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PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar in Grade 7

School Lusacan National High Grade Level 7


Teacher Randolf A. Estrada Learning Area MAPEH-Arts

Teaching Date May 25, 2023 Quarter Fourth Quarter
Teaching Time 8:30-9:30 am No. of Days One


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates how theatrical elements (sounds, music,
gesture, movement, and costume) affect the creation and
communication of meaning in Philippine Festivals and Theatrical
Forms as influenced by history and culture.

B. Performance Standards The learner creates/improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture,

movements, and costume for a chosen Festival composition.

C. Learning Competencies or At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
Objectives a. Identify the nature and background of the festival celebrated
in the country;
b. Create an improvised costume, props, of the selected
festival; and
c. Appreciate the importance of festivals in cultural
preservation and unique identity of being a Filipino.

D. Most Essential Learning Identify the festival celebrated all over the country throughout the
Competencies (MELC) year.
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)

E. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enabling

F. Enrichment Competencies
(If available, write the
attached enrichment

II. CONTENT Festivals Celebrated in the Philippines


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Music and Arts, Teacher’s Guide
(Department of Education- Region 4A-CALABARZON)
Pages 258-287

b. Learner’s Material Music and Arts, Learner’s Material

Pages (Department of Education- Region 4A-CALABARZON)

c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. List of Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, videos, chalkboard, and images.

for Development and
Engagement Activities

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Introduction Preparatory Activities


Class, please all stand, Ms. Ely can you Let’s bow our heads and feel the
lead the prayer? presence of God, Our Father…

Good morning class! Good morning, Sir Randolf!

Ms. Secretary, do we have any absentee Sir, I’m glad to tell you that all of my
for today? classmates are present today!

That’s great! Class let us recall our class


Are we clear?
Yes Sir!


Last meeting, we discussed the Arts and

Crafts of Mindanao, specifically the
Attire, Textiles, and Tapestries of the
indigenous people in Mindanao.
Sir, Malong it is from the indigenous
Can you give me an example of those people of Lanao which is called
traditional clothing? Maranao

Very good. Thank you, Mr./Ms.___ Sir it is known as traditional Filipino

What makes it unique? Yes, Mr./Ms.___ tube skirt that is hand made with
multi-colored cotton cloth bearing a
variety design and it can be used in
many ways.

Very well said. Thank you, Mr./Ms.____

Sir the elements of arts and
Lastly, what are the elements and principles of design present this
Principles of design are present in those traditional clothing are line, shape,
traditional clothing? Yes, Mr./Ms.__ color, value, form, texture, and
space. The principles of design are
balance, contrast, emphasis,
movement, pattern, rhythm, and

That’s great, very good class.

Do you have any questions regarding None Sir!

with our previous topic?

What is new?
It seems you fully understand our
previous topic.

Before we move on, let us have an

activity called “Show me your
• The class will be divided into 4
• Each group will be given a
material needed and they will
proceed to their designated
Group 1- Station Luzon
Group 2- Station Visayas
Group 3- Station Visayas
Group 4- Station Mindanao
• Using a #hashtag describe the
picture posted in your station with
one word only.
• After 2 minutes there will be 1
representative to explain why did
you choose that #hashtag.

Class, are all my instructions clear? Yes Sir!

Alright! You may proceed to your (Students will go to their designated

respective stations now. station and will do the task given.)

Time’s up! Okay, Let us proceed to the

first group. - Luzon Station show us your
hash tag.

Sir our hashtag is #______, we

choose this hashtag because it
depicts the story and events related
to the life and death of Jesus Christ.

Excellent! Let us proceed to the second

group. The Visayas station.

Sir our hashtag is #_______, we

choose this hashtag because their
activity is related to Sto. Niño.

Very good! Let us proceed to the third

group. The Visayas station.

Sir our hashtag is #___, we choose

this hashtag because this picture
shows a big and beautiful smiles
Good job! Let’s proceed to the last group.
The Mindanao Station.

Sir our hashtag is #_____, we choose

this hashtag because this picture
features a bountiful harvest of a fruit.

Job well done! All of your answers are


Based on your activity these pictures

have differences, specifically on their
costumes or attires.

What do you think is the most unique Sir they have colorful costumes and
feature of their costumes? different props. Which can be related
to an event.
Okay very good you have an idea!

B. Development Let us deepen our understanding in our


Class, take a look at these pictures.



Which among these pictures (Picture A,

Picture B, Picture C and Picture D) are Sir, Picture __, this picture always
you familiar with or have you seen in real features in television and YouTube
life? especially in Advertisements or
commercials they are very common
Fantastic! Thank you, Mr./Ms., ___ in fiestas.

What do you think these pictures

portrays? Sir, I think they are called Festivals.
Yes, Mr./Ms., ___

Very good! when you hear the word

“Festival?” what comes first in your Sir, Fiesta, the foods, parade.
mind? Yes, Mr./Ms., ___
Sir, their colorful costumes and
Fantastic! Thank you, Mr./Ms., ___

What’s in?

Festivals Celebrated in the Philippines.

Based on your activity what do you think

is festival? Sir, I think festival is cultural
representation and it is celebrated in
the different places here in the
Okay very good you have an idea. Philippines.

Festival is a special occasion of feasting

or celebration usually with religious
focus and unique aspect of a specific

Why do you think we celebrate festivals?

Sir I think we, Filipinos express our
gratitude and blessings through
Very well said! celebration which is Festival.

There are 2 natures of festival. We have

Religious and Non-Religious. What do Sir, Religious festivals are usually
you think are the differences between the celebrated to thank their patron saint
two? while Non-Religious festivals are
held to focus on the cultural heritage
Very good! Thank you, Mr/Ms.____ aspect of our country.

Religious festival shows a religious

significance while on the other hand non-
religious festival focus on the cultural
and heritage aspect.

Do you have any questions or

clarifications? None Sir.
Lesson Proper:
Awesome! For us to further understand
let us have an activity.
• We will be using the same group.
• Each group will receive an
envelope and inside that envelope
it includes task for your group.
• You will be given 5 minutes to do
your task.
• After 5 minutes you will present
your work.

Let us proceed with the group 1.

The assigned task given to us is to
imitate the costume and gesture of
the Moriones festival. As you can
see, he is wearing an angry mask,
holding wooden swords and shield
and they used different colored
Very good group 1. From the
presentation of group 1 can, you tell me Sir it is a festival replicating the
what is Moriones festival? biblical romans soldiers and
crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Very Well. In addition to that, it is a
Religious Festival which is held in
Marinduque every Lenten season.
To honor Jesus and reenact the story of

Do you have any questions or None Sir.


Let us proceed with the group 2.

The assigned task given to us is to
imitate the costume and gesture of
the Ati-Atihan Festival. As you can
see, he is painted with black because
it represents the Aeta community and
it has a colorful costume,
headdresses, and an image of Sto.
From the presentation of group 2 can, Sir I think Ati-Atihan festival is a
you tell me what is Ati-Atihan festival? feast celebrated in honor of Sto.

Excellent! In addition, it is also a

Religious Festival, held in Kalibo Aklan
on every third week of January to Honor
Santo Niño. The dancers are painted with
black to depict the native people of
Kalibo Aklan (Ati).

Do you have any questions or None Sir!


Let us proceed with the group 3. The assigned task given to us is to

imitate the costume and gesture of
the Masskara festival. As you can see
their costume has a huge mask and
huge smiles on it.

From the presentation of group 3 can, Sir I think Masskara festival is a

you tell me what is Masskara festival? festival of smiles.

Very good! In addition, it is Non-

Religious Festival which is celebrated
every third weekend of October in

Do you have any questions or None Sir!


Let us proceed with the last group. The assigned task given to us is to
imitate the costume and gesture of
the Lanzones fesstival. As you can
see their costume and props are
mainly related to Lanzones fruit.

Based on the presentation of group 4 can, Sir I think Lanzones festival is a

you tell me what is Lanzones festival? thanksgiving celebration for a
bountiful harvest of Lanzones.

Very good! In addition, it is a Non-

religious Festival, celebrated every
October 20-28 in the province of
Camiguin, Northern Mindanao.

Now, class why do you think it is Sir, because it is a great way to

important for us especially you as a understands one culture.
Grade 7 student to be aware in this kind
of event?

Very well said. Thank you!

Do you have any questions or None Sir.

To sum up our lesson, let us complete the

Activity 1: COMPLETE ME! Write the Name Nature When Where Props/
required information in each blank box. I of of it it Costu
will give you an answer sheet to do this. festival Festiva celebr celebr me
l ates ates
Finish it in 3 minutes.
Ati- Religio Third Aklan Broom
Atihan us week s,
Name of Nature Month Place Props/ of facbric
festival of celebrat Costum Januar s and
Festival ed e y bodies
Ati- Aklan Brooms, painted
Atihan facbrics with
and black
bodies color.
painted Morio Religio During Marind Sword,
with nes us Holy uque cape,
black Week. Shields
color. , angry
Morione During Marindu
s Holy que Massk Non- Third Bacolo Huge
Week. ara Religio week d Happy
us of masks,
Masska Bacolod Octobe colorfu
ra r l
Lanzone October. Uses a
s big Lanzo Non- Octobe Camig Uses a
model of nes Religio r. uin big
Lanzone us model
s fruit of
for their Lanzon
props. es fruit

In general class, Filipinos celebrate

festivals to show their expressions of
their religiosity and strong faith in their
creator. We are also known as “Fiesta
Island of the Pacific” which we are home
to rich, colorful, and lively festivals.

Is everything clear to you class? Yes Sir!

Let us move on with your next activity.
C. Engagement Activity 2: Festival Headdress
• You will be grouped into 4 and
create a festival headdress
inspired by our previous
• Your group leader will pick
which festival you will make a
headdress for.
• After 10 minutes you will ramp in
the front of the class with your
headdress and tell us your stand
about the question “As a grade 7
student, how can we preserve
Filipino culture and traditions like
• You will be graded using the
following rubrics.

Class is that clear? Yes Sir!

(The students will present their
D. Assimilation different Headdress)
Assessment: Choose the letter of the
correct answer
1. Which of the following statement best
describe Ati-Atihan Festival?
a. Ati-Atihan festival means “make-
believe Atis”. Atis are the native
people of Aklan or called as
Aetas. (relational)
b. Ati-Atihan festival means “make-
believe Atis”. This festival is held
every third week of February in
Kalibo Aklan. (multi)
c. Ati-Atihan festival means “make-
believe Santo Nino” held every
third week of February in the City
of Cebu. (pre-structural)
d. Ati-Atihan festival means “make-
believe Santo Nino” held every
third week of January in the City
of Cebu. (uni)
e. Ati-Atihan Festival is _________

2. Which of the following statements are

correct about Moriones Festival?
I. Native dance of Kalibo to
commemorates the acceptance of
the Filipino people of
II. Performers are worn with wooden
swords, spear and shield.
III. It was held every Lenten season.
IV. This festival is an example of
religious festival.
V. Participants are decked in dark
and dull-colored costumes,
usually similar to Santo Nino they
a. I and V (pre)
b. II, III, and IV (relational)
c. II, III, and V (multi)
d. I, V, and IV (uni)
3. What festival is held in Camiguin for
having the sweetest and abundant source
of the fruit?
a. Lanzones Festival
b. Ati-Atihan Festival
c. Moriones Festival
d. Masskara Festival
4. What festival is characterized by
colorful and realistic Roman costumes;
vividly painted masks usually look like
a. Moriones Festival
b. Sinulog Festival
c. Masskara Festival
d. Lanzones Festival
5. What festival usually celebrated by a
certain or specific group of churches or
a. Masskara Festival
b. Panagbenga Festival
c. Religious Festival
d. Non-religious Festival

Look at least two Biblical Figure and

E. Assignment Traditional Personifications of
Santacruzan. Put at least one picture of
them and write if you have any
experience with them. If so, can you
please share your experience?


5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Unsatisfactory

1. Elements of Arts & Planned carefully, showed Applied the principles of Used some Used few Did not use any elements
Principles of Design effective use of the design using one or more principles of design elements of arts of arts and principles of
elements of arts and elements of the arts in but with few and did not apply design in creating their
applied principles of design creating products or elements of arts in the principles of artworks.
to produce end products artwork that illustrates the their artwork. design in creating
that illustrates the characteristics of the arts of their art works.
characteristics of the arts of the given place.
a given place

2. Creativity/ Illustrates/shows original Shows original ideas and The students tries an Does not try new The students shows no
Originality ideas and interpretations of interpretations but does not idea, but lacks idea nor innovate evidence of original
the given activities or on innovate on the originality, does not on the material thought.
artworks and innovates on materials used. innovate on the used.
material used. material used.

3. Effort The activity is beautifully The activity is finished and The activity is The artwork was The artwork is
Perseverance and neatly finished and passed on time but shows finished and passed passed on time but unfinished and was not
passed on time. lack effort. on time but needs unfinished. passed on time.
many improvements.

4. Craftmanship/ The artwork was beautiful With a little more effort, The student showed The student The students showed
Skill/Consistency and patiently done. the artwork could have average showed below poor craftmanship;
been outstanding; lacks craftmanship; average evidence of laziness or
finishing touches. adequate, but not as craftmanship; lack lack of understanding.
good as it could have of pride in
been; a bit careless. finished work.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Practice Teacher SST-1 Cooperating Teacher

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