Transcript - Autonomous Driving - What You Need To Know in 2018

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Autonomous driving- What you need to know in 2018

Autonomous driving, a car that drives on its own. What will traffic look like in a few years. When will we see it
on the streets? And how is it going to work? We'll show and explain it in this clip. The BMW Group is
implementing autonomous driving in their vehicles over 5 levels with each higher level the responsibility for
driving will shift more and more from the person at the steering wheel to the car itself. Level 1 already started
some years ago, Assistance Systems support the driver, for instance with active cruise control with stop and go
function, distance to the vehicle in front or warnings against collisions with pedestrians. BMW combines these
and other ground-breaking innovations under the name BMW personal co-pilot.

Today the second level has been reached with the latest BMW 7 or 5 Series or the X3 for instance. Here the
driver is aided by assistant systems and can remove the hands from the steering wheel for brief periods, in 2021
we expect to see the third level. The driver will sometimes be able to completely turn their attention away from
driving but must be able to step in again on short notice. By 2021 the first pilot fleet should be on the streets
and Level 4 should be reached, here drivers might even be able to sleep, they must however still be basically
fit to drive in case they have to take over control of the car for specific sections of the journey. It is at the most
advanced level of development between 2025 and 2030 that cars will drive Autonomously. The driver will
become another passenger and won't even have to be able to drive as the car will assume complete
responsibility for the task of driving.

So how will this work technically at BMW? Partly automated driving at level 2 stereo cameras and radar sensors
monitor the immediate surroundings. Level 3 the highly automated driving requires highly advanced sensors
such as laser scanners, video cameras, radar systems and aerial maps provided by here which together
produce a 360-degree model of the vehicle's environment. This makes it possible to calculate more complex
driving manoeuvres. And in 2021 your daily commuting might look like this. In Level 4 for the fully automated
driving starting in 2021 all sensors and cameras will supply far more precise data.

Further real time data from improved maps by here will also be factored in the process of computing driving
manoeuvres. And Level 5 Autonomous driving is due to be implemented in cities and the time frame from 2025
to 2030. For the BMW Group. The vision of autonomous driving has long since begun. If you want to see the
current level in real life please click on one of the featured clips.

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