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RANDOM VARIABLES the number of female student selected by the

District Supervisor.
A variable is something which can change
its value. It may vary with different outcomes of an
experiment. If the value of a variable depends upon
the outcome of a random experiment it is a random
variable. A random variable can take up any real


A discrete random variable is a variable
whose value is obtained by counting.

 number of students present

 number of red marbles in a jar EXAMPLE 2
 number of heads when flipping three coins Consider tossing a fair coin 3 times.
 students’ grade level
Let Y = the number of heads obtained
Find the values of the random variable X
A continuous random variable is a variable
whose value is obtained by measuring

 height of students in class

 weight of students in class
 time it takes to get to school
 distance traveled between classes


Suppose that the District Supervisor is Probability distribution of a random variable
selecting three Senior High School students at tells all of its possible values along with their
random to be interviewed. associated probabilities.
Let M be Male and F be Female.
Let X be the random variable representing
The random variable X is the number of tails
in two tosses of a coin. 1. The probability of each value of x is a value
between 0 and 1.
What are the probabilities of the possible
2. The sum of the probabilities of a value is
equal to 1. In symbol, ΣP(X) = 1.
What is the probability distribution of X?

 A random variable is a discrete random

variable if its set of possible outcomes is
countable , such as number of defective
chairs produced in a factory
 A random variable is continuous random
variable if it takes a continuous scale such
as heights, weights, and temperature.


Remember, a histogram is a bar graph. To
construct a histogram for a probability distribution,

 Plot the values of the random variable (X, Y,

etc.) along the horizontal axis.
 Plot the probabilities (P(X)) along the
vertical axis.

Let X is the number of tails in 3 coin tosses.
What are the probability distribution of X
and probability histogram?
Use the probability distribution to sketch the

COMPUTING THE MEAN The value we obtained in Step 3 of example

1 is called the mean of the random variable X or the
Consider rolling a die. What is the average mean of the probability distribution of X.
number of spots that would appear?
What does this mean? The mean tells us
that when you roll a die, the average number of
STEP 1 spots that will appear is 3.5.

Construct the probability distribution for the

random variable X representing the number of FORMULA FOR THE MEAN OF THE
spots that would appear. PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION


Multiply the value of the random variable X
by the corresponding probability.

The term variance refers to a statistical

measurement of the spread between numbers in a
data set.
More specifically, variance measures how
STEP 3 far each number in the set is from the mean and
thus from every other number in the set. Variance
Add the results obtained in Step 2.
is often depicted by this symbol: σ2
Variance is a measurement of the spread
between numbers in a data set.
The random variable X, representing the Square the results obtained in Step 2
number students with specific study habit with its
corresponding probability distribution. Compute the

Find the mean of the probability distribution Multiply the results obtained in Step 3 by the
using the formula corresponding probability
𝜇 = ∑ 𝑋 ∙ 𝑃(𝑋)

Get the square root of the variance to get
the standard deviation.
The variance of the probability distribution is
STEP 2 1.29.

Subtract the mean from each value of the The standard deviation is 𝜎 = √1.29 = 1.14
random variable X.

A statistic that measures the dispersion of a
dataset relative to its mean and is calculated as the
square root of the variance. It is calculated as the
square root of variance by determining the variation
between each data point relative to the mean.


Variance is the average squared deviations
from the mean, while standard deviation is the
square root of this number. Both measures reflect
variability in a distribution, but their units differ:
Standard deviation is expressed in the
same units as the original values (e.g., minutes or
Variance is expressed in much larger units
(e.g., meters squared).
Although the units of variance are harder to
intuitively understand, variance is important in
statistical tests.



6. The area under the curve is 1. Exactly half

Data can be distributed in a variety of ways.
of the values are to the left of the center and
It can spread more on the left or more on the right
exactly half the values are to the right.
or even jumbled up. But there are many cases
where the data tends to be around a central value
with no bias left or right, and it gets close to a
"Normal Distribution" like what you found in the
activity. You found out that your graphed data is THE STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTION
shaped like a bell curve and can be described as A normal distribution is determined by the
normally distributed. mean 𝜇 and standard deviation 𝜎.
If the mean µ = 0 and a standard deviation
σ = 1, the normal distribution is called a standard
normal distribution.
By substituting the mean, µ = 0 and the
standard deviation, σ = 1 in the formula
mathematicians are able to find the areas under the
normal curve.
The areas under the normal curve can be
found using the Areas under the Standard Normal
Distribution Table. These areas have already been
predetermined for use.

The given distribution consists of a large

number of cases and the three measures of
averages (mean, median, and mode) are equal and
the distribution is symmetrical and the skewness is
0. In Statistics, such distribution is called normal
distribution or simply normal curve. The normal
distribution is the most important and most widely
used distribution in statistics.


The normal probability distribution has the The middle regions under the normal curve
following properties: are shown above.
1. The distribution curve is bell-shaped. The total area between z = −1 and z = 1 is
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center.
3. The mean, the median, and the mode are 2 (0.3413) = 0.6826 or 68.26%;
equal and coincide at the center. between 𝑧 = −2 and 𝑧 = 2, the total area is
4. The width of the curve is determined by the 0.9544 or 95.44%;
standard deviation of the distribution.
5. The tails of the curve flatten out indefinitely and the total area between 𝑧 = −3 and 𝑧 = 3
along the horizontal axis, always is 0.9974 or 99.74%
approaching the axis but never touching it.
This means that we can determine the area
That is, the curve is asymptotic to the base
in any specified region under the normal curve and
associate it with probability, proportion, or given z-value or
percentage. values.
3. Perform appropriate No operations needed
operations to get the because the answer is
required area, if already given in the
needed z-table.
DISTRIBUTION TABLE 4. Write the required Thus, the area that
The table of areas under the normal curve is area corresponds to 𝑧 = −1
also known as the z-Table. is 0.3413

The z-score is a measure of relative

Example 2: Find the area that
standing. It is calculated by subtracting 𝑥̅ or 𝜇 from
corresponds to 𝑧 = 1.
the measurement of 𝑥 and then dividing the result
by 𝑠 or σ. Finding the area that corresponds to 𝑧 = 1 is
the same as finding the area between 𝑧 = 0 and 𝑧 =
The final result, the z score, represents the
distance between a given measurement 𝑥 and the
mean, expressed in standard deviations. 1. Draw the normal
curve and locate the
Either z-score locates 𝑥 within a sample
given z-value or values
within a population. at the base line of the
curve. Then, draw a
vertical line through the
STUDY THE FOLLOWING CASES IN given z-value or values
IDENTIFYING THE AREA UNDER THE and shade the required
2. Use the z-table to
Case 1. When the required area is find the areas that 𝑧 = 1 corresponds to an
between 𝑧 = 0 and any z-value: correspond to the given area of 0.3413
z-value or values.
3. Perform appropriate No operations needed
operations to get the because the answer is
required area, if already given in the
needed z-table.
4. Write the required Thus, the area that
area corresponds to 𝑧 = 1 is
Example 1: Find the area that 0.3413
corresponds to 𝑧 = −1 When z is negative, simply ignore the sign.
The negative informs us that the region is found on
Finding the area that corresponds to 𝑧 = −1
the left side of the mean. Remember, areas are
is the same as finding the area between 𝑧 = 0 and 𝑧
positive values.
= −1.

1. Draw the normal

curve and locate the Case 2. When the required area is
given z-value or values greater than z
at the base line of the
curve. Then, draw a
vertical line through the
given z-value or values
and shade the required
2. Use the z-table to 𝑧 = −1 corresponds to Other than the terms “greater than”, you can
find the areas that an area of 0.3413 use these words to convey the same meaning: at
correspond to the least z, more than z, to the right of z, or above z.
Example 3: Find the area above 𝑧 = −1.34. ` Other than the terms “less than”, you can
use these words to convey the same meaning: at
1. Draw the normal most z, no more than z, not greater than z, or to the
curve and locate the
left of z
given z-value or values
at the base line of the Example 5: Find the area to the left of 𝑧 =
curve. Then, draw a −1.52.
vertical line through the
given z-value or values 1. Draw the normal
and shade the required curve and locate the
region. given z-value or values
2. Use the z-table to at the base line of the
find the areas that 𝑧 = −1.34 corresponds curve. Then, draw a
correspond to the given to an area of 0.4099 vertical line through the
z-value or values. given z-value or values
3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests and shade the required
operations to get the addition. region.
required area, if 0.4099 + 0.5 = 0.9099 2. Use the z-table to
needed find the areas that 𝑧 = −1.52 corresponds
4. Write the required Thus, the area above correspond to the given to an area of 0.4357.
area 𝑧 = −1.34 is 0.9099. z-value or values.
3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests
operations to get the subtraction.
Example 4:Find the area to the right of 𝑧 required area, if 0.5 − 0.4357 = 0.0643
= 1.56. needed
4. Write the required Thus, the area to the
1. Draw the normal area left of 𝑧 = −1.52 is
curve and locate the 0.0643
given z-value or values
at the base line of the
curve. Then, draw a Example 6: Find the area less than 𝑧 =
vertical line through the 1.25
given z-value or values
and shade the required 1. Draw the normal
region. curve and locate the
2. Use the z-table to given z-value or values
find the areas that 𝑧 = 1.56 corresponds to at the base line of the
correspond to the given an area of 0.4406. curve. Then, draw a
z-value or values. vertical line through the
3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests given z-value or values
operations to get the subtraction. and shade the required
required area, if 0.5 − 0.4406 = 0.0594 region.
needed 2. Use the z-table to
4. Write the required Thus, the area to the find the areas that 𝑧 = 1.25 corresponds to
area right of 𝑧 = 1.56 is correspond to the an area of 0.3944.
0.4406. given z-value or
3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests
Case 3. When the required area is less operations to get the addition.
than z required area, if 0.5 + 0.3944 = 0.8944
4. Write the required Thus, the area less
area than 𝑧 = 1.25 is 0.8944.
Case 4. When the required area is area of 0.3413
between two z-values of the same sign 3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests
operations to get the subtraction. Subtract
required area, if the smaller area from
needed the larger area. 0.4772
4. Write the required Thus, the area
area between 𝑧=−2 and
𝑧=−1 is 0.1359.
Other than the terms “less than”, you can
use these words to convey the same meaning: at
most z, no more than z, not greater than z, or to the Case 5. When the required area is
left of z between −z1 and z2

Example 7: Find the area between 𝑧=1.70

and 𝑧=0.82.

1. Draw the normal

curve and locate the
given z-value or values
at the base line of the Example 9: Find the area between
curve. Then, draw a 𝑧=−1.54 and z=1.75
vertical line through the 1. Draw the normal
given z-value or values curve and locate the
and shade the required given z-value or values
region. at the base line of the
2. Use the z-table to 𝑧=1.70 corresponds to curve. Then, draw a
find the areas that an area of 0.4554 vertical line through the
correspond to the given 𝑧=0.82 corresponds to given z-value or values
z-value or values. an area of 0.2939 and shade the required
3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests region.
operations to get the subtraction. Subtract 2. Use the z-table to 𝑧=−1.54 corresponds
required area, if the smaller area from find the areas that to an area of 0.4382
needed the larger area. correspond to the given 𝑧=1.75 corresponds to
0.4554−0.2939=0.1615 z-value or values. an area of 0.4599
4. Write the required Thus, the area 3. Perform appropriate The graph suggests
area between 𝑧=0.82 and operations to get the addition.
𝑧=1.70 is 0.1615. required area, if 0.4382+0.4599=0.8981
Example 8: Find the area between 𝑧=−2 4. Write the required Thus, the area
and 𝑧=−1
area between 𝑧=−1.54 and
𝑧=1.75 is 0.8981.
1. Draw the normal
curve and locate the
Let us summarize
given z-value or values
at the base line of the  When speaking about a region under the
curve. Then, draw a curve, we are interested in the area of the
vertical line through the
given z-value or values
and shade the required  The area in any specified region under the
region. normal curve can be associated with
2. Use the z-table to 𝑧=−2 corresponds to probability, proportion or percentage.
find the areas that an  When 𝑧 is negative, simply ignore the
correspond to the given area of 0.4772 negative sign and proceed. The negative
z-value or values. 𝑧=−1 corresponds to sign indicates that the region is on the left
side of the mean or below the mean. Areas 3. Match the third digit
are always positive values. with the appropriate
column on the right.
HOW TO FIND THE AREAS UNDER THE 4. Read the area at the
NORMAL CURVE GIVEN A Z-VALUE? intersection of the row The required area is
and the column. This is 0.4131
 Express the given z-value into a three-digit the required area.
 Using the z-table, find the first two digits of
the given z-value on the left column. Let us summarize
 Match the third digit with the appropriate The normal distribution is a continuous
column on the right. probability distribution. It has the following
 Read the area (or probability) at the properties:
intersection of the row and the column. This
is the required area. 1. The distribution curve is bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center.
Examples: Exactly half of the values are to the left of
1. Find the area that corresponds to z = 1.25. the center and exactly half the values are to
Finding the area that correspond to 𝑧 the right.
= 1.25 is the same as finding the 3. The mean, the median, and the mode are
area between z = 0and z = 1.25. equal and coincide at the center.
4. The width of the curve is determined by the
STEPS SOLUTION standard deviation of the distribution
1. Express the given 5. The tails of the curve flatten out indefinitely
z-value into a three- 𝑧 = 1.25 along the horizontal axis, always
digit form. approaching the axis but never touching it.
2. Using the z-table, That is, the curve is asymptotic to the base
find the first two digits line.
of the given z-value
6. The area under the curve s 1. Thus, it
on the left column
represents the probability or proportion or
3. Match the third digit
with the appropriate the percentage associated with the specific
column on the right. sets of measurement values.
4. Read the area at the
intersection of the row The required area is A standard normal curve is a normal
and the column. This is 0.3944
probability distribution that has a mean µ = 0 and a
the required area.
standard deviation σ = 1

2. Find the area that corresponds to z = -1.36.

In the z-table, the area that To find the area under the normal curve, the
corresponds to 𝑧 = −1.36 is the following steps are suggested:
same as the area that corresponds
to 𝑧 = 1.36. In the graph of this 1. Express the given z-value into a three-digit
region, it is located form.
2. Using the z-table, find the first two digits on
STEPS SOLUTION the left column.
1. Express the given 3. Match the third digit with the appropriate
z-value into a three- 𝑧 = - 1.36 column on the right.
digit form. 4. Read the area at the intersection of the row
2. Using the z-table, and the column. This is the required area.
find the first two digits
of the given z-value
on the left column


Raw scores may be composed of large EXAMPLE 1
values, but large values cannot be accommodated
Locate the z-value that corresponds to
at the base line of the normal curve. So, they have
to be transformed into scores for convenience Mathematics test score of 55 given the mean, 𝜇
without sacrificing meanings associated with the =50 and the standard deviation, 𝜎 = 2.
raw scores. 1. Choose the formula
to use. (Use the z-
If you wish to find the proportion of area,
score formula for
percentage or probability associated with a raw
population data as
score, you must find its matched z-value using the indicated in the
z-score formula. Then, the z-value leads to the area problem.)
under the normal curve found in the z-table, which 2. Write the given
is a probability or the desired percentage. values.
3. Substitute the given
Z-score or standard score measures how
values in the
many standard deviation a given value (x) is above
computing formula.
or below the mean. Z-scores are useful in Then, compute the z-
comparing observed values. If a z-score is equal to value.
0, it is on the mean. Thus, the z-value that corresponds to the
A positive z-score indicates that the score or raw score 55 is 2.5 in a population distribution. This
observed value is above the mean, whereas a means the score 55 is 2.5 standard deviations
negative z-score indicates that the score or above the mean.
observed value is below the mean. For example, if
a z-score is equal to 1, it is 1 standard deviation
above the mean. If a z-score is equal to −2, it is 2 EXAMPLE 2
standard deviations below the mean.
On the midterm examination in Statistics,
The areas under the normal curve are given the sample mean was 80 and the sample standard
in terms of z-scores. Either it locates x within a deviation was 7. Determine the standard score of a
sample or within a population. student who got a score of 75 assuming that the
scores are normally distributed.
1. Choose the formula
to use. (Use the z-
score formula for
population data as
indicated in the
2. Write the given
3. Substitute the given
values in the
computing formula.
Then, compute the z-
Thus, the z-value that corresponds to the
raw score 75 is −0.71 in a sample distribution. This
means the score 75 is 0.71 standard deviations
below the mean.
Liza scored 90 in a Mathematics test and 70
in an English test. Scores in the Mathematics test
have a mean 𝜇 = 80 and a standard deviation 𝜎
=10. Scores in the English test have a mean 𝜇 = 60
and a standard deviation 𝜎 = 8. In which subject
was her standing better, assuming that the scores
in her Mathematics and English class are normally

1. Choose the formula

to use. (Use the z-
score formula for
population data as
indicated in the
2. Write the given
3. Substitute the given
values in the
computing formula.
Then, compute the z-
The z-value that corresponds to Liza’s
Mathematics raw score of 90 is 1 in a population
distribution. This means the score 90 is 1 standard
deviation above the mean.
Meanwhile, the z-value that corresponds to
her English score of 70 is 1.25.
This means that 70 is 1.25 standard
deviations above the mean. Thus, Liza has a better
standing in English compared to Mathematics.

Finding the area of a region under the

normal curve is the same as finding the probability
associated with that region. Thus, the area under
the normal curve denotes probability. Hence, we
could the find probability between two z-values by
simply calculating the required area.
PROBABILITY NOTATIONS Find the probability that the z-score is at most 𝑧 =
Study the following notations for a random
variable used in various solutions concerning the
normal curve. These notations are used in
representing probabilities. Mathematical notations
are convenient form of lengthy expressions.
Let a and b be z-score values:
𝑃(a < 𝑧 < b) denotes the probability that the
z-score is between a and b.
It is read as “the probability that the z-score
falls between 𝑧 = a and 𝑧 = b.”

Find the probability that the z-score is less
than 𝑧 = −1.78.
The nearest area is 0.3997 which
correspond to z = 1.28. So, the 90th percentile is
Percentile is a measure of relative standing.
It is the percent of cases that are at or below a
score. It tells you how a value compares to other
To illustrate, draw the normal curve. Draw a
If your teacher tells you that you scored line through 𝑧 = 1.28 and shade the region below it.
90th percentile, it means that 90% of the grades The shaded region is 90% of the distribution.
were lower than yours and 10% were higher.
In the previous lesson, you learned on how
to find the area or probability under the normal
curve given a z-value.
Suppose, you know the area or probability
this time, how would you find the corresponding z-
When you are given with the area or
probability and you want to know the corresponding
z-score, locate the area at the body of the table. EXAMPLE 2

If the exact area is not available, take the Find the 95th percentile of a normal curve.
nearest area. Then, look up the corresponding z- Finding 95th percentile means locating an
value. area below the point. To begin, find the z-value
located at this point.

EXAMPLE 1 Solution:

Find the 90th percentile of a normal curve. Express the 95th percentile to decimal so
that you can easily find it in the z-table, that is,
Finding 90th percentile means locating an 0.9500.
area below the point. To begin, find the z-value
located at this point. We know that 0.9500 occupies more than
half of the curve.
This occupies all the area below the mean
Express the 90th percentile to decimal so which is 0.5 or 0.5000. This left us with an area of
that you can easily find it in the z-table, that is, 0.4500 above the mean (0.9500-0.5000=0.4500).
Then, locate the z-value corresponding to
We know that 0.9000 occupies more than the area 0.4500.
half of the curve.
The z-value corresponding to the area
This occupies all the area below the mean 0.4500 is not available, so take the nearest area.
which is 0.5 or 0.5000. This left us with an area of The nearest areas are 0.4495 and 0.4505.
0.4000 above the mean (0.9000-0.5000=0.4000).
Find the z-value corresponding to 0.4495
Then, locate the z-value corresponding to and 0.4505.
the area 0.4000. The z-value corresponding to the
area 0.4000 is not available, so take the nearest These are z=1.64 and z=1.65.We get the
area. average of the two z-values: 𝑧 = (1.64+1.65)/ 2 = 𝟏.
𝟔𝟒𝟓. Thus, the 95th percentile is z=1.645.
To illustrate, draw the normal curve.
Draw a line through 𝑧 = 1.645 and shade
the region below it.
The shaded region is 95% of the

Find the upper 2% of the normal curve.
Finding the upper 2% of the normal curve
means locating an area above the point. To begin,
find the z-value located at this point.
Express the given percent to decimal so
that you can easily find it in the z-table, that is,
The upper 5% or 0.0500 means to the right
of a z-value above the mean.
Find the remaining area, using the upper
side of the mean (0.5000-0.0200=0.4800).
Then, locate the z-value corresponding to
the area 0.4800.
The z-value corresponding to the area
0.4800 is not available, so take the nearest area.
The nearest area is 0.4798 which
corresponds to 𝑧=2.05. Thus, the upper 2% is
above 𝒛=𝟐.𝟎𝟓.
To illustrate, draw the appropriate normal
curve. Draw a line through 𝑧=2.05 and shade the
region above it. The shaded region is 2% of the


The Central limit theorem states that the
sampling distribution of the mean approximates a
normal distribution with a mean of μ and a standard
deviation of σ/√𝑛 if the sample size N of the random
samples is large enough.
In this case, as more samples with large
sample sizes will be taken from a certain population
with replacement, the sampling distribution will
closely resemble to that of a normal distribution.
On the question, “How large should the
sample size be?”, statisticians do differ on it as
some would suggest 30 and others suggest it as
large as 50 or more.
This usually happens when the population
does not appear to be normal.
In fact, generally, as sample size increases,
the sample mean tends to be normally distributed
around the population mean and its standard
deviation also decreases.


Given a die, it has 6 faces in which each
face has either dot/s of x= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Given
it as the population, consider the samples of size
n=1 and 2. If n= 1,

The population mean and sampling
distribution means are both equal which is 3.5.
It has a variance of approximately 2.92 and
a standard deviation of approximately 1.71.
Since all samples have the same probability
of 1/6 or 16.6̅, the trend of the histogram is like a
flat line horizontally.
The population mean and sampling mean is
just the same which is 3.5 and it shows a variance
of approximately 1.46 and a standard deviation of
1.21, approximately.
Most of the data are concentrated at the
middle values of the sample means.
As observe in the graph, the data gathered
resembles that of normal curve which supports the
idea of a central limit theorem which strongly
suggests normality.

As sample size n increases from a given

population, the shape of sampling distribution
becomes smoother and more bell-shaped as
previously discussed. However, we need to realize
that there are two separate random variables which
1. 𝑥, the measurement of a single element
selected at random from the population; the
distribution of 𝑥 is the distribution of the
population, with mean the population mean
μ and standard deviation the population
standard deviation σ;
2. 𝑥̅, the mean of the measurements in a
sample of size n; the distribution of 𝑥̅ is its
sampling distribution, with mean 𝜇𝑥 = ̅ 𝜇 and
standard deviation 𝜎𝑥̅ =𝜎/√n.


Example 1:

Consider a population consisting of the

values 2, 5, and 8.
a. Compute the population mean.
b. Compute the population variance.
c. Find the population standard deviation.
d. List all the possible samples of size n = 2
with replacement and their corresponding
e. Find the mean of the sampling distribution
of sample means.
f. Find the variance of the sampling
distribution of sample means.
g. Find the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of sample means.

A sampling distribution of sample means is

a probability distribution that describes the
probability for each mean of all samples with the
same sample size 𝑛


The following are formulae needed to
compute the mean, variance and standard
deviation of a population and mean, variance, and
standard deviation of the sampling distribution of
sample means.
Example 2:
Consider a population consisting of the
values 1, 3, and 5.
a. Compute the population mean.
b. Compute the population variance.
c. Find the population standard deviation.
d. List all the possible samples of size n = 2
without replacement and their
corresponding means.
e. Find the mean of the sampling distribution
of sample means.
f. Find the variance of the sampling
distribution of sample means.
g. Find the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of sample means.

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