Connecting To World Events #1

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Jonah Paguio

International Relations

Professor Szczurek

June 25, 2021

Connecting to World Events #1


1. What’s the title of the article? Who is the author? Copy and paste the URL.

Title: “US to give 80 million COVID vaccine doses to priority nations; Philippines


Author: Michael Mathes and Agence France-Presse



2. Imagine you are writing to someone who is not familiar with world politics at all.

Summarize the story briefly (100-150 words). Who is doing what to whom, when,

where, and why? What is the relevant history?

The United States is sending 80 million doses of vaccines to developing countries

partly through the COVAX program. Those countries include India, Vietnam,

Bangladesh, Argentina, Colombia, Philippines, and more. This is part of the US Strategy

for Global Vaccine Sharing not to secure favors with other countries but to save lives and

to help end the COVID19 pandemic. This is only the first distribution of vaccines so

more doses are expected to be distributed in other ways besides the COVAX program.
The United States was pressured by other governments to use the nation's excess supply

of vaccines to help nations that are struggling to deal with the pandemic.

3. What interests you about this story? Why did you choose to write about it and not other

stories happening?

I have been hearing and following this topic for months now. This is more of a

personal reason as it always makes me emotional to see developing countries having a

difficult time dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. I can not help but compare the

privilege I have as an American citizen to the lives in developing countries as I lived in

the Philippines for sixteen years. Also, I always think about how the US government

would respond to the pandemic and how they would extend their resources to other

nations so reading articles like this feed my curious mind.

4. Briefly describe the week’s relevant topic and questions that connect to this story. How

does this story connect to this week’s topics or questions? (100-150 words)

This week is about learning the basics of politics and what counts as world

politics. Not every topic will go under politics as it has certain criteria such as having

public/private distinction, cooperation/conflict, community building, and disagreement

and consensus. This topic about the United States sending a million doses of vaccines to

developing countries is under world politics as it shows the role of the United States in

the world and how nations connect to each other. This proves how different nations are

connected in many ways especially on serious topics like the health and well-being of

5. Based on this week’s readings, discussions, and questions, what do you think is most

likely to happen next in this story? Why?

The United States as well as other first-world countries will send out more help in

terms of vaccines to the countries that need it most not just because of ethical reasons but

to create relationships between nations as well. This relationship can be beneficial in the

future, in my opinion. Because based on this week's topic, politics is also about the

distribution of wealth and how people get what they need. So creating a strong bond

between countries is a politically smart way to form allies by sending out vaccines that

not all countries have access to.

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