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At the end of the lesson the grade 3 pupils should be able to:
A. Define habitat;
B. Identify animals according to their habitat;
C. Value the importance of taking care of the animals.
Topic: Habitat of the Animal
Reference: Science and Health 3 by Carmelita C. Coronel et al. pages
70 – 73
Materials: Power point presentation, Pictures, and Activity Sheets
Value Concept: Taking care of the


Teacher Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
Class, please stand and let us pray.
 Amen…..

2. Greetings
Good morning children!  Good morning teacher!
How are you today?  We are fine teacher
Did you eat your breakfast?  Yes teacher
Okay very good!

3. Classroom Management
Before you take your seat
please pick up the pieces of
paper under your chair. Thank

4. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absentee today?  None teacher

Very good class, all of you are

present and because of that I
will give you additional points.  Thank you teacher

5. Collecting of Assignments
Class, did I give you any
assignment last meeting?  Yes teacher
Okay please pass it forward.
6. Review
Class, last meeting we
learned about the sound of
animals, Let’s see if you can  Yes, teacher
still remember.

I have here pictures of

animals all you have to do is
make the sound of the animal
as I flash the picture.

Are you ready class?  Yes, teacher!

(The teacher will show the

 Dog  Bow wow wow

 Cat  Meow meow
 Bird  Tweet tweet
 Duck  Quack quack

Very good class!

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
The teacher will inform the pupils that
they will be playing the game pass
the box.
Class do you want to play a game?  Yes teacher!

Okay so we will play a game called

‘’Pass the Box’’. The mechanics of
the game are:
a. There are different
pictures inside the
mystery box.
b. The pupils will pass
the mystery box while
there’s music playing.
c. When the music stops,
the one who is holding
the box will pick out
the picture and say the
name of the animal
and post it under the
name of place where
you usually see it. We
have here pond, farm,
and forest.

Do you understand  Yes, teacher!

2. Discussion

A. What animals can you  I can see animals in the pond,

see in the pond? like dragonfly, frog, butterfly,
duck, snail and turtle.
Okay Very good!

B. What can you see in  In the farm, there are animals

the farm? like cow, goat, horse and
Okay Very good!

C. What can you see in  I can see snake, monkey, rabbit

the forest? and tiger.

Very good class!

Now class, based on the pictures,

what do you call to the pond, farm, and
forest? (The pupils’ answers are varied.)
 It is where the animals live.
Okay class, our lesson for today is all about
the habitat of the animals.

What is Habitat?  Teacher it is where the animals

Okay that’s right

Habitat- It is the natural home or

environment of a plant, animal or other

Now, let’s have an activity


Directions: Identify what habitat of the

animal is shown in the picture.
1. ( Insert Picture )
4. Generalization

1. What is habitat?  Habitat is the place where the

animals live.
 Habitat- The natural home or
environment of a plant, animal or
Okay very good! other organism.
2. What are the three different types of
habitats of animals based on the  Pond, Farm and Forest
Very good!
3. What are examples of animals can you
see in the pond? In the farm? How about  The animals found in the pond are
animals found in the forest? frog, duck, snail, turtle, and fish. The
animals found in the farm are cow,
goat, horse, chicken and carabao.
And the animals found in the forest
are snake, monkey, rabbit and deer.


Direction: Match each animal to its habitat.


Make a habitat box. Cut out paper animals to place in your habitat box.

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