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Timing Your Technology

Antoneth Camero

A. Smartphone

B. I use it to communicate with my family, with my other family members who work abroad, for
studying, shopping online, reading stories, and watching videos through social media.

C. For studying, I used my smartphone for 6 hours, and for communication, watching videos and reading
stories took 8 hours.

D. I must use my smartphone productively. Smartphone has great benefits in our lives because of its
efficiency, but it is also dangerous, especially to our health, if we use it too much.

Jofelia Vilacorta

A. Smartphone

B. I use it to communicate, for studying and entertainment

C. For studying I use my smartphone 5 hours and for other stuffs like communication and entertainment
is 8 hours

D. I should use more of my smartphone on being productive/focus doing school stuff. I should also learn
how to time manage using smartphone and take a shorter break from using it in entertainment because
of the radiation I can get that is not good for the health.

Nadine Cabalbag

A. Smartphone

B. One of the most common uses of my smartphone is to communicate with my loved ones who are far
away from me. Second is for school related purposes because we have an app called MSTeams that is
used for online classes. I also use my smartphone to do my online activities. Third is for social media,
social media serves as a break or entertainment for me, watching different content, especially funny
ones that relieve stress, and lastly is for listening to my fav music on Spotify and watching content from
my favorite vloggers on YT.

C. When i'm using it for school purposes, the longest time is 4 hours, when out of school purposes, 3
hours. So, each day, the estimated time i consume using my smartphone is just 7 hours.
D. Gadgets have become an integral part of modern life, and they have had a profound impact on the
way we live, work, and communicate. We rely in gadgets to stay connected with the world around us,
access information, and complete tasks more efficiently. Despite everything we can do with gadgets, it is
critical that we set limits on their use in order to avoid negative consequences.

Marwen Fronda

A. Smartphone

B. I use my smartphone to communicate with other people especially for my family because we're not
together always. Also for academic purposes or for my studies especially when we have online classes
and online activities or requiremnts. Then on updating my social media accounts, playing online games,
etc. or it serves as my entertainment or if I want to relax during leisure time. Smartphone make me able
to connect with other pepole virtually so it is very important and most of the time I used it.

C. When using it for academic purposes, the longest time is 5 hours or more depending on activities that
I need to do, but with other matters like playing online games and scrolling through my social media
accounts maybe 2-3 hours. So each day, the estimated time I consume using my smartphone is just 7-8

D. Portability is the most important benefit of smartphones. Users like me can perform many work or
school-related and social activities on our phones. We can send and receive messages, set up meetings
with friends, work on school requirements, and other functions that mght otherwise perform at physical


Antoneth Camero Smartphone -Communication, studies, Studies-6 hrs.

Online shopping, Reading,
Watching on social media Others-8 hrs.

Total of 14 hrs. per day

Josefa Villacorta Smartphone -Communication, Studying- 5 hrs.

studying, entertainment
Others- 8 hrs.

Total of 13 hrs. per day

Nadine Cabalbag Smartphone -Communication, school Studying- 4 hrs.
related purposes, online
activities, social media, Others- 3 hrs.
watching for
Total of 7 hrs. per day

Marwen Fronda Smartphone -Communication, Studying- 5 hrs.

academic purposes, social
media, online games, Others- 2-3 hrs.
Total of 7-8 hrs. per day

4. Only Smartphone is the gadget or device that my group uses. We basically use it for same purposes
particulary for communication, academic purposes and entertainment. We differ from the total time
that we alloted on this gadget but we all know how to limit and balance our time to do other things than
using smartphone the whole day. We know that this gadget is just a thing for us to help us on some
matter but we cannot rely everytime to this. Physical relationships and physical activities are better than
this because we can experience a lot more about life than just scrolling up and down through our

5. What have you learned from timing your technology?

One of the most significant challenges with technology is that it can be very easy to get sucked into
using it for long periods without realizing how much time has passed. This can lead to issues such as
eyestrain, headaches, and fatigue, as well as social isolation and disconnection from the real world. It's
essential to be mindful of how much time you spend using technology and to take breaks frequently to
give your eyes and brain a rest.

Another important consideration is the timing of technology use in relation to other activities. For
example, using technology right before bed can disrupt sleep patterns and make it harder to fall asleep.
It's generally recommended to avoid using technology for at least an hour before bedtime to allow your
brain to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Additionally, timing technology use in relation to work and other responsibilities is critical. It's easy to
get distracted by technology and lose track of time, which can lead to missed deadlines and unfinished
work. It's important to set boundaries around technology use and to prioritize important tasks and
responsibilities first before indulging in leisurely technology use.

We've learned how to manage our time using technology. By doing household chores and spend quality
time with our family. Sleep is good, and I lessen the feelimg of any stress. For having less screen time
we got to do a lot of things and also been more productive. Less bad moods and eating at the right time
and much understanding.

In summary, timing your use of technology is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health, staying
productive, and avoiding negative consequences such associal isolation and disrupted sleep patterns. It's
essential to be mindful of how much time you spend using technology, to take breaks frequently, and to
avoid using technology right before bedtime. By setting boundaries around technology use and
prioritizing important tasks and responsibilities first, you can use technology in a way that enhances your
life without detracting from it.

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