Campaign Notes

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Notes 8/6/2020

Astrid and Etokar talk with Rill.

There is a random stranger who is screaming about, give back his wife. Etokar and Astrid
try and help, bad grapple roll, and bad persuasion rolls mean the guards escort the
person away form them.
They want to intercede on his behalf, but are told to take it up with the governor the next day.
Governors name is Kallestad.

Kari and Melissa have a conversation about Kari’s boy, and the fact that Melissa doesn’t
remember her son.
We are going to find Kari’s son. K doesn’t want to talk about the fact that she died. Just
doesn’t think it is worth talking about.
M doesn’t think they will spend more than a day here now that they know where they
are going.
M doesn’t want her memories back, afraid of what she has done, what if she is a
K tells her that she isn’t a monster if she is only puppet.

Leda and Shelly have a convo about avoiding feelings and emotions.
L shares her coping mechanisms.
S doesn’t like feeling emotions because she can’t feel any of the good ones.
L tells S that she has served her penance, L feels like she should just move on and undo
The curse.
S likes her mature streak. (and her winter Eladrin form)
S didn’t try resurrecting her brother for him but more for herself.
L tells S to let her emotions grow she will never be more powerful.
Melissa come in and joins them
M, L and S do arts and crafts time.

Etokar, Astird and Kari, Melissa joins them.

E thinks it is her Uncle or brother.
A doesn’t know who it is, when she left her father he was destitute.
Confused as to how he got here, if it is him or not.
Trying to decide if they should stay or if they should go.
Group is brought together to decide if they are going to stay in Varzdan or if they are
going to go somewhere else.
A doesn’t want to see her dad really. But then the centaurs are coming and she doesn’t
neccesarily want him to die.

Disguise check on Kari a 28,

Leda wants to kill her uncle.
Astrid gave her real name Adrik allows them to come to the manor and says “It’s so good to see
you, your mother and sister have been so worried”


~Adrik invites them to sit in the sun room and discuss.

A and Adrik share an awkward.
 Astrid demands to go to her room.
o Everyone else gets to the room
o Shelly casts detect magic, the entire room lights up with Transmutation,
Abjuration, and Enchantment.
 Astrid explains that it was her house. That her mother died when she was 5, and sister
died when she was 13.
o Struggling with him saying that they are alive. Etokar want’s to meet the sister
and mother.
o Shelly has a PTSD episode about dead people in basements.
o Kari to stay in her disguise.
 Kari and Mel go to a room and barricade the rooms, and windows as well as the alert
 Astrid and Shelly have a heart to heart.
o Astrid goes to look for Adrik who is currently at the dig.
o Astrid wants to see mom and sister. Drops darkness on two of the guards but is
chased and stopped before she gets too good a look into the room.
 Astrid, Shelly and Leda go to Adrik at the dig and speak with Helmund at the cathedral.
o Lady of the tears of onyx is a deity that governs the transition between life and
death, or death and life.
 Etokar wants to go after her doppelganger,
o Melissa asks why would anyone want to impersonate her.
o List of goals and what people want to do.
 Astrid and Shelly have lengthy discussion about if this is tied to her powers, and what
her father is involved in.

 Sitting down to a fancy dinner with Adrik and Helmund.
 Adrik Charms Etokar.
 Astrid tells Adrik that she was the one who burned the house down.
o They lie about the hype crew.
 Half the party goes to the church and witnesses the cult vibes.
 Melissa cast identify on the poems.
 Astrid meets her mother and sister in the clone pods, is possessed by the magic jar o
Neena and hears her voice panicked asks for help and tell her that she is scared.
o Astrid is escorted from the room and goes to her room in a panic and locks the
 Everyone else gets together in a room to talk about how the church is a cult.
o They plan for a bird and the rat to sneak in to see the mother (they keep calling
her corpse mom)
 Astrid shadow steps through the Shadowfell, everything seems calm basic fields. (DM
note, the nicer the place in the Shadowfell the dark the place in our world)
 Kari comes to talk with Astrid, she is short and dismissive of the idea of them sneaking
into the upstairs bedroom.
o Astrid is behaving differently but encourages her not to go investigate.
o Astrid says she would never lie to you but pulls away from Kari’s embrace, asks
for Etokar.
o Etokar comes and holds Astrid while she silent cries.
o Astrid tells Etokar about her experience with the Magic Jar that holds Neena’s
 Let none but he who sealed it, open it.


 Etokar charges into the hole first. (trips trap) Teleported to a bloody fiendish realm
o Astrid and Leda follow into a chaotic element world.
o Kari tries to sneak forward and is sent into “the warriors rest” and does battle.
 Exestential discussion about why are we are even here.
 They enter into the sealed chamber and then encounter the stones (“Seals”) before
having to fight a hydra.
o Killer crit from Melissa.
o Hydra dies and falls back into the hole in the ground.
o Shelly (having cancelled a crit) yells at the dead hydra and grabs hold of it being
dragged down into the hole and then pummeling it with her fists.
 Adrik comes into the room and begins directing the group as to what to do with the
stones. A confrontation begins to occur.


 Fight with Adrik.


 They investigate the bodies and determine that there was no blood.
 They investigate the storm.
 Astrid and Leda discuss, with Astrid apologizing for not being able to protect her.
 Melissa is unable to summon the sword. Despite trying several times.
o Discussion with Astrid, Eto and Leda, stuggling with not being able to summon
the sword.
o Etokar thinks it is in the well.
 Melissa conversation with her Patron.
o Claims that she doesn’t need her Patron.
o Rejecting Patron: She withdraws her power.
o Melissa drops to death saving throws, Shelly heals her.
o Melissa is left with a crushed socket and scar on the back of her neck.
 The ring is given to Melissa
 The tents are being ransacked, by excavators.
o They find a Elephant staute and a Key (
 They are leaving for Asaritl
o The goals are to go to Asartil and figure out where things go from there.
o They leave the town almost immediately.
 They set up the dome which takes longer than expected.
o Melissa takes first watch with Etokar.
 Discussing Melissa’s missing eye.
 Bickering over who is stronger…
o Shelly goes with Kari.
 Kari asks what the doors are.
 Shelly is practically catatonic over the doors opening.
 Shelly is tense over Kari having been brought back.
 By the Gods.
 Kari hasn’t known peace for a long time.
 Shelly’s piercings are largely covering up scars.
 I was supposed to be a boy… and I was supposed to die.
 Shelly internally feels like she should be a he.
o Got in trouble for acting like a boy instead of a Girl.
o Eric protected her. Kept dad from targeting her.
 Kari is going to protect Shelly till she gets where she wants to be.
o Astrid and Leda:
 How are you feeling about your dad
 Astrid is very angry at him.
 But she has been angry at him for a very long time.
 She tells Leda about the bodies in a glass coffin (Cradle)
 Vaguely tells her about the jars.
 Leda references theory that it is Helran’s magic?
 The only other place that Astrid knows about is the colonies?
 Leda doesn’t care if she dies (at least she would see her parents
o They awaken to a Goblin that is surrounded by villagers.

 They meet Eeek. Trade him for potions and help him find his tribe of around 1,200.
o Party returns again to Asaritl where they find the lantern festival is taking place.
They approach the Grimstride’s Gulley where Kari identifies Radnor’s horse.
o Inside they find a Druken dwarf running the Inn and Radnor.
 Character Discriptions
 Drinking, shopping and a proposition from Harrow Freeclaw.
o Lanterns.


 Etokar and Radnor make a short stop at the bakery, and learn about the missing twin
o They take it upon themselves to determine who is missing.
 Melissa and Kari go to the temple and meet the priestess Swulfa Bouldersun.
o They have a discussion about the missing eye and Kari’s boy.
 Etokar and Radnor attempts to steal form a noble.
o They are caught and Radnor bluffed his way out of it.
 Shelly goes to the outside of town and prays to the deities.
o Doubts whether her brother or not was actually killed by a boar. (Her brother
was careful) he shouldn’t have died that way.
o Something about it bugs her .
o Kari tells her that there are dangerous things out there and that you might be
hunted or be the hunter.
o Shelly’s parents were wed for money, and her mother wasn’t supposed to
survive childbirth.
 Best guess is her grandmother got up to something.
o Kari suggests that the Hag may have had something to do with it.
 Shelly doesn’t know if she knows but she wants to kill her so no one else
has to deal with it.
o Perhaps her brother was killed because of her mother’s father’s will.
 Greandpa wouldn’t touch Grandma who is the one that encouraged
shelly to seek out the Twins.
 Best she could tell her grandmother was strange and mysterious.
 Doesn’t know why the will didn’t go to her mom.
o Mom’s probably dead from Shock, hopes G-ma is alive, hopes G-pa isn’t, Dad can
eat rocks.
 The party meets up at the bakery and then goes on to Simcocks home.
o Etokar rolls a nat 20 and finds the dagger, as well as letters from the members of
the party.
o They head to the temple and find an additional eye gouging on the main statue.
 They reunite in the tavern, and discuss their options.
o They discuss whether or not they need to help or not, or whether or not they are
going to help people.
o Etokar talks about how messed up the bakers daughter looked… “I’ve never had
a sister, but she looks like she needs help.”
 Discussion about Astrids father, and what he may be up to, “Shelly doesn’t want to do
battle with Astrid’s Dad.
o Kari is worried that there is something else more important that we could be
o Melissa straps on her sword and leaves, Astrid follows.
o Etokar says, she has a kid, so does this guy, I just thought what if it was your kid.
 Can’t imagine having a cooler mom than you.
 Shelly, what if she gets killed before she gets to see her son.
 Shelly wants them to be more careful, and pick their battles.
 The party goes to Fulk’s Farm.
o Find the destroyed garden and head north to find the illiusion covering to the
 Etokar and Shelly head back into town to speak with the other baker’s daughter.


 Etokar and Shelly go into town to speak with Garret Isold and Esmerald.
o They get to the door and speak with Garret, bad rolls, no good persuasion.
o Esmerald has also gone missing. They do detect magic, to no avail.
 Shelly, Radnor, Astrid, Kari and Leda stand outside the chamber and poke their head
through. But Leda hears a giant and flees.
 Combat with the giant ensues near the farm
 They explore the chamber
 They return to town to learn that Marget Moltenoak has gone missing.

 They question harrow and Drobert and get the low down on the Giant script.
 Natalya goes to the temple and climbs up. (falls asleep after hiding, they can’t find her)
 The rest of the group speaks with Martinek who lets them know about how much he
misses his wife, and the meeting with Simcock in the Temple.
o Turns angry when asked about business dealings with Simcock
 Astrid and Melissa have a conversation about what is going on.
o Melissa feeling useless, the nature of her patron and what she did before.
 Note: Melissa’s mother is still in the village, and sent her down the river
in a basket like Moses.
o Astrid, shatters the porcelain mask and they burn his old coat and masks.
 Astrid removes her Jade amulet and adds it to the pile to burn.
 She goes on about her captor and the fact that she did “anything
he wanted”
 The fact that he was murdered and while it was painful to loose
him, it also bought her freedom.
o He didn’t actually love her, not really, not the way they all
o They hug.
 Melissa has a small heart to heart with her deity.
o Gets her eye with a scar back, and gets her eldritch blast.
o Astrid thinks she did it, until there is an eldritch blast that is pale blue with a
thread of molten red in it.
 Shelly rushes to the temple and has a heart to heart with Kari, Kari is pissed.

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