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Card game Main document

Basic Character Ruleset

You have twenty health.
First Turn
1.1 Draw 5 Cards
Your Turn
2.1 Draw 1 Card
2.2 Check the amount of cards in your hand, if you have more than 10
cards discard until you only have ten cards. (The amount of cards you have
in your hand is only checked at the beginning of your turns, you don’t
always have to stick to ten or less)

Advanced Character Ruleset

In depth Card Game with RPG elements. Cards that change the type of
person you are whether they are in your deck or not.
Each player plays as a different character.
Certain characters have different starting abilities.

Traits that may be added to a character sheet.

Fightforge. Forge your deck and then forge your way to play.
You prefer scifi over fantasy, no problem.
Want the game faster paced. Sure thing.
Prefer lore and looking over story details rather than a 1v1 competitive
deathmatch. We have you covered.
The main philosophy when creating Fightforge was to have something for
everyone. I wanted an entry barrier so low and a skill ceiling so high.
Something that looks and plays like a paddling pool but something that can
feel like an ocean when you want it to.
Ever major irk I have had with card games, I have tried to solve with
Fightforge. I haven’t made the perfect game – but I feel as if I have made a
great foundation on which to grow for many years in as many different
directions as possible.

Base Set Cards

Base Attacks
Gun - The gun is the first main archetype for a weapon/ fighting style. The
pros of the weapon is that it is versatile and accurate. You can hit any
enemies you want and in any order. The downside is you only have six
bullets. Once you have run out of bullets you are forced to spend a turn
vulnerable with no action available but to reload or you can exile the
weapon never seeing it again either in the campaign or in a match. Another
example of time being wasted is if you fire three shots and then want to put
the gun away, you have to put it in your holster, using up an action before
you can continue. A gun cannot directly attack another hero unless you are
in showdown mode.
1. 6 round pistol (Comes with 6 tokens on it)
2. Speedloader
3. Bounty
4. Saloon
5. Tumbleweed
Dagger – A weapon that plays well into the role of vampire mechanics and
dealing damage to heal and taking self damage to do damage. Another
benefit of a dagger is that it can be easily concealed to avoid detection.
Sword – Two handed swords are good for just big blows that kill a heavy
target in one or two go’s, it means you are slow to react to much faster

Round structure
Solo play

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