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Bone Graft Substitutes

Doron I. Ilan, MD, and Amy L. Ladd, MD

capabilities. The indications and potential future indications

Today’s surgeon faces many situations that require bone graft-
ing. Autologous bone is the traditional standard for treating
for graft substitutes will be discussed.
conditions requiring bone graft. However, autologous bone graft-
ing has drawbacks such as donor site morbidity and increased
operative time. Graft substitutes for autologous bone are an
Basic Concepts of Bone Grafting
appealing alternative. Substitutes include allograft, mineral com- The character of a fracture or bone defect dictates the expecta-
posites, ceramics, mineral cements, bioactive glass, proteins, tions of a graft. A distal radius fracture may require a void filler
and growth factors. The use and availability of these products to provide compressive support or a scaffolding for new-bone
has expanded exponentially. The large number of alternatives formation, for example, while a comminuted ulnar shaft frac-
available and the relative lack of quality information regarding
ture may require structural graft to fill a gap. Immediate needs
their indications and effectiveness leave the surgeon desiring to
use the products with a daunting task. This article provides the
and dynamic processes describe fundamental attributes of graft
surgeon with an overview of the basic concepts of bone grafting substitutes. Although interplay exists between them, they may
and discusses the most commonly used bone-graft substitutes be characterized as follows: (1) structural support/strength
and their potential indications. (immediate and static) (2) osteoconduction, (3) osteoinduc-
© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. tion, and (4) osteogenesis.

Structural Support/Strength
one grafting is a commonly performed procedure. It is
B estimated that more than 500,000 bone-grafting proce-
dures are performed annually in the United States.1 The indi-
One of the common indications for bone grafting is bone loss,
requiring mechanical support or structural replacement. Al-
though cortical bone, both autologous and allograft, confers
cations for bone grafting include fractures with bone loss, com-
mechanical stability, a method to provide rapid incorporation
minution, metaphyseal defects, delayed unions and nonunions,
into bone has not been established. To date this mechanical
bone lesions, and arthrodesis.2 Bone grafting is intended to
stability is largely met with internal, external, and adjunctive
stimulate bone healing and fill bone defects, with autologous
fixation techniques. Synthetic injectable materials now exist
bone grafting as the standard method of achieving these goals.
which confer mechanical stability in compression but largely
Problems with using an autograft, however, exist. Harvesting
require intact or reducible cortical bone.4
bone involves increased operative time, blood loss, postopera-
tive pain, length of hospital stay, and cost. A study reported an
8.6% rate of major complications and a 20.6% rate of minor Osteoconduction
complications associated with autologous grafting.3 The supply Osteoconduction is the process which provides scaffolding for
of autologous bone is limited and successful healing and re- ingrowth of new bone. The protein matrix and mineral phase of
modeling may not always be achieved. Alternatives to bone bone graft provide this structure. Autograft, allograft, many of
grafting potentially expand traditional indications for use. the mineral bone graft substitutes (Fig 1), coralline hydroxyap-
The surgeon’s desire for new bone grafting tools and their atite and bioactive glass provide this quality. It is most com-
potential marketability has provided the stimulus for develop- monly used to fill bone voids, with anticipated ingrowth of new
ing innovative and effective products over the last decade. Al- bone into, and possibly replacing, the osteoconductive graft.
though these products promise to revolutionize surgical prac-
tice, the present options and available information are Osteoinduction
confusing to most practitioners. The choice of a bone-graft
substitute may be influenced more by marketing strategies than Osteoinduction is the process which stimulates new bone pro-
scientific basis. An absence of comparative human studies that duction in bone-forming cells. Blood-borne proteins, peptides,
clearly demonstrate the benefits of one agent over another fur- growth factors, and a specific group of named cytokines pro-
ther confounds critical analysis. This article will discuss the vide this stimulation. Cytokines are low-molecular weight,
basic principles of bone grafting, identify the major types of pharmacologically active proteins derived from a specific cell
graft substitutes available, and review their unique features and line, which have a hormonal-like influence on the cells associ-
ated with the immune response. Growth factors, a subset of
cytokines, are polypeptides that promote cell growth by bind-
From the Robert A. Chase Hand and Upper Limb Center, Palo Alto, CA. ing to specific receptors. The intensely researched group of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Amy Ladd, Pro- cytokines known as the “superfamily” of Transforming Growth
fessor of Orthopaedics, Stanford University School of Medicine, 900 Factor type ␤ (TGF-␤) has shown a role in regulation from
Welch Road, Suite 15, Palo Alto, CA 94304.
© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. embryonic development to wound and bone healing.5 The Bone
1071-0949/02/0904-0007$35.00/0 Morphogenic Proteins (BMPs), an influential subclass of TGF-␤,
doi:10.1053/j.optr.2003.09.003 induce cartilage and bone forming elements (osteoprogenitor

Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Vol 9, No 4: pp 151-160 151

confusing. Bone graft substitutes are regulated by a several
branches of the Food and Drug Administration. Human tissue,
for example, does not require the stringent evaluation required
of marketing new devices, although the processing of human
tissue does. Devices used in humans that precede the presence
of the FDA also lack this scrutiny. The wide variety in regula-
tion of products which appear similar to clinicians adds to this
confusion.9 Most of the studies performed on these products
are industry sponsored, given the high cost required to bring a
device to market. Many of the products are approved by the
FDA via 510(k) process, which is approval based on demon-
strating similar safety and efficacy to existing products, rather
than undergoing the rigorous trials necessary for new device
approval. The requirement is to demonstrate “equivalency,”
which is a highly relative term. In addition no objective, quan-
Fig 1. Ultrastructure of Vitoss demonstrating an osteocon- titative parameters exist to compare the different substitutes
ductive scaffolding (with permission from Orthovita). available.

cells) from undifferentiated mesenchymal (multipotential)

cells6,7,8 Members of the TGF-␤ family may exist in blood, bone Bone Graft Substitutes
marrow, autograft, allograft, and demineralized bone matrix
Allograft—Cortical and Cancellous Bone (Table 1)
(DBM) and more recently can be reproduced in a purified
recombinant form. The presence of growth factors in DBM and Banked human bone is available in different forms. Morphology
allograft in humans has not been specifically identified, despite retaining bone ranges from fresh and frozen, which have stron-
marketing claims, but have been identified in animal studies. ger mechanical properties but greater infection and rejection
Osteoinduction is desired for stimulation of bone growth in an potential; to freeze-dried, which is weaker, but with potentially
unfavorable environment or, in the future, may be used to less toxicity. Corticocancellous allograft is classically used for
accelerate fracture healing and bony fusions. tumors, large defects from nonunions such as the humerus, and
areas of large defects. Cancellous allograft chips are used more
Osteogenesis commonly for smaller nonunions and metaphyseal voids, ei-
ther as autograft extender or as replacement. Its disadvantages
Osteogenesis is the process of direct bone formation and is only
include the lack of rich osteoinductive potential seen with au-
present in cells (osteoblasts and osteoblast precursors). The
tograft, the quality of bone is variable and usually unknown to
only material, to date, that has true osteogenic properties is
the surgeon before surgery, and carries a theoretical risk of
autograft. A hypothetical synthetic osteogenic substitute might
disease transmission. Only recently has disease transmission
contain genetically engineered osteoblasts in a favorable envi-
been reported; this more likely represents increased surveil-
ronment, one that provides a matrix and pattern for bone de-
lance and centralized database collection rather than first-time
occurrences. By 2002 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
have reported 26 cases of bacterial infections associated with
Other Considerations
musculoskeletal tissue allografts, all associated with a Clostrid-
Other considerations temper the potential attributes of grafts. ium organism, potentially related to the relative decomposition
Resorption refers to the disappearance of the graft, which may of the donor. Tissues had been processed aseptically, but did
represent chemical dissolution, phagocytosis, or remodeling not undergo terminal sterilization, a process that minimizes
into new bone. The latter, in general, is most desirable. The disease transmission but also sacrifices biologic incorpora-
resorption time varies greatly among substitutes. tion.10 A documented case of HIV transmission from allograft is
The safety and efficacy of a graft is very important and is the known,11 and the FDA has cited tissue banks when bacterial
defining criteria required by the FDA to market a product. and viral contamination has been identified in harvested hu-
Innovation and marketing activity currently outpaces the sci- man tissue. The disconcerting news of contamination of spec-
entific data available on new products, and current regulation is imens, as well as recipient infection and death, supports the

TABLE 1. Human Allograft Banked Bone Osteoinductive/Osteoconductive

Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Allograft Bone Osteotech, U. of ● Bone/joints with soft Replacement or ● Provides structural ● Variable quality
Florida Tissue Bank, tissue attachments extension of support ● Compared to autograft
Sofamor Danek, ● Machined or shaped Autograft ● Osteoconductive ● Less potential for bone formation
CryoLife, bone ● Osteoinductive ● Weaker
Regeneration ● Corticocancellous ● Possibility of disease transmission
Technologies Inc blocks ● CryoLife temporarily closed by
(RT), and others ● Cancellous cubes, FDA and CDC in 2002 for safety
chips, morsels reasons (CDC ref)
● RTI cited by FDA for blood
pooling practices in 2001


TABLE 2. Allograft Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Potentially Osteoinductive
Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Grafton DBM Osteotech Glycerol carrier Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially Human derived:
Available in gel, and potentially osteoinductive ● Variable starting material
flexible sheet, delayed unions ● Solid formulations ● Potential for disease
putty and provide some transmission
semisolid structural support ● Potential immunogenicity
(“Crunch”) ● Large clinical Gel offers no structural
forms experience support
● Recent concerns about
toxicity of glycerol
Allogro Allosource Particulate DBM, Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
reconstitute and potentially osteoinductive
with saline delayed unions
DBX Synthes USA, DBM ⫹ hyaluronic Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
Musculoskeletal acid ⫹ collagen and potentially osteoinductive ● Critics claim hyaluronic
Tissue Foundation carrier delayed unions acid carrier (xenograft
(MTF) & Lifecore coxcomb) is untested
DynaGraft, Accell, GenSci DBM ⫹ polymer Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
OrthoBlast Regeneration carriers and potentially osteoinductive ● Relatively less clinical
Sciences delayed unions experience compared to
Osteofil Regeneration DBM (24%) with Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
Technologies Inc gelatin carrier and potentially osteoinductive
(RTI) (17%) and water delayed unions ● Moldable but hardens
Metaphyseal at body temperature
fractures ● Does not wash away
with irrigation
● Potential for
remodeling exists
(not yet proven)

quest for developing synthetic materials that lack potential dis- process known as sintering. Sintering provides strength to a
ease transmission. finished material, but when applied to bone or similar minerals,
decreases remodeling and resorption capability of bone. Most
Allograft—Demineralized Bone Matrix (Table 2) ceramics are composed of hydroxyapatite (HA), tricalcium
Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) is allograft bone that has phosphate, or both. These brittle materials have little tensile
been demineralized and processed, with a denatured form of strength. More extensive interconnected porosity of a sub-
the protein matrix remaining. The processing, which includes stance permits faster bony ingrowth but weakens the material;
chemical and radiation treatment, weakens the bone and its the ideal pore size is thought to be between 150 and 500 mi-
bone formation potential. Growth factors may survive process- crons.14 Both sintered and nonsintered porous substances exist,
ing, although their actual presence is not documented in the the latter of which permit faster resorption. Whether resorption
literature. DBM confers osteoinduction in an animal model12 correlates with remodeling depends on the material and the
and therefore suggests the presence of factors. A human model local environment.
for osteoinduction does not exist. Dry, moldable, or injectable Endobon (Biomet/Merck/Lorenz Surgical, Zwijndrecht,
forms exist as powder, paste, or putty, using a carrier that Netherlands) is a bovine-derived ceramic comprised of cancel-
renders it suitable for placement. The safest and best carrier lous bone, sintered and processed to eliminate all but the min-
agent remains to be identified. Companies claim more rapid eral components. The potential lack of immunogenicity is per-
ossification via osteoinduction, and infer that potential dangers haps counter-balanced by the poor remodeling capability
characterize other carrier substances. Patent infringement suits rendered by sintering. There has been a large European expe-
currently exist among several companies. rience for orthopedic, maxillofacial, and craniofacial fractures
Grafton DBM (Osteotech, Inc, Eatontown, NJ) has several and bone defects.15 It currently has FDA approval for maxillo-
formulations in a glycerol carrier, including semirigid and facial indications.
putty forms to improve delivery and integrity. The manufactur- Coralline HA is coral that is thermochemically treated with
ers report no disease transmission in 1.5 million procedures ammonium phosphate, which demonstrates porosity similar to
since introduction in 1991. A recent study raises concerns bone. The thermochemical conversion process for Pro Osteon
about glycerol carrier toxicity in animals,13 although this tox- (Interpore Cross International, Irvine, CA) converts 95% of the
icity has not been documented in humans. Dynagraft (GenSci coral’s calcium carbonate into more slowly resorbed HA.
Regeneration Sciences Inc., Toronto, Canada) is another form Whereas not a sintering process, and therefore not technically a
of DBM, with its carrier a combination of a polymer, ethylene ceramic, the conversion has a similar effect of minimizing its
oxide and propylene oxide. DBX (Musculoskeletal Transplant resorption. Bone ingrowth has been demonstrated in the inter-
Foundation and Synthes, Paoli, Pennsyvania) is DBM with col- connected pores, with osteoblasts evident on the surface of the
lagen and xenograft hyaluronic acid. Osteofil (Regeneration material.16 Remodeling has not been identified. Formulations
Tecnologies Inc, RTI) is DBM in a gelatin and water medium. include different pore sizes, with the larger (approximately 500
␮m) pore size more appropriate for cancellous bone defects. Its
Minerals (Table 3) compressive strength is reported as approximately 4 MPa.16
Mineral substitutes are osteoconductive. A ceramic is a mineral Human cancellous bone ranges markedly depending on age and
salt heated to high temperatures, greater than 1000°C, in the location, but typically measures somewhere between 0.5 and 10


TABLE 3. Minerals/Ceramics Osteoconductive Solid Formulations (blocks, granules, pellets)
Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Endobon Biomet/Merck/ Sintered bovine Bone defects, used ● Osteoconductive ● bovine origin (potential
Lorenz cancellous extensively in Europe for ● Porosity permits bone immunogenicity)
Surgical bone craniofacial, maxillofacial, ingrowth (100 to ● Resorption/remodeling slow
(hydroxyapatite) and orthopaedic 1500 ␮)
indications: FDA approval
for dental applications
ProOsteon Interpore Corraline HA Metaphyseal defects ● Interconnecting pores ● Variable quality, strength
Cross granules or allow bone ingrowth
200, 500 and R Can be used in with ● Can be cut to fit defect ● Lacks elasticity of bone
forms autologous growth ● Slow resorption; remodeling
factors (AGF) unlikely
● Radiopacity renders healing
difficult to assess
Osteoset Wright Medical Calcium Sulfate Bone graft ● Totally resorbable ● Resorbs very quickly, 3 to 8
Technology pellets substitute/Autograft ● Provides temporary weeks
extender; filling of bone defect filler ● Non-physiologic Calcium salt
defects in non-weight ● Hard to confine to desired
bearing structures site
(metaphyseal defects) ● Structural support Insufficient
to replace or support
Calceon Synthes USA Calcium Sulfate Metaphyseal defects ● Totally resorbable ● Same as above
pellets ● Provides temporary
defect filler
Stimulan Encore Calcium Sulfate Bone void filler ● Totally resorbable ● As above: no clinical studies
Orthopedics and stearic ● Provides temporary in the literature
acid pellets defect filler
Vitoss Orthovita ␤-Tricalcium Cancellous bone substitute ● “polyporosity” size ● Needs structural
phosphate ranging from 1 to 1000 augmentation
␮m ● Bone marrow harvest
● Osteoconductive morbidity
● Potential osteogenesis
if used with bone
marrow aspirate
(Imbibe system)
ChronOS Synthes USA ␤-Tricalcium Cancellous bone substitute ● 7.5 MPa compressive ● Needs structural
(Ceros and Mathys phosphate strength augmentation
82 in (Europe) ● Resorbs/remodels 6 to ● Osteoconductive only
Europe) 18 months
Cerasorb curasan ␤-Tricalcium Cancellous bone substitute ● Resorbs/remodels 3 to ● Needs structural
(Europe), phosphate 24 months augmentation
CryoLife & ● Osteoconductive only

MPa.17 A formulation with calcium carbonate on its surface term “equivalency,” since ProOsteon— coralline HA—is a dif-
(Pro Osteon R) permits some resorption, and potentially better ferent material than porous ␤-TCP. It also has variable pore size
ingrowth. and it demonstrates 7.5 MPa compressive strength, with re-
Pro Osteon was the first calcium phosphate-based bone graft sorption in 6 to 18 months (company estimates). Cerasorb
substitute to receive FDA approval for fracture treatment in (curasan in Europe, marketed by CryoLife and Spinal Concepts
1992, and received general use approval in 1998. The 500-␮m Inc, Austin, TX in the US) is another ␤ TCP used extensively in
pore size formulation has found widespread orthopedic appli- Europe in dental and orthopedic applications.23
cations,18 and shown to be useful in fractures of the distal Calcium sulfate, better known as plaster of Paris, results from
radius for both internal and external fixation.19 the calcination of gypsum (CaSO4, 2 H2O), which partially
Tricalcium phosphate (TCP) is a physiologic mineral salt that dehydrates to produce a hemi-hydrate (CaSO4, 1/2 H2O). It is a
exchanges readily with HA molecules. The structure, particu- nonphysiologic salt, but has been used for bone implantation
larly its porosity, strongly influences its ability to resorb or for over 100 years. Dreesmann in Germany was able to docu-
remodel.20 Alpha and Beta forms exist with the Beta form hav- ment healing in six of eight bone defects using plaster of Paris
ing a more rapid resorption. The first product released in the US and phenol.24 Its use, however, was slow to develop despite
in 2001 is Vitoss (Orthovita, Malvern, PA), a ␤-TCP, whose acceptances of asepsis and sterile technique in the 20th Century.
ultrastructure demonstrates “polyporosity,” with its pores of Peltier wrote his landmark article on the utility of use with bone
varying diameter, ranging from 1 to 1000 ␮m.21 This size range defects in 1959,25 documenting the bone activity in animal
correlates histologically with biologic activity. It is posited that studies and correlating it with clinical cases. Since the clinical
larger osteoclasts position in the large pore size, whereas plate- use of calcium sulfate predated the existence of the FDA, it was
lets and leukocytes that secrete chemotactic cytokines lodge in designated a class II “special controls” device in 1998, requiring
smaller pores (Fig 2). institution of voluntary consensus standards for its use.26 The
ChronOS (Synthes USA; Ceros 82 in Europe developed by consensus findings designate “surgical grade” CaSO4 as reflect-
Mathys, Switzerland) is ␤ TCP released in 2002 under the ing purity and consistency of the material. The first calcium
510(k) approval of the FDA, its predicate devices being ProOs- sulfate marketed was Osteoset (Wright Medical Technology,
teon and Vitoss.22 This underscores the arbitrary nature of the Inc, Arlington, TN), available in pellet form, and more recently


Fig 2. The cyst as outlined (A) demon-
strates the rim surrounding a silastic im-
plant, originally placed to prevent physeal
closure. (B) represents new bone forma-
tion five months after removal of the im-
plant, curettage, and replacement with
␤-TCP (Vitoss) in a slurry of venous blood.
The previous cyst margins are outlined.
The inner radio-opacity probably repre-
sents residual ␤-TCP, the surrounding lu-
cency represents osteiod formation, not
yet mineralized (creeping inward, com-
pared with previous radiographs), and the
outer radio-opacity represents mineral-
ized new bone.

as an injectable (Minimally Invasive Injectable Graft, MIIG). mals and humans.28,31 SRS, as the first in situ setting injectable
Other marketed calcium sulfate products include Calceon (Syn- calcium phosphate material, required Pre-Market Approval
thes USA) in pellet form, and BonePlast (InterporeCross), avail- (PMA) by the FDA, which mandates large multicenter clinical
able in pellet, block, and injectable forms. trials. These studies demonstrated the safety and efficacy of this
Resorption of calcium sulfate is rapid, with total resorption device32.33 The radiographic appearance of SRS decreases ap-
observed as early as a few weeks to potentially longer times. proximately by 30 to 60% at one year, with a pattern of remod-
Manufacturers’ information is scant on the rate of resorption, eling initially at the cortices and last in the intramedullary canal
but it depends on the formulation and configuration of the consistent with Wolff’s Law,34 therefore supporting the concept
material, the size and local environment of the defect, and the of bone remodeling.
formulation. Whereas fast resorption occurs by dissolution and BoneSource (Howmedica Leibinger Inc., Dallas, TX) is an-
arguably renders no advantage to bone healing, replacement other calcium phosphate cement approved for craniofacial de-
with trabecular bone has been shown.27 It is currently approved fects. A multicenter FDA-monitored study demonstrated the
for filling metaphyseal defects. Calcium sulfate potentially ren- effectiveness of BoneSource for metaphyseal fractures in vari-
ders immediate stability, but requires augmented fixation, ous open and closed injuries in 38 patients, showing effective-
given its rapid resorption. ness and healing at least as comparable to autograft bone.35 A
distinct difference compared with SRS is that it requires a dry
Injectable Cements (Table 4) setting medium, which can be troublesome in a fracture setting.
An additional calcium phosphate cement named alpha BSM
The first injectable biologic cement marketed in 1998 by the
(ETEX Inc, Cambridge, MA and Depuy) is supported by animal
FDA, Skeletal Repair System (SRS) (Norian /Synthes USA, Paoli,
studies,36 and is approved for dental applications. It has ortho-
PA), is a powdered calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate,
paedic approval as Calcibon and a malleable Biobon in Europe
mixed with soluble sodium phosphate. Initially approved for
augmenting fractures of the distal radius, it is now approved for
Additional cements from other manufacturers are likely im-
general orthopedic use in metaphyseal defects. Injectable min-
minent, and new formulations of existing cements will likely
eral cements have an advantage over blocks, granules, and
focus on improving the handling properties, as well as improv-
pellets, in that a custom fill of the defect is possible. Vigilant
ing the ability of the cement to resist torsional and shear stress.
application technique is required, since unwanted material may
This desired mechanical feature suggests adding pliable mate-
extrude into the joint and soft tissues in comminuted fractures
rials such as collagen, which have better tensile properties.
if the fracture pattern is not well understood. Its compressive
strength is greater than cancellous bone (55 MPa).28
Bioactive Glass and Polymers (Table 5)
Biomechanical studies of SRS in a distal radius fracture model
suggest initial strength rivals that of K-wire fixation.29 The Long an interest in the dental industry, bioactive glass repre-
cement poorly resists torsion and shear, so augmented hard- sents a combination of silica based material with a biocompat-
ware is required for complex metaphyseal fractures. ible material such as calcium phosphate, forming a bond be-
The presence of dahllite (carbonated HA) in SRS contributes tween the implant and the host tissue. The bond is comprised of
to an unstable crystallinity, similar to the behavior of host bone, a carbonated apatite, as with the calcium phosphate cements.37
which reportedly provides a favorable environment for oste- The material Bioglass (USBiomaterials Corporation, Alachua,
oclastic remodeling.30 Remodeling with cutting cones and os- Florida) has shown rapid replacement with native bone in a
teoclastic activity has been demonstrated histologically in ani- rabbit tibial defect at 2 weeks, compared with 12 weeks re-


TABLE 4. Cements
Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Injectable cements
Calcium sulfate
MIIG (Minimally Wright Injectable calcium Same as above: ● Resorbs quickly ● Does not remodel—is it
Invasive Medical sulfate metaphyseal ● Suggested replacement dissolution or truly
Injectable Graft) Technology (Osteoset) defects with trabecular bone conductive?
BonePlast Interpore Injectable calcium Same as above: ● Resorbs quickly ● Same as above
Cross sulfate metaphyseal ● Suggested replacement
International defects with trabecular bone
Calcium phosphate
SRS (Skeletal Synthes/ Calcium Injection or insertion— ● Good compressive ● Poor shear/torsional strength
Repair System) Norian phosphate ⫹ distal radius strength (requires augmentation for
carbonated fractures ● Provides structural complex fxs)
apatite Studies also in spine, support for transverse ● Slow resorption/remodeling
injectable hip, tibial plateau, metaphyseal fractures ● Setting time may be longer in
cement calcaneus; ● Remodels cold/tourniquet environment
approved Jan 2002 ● Sets in 10 min. ● Not inductive
general orthopaedic
BoneSource Howmedica Calcium Cranial defects (burr ● Can be shaped and ● Subject to blood washout
Leibinger phosphate holes), maxillofacial placed manually or ● Requires dry field
cement (no injected ● Sets in 15 to 20 min. (longer
CaCO3) Studies in distal radius ● Good compressive working time arguably an
and other sites strength advantage)
reported (Dickson) ● Remodels
Alpha BSM ETEX with Calcium Dental application for ● Presumed similar to ● Orthopaedic studies pending
dePuy phosphate bone defects other CaPO4 cements ● Presumed similar to other
(USA), cement CaPO4 cements
and Clinical trials in
marketed progress
by BioMet
Biobon Biomet/Merck Calcium Marketed in Europe ● Presumed similar to ● No clinical studies reported
phosphate other CaPO4 cements,
putty more pliability
Mimix Biomet/Lorenz Synthetic Cranial defects ● Not reported in the ● Presumed similar to other
Surgical hydroxyapatite orthopaedic literature/ CaPO4 cements
tetra-tricalcium Presumed similar to
phosphate other CaPO4 cements

quired for HA granules.38 Cortoss威 (Orthovita, Malvern, PA) is injectable varieties. The combination of DBM with calcium
a polymeric cement with bioactive glass which forms a bond, sulfate has been shown to be relatively safe and effective in
but the material itself does not resorb. It is currently available in treating bone defects (Kelly). Another mineral composite is
Europe, and a pilot study to evaluate its utility in vertebral Collagraft (Zimmer, Inc., Warsaw, IN and NeuColl, Campbell,
fractures is underway in the US. These and other polymeric CA), one of the first substitutes approved by the FDA in 1993.
injectables are in pursuit of a material that is as ubiquitous and It is a composite of bovine collagen matrix, HA, and tricalcium
as strong as poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), creating a phosphate. It was approved for treatment of diaphyseal and
material that is bioactive rather than toxic. The bioactive glasses metaphyseal defects to provide osteoconduction, and when
are potentially a useful tool for osteoporotic fractures (such as used with autologous bone marrow aspirate demonstrates both
vertebral compression fractures) and hardware augmentation osteoconductive and osteoinductive capabilities, perhaps even
in osteoporotic bone. PMMA was first reported as useful in osteogenic40 It possesses no structural support. A prospective,
unstable distal radius fractures by Charnley,39 and is currently randomized study compared autograft and Collagraft,41 report-
popular for use in vertebroplasty. Its potential systemic and ing 213 patients with 249 long bone fractures. The radiographic
local toxicity, however, makes it an unpopular choice for the outcomes were comparable to autograft, and patients demon-
distal radius when other materials are available. strated similar complications.

Mineral Composites (Table 6) Proteins and Growth Factors (Table 7)

Cancellous bone and mineral substitutes combined with DBM The fractured bone triggers the clotting cycle and the cascade of
provide potential osteoinduction and osteoconduction. Opte- inflammation that ultimately promotes healing, if the environ-
form includes both DBM (using Osteofil, RTI) and cancellous ment is favorable. The effect of specific proteins on the cascade
bone, (Exatech, Alachua, Florida), which can be molded to suit of inflammation and bone healing—from the peptide precur-
the needs of the defect or problem. Allomatrix (Allosource ⫹ sors of the clotting cycle, to growth factors, to changes in cel-
Wright Medical) is DBM combined with calcium sulfate (Os- lular gene expression—represents the most intense area of re-
teoset, Wright Medical). Each composite has varying capabili- cent research focused on bone stimulation.
ties and indications, although, like most substitutes, its use is Growth factors that promote bone formation are readily
largely based on surgeon’s preference. The formulations in- found in autogenous bone harvest. Autogenous bone marrow
clude putty (“Custom”), a block (“DR” for distal radius), indi- aspirate (BMA) is easily obtainable from the anterior iliac crest;
cated for periarticular fractures with purported stability, and although bone marrow may not provide true stem cells, or cells


TABLE 5. Bioglasses and Polymers Osteoconductive
Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Novabone US Bioactive Glass (SiO2 Reconstructive procedures ● Resorbable and ● Silica is

(particulate form Biomaterials and minerals) and bone defect filling eliminated by body non-physiologic
of Bioglass) ● Allows cell ingrowth and ● Hard to confine to
remodeling desired site
● Can be combined with ● Little structural support
autograft ● Resorption rate not yet
Cortoss Orthovita Polymer system with Augmentation of screws in ● Forms biological ● Not yet marketed in
reinforcing particle osteoporotic bone (hip, interface US (spring 2003)
bioactive glass spine, etc.) ● US pilot study to
(available in Europe) assess vertebral
fractures in progress
Rhakoss Orthovita Polymer implants with Immediate stability for ● Potential bone/implant ● in development
bioactive glass bone defects, especially interface band with
spinal fusion bioactive glass
Immix OsteoBiologics, PGA/PLA polymer to be Bone graft extender and ● versatile ● Still in development
Inc produced in chip, flex scaffold ● May prove a good ● Nonphysiologic
and honeycomb growth factors carrier material
forms ● Inexpensive
Ceredex ETEX Resorbable matrix for in Carrier for in vivo biologic ● Unknown ● Unknown
vivo delivery of materials
growth factors,
antibiotics, vaccines
Poly(methyl Various; Vinyl polymer Immediate stability, bone ● Easy to mold ● Toxicity of monomer
methacrylate) Howmedica defects, implant ● Excellent compressive ● Exothermic reaction,
PMMA most interface strength local cellular toxicity

with pluripotential capabilities as once believed,42 the aspirate potential cost-effective alternative to recombinant osteoinduc-
is highly cellular, including osteoprogenitor cells, and provides tive materials. A Jamshidi needle and syringe, most commonly
concentration of protein factors that stimulate bone growth in used for core biopsies, is used for the technique; a packaged
favorable conditions.43,44 Initially promoted as a complement harvest system exists as Imbibe (Orthovita, Malvern, PA).
to supplement Collagraft, BMA has become popular again as a Another rich autogenous source of growth factors is an ul-

TABLE 6. Mineral Composites—Osteoinductive/Osteoconductive

Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Opteform ExacTech ⫹ RTI Compacted cortico- Reconstruction of ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
cancellous human bone acetabulum, tibial osteoinductive and
chips mixed with plateau, calcaneus, osteoconductive
Osteofill (RTI) etc. ● Moldable but hardens
at body temperature
● Does not wash away
with irrigation
● Potential for
remodeling exists
(not yet proven)
Allomatrix Allosource ⫹ DBM ⫹ calcium sulfate Nonunion, delayed ● Potentially ● Human derived, as above
Wright as carrier: and potentially osteoinductive and
Medical ● Putty (Custom) delayed unions, Osteoconductive
● Block (DR) metaphyseal ● Potential stability with
● Injectable defects DR form
Periarticular ● Potentially better
fractures (DR) carrier (inert,
nonprotein) than
other carriers for
Collagraft Zimmer/NeuColl Bovine collagen, HA and Grafting of long bone ● Osteoconductive ● Requires aspirated
tricalcium phosphate fractures and filling ● Osteoinductive when marrow
(TCP) of traumatic used with marrow ● Hard to confine to
defects desired site
Available in granular or ● Bovine collagen
strip forms antigenicity in some
● Reluctance of bovine use
in Europe (Mad Cow
Disease) despite US
Healos Orquest HA coated bovine Replacement of ● Osteoinductive when ● No structural support
collagen sponge, autograft/autograft used with marrow ● Potential immunogenicity
approved in Europe extender for spinal ● Requires aspirated
fusion marrow
rhCollagen FibroGen Recombinant human Use in development ● Lacks immunogenic ● No data available spring
collagen potential of xenograft 2003
Collapro/ GenSci Human collagen in Use in development ● Lacks immunogenic ● No data available spring
Matrix Regeneration lyophilized strip potential of xenograft 2003


TABLE 7. Factors and Proteins Osteoconductive/Osteogenic (?)
Product Company Type Indications Advantages Disadvantages

Autologous Bone Jamshidi needle: Iliac crest autogenous Need for osteoinduction/ ● Osteoinductive, ● Invasive (minimally)
Marrow Orthovita harvest osteogenesis (usually osteogenic (?) ● Requires osteoconductive
Aspirate Imbibe needle supplemented with ● Inexpensive, low material or structural
system additional graft morbidity support
Autologous Graft Interpore Cross Buffy coat isolate of Need for osteoinduction ● Cost-effective ● Requires large blood loss
Factor (AGF) International autotransfusion when bone defect is compared to or donation of 1-2 units
system (white cells and large (for simultaneous recombinant ● More expensive than bone
platelets) known as transfusion) techniques marrow aspirate
platelet rich plasma Typically used with ● Usually requires additional
(PRP) additional graft conductive graft
material ● Possibly inhibits bone
growth in animals studies
Symphony DePuy/LifeCell PRP Same as above ● Cost-effective ● Same as above
Platelet compared to
Concentration recombinant
System techniques
Cell Saver 5 Haemonetics PRP Same as above ● Cost-effective ● Same as above
compared to
Chrysalin Chrysalis Proprietary amino Wound healing; fracture ● Early healing in ● Unknown
Biotechnology/ acid peptide, healing wounds, radius
OrthoLogic thrombin precursor fractures (Phase
III FDA trial)
OP-1 Stryker Biotech Recombinant growth Nonunions and large ● Osteoinductive ● Potential toxicity unknown
factor BMP-7 and bone defects in humans
collagen carrier
Device Exemption,
rhBMP-2 Wyeth/Medtronic Growth factor and Approved for use with ● Osteoinductive ● Approval only with cages
(inFUSE) Sofamor collagen sponge LT-CAGE Lumbar for spinal applications
Danek carrier Tapered Fusion
Ossigel Orquest/DePuy Basic fibroblast Potentially accelerates ● Unknown ● Unknown
growth factor fracture healing
(bFGF) in solution
with a hyaluronic
acid; clinical trials
in Europe
NeOsteo Centerpulse Bovine derived BMP Periodontal disease; ● Osteoinductive ● Studies incomplete
and collagen bone defects
carrier; dental
approval in Europe

traconcentrate of centrifuged blood. This autotransfusion sys- Its carrier is a bovine-derived collagen sponge. Antibodies to
tem is most useful when blood loss is large, and the blood- both the bovine collagen and OP-1 have been identified in
saving centrifuge system (Cell Saver, Haemonetics Corp, patients.47 No adverse events have been correlated with the
Braintree, MA) might be used. Traditionally known as the antibodies in over 1000 patients (manufacturer’s information);
“buffy coat,” which is comprised of leukocyte and platelets, it is however, the significance of antibody formation is not known.
now often referred to as “platelet-rich plasma” (PRP), and dem- The other factor approved as a device is BMP-2 using recom-
onstrates substantial presence of growth factors.45 Several sys- binant techniques, under the name rhBMP-2 and marketed as
tems are currently marketed: AGF (Autologous Growth Factor, INFUSE (Wyeth, Andover, MA and Medtronic Sofamor Danek,
Interpore Cross), Symphony, DePuy/LifeCell), and the Cell Memphis, TN). In animal studies, healing of bone defects was
Saver 5 (Haemonetics). Recent concerns have been raised about shown using rhBMP-2,8 and a prospective, randomized trial
the bone healing enhancement of PRPs, suggesting the high evaluating spinal fusion demonstrated healing and improved
white cell count in PRP causes bone inhibition in animal stud- outcome in the patients treated with rhBMP-2 and a HA/␤-TCP
ies.46 Further substantiation may curb the enthusiasm for this substitute, compared with fusion with autograft.48 Its FDA ap-
technique. proval, however, at this time only permits use with the LT-
The current growth factors in clinical use include BMP-7 and CAGE Lumbar Tapered Fusion Device.
BMP-2. BMP-7 is known as OP-1, (Osteogenic Protein-1, Bovine BMP in a collagen carrier, NeOsteo (Centerpulse, Zu-
Stryker Biotech, Hopkinton, MA) is a human-recombinant ma- rich, CH) has been reported in the literature49 and has dental
terial that has received Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) application in Europe, but orthopaedic trials are not known.
by the FDA. This Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) permits a Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and Platelet-Derived Growth
more rapid introduction than required for Pre-Market Approval Factor (PDGF) promote bone regeneration through the early
(PMA). Intended for relatively small populations, it is not sub- healing phase. FGF has both mitogenic and angiogenic proper-
ject to the effectiveness component of the PMA, which would ties, and potentially promotes fracture repair. Ossigel (Orquest/
require clinical trials where both safety and efficacy are demon- DePuy, Raynham, MA) is a form of FGF currently in European
strated. OP-1 has shown dramatic effect in animal studies, and clinical trials.
has shown advantageous healing over autograft in tibial non- The cytokine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has
unions.47 It is currently gaining use in difficult spinal fusions. shown to stimulate bone repair by promoting angiogenesis and


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