of college life. I concluded that
freedom that is present at college level should not be misused. It is an opportunity that enables a
student to learn in his own way. Thus, my first day at college ended happily.

College is like a fountain of knowledge and the students are there to drink

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

Reading is the exercise of mind mostly done with books. A book is a volume of many sheets of
paper bounded together, containing text, illustrations, photographs, or other kind of information.
I have read many books but the Holy Quran is the most important and sacred book to me. Thus,
it is my favourite book.
The Holy Quran is basically a religious book of Muslims. It was revealed to the last prophet of
Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). The arch-angel Gabriel brought this scripture in the 7th
century A.D. in instalments. It is in Arabic. It has 30 sections, 114 chapters and 6,666 verses. It
is the only infallible book of the world. The Holy Quran holds a pride of place. Before touching
it, ablution is compulsory. Care is taken that it does not come into contact with any unclean
substance and it is never to be laid upon the ground.
The most eloquent testimony of the place accorded to the Holy Quran is that many Muslims
learn it by heart. They are called 'hafiz'. Recitation of the Holy Quran is the core of religious
devotion. It is recited on many different occasions. It is recited in prayers. Ventures and public
meetings are started with its recitation. The art of recitation is called 'tajwid' or 'tartil'.
Participation in recitation, whether as a reciter or listener, is itself an act of worship. I get up
early in the morning. After offering the Morning Prayer, I recite a few verses from the Holy
Quran and study the Urdu paraphrase of these verses. These inform me about the tenets of Islam.
These tell me how to please Allah. These warm me against malignancy. Thus, these verses teach
me the spiritual, social and legal codes of conduct.
In short, the Holy Quran has more qualities than pens can write or words can describe. It is an
encyclopedia of knowledge, wisdom and morality. So, we should study it with paraphrase and
act upon the golden tidings given in it. It can make us true Muslims and ideal persons for society.
Thus, I love it very much.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
Why I Love Pakistan Or PATRIOTISM

There is a love, for which I cannot hide,

It comes from deep down inside.
A passion that burns so bright, that for it I am willing to fight.

Love is a great passion. Love of country and readiness to sacrifice for it is called Patriotism.
It is natural that man loves his native country. The same case is with me. I love Pakistan because
it is my dear homeland. It was the dream of Allama Iqbal. The Quaid-e-Azam struggled hard
against the Hindus and the British to turn it into a reality. It appeared on the map of the world, on
the 14th August 1947.
1 am patriot and love Pakistan because God gave it to us as a gift to fulfil our desire to make it an
ideal Muslim State. We got it in the name of Islam. It was the duty of our leaders to honour their
pledges, but we are ashamed to say that they did not or perhaps they could not.
It should have a purely Islamic constitution, an Islamic outlook of life and a strong love for an
Islamic way of living. But we are not hopeless yet I hope a time will come and Pakistan will
become a real fort of Islam. In Sha Allah!

He loves his country best who strives to make it best

I love Pakistan because while living in it we are free from the maltreatment of the Hindus. We
are not forbidden to sacrifice the cow. Our shops are not looted by them our houses are not burnt
by the bad characters amongst them. We are thankful to Allah because there is no ill-natured.
Hindus here to fill our hearts with fear by their destructive designs and anti-Muslim activities.

Freedom has a thousand charms to show, that slaves, however contented, never know

I love Pakistan because it is progressing by leaps and bounds in every field. I love Pakistan
because its army, its Navy and its Air Force are strong enough by the grace of Allah to guard
every inch of this sacred territory. I love Pakistan because its government is our own government
and its commerce, its industry, and its imports and exports are in our own hands.
I love Pakistan because the doors of its services are all open to us.

I love Pakistan because Allah wants it to exist despite our faults. It will, In Sha Allah, exist as
long as any other country does. I love Pakistan for the sake of all the saints who lie buried in it. I
love it for the sake of all martyrs who fought for it.

I love Pakistan because it will sooner or later win for itself a place of great honour and
importance amongst the Muslim countries of the world. It will become the fountain head of
Islam. It will work for the glory of Islam. Pakistani people will leave no stone unturned to spread
Islam all over the world. I love Pakistan because it is the land of peace and its main object is to
spread peace in the whole world.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
The founder of Pakistan advised us:

I am sure that with your support and co-operation, I can look forward to
Pakistan becoming one of the greatest nations of the world

“Hitch your wagon to a star”

Life without aim is useless, aimless and pointless. Life is a great blessing of God. It should be
spent on a purpose, with certain aim. Otherwise, there will be no difference between the life of
man and that of animals.

Life is olden times was simple. Man had to hunt for food, nothing more. But, now is a different
time. We have new challenges to meet. We have new problems to solve. So, one should be ready
for all these things. One can face life and its problems with a plan. Without a plan, life would be
difficult to lead.

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character”

I want to become a teacher. The question is why so. There are many other professions. One can
be a doctor, earning a lot of rupees daily. One can be an engineer, getting thousands of rupees as
salary. One can be a shop-keeper earning lots of profits. One can also be a trader, selling things
and earning lots of profits. Why then a teacher?

“The aim if reached or not makes great the life”

I want to become a teacher because I love this profession. Not only that I love it, but also for its
greatness. I know teachers in our country are low-paid. I also know that people don’t think this
profession as a great one. They think that teachers are merely teachers, with no high status in life.

I admit, teachers are not given proper status in our society. But, all the same, I like this
profession. I think teaching is the highest job to do. It is because teachers bring light of
knowledge in the lives of the people. They take them out of ignorance. They teach them good

This is what I think, I believe. In my opinion, a poor literate man is better than an illiterate rich
man. So, that is why I want to be a teacher. This is my aim in life.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

This exhausted life, Full of fright, Needs some rest; and a happy quest.

It is said that an empty mind is devil’s workshop. The moment we sit idle, devil starts teaching
evil to our minds. So, it is always better to do something constructive in our spare time.
Anything that we do in our spare time is called our hobby. It may or may not help us earn money
or fame. But it does give us pleasure, peace of mind and satisfaction.

A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away

People adopt different hobbies according to their age, taste and nature. Stamp or coin- collecting,
gardening, cycling, music, movies and hiking are some hobbies that people usually adopt. All
these hobbies have their own good or bad aspects. But I think that book reading is far better than
all these hobbles as it prepares us for life. It provides both knowledge and joy.

In this selfish world, books are selfless friends. They never leave us in the lurch. They are
helpers to the helpless and friends to the friendless. One must be careful in selecting books.
Some books are more dangerous than scorpions and more poisonous than snakes. Such books
pollute our minds and souls. Bacon, the great essayist, says:

Some books are to be tasted; others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested

It means that we should read only such books as illuminate our minds and purify our souls. I
have a small library in my house. I have collected a number of books on different topics: politics,
religion, Urdu and English literature, science and general knowledge. All these books have been
bought with the pocket money that my parents give me every month. I don’t waste it on movies
or hotels. Francis Bacon says:

Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man and writing an exact man

There is no doubt that reading has many advantages. It makes a man complete through
knowledge and wisdom. Books widen our outlook and place the treasure of knowledge before us.
By reading good books we can also become noble.

Reading of books is also a great pleasure. It gives us peace of mind and satisfaction. It is also a
great source of recreation. Of course, a person who has developed the hobby of reading only can
enjoy all the benefits of reading. In reality every person should develop the good habit of reading
or any other healthy hobby. When we feel tired and dull, our hobbies provide us delight. Healthy
hobbies add hope and happiness to this machine-like life of ours.

You have to have hobbies to keep your hands busy or you will get bored

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

Like an old photograph, Time can make a feeling fade.

But the memory of happy days Stays and never fades away.

In the storehouse of my college memories, the last day at college occupies a prominent place.
Every moment of it is still fresh in my mind. My feelings on that day were a mixture of joy and
sadness. I was happy because I had completed a part of my education. I was sad because I was
going to leave my friends and my college. The students of my section had decided to arrange a
party in the honor of our worthy professors.

I got up early in the morning and rode my bicycle to the college. As I was going to college, the
memory of my first day at college; two years back, look hold of my mind. I remembered my
excitement and nervousness of that day. I was afraid of the jokes and ridicule of senior boys.
Then with a smile, I thought of the time when I myself was a senior student. And I had played
many jokes on the first-year students. Filled with these strange thoughts I reached the college.
It has been rightly said:

“Things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember.”

A few of my friends had already come. We started making preparations for the party. Our
professor of English was nice and kind enough to guide and help us in the arrangements of the
party. The principal of our college was the Chief Guest. I conducted the function. On behalf of
my class fellows, I thanked all of our professors. I expressed my feelings of gratitude for my
learned professors who had been so helpful and kind to us during our stay at college for two
years. I offered my deepest regard to the worthy principal for his love and kindness to the
students. I said that we were departing with heavy hearts and should ever remain thankful to our
teachers for their valuable guidance. In the end
I quoted:

“The happiest memories are of moments that end when they should have.”

Then the Chief Guest delivered us a farewell speech. His speech was blended with tender and
touching sentiments. It showed his deep love for the students. He advised us to work hard in life
and wished a bright and successful future. Then we had group-photo with our professors and the
worthy principal. Then we took tea, sweets and fruit.
Now it was the time to leave the college. I felt a touch of grief. My eyes were slightly wet. As I
stepped out of the massive gate of the college, I felt that my heart was full of love for all.
There was not a bit of malice for anybody. My eyes were wet and my heart was crying with

Farewell, my friends! Farewell, my foes!

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
My peace with these, my love with those.


• Mobile phone
• Mobile phone a Curse
• Uses and abuses of Telephone
• Internet
• Internet addiction
• Computer
• Laptops

______________is a just like a magic tool which connects us the whole world. We are living in a
world is called a global village. Modern communication media and inventions have shortened the
distance. But __________is the most revolutionary invention. Like all the other things, it has
abuses along with its uses. Let us compare its uses with its abuses. After discussing them, we
shall be able to decide whether it is a bone/curse or boom/blessing.

In the first place ______________is becoming the cause of weakness our values system.
Especially youth is getting badly affected. Immoral and vulture activities are spreading like wild
fire. Young people pay less attention on their studies. They spend most of their time in using
______________Secondly; some vulgar elements are using it as a dating club. They provide a
platform to unknown young boys and girls to chat with one another. So, in this way, it promotes
immoral relations. Thirdly, on special occasions, people greet their relatives and friend through
_____________instead of meeting them personally. In this way, _________________

Has weakened our social life too. Besides its drawback, there is a long list of benefits of
___________. The whole world is on our finger tips. Now, we have entered the world in a tiny
magic box which seems to be a miracle. Global ties and culture relations are getting stronger. It
has made business and commercial activities very convenient. We have access to any country
within a few seconds. The world seems to be compressed into a magic box.

Keeping in view, its benefits and disadvantages, we can give our opinion about it. We can say
that _______________has shortened the distances. But on the other hand, owing to, immorality
and vulgarity ______________ is a curse. Youth is also getting involved in different useless
activities People do not bother meeting their friends even on special occasion. In this sense it is a
social bane. But we cannot stop the revolution of technology by putting barriers.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
• Social problems in our society and crimes in our society.
• Corruption.
• Social evils.
• Nepotism.
• Smuggling.
• Over population.
• Population and poverty.
• Inflation.
• Dearness.
• Drug.
• Sectarianism.
• Social and economic problems of Pakistan.
• Economic crises.
• Mass illiteracy.
• Beggary.
• Drug addiction.
• Bribery.
• Dowry.
• Violence.
• Despair.
• Depression.
• Black marketing.
• Social and economic crises.
• Indiscipline.
• Hoarding.
• Hypocrisy.
• Injustice.
• Road side robbery.
• Provincialism.
• Religious violence.
• Ethic violence.
• Lack of tolerance.
• Disunity.
• Black biting.
• Un employment.
• Terrorism.
• Lawlessness.
• Violation of fundamental rights.
• Feudalism or Feudal Repute.
• Capitalism.
• Flattery.
• Health problems.
• Freedom of press.
• Tax exclusion.
• In sufficient Medical facilities.
• Crushing border of foreign debt.
• The devastation of currency.
• Electricity crises.

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
• Inflation.
• Mass illiteracy.

Mankind is not likely to salvage civilization unless he can evolve a system of good and evil
which is independent of heaven and hell…..George Orwel

__________ is a major problem in most backward and developing countries. It indicates our
moral, social and religious downfall. It is a matter of great shame that in spite of becoming a
nuclear power, we are far behind other nations in the way of character and faith. There are many
factors which are responsible for __________. Illiteracy, poverty and false ideas of society are
the major causes of this social evil. However, a close analysis reveals that craze for wealth and
power is the base of all kind of __________. People have become greedy and selfish. They do
not know the virtues of love, sympathy and sacrifice. __________ has become one of the most
important problem of all the world especially of the third world countries like Pakistan. It is full
of danger of evil impacts. It destabilizes and demoralizes nations and gives birth to depression
and frustration in the society and state. It creates and spreads the feelings of uncertainty,
instability and insecurity among the masses.

If it creeps in a society, it eats into its vitals and soon roots out its inner strength. It destroys its
outer splendor, economic prosperity, social peace and national unity. Consequently, a nation's
good image is spoiled in all over the world. Lawlessness becomes order of the day due to
poverty, corruption, violence, indiscipline and mass illiteracy. It it is not effectively, properly and
promptly checked, the entire judicial, moral and economic fabric of a nation will be collapsed.

___________ is highly dangerous and devastating for a country like Pakistan that has a weak
economy and political instability. If the evil of __________ is not nipped in the bud, it may
spread like a bush fire and engulf the whole nation or region like and epidemic. _________ badly
shatters people's faith in institution and supremacy of the constitution. It deprives masses from
mental, physical, spiritual, moral and economic health. It also paves way for bloody revolutions
and military take-overs.

The main causes of __________ are illiteracy, poverty, economic policies of government and
man's burning desire to become rich and bigwig overnight. __________ creates economic
pressure, social and economic injustice. Feudalism, capitalism and uneven distribution of wealth
and opportunities, non-availability of basic necessities and fundamental rights also spread
__________. Non-availability of education, health care and jobs also pave the way to spread
__________. External factors like agencies of neighboring states like India also play a vital role
in spreading __________ in Pakistan in order to destabilize it.

In the end we can say that our officers as well as the scholars, educationists, political parties,
NGO's and national mass media should take necessary steps to eradicate this wicked problem for
the best national and human interest. Only then we can raise our heads as a free and dignified

Prepared By: Muhammad Usman

(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577
Prepared By: Muhammad Usman
(The Executive Science Academy Bhikhi)
Phone# +923034372577

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