Cybercrime Categories

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Cybercrime Categories

Cyber-enabled offenses
Cyber-dependent offenses
Cyber-supported offenses
National security offenses/Cyberterrorism

Examples of cyber-enabled offenses:

 Identity theft - refers to obtaining or possessing another’s identity

 Identity fraud – refers to the fraudulent impersonation of someone
 Phishing
 Cyberbullying and online harassment

Examples of cyber-dependent offenses:

Hacking – manipulating a computer system or private network to access digital files or systems
without proper authorization. It has five categories:

 Unauthorized access
 Modification of data
 Impairment of data
 Interception of data
 Misuse of assets
Cyber-attack – these attacks that use computers against other computers or networks to modify,
steal or gain information through unauthorized access. An insider or outsider can initiate an attack

 Inside attack
 Outside attack
Malware – or malicious software is a kind of hacking and cyber attacking suing software-based tools.
Some types of malwares:

 Virus
 Worm
 Trojan
 Spammer
 Spyware

Cyber-supported offenses

These offenses are instances wherein the use of the computer or network is not vital to the actual crime
but may still be legally relevant to be considered as an accessory to the crime. These offenses deal with
the illegal use of computers in:

Data storage

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