4 EngineCyclesAnalysis

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Cycle Analysis

I.C. Engines
ME 4803 z Actual Cycles:
• Variable Composition (combustion) with Gas
Mixtures (CO2, H2O, N2)
z Air-Standard Cycle:
Engine Cycle Analysis • Simplified and more manageable
Dr. Sam V. Shelton
• Determines Important Design Parameters
• Reasonable accuracy, particularly w.r.t.
sensitivity to design parameters

Air-Standard Assumptions (cont.) Air-Standard Assumptions

• Working Fluid is air z Ideal Processes
• Mass is constant (actually variation 7%) • Constant pressure exhaust at 1 atms.
• Closed Cycle • Normally aspirated cycles have constant
pressure intake at 1 atms
• Recirculated Air
• Turbo/Supercharged cycles have constant
• Heat Exchangers for heat rejection and pressure > 1 atms.
• Compression and Expansion are adiabatic
• No Internal Combustion isentropic with contant specific heats

(cont.) Air-Standard Assumptions Air-Standard Applicable Equations
z Heat addition is at constant volume (SI) z Ideal Gas Properties:
or constant pressure (CI) P v=R T
z Exhaust blowdown at constant volume
z All processes are reversible
P=ρR T
du=c vdT

(cont.) Air-Standard Applicable Equations

(cont.) Air-Standard Applicable Equations

z Isentropic Compression and Expansion: • Work in Isentropic Expansion or Compression

• constant specific heats
Pv k =constant
Tv k-1 =constant w 1-2 =(P2 v 2 -P1 v1 )/(1-k)
TP (1-k)/k =constant = R(T2 -T1 )/(1-k)

Air Standard Otto Cycle
z 1-2: Isentropic Compression
z 2-3: Constant Volume Heat Additioin
z 3-4: Isentropic Expansion
z 4-5: Constant Volume Heat Rejection
z 5-6: Exhaust at Ambient Pressure
z 6-1: Intake at 1 atms
• Higher than 1 atms if super/turbo-charged

Otto Cycle Thermodynamic Analysis

• Applying Applicable Thermodynamic Equations

6-1: Intake
1-2: Compression
2-3: Constant Volume Heat Addition
3-4: Power Stroke (Expansion)
4-5: Constant Volume Heat Rejection
5-6: Exhaust

Isentropic Compression 1-2:
Intake Process 1-6:

T2 = T1 (v1 / v2 ) k −1 = T1 (V1 / V2 )k −1 = T1 (rc ) k −1

P1 =P6 =P0
P2 = P1 (v1 / v2 ) k = P1 (V1 / V2 ) k = P1 (rc ) k

w6-1=P0 (v1-v6 ) q1− 2 = 0

w1-2 =(P2 v 2 -P1v1 )/(1-k)=R(T2 -T1 )/(1-k)

=(u1 -u 2 )=c v (T1 -T2 )

Constant Volume Heat Input 2-3: Isentropic Expansion 3-4:

v3 =v 2 =v TDC q 3-4 =0
w 2-3 =0 T4 =T3 (v3 /v 4 ) k-1 =T3 (V3 /V4 ) k-1 =T3 (1/rc ) k-1
Q HV ηc =(AF+1)c v (T3 -T2 )
P4 =P3 (v3 /v 4 ) k =P3 (V3 /V4 ) k =P3 (1/rc ) k
q 2-3 =q in =c v (T3 -T2 )=(u 3 -u 2 )
w 3-4 =(u 3 -u 4 )=c v (T3 -T4 )

Constant Volume Heat Rejection 4-5: Exhaust Stroke 5-6:
Blow Down
v 5 = v 4 = v1 = v BDC P5 =P6 =P0
w 4 -5 =0
w 5-6 =P0 (v 6 -v5 )=P0 (v 6 -v1 )
q 4 -5 =q out = c v ( T 5 - T 4 ) = ( u 5 - u 4 ) = c v ( T1 - T 4 )

Thermal Efficiency (cont.) Thermal Efficiency

z From Definition and Previous Process Eqns: z Note: Thermal Efficiency and Work Output/cycle
ηt, OTTO = w net / q in =1-( q out / q in )
ηt,OTTO =Function(rc Only)
=1- [ c v (T4 -T1 )/c v (T3 -T2 )]
By using Isentropic Expansion and Compression Eqns:
rc = compression ratio only =VBDC /VTDC
ηt, OTTO =1- 1/ ( v1/v 2 ) 
  Higher Compression Ratio is Win/Win.
k-1 Higher Efficiency and Higher Power
ηt, OTTO =1-(1/rc )

Real Air-Fuel Engine Cycles
Air-Standard Cycles
z Changing gas composition via combustion Finite Combustion Time Losses
z Changing mass for CI Cycle via fuel addition
z Properties differ from air
• fuel & combustion products
z Specific Heat Varies by up to 30%
• Large Temperature Variation (20C to 3600C)
z Combustion Requires Finite Time
• 30 to 60 Degrees of Crank Rotation
• More Compression Work
• Less Expansion Power Stroke Work

(cont.) Real Cycle Effects (cont.) Real Cycle Effects

z Finite Time Blowdown Process z Intake Valve Closes aBDC
• Exhaust Valve Opens bBDC • Improves Volumetric Efficiency
• Work Loss at end of Power Stroke
• Momemtum of Entering Air continues flow
through intake valve after piston starts up
• Reduces Effective Compression Ratio
Early Exhaust • Reduces T and P due to compression
Valve Opening

(cont.) Real Cycle Effects Summary: Real Cycle Effects
z Finite Valve Opening and Closing Times z Errors of Real Cycle Effects vs. Air Standard
• Amplifies the previous effect of early Exhaust Effects not Large
Valve Opening and Late Intake Closing z Some Errors tend to cancel, e.g., Specific Heats
• Causes Valve “Overlap” at TDC z Real Cycle Efficiency Less than Air Standard
• Both valves open simultaneously at TDC Calculated Values by about 15%

ηt,Actual ≈ 0.85ηt,Otto

Reall Part Throttle SI Cycle Real Turbo/Supercharged SI Cycle Effect

Negative Pump Work Positive Pump Work

Real Intake/Exhaust Pump Work Real Exhaust Blowdown T-s

(Wpump ) net =(Pi -Pex )Vd

pmep=(Wpump ) net /Vd =(Pi -Pex )
P a rt T h r o ttle :
P i < P ex
S u p e r/T u rb o -C h a rg e d :
P ex < P i

Real Exhaust Blowdown P-v Real Exhaust Blowdown Equations

z Approximated by Isentropic Process

T7 =T4 (Pex /P4 )(k-1)/k =T4 (P0 /P4 )(k-1)/k

where: P7 =Pex =P0

Residual Exhaust in Intake Gases Calculating Residual Exhaust
z Residual Exhaust z Using Energy Conservation to calculate T7:
Gases in Clearance
Volume, Vc, at TDC
Starting Intake
m ex h ex +m a h a =m m h m
( T m ) 1 = x r T e x + ( 1 -x r ) T a
x r =m ex /m m w h e re :
Tex = T7

(Cont.) Calculating Residual Exhaust (cont.) Calculating Residual Exhaust

z Again, approximating blowdown as isentropic:

v 7 = RT7 / P7 ; P7 ≈ Patm
P4 /P7 =(v 7 /v 4 ) =P4 /Pex =P4 /P0
x r =(V2 /v 7 )=V2 /v 7
P3 /P7 =(v 7 /v3 ) k =P3 /Pex =P3 /P0
3% < x r < 7%
m ex =V5 /v ex =V5 /v 7 =V1/v 7
Exhaust Residual Examples: 3-2 & 3-3

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