Bards Gate Property

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Chapter 5:5 Property Value and Land Ownership

Property Value and

Land Ownership
Invariably running city-based campaigns and adventures leads players Once a property area is selected, PCs should seek out the seller. In most
to ask the question, “How much to buy my own place?” This chapter instances in Bard’s Gate, property within the city is owned by either one
seeks to help answer that question and offer guidelines for how to go of the affluent families or guild masters. Records of property ownership
about purchasing property. Here you have information pertaining to the and licensing for purchase can be obtained at the Offices of Commerce
wealth factor of citizens living in various districts, and the types and value and Trade (K3). PCs may bid on the property or make an offer through
of property available in these districts. Ultimately what is charged for these offices and may be contacted by the owner or one of their agents
property and what sort of adventures or roleplay encounters are used to as to the price and value of the property. Negotiating the price with the
support PCs desires to own their own place is left up to the individual GM. property owner offers the PCs an opportunity to make new contacts with
Offering the PCs opportunities to go into business and build or purchase members of the Upper and Aristocratic classes (see Chapter 6 for more
their own property gives them ownership in the campaign setting, and information on Bard’s Gate’s social structure).
ultimately ownership of a portion of the entertainment value of your In some cases, it may be possible that the property owner wishes
gaming experience. This can be a positive to any game session as characters the PCs to complete a task on their behalf. This leads to opportunities
work hard to earn their property. The property itself may become a home for story hooks and adventures and should be encouraged as a vehicle
base for the PCs adventuring within Bard’s Gate. Likewise, the property for moving your campaign along and making the player work for what
may serve as a story hook for solo adventures or the beginnings of grand they want. The GM, however, should not abuse such encounters, as this
adventures. Whatever the reason for a PC’s desire to own property or start may turn players off to the whole concept of property ownership if it is
a business, any amount of roleplay that encourages character development overused. Some roleplay at haggling over the property value, and even
should be encouraged. possible checks for Diplomacy, use of magical charms or the like could
This information is included as optional rules for the Lost Lands in influence the ultimate price that PCs pay to get the real estate that they
general and for Bard’s Gate specifically. If it works for your campaign, want at a price they find agreeable.
please enjoy. If not, there are several other options available; the GM and Dice may dictate success or failure by using Bluff, Diplomacy,
players need to make this their own! Intimidate, or Charisma checks, or through good old-fashioned roleplay.
Horribly failing in price negotiations with the property owner means the
property is no longer for sale to the PC, or may have increased in value

Locating and to the owner. As failure may result in an increase in price, or the property
being removed from the market, great success may result in a decent
discount on the price as well. To determine the amount of increase or
Selecting Property decrease in property value after negotiations, roll 1d4 x 5%, and add or
subtract the result to the property’s value.
Once a price is agreed upon, PCs pay the negotiated cost plus a 10%
PCs seeking to put down roots in Bard’s Gate, or wishing to set up shop
surcharge to the value of the sale by the City to cover the expenses of
and make a wage off of their Craft or Profession skills, need to scout out
documentation and paperwork to transfer the deed into the PC’s possession.
a location for their investment. Each district of Bard’s Gate has its own
unique flavor, as well as its own economy. It is noted, of course, that all

Property Tax
of these disparate parts mingle and combine to form the economy of the
city as a whole.
Like any city, Bard’s Gate has neighborhoods and districts that run the
gauntlet from opulently wealthy to destitute poor. PCs could technically PCs owning property are generally accessed a yearly property tax of
refurbish an existing space to fulfill whatever role they wish to use it for, 15% of the value of their land. Likewise, folk living in houseboats pay a
be it a necromancer’s lair or a leatherworker’s shack. 15% docking fee to remain tied to the docks. Failure to pay these taxes
PCs seeking to purchase or lease a property for a business should be may result in the forfeiture of property to the city and eviction of the PCs
encouraged to select a district that suits the sort of business they intend by City authorities.
to operate. PCs seeking to go into the tavern business, for example,
could easily build their tavern in any district they could afford, based
on that district’s Wealth Factor and Property Value. PCs wishing to open
an smithy would likely find their best option building a business in the
Guild or Market Districts, as that is where individuals seeking their sort
Property Values By District
of business would look for an armor shop. Jewelers may wish to open Located here are the various districts of Bard’s Gate. Special rules
their business in the Bridge or Hill District, where its citizens are a little and regulations governing the purchase of property for commercial or
more affluent. private use are detailed below. Included is the average wealth factor of the
Characters who wish to purchase a safe house, or build a lair that citizens living in the district. Also included is the price limit of items that
suits their lifestyle and cost of living, may find that certain districts are, are typically bought and sold in the district, and the percentage of markup
again, more suited to their needs. A powerful wizard may wish to build on those items. For more detail on the districts and their descriptions, see
a tower somewhere in Turlin’s Well, whereas a rogue may wish to buy a each district’s individual chapter.
warehouse to store their ill-gotten gains somewhere near the west Docks
where they can more easily hide from authorities.

Market District Guild District Dwellings
Permanent Dwellings
Wealth Factor: Lower Middle Class
400gp limit, +0% Markup Type Price Special
The Market District is a semi-residential commercial district where Apartment or Based on price.
traders sell livestock, foodstuffs, and simple gear. Its population ranges Inn Room Stay See Chapter 10.
from Lower Middle Class to Working Poor. The area is crowded and
space is limited. Large structures and new structures may only be built if Apartment Building 1650 gp
existing properties are purchased and pulled down. Simple Home, Existing 880 gp
Simple Home,
1100 gp and up
Market District Dwellings New Construction
Non-Permanent Dwellings Grand Home, Existing 4950 gp and up
Type Price Special Grand Home,
5500 gp and up
New Construction
Vardo/Covered Wagon 75 gp
Storefront with
550–1650 gp
Permanent Dwellings Apartment
Up to 2 story
Type Price Special Tavern 2500–3000 gp
Apartment or Based on price. Up to 2 story
Inn Room Stay See Chapter 9. Inn 1100–2200 gp
Apartment Building 5000 gp Up to 3 story
Abandoned Tower 11000–44000 gp
Simple Home, available
800 gp
Existing +15000 gp
Simple Home, New Tower 55000 gp per level
1000 gp and up
New Construction above 3.
Grand Home, Guildhall 50,000 gp and up
4500 gp and up
Grand Home,
New Construction
5000 gp and up Old Temple District
Storefront with Wealth Factor: Middle Class
500–1500 gp 500gp limit, +15% Markup
The Old Temple District has a combination of new or remodeled
Up to 2 story
Tavern 1500–2500 gp tenements, eateries, and shops mixed with old and sometimes abandoned
or ruined temples. It should be noted that purchasing ruined temples
Up to 2 story and converting their existing structures to new uses can have potentially
Inn 1000–5000 gp
available interesting cosmic implications.
Up to 3 story
Abandoned Tower 10,000–40,000 gp
available Old Temple District Dwellings
New Tower 50,000 gp
+10,000 gp per Permanent Dwellings
level above 3.
Type Price Special
Warehouse 1500–2000 gp
Apartment or Based on price.
Inn Room Stay See Chapter 11.
Guild District Apartment Building 1700 gp
Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class Simple Home, Existing 900 gp
800gp limit, +5–10% Markup Simple Home,
The Guild District serves as storefront and residency of many of the 1150 gp and up
New Construction
city’s most successful merchants. Also found here are the guildhalls of
the city’s various mercantile empires. Many of these guildhalls rival the Grand Home, Existing 5200 gp and up
city’s temples in their grandeur and attendance. Space has become limited Grand Home,
in recent decades due to the proliferation of guildhalls, so that a new 5500 gp and up
New Construction
guildhall would require the purchase and demolition of a great deal of
neighboring property. Due to this, most of the wealthiest guild burghers Storefront with
565–1700 gp
now live in The Hill district. Apartment
Up to 2 story
Tavern 1500–3000 gp
Up to 2 story
Inn 2000–3000 gp

Chapter 5: Property Value and Land Ownership

Temple Ruin
2000–6000 gp
Canal District
Shrine1 900 gp Wealth Factor: Lower Class/Impoverished
100gp limit, +10–20% Markup
Temple1 100,000 gp Like the Docks, the Canal District is home to several impoverished
Basilica1 300,000 gp slums. The area can be somewhat dangerous at night with cutpurses and
muggers hanging about its busy taverns and gaming establishments.
Up to 3 story Most property is somewhat run-down with sprawling areas of abandoned
Abandoned Tower 11500–45,500 gp
available warehouses and decrepit tenements.
+16500 gp
New Tower 55,500 gp per level
above 3
Canal District Dwellings
Non-Permanent Dwellings
See Types of Real Estate below for further details.
Type Price Special
Houseboat 1200 gp
The Docks and East Docks
Permanent Dwellings
Wealth Factor: Lower Class
200gp limit, +0% Markup Type Price Special
The docks border on being a lower class slum. Taverns, fishermen,
Apartment or Inn Based on price.
dockworkers, and gondoliers do well enough, but the majority of the
Room Stay See Chapter 14.
population is not very well off. Corruption and crime are not uncommon
in some of its rougher neighborhoods. There are few new building projects Boathouse 800–1200 gp
here, and most of the property is somewhat run-down. Tenement 2000 gp
Apartment Building 5000 gp
The Docks and East Docks Dwellings Simple Home,
Non-Permanent Dwellings 800 gp
Type Price Special Simple Home,
1000 gp and up
Houseboat 800 gp New Construction
Storefront with
500–1500 gp
Permanent Dwellings Apartment

Type Price Special Up to 2 story

Tavern 1500–2500 gp
Based on price. See
Apartment or Inn Chapter 13: The Docks, Up to 2 story
Inn 1000–5000 gp
Room Stay and Chapter 22: The East available
Docks. Warehouse 1500–2000 gp
Boathouse 800–1200 gp
Tenement 2000 gp The Hill
5000 gp Wealth Factor: Upper Class/Aristocracy
8000gp limit, +10–25% Markup
Simple Home, The Hill District has some of the highest priced and most-inflated
800 gp
Existing real estate in all of Bard’s Gate. The Hill is home to most of the Upper
Simple Home, Class citizens and Aristocrats found in Bard’s Gate. There are a few fine
1000 gp and up new homes cropping up amongst some of the older mansions, a telling
New Construction
indication of the wealth of the city.
Storefront with
500–1500 gp
Up to
The Hill Dwellings
Tavern 1500–2500 gp 2 story Permanent Dwellings
available Type Price Special
Up to Grand Home, Existing 4950 gp and up
Inn 1000–5000 gp 2 story
available Grand Home,
6500 gp and up
New Construction
Warehouse 1500–2000 gp
Storefront with
3550–6650 gp
Up to 3 story
Tavern 4000–6000 gp

Type Price Special North Wall District Dwellings
Up to 3 story Permanent Dwellings
Inn 6100–7200 gp
Type Price Special
+15,000 gp per
New Tower 55,000 gp Apartment or Based on price.
level above 3
Inn Room Stay See Chapter 17.
Manor, Existing 120,000 gp
Apartment Building 1600 gp
Manor, New Con-
150,000 gp Simple Home, Existing 700 gp
Simple Home,
1000 gp and up
Underhill District New Construction
Grand Home, Existing 5000 gp and up
Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class Grand Home,
4000gp limit, +10% Markup 5200 gp and up
New Construction
The Underhill District, due to its small area and opulent architecture,
has very high-priced real estate, if it is even for sale. The Underhill’s Storefront with
800–1600 gp
citizenry is mostly of the Upper Middle. Wealth and mining fortunes flow Apartment
freely in the Underhill, making this location surprisingly lucrative for Up to 3 story
smaller merchants. Tavern 2500–3500 gp
Up to 2 story
Underhill District Dwellings Inn 2000–3000 gp
Permanent Dwellings Warehouse 1400–1800 gp
Type Price Special
Apartment or Inn
Room Stay
Based on price.
See Chapter 16.
Bridge District
Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class
Grand Home, Existing* 3950 gp and up
1000gp limit, +10% Markup
Grand Home, Like the North Wall District, the Bridge District is cramped for space in
7500 gp and up
New Construction* terms of new construction. Housing is tight and expensive.
Storefront with
3550–6650 gp
Apartment Bridge District Dwellings
Up to 2 story Permanent Dwellings
Tavern 5000–6000 gp
Type Price Special
Up to 2 story
Inn 6100–7200 gp Apartment or Inn Based on price.
Room Stay See Chapter 18.
Up to 3 story
New Tower 85,000 gp Apartment Building 8000 gp
Manor, Existing 135,000 gp* Simple Home, Existing 3000 gp
Manor, Simple Home,
250,000 gp* 3800 gp and up
New Construction New Construction
Grand Home, Existing 7000 gp and up
*Due to space constraints, these dwellings should be considered one
size-category smaller than their above-ground counterparts. The value of Grand Home,
8200 gp and up
the dwelling is the same, quality-wise. New Construction
Storefront with
2800–3600 gp
North Wall District Up to 3 story
Tavern 4500–8000 gp
Wealth Factor: Middle Class/Lower Middle Class available
400gp limit, +0% Markup Up to 3 story
Foreigners and businessmen have found a home in the North Wall Inn 5000–10,000 gp
District where they may gaze upon the wealth of the Hill and yearn for
the good life. New buildings are rare due to crowded conditions, but older Shrine1 1000 gp
properties are frequently for sale as merchants move up the social ladder Temple1 200,000 gp
and relocate to wealthier districts.
Basilica1 400,000 gp
See Types of Real Estate below for further details.

Chapter 5: Property Value and Land Ownership

Thieves’ Quarter Turlin’s Well

Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class
800gp limit, +0% Markup 1000gp limit, 15% Markup
Housing is tight and expensive in the Thieves’ Quarter, due to its new- Turlin’s Well is a more affluent and avant garde neighborhood on
found popularity and central location, thus new construction projects are the east banks of the Stoneheart River. A wide variety of shops and
rare. Upgrades and renovation of existing structures is, however, quite dwelling possibilities exist for individuals wishing to purchase property
common as the district goes through the throes of growth and urban renewal. or structures. Property value is high, however, as many of the city’s
burgeoning middle class display their prosperity.
Thieves’ Quarter Dwellings
Permanent Dwellings Turlin’s Well Dwellings
Type Price Special Permanent Dwellings
Apartment or Based on price. Type Price Special
Inn Room Stay See Chapter 20. Apartment or Inn Based on Price.
Apartment Building 5000 gp Room Stay See Chapter 23.
Simple Home, Existing 2000 gp Apartment Building 8250 gp
Simple Home, Simple Home, Existing 3300 gp
2500 gp and up
New Construction Simple Home,
4000 gp and up
Grand Home, Existing 5000 gp and up New Construction
Grand Home, Grand Home, Existing 7750 gp and up
6200 gp and up
New Construction Grand Home, New
9000 gp and up
Storefront with Apartment 2000–2600 gp Construction
Up to 3 story Storefront with
Tavern 4500–7000 gp 3400–3750 gp
available Apartment
Up to 3 story Up to 3 story
Inn 4000–9000 gp Tavern 4650–8250 gp
available available
Up to 3 story
Inn 5250–11,200 gp
Bard’s College available

Wealth Factor: Upper Middle Class

1000gp limit, +20–25% Markup Outer Quarter
North Island offers little room for new growth. The campus’s location, Wealth Factor: Lower Middle Class
however, attests to the high property value and cleanliness of the district
400gp limit, 0% Markup
with its panoramic views of the river and surrounding city.
The Outer Quarter is a less affluent and more run-down neighborhood
on the east bank of the Stoneheart River, between Turlin’s Well and the
Bard’s College Dwellings outer wall. Like Turlin’s Well, a wide variety of shops and inns exist for
Permanent Dwellings individuals wishing to purchase goods or stay the night. Property value is
not as high as Turlin’s Well, as many of the district’s citizens struggle to
Type Price Special move up from the Lower Middle Class.
Apartment or Inn Based on Price .
Room Stay See Chapter 21. Outer Quarter Dwellings
Apartment Building 8000 gp Permanent Dwellings
Simple Home,
3000 gp Type Price Special
Apartment or Based on Price.
Simple Home,
3800 gp and up Inn Room Stay See Chapter 24.
New Construction
Apartment Building 6000 gp
Grand Home, Existing 7000 gp and up
Simple Home, Existing 2300 gp
Grand Home,
8200 gp and up
New Construction Simple Home,
3000 gp and up
New Construction
Storefront with
2800–3600 gp
Apartment Grand Home, Existing 5250 gp and up
Up to 3 story Grand Home,
Tavern 4500–8000 gp 7000 gp and up
available New Construction
Up to 4 story Storefront with
Inn 5000–10,000 gp 3000–3550 gp
available Apartment

Type Price Special
Up to 3 story
Tent City
Tavern 4650–8250 gp
available Wealth Factor: Working Poor
Up to 3 story 200–400gp limit, +10–20% Markup
Inn 5250–11,200 gp Tent City is a rough-and-tumble area located outside the walls of Bard’s
Gate, populated mostly by foreigners, rangers, barbarians, and traveling
merchants. Its inhabitants dwell in a mixture of permanent and semi-
Stable Row permanent dwellings such as tents, lean-tos, shanties, and longhouses.
Available property in Tent City is unlimited, as the majority are squatters
Wealth Factor: Middle Class who merely picked a spot of flat ground on which to place their home and
800gp limit, +0% Markup vend their wares.
Being located outside the city walls, Stable Row has a lot of potential
room to grow. It is believed that eventually a vast area of Stable Row will Tent City Dwellings
one day be surrounded by its own wall, bringing much of it into the city
Non-Permanent Dwellings
proper. Locals are of mixed emotions about this, for they do not want to
lose the rustic feel of their current location to the enclosure of city walls, Type Price
but understand that security and protection from marauders is equally Small Tent 10 gp
important. Most, if pressed, would just develop property outside of this
new set of city walls, moving the new Stable Row further away. Medium Tent/Lean-To 15 gp
Large Tent 20 gp
Stable Row Dwellings Pavilion/Marquis Tent 100 gp
Non-Permanent Structure Grand Pavilion 500 gp
Wagon, Uncovered 50 gp
Type Price Special
Wagon, Covered or Vardo 75 gp
Small Tent 10 gp
Medium Tent/Lean-To 15 gp Semi-Permanent Dwellings and Structures
Large Tent 20 gp
Type Price
Pavilion/Marquis Tent 100 gp
Shanty 0–2 gp
Wagon, Uncovered 50 gp
Sod Dugout, Existing 15 gp
Wagon, Covered or Vardo 75 gp Sod Dugout, New Construction 25 gp
Log Cabin, Existing 110 gp
Permanent Structures
Log Cabin, New 150 gp
Type Price Special
Longhouse, Existing 200 gp
Cottage, Existing 800 gp
Longhouse, New Construction 250 gp
1000 gp Large Longhouse, Existing 300 gp
New Construction
15000 gp All grazing Large Longhouse, New Construction 450 gp
Ranch, Existing
land is free range Permanent Dwellings/Structures
Ranch, 16,500 gp All grazing 800 gp
New Construction land is free range and up
Livery Stable 1000–4000 gp

Farm, Existing 1700 gp

+100 gp per
acre, space
Types of Real Estate
Apartment Building: An apartment building usually has two stories
+100 gp per
Farm, and 1d4+6 apartments. Any finery has generally been stripped from
2300 gp acre, space
New Construction these converted manors to maximize space in the renter’s living quarters.
Generally, each apartment has one to two small rooms, being a bedroom
Storefront and living area. Larger apartments with multiple rooms are called flats or
2000–2600 gp
with Apartment suites, and may be found in more upscale districts.
Up to 3 story An apartment owner with Profession (innkeeper) may make their
Tavern 4500–7000 gp weekly Profession roll or be compensated directly by the number of units
occupied x the monthly rent divided by 4, per week, whichever is higher.
Up to 2 story Basilica: A basilica is a huge temple that covers a very large space,
Inn 4000–9000 gp
sometimes up to 4 city blocks. Basilicas have a large central worship
+100 gp per chamber, as well as multiple smaller worship chambers and shrines. Often a
Vineyard/Estate 150,000 gp
acre of land basilica has burial space beneath it for its high priests and religious leaders,
and serves as the home to religious icons. A basilica has living quarters

Chapter 5: Property Value and Land Ownership
for 20 or more clerics and private chambers for the highest ranking church Longhouse: A longhouse is a long, low structure partially excavated to a
leaders. A basilica may also have a library of religious works, and offer depth of 2–6ft into the ground, and piled with timbers in an A-frame roughly
services such as healing and scroll or potion-making in the same manner that 10ft x 30ft Longhouses may have 2–4 distinct sections designated for living
shop keepers sell their wares. Like shrines or temples, the cost of erecting a quarters, and a “family” room in the center where cooking and dining take
basilica is discounted depending on the amount of religious converts in the place. A smoke-slit in the roof acts as a chimney. Shutters made from animal
area willing to donate time and money to the building project. This offset in pelts may be used to keep the weather from running through the roof. Most
cost does not affect the actual value of the property. cooking is done over the fire pit in the center of the longhouse or outside
Boathouse: A boathouse is typically a bit of covered dry-dock found during hot weather. A longhouse may house up to 8 Medium.
along inlets and waterways. Boathouses usually have a pair of swinging or Longhouse, Large: Similar in every way to a small longhouse, the
sliding doors that allow boats access to their dry interior where overhauling large longhouse has dimensions of 10ft x 60ft, and possibly larger. The
and work may be done. Frequently, boat builders and repairmen dwell in interior may be divided into as many as 8 different sections, and houses
a private area attached to the boathouse. Likewise, folk who spend most up to as many as 16 Medium inhabitants.
of their life on the water may think of the boathouse as their second home. Livery Stable: A stable is a barn or other such building erected for the
Cottage: A cottage is a small country home with stone or wooden purpose of keeping livestock. Commonly, stables are associated with the
walls and a thatched roof with a loft and fireplace. A cottage may serve as keeping and tending of horses. A typical stable has pens built to service
comfortable dwelling space for up to 3 Medium beings. 1–6 Large animals. Larger stables may house more beasts, but of course
Covered Wagon or Vardo: A covered wagon offers the carrying cost more.
capacity of a standard uncovered medium wagon but has a shelter made Manor: A manor is a 1d10+10 room house made of wood or brick, and
of canvas. A vardo is similar except its covering is wood instead of canvas having a slate roof. Manors are comfortable for 2d4+2 Medium beings.
and may be locked to protect any valuables contained inside. Covered Medium Tent/Lean-To: These tents come in various shapes and sizes.
wagons may serve as a decent semi-permanent dwelling. Covered wagons They are made from animal hides or canvas, depending on the availability
or vardos offer sleeping shelter for up to 2 Medium individuals. of materials. Tents and lean-tos sleep approximately 2 Medium creatures.
Farm: A farm is a cottage and a stable or barn located on a plot of land A tent — including its poles and ropes — weighs 30 lbs. A lean-to or
built for the intent of raising livestock or crops. medium tent may be erected in as few as 30 minutes. Taking it down takes
Grand House: A grand house is a 1d8+2 room house made of wood or half as long.
brick, and having a thatched roof. Grand houses are comfortable for 2–5 Pavilion/Marquis Tent: Much taller and slightly larger than a large
Medium beings. tent, the marquis is a tent originally designed as a command post for field
Grand Pavilion: A grand pavilion is a large tent made from canvas generals and lords of the marches. They have been adapted by traveling
which may be used as a show room or show place (as in a circus or fair), merchants to store their wares and house their family or employees. The
or as shelter for beasts of burden such as elephants or horses. Nobility interior of a marquis or pavilion may be divided into smaller chambers. A
also use grand pavilions as a palace away from home as they travel across marquis sleeps 10 Medium individuals comfortably. Marquis tents weigh
less civilized parts of their frontier. A grand pavilion may be divided into about 50 lbs. and may be put up in 90 minutes. Taking it down takes half
dozens of smaller chambers with canvas inserts along its interior. Grand as long.
pavilions may comfortably sleep up to 50 individuals. It weighs 300 lbs. Ranch: A ranch is a very large grand house and fine stables surrounded
and covers over 2000 or more square feet of ground. It takes several by several acres of free-range grazing land. Ranches are designed for the
workers 3 hours to erect a grand pavilion, and teams of up to 20 beasts breeding of livestock or horses from specific purebred stock.
to carry all of the canvas, ropes, tent stakes and poles required to erect it. Sod Dugout: Built from turves of sod cut from the ground and
Houseboat: A houseboat is a floating barge-like vessel which also stacked around a partially excavated floor, dugouts are well insulated
serves as living quarters for up to 3 Medium beings. Many who live in by the earth that surrounds them and can be heated fairly easily in the
houseboats also make their livings off lakes, rivers, or ocean docks. They winter. They are difficult to ventilate in the summer, however, and tend
have the advantage of being able to move anywhere over shallow waters to suffer from erosion if not given constant upkeep. A sod dugout can
they may find calm passage. Houseboats have the disadvantage of being be built by anyone making a DC 5 Survival or similar skill check. They
susceptible to the hazards of weather or natural disaster. Most houseboats sleep 1–3 Medium creatures.
are moored along harbors or found in river communities. Shanty: Shanties are scavenged from available materials and trash
Inn: An inn is a large structure designed or refurbished to house heaps, and may be built by anyone with a successful DC 10 Craft
travelers and visitors. Inns have rooms to rent by the night (and sometimes (carpentry), Survival, or similar skill check. They sleep 1–2 Medium
longer) and have a staff of servants to see to housekeeping and comfort of creatures.
the guests. Some inns may be converted grand houses or manors, while Shrine: A shrine is a small place of worship no larger than a two
others may be built for the specific purpose of housing guests. Inns have room building with an altar or small icon in the worship chamber and
a common room on the ground floor, and possibly a tavern, with the private quarters for the attending priest. A shrine may be as small as a
sleeping rooms located on the upper levels. Most inns have 3d4 rooms marble slab carved with religious iconography in a private courtyard
to rent, though some may have fewer and others may have many more. or a chamber in a mansion resplendent with stained glass windows.
Inns have an average occupancy of 1d4 x 20%. Occupancy may be 100% Religious edifices have a base value that is considerably higher than
during festival times, or during other special events. Inns with a tavern or their cost to build. This is due to parishioner’s donations, discounts on
restaurant and stables must add one-half the cost of a tavern and stable to building materials, volunteer construction aid, and the use of divine
their total value. magic in their construction. This difference is generally one-third of
Large Tent: Large tents look like a small house made from canvas the overall value, but may be as much as one-half due to the popularity
or animal hide. Their interior may be divided into several smaller, more of the deity.
private sleeping chambers with canvas sidewalls. The walls may be rolled Simple Home: A simple house is made of wood or brick and has a
up to allow air flow. Large tents often have a sun-fly which may be erected thatched roof. Simple homes have 1–3 rooms, having comfortable living
to create shade on sunny days. A large tent sleeps 4 Medium creatures space for 1–3 Medium beings.
comfortably. Several wall tents may be connected together to form larger Small Tent: A small tent is a small canvas tent set up with metal or
structures. A large tent with all of its poles and materials weighs about 40 wooden tent poles, rope, and iron stakes. It offers modest protection from
lbs., and takes about 45 minutes to put up. Taking it down takes half as long. the elements for 1 Medium creature and weighs 20 lbs. They may be put
Log Cabin: Log cabins are small 1–2 room dwellings made of hewn up in 20 minutes. Taking it down takes half as long.
logs and cinched with mud or clay. They provide shelter for up to 4 Storefront with Apartment: A storefront is often a converted and
Medium creatures. expanded simple home. An apartment for the store owner sits in the rear

or above the storefront. The storefront has a showroom area for shoppers all sorts of “home defenses” into their new property as they see fit. If PCs
to peruse, and often has a crafting area somewhere on the ground floor or wish to place clever traps to set in their home during their long absences
in the second story. The living quarters are large enough for 1–3 Medium from the city, let them.
creatures to live comfortably. A great part of enjoyment for the players is the creation of their own
Tavern: A tavern is a drinking establishment made up of a bar, common piece of the fantasy domain. Imagine the PC’s surprise when their benign
area, booths, storage and kitchen. Some taverns may be two stories tall pit trap has captured a crook while they were away. Imagine the cost
with private meeting rooms set above the common area. Taverns come in of fumigating a home after a dastardly invader is left minced all over
all shapes and sizes, serve food, beverages and often have some form of the walls for three months because he tried to steal some of the PC’s
nightly entertainment. disposable income while they were away on an adventure.
Temple: Whether a church, or small monastery, a temple has a large There are several different grades of locks with which to secure one’s
worship space, several smaller shrines, apartments or barracks-style living home from burglars. Spells offer means of locking doors and securing
quarters for 1d10+10 clerics, and private chambers for the highest ranking magical tomes from being perused by unwanted eyes. Is the party wizard
church official. As with shrines, a parishioner’s donations, discounts on looking for an actual in-game reason to cast the guards and wards spell?
building materials, volunteer construction aid, and the use of divine magic Clerics have various wards and runes they may place over their home
reduces the cost of construction, but not the overall value. Temples may chapel which may guard against intruders looking to plunder their
have burial chambers for deceased church leaders, and offer services such reliquary. Maybe the PCs learn what it takes to keep people out of their
as healing and potion-making in the same manner that shopkeepers sell lairs, oh, the irony.
their wares. Renovations to a building’s interior or exterior may be made as the
Tenement: A tenement is an inn or converted warehouse that has run players wish, within the confines of their own imagination and their
down to about 60% of the original building’s value. The tenement is 1–3 character’s wealth. Such renovations may, of course, include haggling
stories tall, and is divided into tiny cell-like rooms roughly 10ft by 10ft, with workmen, hiring laborers, or exploring for rare and unique building
offering the barest of subsistence living conditions for those who rent (or materials. The cost of renovations may exceed or even double the original
squat) therein. Rent is whatever one dwelling in a tenement happens to value of the property, but is never less than one-fifth of its current value.
have on hand or can fight off rats and intruders to keep. Gangs of bullies Players and GMs should work together to help create a character’s
often run tenement buildings on behalf of unsavory landlords who dwell property and discuss the various possibilities for expanding or renovating
elsewhere in more upscale housing. The owner of a tenement is often their property. Encourage players to draw up a floor plan for their
referred to as a slum lord. The land a tenement sits on is often more renovations based on the existing structure. Give them the opportunity
valuable than the cost of the building itself. Tenements cannot be built to show (or perhaps NOT show you) where they put their traps. A fun
“brand new” but are instead converted run-down properties which served evening of gaming could include the PCs running the game for their GM,
a previous similar use. where the GM seeks to send a burglar or assassin through the PCs lair.
Tower: This round or square, 3-story tower is made of stone. Additional Regardless of any renovations to an existing property or the building of
levels may be added to a tower up to 5 stories (more with the help of a new one, property has upkeep. Keeping up a property costs the owner a
magic or master quality engineering). Each additional story adds 15000 minimum of 10% of the property’s value per year to make sure that it does
gp to the price. not slide into disrepair. Every year of disrepair after the first year reduces
Vineyard/Estate: A vineyard or estate could easily be a plantation or the property’s value by one-tenth of its original worth. After ten years
other such large area of land dominated by agrarian and financial concerns. of disrepair, the property may become a ruin. In urban settings, property
Located further away from large cities, estates generally have several which drops below 50% of its original market value may be condemned
hundred acres of land and large staffs of servants tending to animals and by the city and demolished. If this occurs the property is forfeited, and the
crops. At the center of a vineyard or estate is a large mansion and the plot becomes the domain of the city and is put up for auction.
smaller sub-buildings such as barns, stables, and living quarters for the
servants. Estates produce enough food to sustain the estate and all of its
servants, aside from whichever other venture the estate is invested in, such
as growing grapes.
Wagon: A wagon is a beast-drawn vehicle suited for carrying goods
Going Into Business
and equipment across country. Uncovered wagons may also be used as a PCs wishing to start a business must put in a business application with the
form of cheap shelter by unhitching them and sleeping on or under one. A offices located at the Offices of Commerce and Trade (K3). An application
wagon offers shelter for up to 2 Medium individuals. generally costs 10gp, and includes their application to begin paying taxes.
Warehouse: A warehouse is a good-sized storage facility used to hold Along with the application, the potential business operator must pay any
goods that are set to ship elsewhere. A warehouse often has a large central licensing fees and show proof of deed to a property. The property must be
storage space and 1–2 smaller rooms making up an office and warehouse zoned, and an inspector paid or bribed to ensure that the property is up to
guard’s quarters. Warehouses are roughly the size of a grand house but code. The amount of these bribes and fees averages 100gp.). The process
sacrifice the amenities of a home for storage space. of applying and inspection generally takes 1d8 days but may be shortened
by 1d4 days if bribes and Charisma (Persuasion) checks go well. After this
process, which may involve plenty of entertaining roleplay, the business is

Upgrades and Upkeep ready to hang out its shingle and open for customers.

A purchased property may not necessarily suit all the needs of its buyer.
Instead, it is possible that the property was purchased due to its cost or
Hanging Your Shingle
location. PCs may invest in renovations and upgrades to their property PCs should be encouraged to come up with a creative name and emblem
either to transform it from one role to another, build additions (space may for their new business venture. As is apparent from the descriptions of
be an issue), or generally improve its look and overall value. Bard’s Gate in this book and its previous incarnation, the citizens enjoy
Security is often a reason to consider an upgrade. Invariably, a GM and good (and sometimes ruthless) pun. Clearly the folk of the city have
manages to send swarms of thieves or thugs to plague PCs at some point a thick skin if they’ll consign their departed loved ones to a funeral home
in time. Perhaps a little “meta-gaming” or prior knowledge of other GM’s called The Last Stop (M18) or purchase a coffin for themselves or an ill
deceitful tactics has made the players extra-cautious when it comes to or aging parent from a shop called Box of Bones (TW11), so the PCs
protecting their valuables. No matter what the reason, PCs with the coin to shouldn’t be too squeamish about letting their ghoulish side show a bit.
spend, and possibly skills or magical powers to wield, may create any and Characters may hire a limner to paint the sign and criers to advertise

Chapter 5: Property Value and Land Ownership
their new business. Rivalry may develop between the PCs and NPCs
running similar businesses within the city, causing no limit of roleplay
and adventure opportunities. At any rate, being a proprietor of a business
offers the PCs opportunities to make new contacts and provide plot hooks
for new adventures.
Characters unable to spend time in their own shop or overseeing their
business venture are required to hire NPCs to run things. These may
include cooks, cleaners, barkeeps, or skilled workers such as smiths and
woodworkers. Employees, of course, must be paid a wage by the proprietor.

Guild Membership
If the PCs has started a business that falls within the purview of one
of the city’s guilds, the PC will be approached by a representative of
that guild within 1d6 weeks and asked to join. Membership fees for the
guilds described in this book can be found in Chapter 3 under the Guild
descriptions. If it is not a guild that has been named, the GM can come
up with a guild and its fees if he so chooses. If annual membership dues
are paid, the PC will receive a 5–10% increase in income each week
due to favorable contracts and contacts. If the PC refuses to join, he will
find that his weekly income is reduced by 10–25% due to unfavorable
trade conditions and some outright acts of vandalism or intimidation of
customers, certainly providing seeds for new adventures.
If the PC happens to be a member of one of the guilds listed herein that
has criminal connections (or even one that is not at the GM’s discretion),
he can find himself involved in these shady dealings with weekly income
increased by 20–40% rather than 5–10%. However, the GM should also
engineer adventure hooks and run-ins with the law or other organizations
to spice up that PC’s life as he deals with the worst that society has to offer.

Sales Tax
Unless otherwise noted, sales tax averages 6% of the value of items
sold or traded within the walls of Bard’s Gate. Certain districts pay a
higher sales tax in order to provide for local guards and militia to offer
additional protection.

Common Costs and Fees

Fee Cost
Tax and Business Application 10gp
Inspection Fees (and Bribes) 25–100gp
Yearly Property Tax 15% property value
Yearly Upkeep 10% property value
6% value of items sold or
Monthly Sales Tax


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