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A Qualitative Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Basic Education Department, St. Michael’s College

Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research I

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Abdul Muhaimen, Rheeham

Balang, Yunosh Jr. M.
Canonigo, Christopher Yroid U.
Mustapha, Omniya A.
Tagaytay, Fraejay Angela N.
Villasorda, Joana Rose A.

St. Dominic

April 2023
1. 0 Introduction

Waste management has become a critical global challenge due to the increasing
generation of organic waste and its negative impact on the environment. Existing waste
management practices, such landfilling and incineration, frequently lead to resource
depletion, environmental damage, and greenhouse gas emissions (NLM, 2022). As a
result, there is growing interest in exploring sustainable waste management methods
that can mitigate these issues that not only reduce the environmental burden but also
promote resource conservation and soil health. Vermicomposting, which employs
earthworms to break down organic waste and create compost full of nutrients
(Environmental Management, 2017), is one such strategy that is gaining attention in
approaching this problem.

Particularly in urban and rural contexts, vermicomposting is becoming more and

more popular as a practical and environmentally friendly way to manage organic
waste. Compared to conventional waste management techniques, it has a number of
benefits, such as lower waste volume, enhanced soil health, lessened reliance on
synthetic fertilizers, water conservation, and biodiversity preservation.
Vermicomposting has been effectively used in a variety of settings, including homes,
businesses, communities, farms, and industrial settings. It has demonstrated promising
outcomes in terms of waste reduction, compost quality, and environmental
sustainability. (MDPI, 2021).

Despite the growing interest in vermicomposting, there is still a need for further
research to better understand its mechanisms, benefits, and limitations. This research
aims to explore the potential of vermicomposting as a sustainable method for waste
management by examining its benefits, challenges, and applications. The findings of
this research could contribute to the development of effective strategies for utilizing
vermicomposting as a sustainable waste management approach, with potential
environmental, social, and economic benefits.

This literature review will focus on studies published between 2010 and 2022.
The inclusion criteria will be studies that examine the benefits of vermicomposting,
factors that influence its adoption, and comparisons to traditional waste management
methods. Both qualitative and quantitative studies will be included in the review. This
literature review covers the entire weeks of March and April 2023.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The objective of this study aimed to use literature review to determine the

different components of vermicomposting as a sustainable method for food waste
management. This study specifically aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the benefits of vermicomposting as a method for food waste

2. What are the challenges associated with vermicomposting?
3. What strategies can be used to promote the adoption of vermicomposting as a
sustainable method for food waste management?

2.0 Methods

This research employed historical research design to obtain, gather and analyze
non-numerical data from past records to acquire a better knowledge in which
researchers were able to come up with a conclusion. The data collection process
involved data coding or assigning a number to the summary of a literature for easy
tracking. After the literature summaries have been coded, they are entered into a
database. After analyzing the themes of much literature that was gathered, researchers
were able to come up with results. The literature summaries of this study were
conducted in St. Michael's College, which is situated in Brgy. San Miguel, Lanao del
Norte, Philippines.

3.0 Results and Discussion

The researchers have collected different literature and have gathered data
relating to this study. The researchers used thematic analysis to understand deeper its
importance and why vermicomposting should be further researched and implemented.

Problem 1: What are the benefits of vermicomposting as a method for food waste

a.) Producing high-quality fertilizer

Vermicompost has an abundance of benefits, just like how it acts as biofertilizers,
restores soil nutrients, stabilizes soil, and enhances soil fertility at a long term period.
This is already verified by some researchers/authors. The study of Dominguez et al
(2017) entitled Vermicomposting of Winemaking By-Products has a findings that the
grape marc vermicomposting has proven to be a highly effective method that produces
organic fertilizer and grape seeds as a source of bioactive chemicals. The procedure
decreases the initial raw grape marc biomass by more than half and converts the most
labile components of the grape marc into a high grade, nutrient and microbial rich,
polyphenol-free organic fertilizer. Sieving the material separates the fertilizer
(vermicompost) from a residue primarily composed of grape seeds, eliminating
polyphenol-associated phytotoxicity from the vermicompost and allowing it to be easily

processed to obtain various bioactive compounds such as polyphenol-rich extracts and
fatty acid-rich seed oil. The vermicomposting technique described below is efficient,
easy, environmentally friendly, and long-lasting, and it may be easily scaled up for
industrial purposes, generating a variety of value-added products from grape marc.
b.) Reducing waste
Another benefit is how vermicomposting reduces waste. As has been mentioned
in the study of Sharma and Garg (2019), vermicomposting is regarded as a clean,
sustainable, and zero-waste approach to manage organic wastes but there are still some
constraints in the popularization of vermicomposting. Thus vermicomposting along
with composting is required to solve the problem of waste disposal effectively and on a
global level than to some of those ways included in the solid waste management that
are not crystal clear to use. Alshehrei and Ameen (2021)’s study entitled
Vermicomposting: A management tool to mitigate solid waste coincides with the
statement of Sharma and Garg (2019) as their findings shows that vermicomposting has
a number of advantages over other methods. Waste management strategies, for
example, this procedure can be carried out both indoors and outdoors, allowing for
year-round composting (Rodrguez-Canché, 2010). This approach enables for the
production of organic nutrients for crops in less time, which are more nutritionally,
physiologically, and biochemically efficient than other composts (Yadav et al., 2010).
Vermicomposting is a low-cost technology procedure for processing or treating organic
waste. According to a comparison study between traditional composting and
vermicomposting, vermicomposting produced an enriched compost with high amounts
of N, K, and P content, resulting in a decrease in heavy metal content (Cardosa
Vigueros and Ramrez Camperos, 2002).
c.) Improving soil quality
As mentioned from other benefits, vermicomposting has a lot of benefits and one
of this is that it acts also as to restores soil nutrients.According to Viana (2021),
earthworms, functioning as eco-biological engineers, modify the properties of pesticide-
contaminated soil and reclaim it by producing microbial enrichments and nutrients.
Vermiculture has a significant impact on nutrient cycling and boosts crop resilience to
fungal disease and crop diseases. The author mentioned that long-term usage of
vermicompost improves soil fertility while significantly reducing the need and reliance
on toxic pesticides. Even though the nutritional value of vermicompost varies
depending on the organic waste used, its nutritional profile is overall higher when
compared to traditional compost. Therefore, it was concluded that earthworms to
vermicompost was effective and has a significant impact on the improvement of soil
quality. This conclusion also coincides with the study of Lim et al. (2014) which entitled
The use of vermicompost in organic farming: overview, effects on soil and economics.
In addition with the statement of Viana (2021), for Lim et al. (2014), vermicompost can
improve soil fertility in three ways: physically, chemically, and biologically. Aeration,

porosity, bulk density, and water retention are all improved in vermicompost-treated
soil. For increased crop yield, chemical qualities such as pH, electrical conductivity, and
organic matter content are improved. Nonetheless, improved plant growth could not be
explained satisfactorily by improvements in soil nutrient content, implying that other
plant growth-influencing materials are available in vermicomposts. Although
vermicomposts have been shown to significantly improve plant growth, high
concentrations of vermicomposts may impede growth due to the high concentrations of
soluble salts available in vermicomposts. As a result, vermicomposts should be sprayed
at low doses to maximize plant production.
d.) Cost-effective
According to Aleksandra Sosnecka, Małgorzata Kacprzak, & Agnieszka Rorat
(2016), Vermicomposting is a biological process in which earthworms are employed to
cooperate with microorganisms in order to convert organic wastes into a valuable
product. It is considered as an environmentally-friendly method of waste treatment
unlike chemical fertilizers. Vermicomposting has been shown to significantly reduce the
use of synthetic fertilizers in agriculture. Vermicompost contains high levels of
nutrients essential for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. By
using vermicompost as a fertilizer, farmers can reduce their reliance on expensive and
environmentally harmful synthetic fertilizers, while promoting sustainable farming
practices. Vermicomposting has been shown to increase soil fertility, improve plant
growth and yield, and enhance soil health by increasing beneficial microorganisms. The
use of synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, can lead to soil degradation, water
pollution, and harm to non-target organisms. Vermicomposting can therefore be seen as
a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers.
A study published in the Journal of Environmental Quality compared the use of
synthetic fertilizers to vermicompost as a fertilizer over a two-year period. Cucumber
plants grown with vermicompost had higher yields and better growth than those
grown with synthetic fertilizers. The use of vermicompost led to a thirty percent
reduction in the use of synthetic fertilizers.
According to Su Li Lim (2015), Vermicomposting is a process in which
earthworms are used to convert organic materials into humus ‐like material known as
vermicompost. In fact, vermicompost can enhance soil fertility physically, chemically
and biologically. Unlike chemical fertilizers, vermicompost is not easily flushed from
the soil because of the worm mucus that it contains. Plants have longer to obtain the
nutrients and get the maximum benefit. It reduces the need for pesticides in your plant.
Vermicompost as an organic fertilizer has the ability to produce some essential
nutrients for supporting plant growth compared with chemical fertilizers. Use of the
right amounts of vermicompost as an important source of nitrogen and its replacement
for urea will guaranty soil quality and health for the future generations. While chemical
fertilizers consist of a maximum of three nutrients, vermicompost has 17 nutrients

available for plants. It has all micronutrients necessary for plants in the right
proportion. These micronutrients are absorbed by the plants or crops very easily. JP
Signh (2022). The use of chemical fertilizers has an adverse effect both on the soil in the
field and the health of the people. Vermicompost is an effective solution to this problem
and farmers are beginning to take to it in large numbers. Besides farmers, the
unemployed youth can make good money from the commercial production of
vermicompost on a large scale. Its raw material, too, is available without much effort.
Dr Shivdhar Mishra, Principal Scientist, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
Pusa, New Delhi, spoke about the vermicompost technology in the Rural Voice
Agritech Show.
e.) Cost-effective
According to Aleksandra Sosnecka, Małgorzata Kacprzak, & Agnieszka Rorat
(2016), vermicomposting is considered as a relatively low cost and environmentally-
friendly method of waste treatment. The cost-effectiveness of vermicomposting is one of
its biggest benefits. Traditional composting methods can be expensive, requiring
specialized equipment and materials. In contrast, vermicomposting can be done using
simple, low-cost materials, such as a plastic bin and shredded newspaper making it
accessible to a wide range of people. The cost-effectiveness of vermicomposting can be
attributed to several factors. Firstly, the initial setup cost of a vermicomposting system
is relatively low compared to other composting methods, as it requires minimal
equipment and can be done on a small scale. Additionally, vermicomposting does not
require the use of expensive chemicals or additives, as the worms naturally break down
the organic waste. This means that ongoing maintenance costs are also minimal.
Vermicomposting can be a cost-effective solution for households and businesses
looking to reduce their waste disposal costs. By using worms to naturally decompose
organic waste, vermicomposting can help to significantly reduce the amount of waste
that is sent to landfills, while also producing a valuable resource in the form of nutrient-
rich compost. This can lead to cost savings in waste disposal fees, as well as in the cost
of purchasing synthetic fertilizers. Numerous studies have shown the cost-effectiveness
of vermicomposting. A study by the University of California found that
vermicomposting reduced waste disposal costs by fifty percent, while also producing a
high-quality compost that was comparable to commercially available fertilizers.

According to Usman Ali (2015), generation of the huge amount of solid waste around
the globe is a major ecological and technical problem. Vermicomposting may be the
viable option to handle solid waste in an environmentally friendly way.
Vermicomposting is a cost-effective and eco-friendly approach.Vermicomposting is a
low-cost and environment-friendly mechanism for waste management as well as bio-
fertilizer production. Vermicomposting offers various benefits compared with
traditional thermophilic composting. Vermicomposting progresses due to the

earthworm and the microbes associated with the gut and soil.With less farm costs and
less hazards to human health, the incomes and well-being of small farmers are
enhanced. Vermicomposting is the most efficient means of recycling available to an
individual homeowner. Recycling paper, glass, plastic, and other materials requires
very expensive equipment and must be done on a municipal scale in order to be cost-
effective (Steve Churchill, 2021). Biological waste treatment technologies such as
composting and vermicomposting are widely regarded as a clean and sustainable
method to manage organic waste.
f.) Easy to do
According to Saha, P., Barman, A. & Bera, A. ( 2022, February 26),
Vermicomposting process is easy to operate and can be successfully prepared by
unskilled small and marginal farmers or people who may not have experience with
traditional composting methods. Vermicomposting requires minimal equipment, and
the process is relatively low-maintenance. Vermicomposting is an ideal composting
method for individuals who are new to composting or have limited space. Unlike
traditional composting methods that require more space, equipment, and a bit more
knowledge, vermicomposting is simple to set up and maintain. The only equipment
required is a container, bedding materials such as shredded newspaper or cardboard,
and a handful of worms. Once set up, the worms will consume the organic waste and
convert it into vermicompost. Several resources are available online to guide beginners
on how to set up and maintain a vermicomposting system. These resources provide
step-by-step instructions on how to select a container, prepare the bedding materials,
add the worms, and feed them.
According to Sarah Bahr (2022) vermicomposting is an easy way to grow your
own compost at home. Don’t worry, you don’t have to have land as with traditional
compost. City and country folks alike can turn food waste into rich castings that will
amend and add nutrients to your soil.Vermicomposting is the process where worms
take everyday kitchen food scraps and turn them into beneficial organic matter for your
garden. How do they do it? The process is simple: Worms eat the food waste and
excrete worm castings. This waste material is called vermicompost, worm compost, or
worm castings and is rich in nutrients and microorganisms. The challenges of
vermicomposting pays off with superior compost. Vermicomposting is not the same as
raising worms to sell as bait. Composting worms are small and live in groups of several
worms. (Douglas W. Hamilton, 2017). The basics of worm care is fairly simple. Just keep
them in a large container filled with food scraps and bedding material like shredded
paper or cardboard until the worms have made enough compost that all your worms
can be transferred to the garden. Overall, vermicomposting provides a variety of
benefits including the production of high-quality fertilizer, waste reduction, improved
soil quality, a decrease in the need for chemical fertilizer, cost-effectiveness, and
convenience in doing it, all of which are beneficial for the environment and gardeners.

Problem 2: What are the challenges associated with vermicomposting?
a.) Temperature and moisture control
According to Bhat (2022), The environmental temperature can directly affect the
metabolism, growth, reproduction and activity of earthworm and microorganism, thus
affecting their ability in degradation of organic matter. Vermicomposting necessitates
certain temperature and moisture conditions to encourage worm development and
activity. Low temperatures can decrease the worms' metabolism, while high
temperatures can kill them. It's crucial to maintain the proper moisture level since too
much or too little water might have an impact on worm activity and compost quality.
Sharma & Garg (2019) discovered that the best temperature range for vermicomposting
was between 20-30 °C. Maintaining this temperature range, however, can be difficult,
especially in colder areas where additional heating may be necessary. Furthermore,
high moisture content can cause anaerobic conditions, which can result in foul odors
and pathogen growth. Maintaining proper moisture levels is critical for
vermicomposting performance. Moisture control, on the other hand, may be difficult
since providing too much water might result in soggy circumstances that smother
worms, while adding too little water can result in a dry environment that hinders
microbial activity. Excessive heat can kill the worms, while temperatures below freezing
can cause worm activity to slow down or stop (Hamilton, 2017). Therefore, it is
important to maintain an appropriate temperature range throughout the
vermicomposting process.

b.) Odor and pest management

According to Vuković, (2019) Strong scents produced by vermicomposting
may attract pests such as flies, rats, and other animals. correct compost pile
management, such as covering it with a lid, adding bedding material, and utilizing
correct composting functions, can help decrease insect infestations and unpleasant
odors. Examined the use of vermicomposting to re-mediate organic waste, namely
waste water sludge. One of the issues raised is the release of smells as a result of the
presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the vermicomposting process.
This has the potential to generate noxious smells in adjacent towns and workplaces.
One of the challenges mentioned is the need to properly manage the moisture levels in
the vermicomposting bin to prevent the growth of fungi and other microbes that may
cause odors.

c.) Nutrient imbalances

According to OMAFRA (2022) stated the use of vermicomposting to treat organic
waste and produce high-quality compost. However, the authors note that the nutrient

content of vermicompost can vary depending on the type of organic waste used as
feedstock. For example, using waste with a high carbon-to-nitrogen ratio can result in a
nitrogen deficiency in the vermicompost. Conversely, using waste with a high nitrogen
content can result in excess nitrogen in the vermicompost, which can be problematic if
the compost is over-applied to soil. Vermicomposting can generate nutrient-rich
compost, but it is critical to maintain the right carbon-nitrogen balance in the compost
pile. Too much nitrogen can cause smells and kill worms, while too much carbon can
impede the composting process. This can result in nutrient imbalances in the
vermicompost, which can be detrimental to plant growth if the compost is applied to

d.) Lack of awareness and education

According to Vuković (2021) stated that one of the challenges of
vermicomposting is the lack of awareness among farmers and the general public about
its benefits and how to do it properly. Many people may not be aware that
vermicomposting can turn organic waste into a valuable soil amendment, reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, and improve soil health. They may also not know how to set
up a vermicomposting system or how to maintain it. As a result, they may not be using
this sustainable strategy to manage agricultural waste. Garg (2019) suggested that
another challenge of vermicomposting is the lack of education about the differences
between vermicomposting and traditional composting. Vermicomposting involves the
use of earthworms to decompose organic matter, whereas traditional composting relies
on microorganisms. Vermicomposting can produce a higher quality soil amendment
with fewer odors and pathogens, but it requires different management practices.
Chaoui and others (2022) studied vermicasting or vermicomposting which notes that a
lack of education and awareness is also a challenge for the implementation of
vermicomposting in urban areas. Many urban residents may not be aware that
vermicomposting can be done indoors or in small spaces, making it a viable option for
apartment dwellers or those with limited yard space. Educating urban residents about
the benefits and logistics of vermicomposting could help increase adoption rates and
reduce organic waste going to landfills. Overall, the themes of the three sources are
focused on vermicomposting as a sustainable practice for waste management and soil
enrichment, highlighting the benefits of using earthworms and microorganisms to
create high-quality fertilizer from organic waste.
Problem 3: What strategies can be used to promote the adoption of vermicomposting
as a sustainable method for food waste management?
a.) Highlighting its benefits
Emphasizing the advantages of vermicomposting, which includes mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions, creating top-notch compost, and diverting organic waste

from landfills, is a viable tactic to encourage its adoption. The publication titled
"Sustainability of using composting and vermicomposting technologies for organic
solid waste bio-transformation: Recent overview, greenhouse gases emissions, and
economic analysis" by Lim and (2016) offers an extensive summary of the benefits
of vermicomposting, which can be leveraged in promotional materials and educational
campaigns. According to Ferronato & Torretta (2019) The activity of the informal sector
in developing cities was also reviewed, focusing on the main health risks due to waste
scavenging. Results reported that the environmental impacts are pervasive worldwide:
marine litter, air, soil and water contamination, and the direct interaction of waste
pickers with hazardous waste are the most important issues. Onwosi and others (2017)
studied composting technology which become invaluable in stabilization of municipal
waste due to its environmental compatibility. During composting, some challenges such
as leachate generation, gas emission and lack of uniformity in assessing maturity
indices are imminent.
b.) Providing education and training
Providing education and training on the techniques and best practices of
vermicomposting is an additional effective approach. The scholarly article entitled
"Impact of Vermicomposting Training Programme on Production, Economics and
Employment Generation of Farmer" authors V. Dhanushkodi & G. Porkodi (2018)
provides comprehensive guidance on starting and sustaining a vermicomposting
system, vermicompost production was significantly higher and can boost-up Indian
economy which is today’s essential need besides serving as an eco-friendly venture for
rural populace. According to Herimath (2013) Training is an important input which will
help farmers to practice techniques scientifically. School of Agriculture also conducts
trainings on different aspects to transfer technology. Harjana (2021) studied the
processing of organic waste, the green movement in schools so far has produced quite a
lot of plant waste, both from perennials, ornamental plants and shrubs. The enthusiasm
of the participants in the implementation of the community service was quite high, as
evident from the many curious questions about processing organic waste with
vermicomposting and bioactive starter for producing the high quality of organic
c.) Collaborating with companies and with local government
Encouraging partnerships and collaboration among various groups or
governments is another crucial strategy for promoting vermicomposting. Aalok (2017)
underscores the significance of collaboration between local authorities, waste
management entities, and farmers to foster the practice of vermicomposting. By
engaging in collaborative efforts, we can establish policies and programs to support
vermicomposting, exchange information and resources, and encourage the utilization of
vermicompost in agriculture. These initiatives can facilitate the wider adoption of
vermicomposting and enhance the sustainability of organic waste management

practices. Overall, promoting vermicomposting through education and training
programs is an effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote soil health,
and create economic and social benefits. By providing people with the knowledge and
skills to start and maintain a vermicomposting system, we can help to overcome
barriers to adoption and create a more sustainable future. Through collaboration and
partnerships, we can build a more resilient and sustainable food system that benefits
both people and the planet. According to Oskam and others (2017) Collaboratively
creating a value and develop a viable sustainable business model, by building on
business model literature and literature on innovation networks and combining these
with insights on value outcomes and learning from strategic management, show an
emphasis on technical and organizational learning, influencing expected and
unexpected value outcomes. According to Routledge (2017) The critical contribution is
creating new relationships between people and organizations that traditionally would
not interact but in fact have common interests. When these relationships become
meaningful by addressing a problem or developing an opportunity, people begin to
learn about each other and develop mutual appreciation and understanding. Often this
process is complicated and confusing.
d.) Promote the benefits of vermicomposting and why it’s the future
Darwin (2015) stated that, “worms are more powerful than African elephants
and more important to the economy than cows”. It is clear as day that vermicomposting
has been practiced from ancient times but never at this high level. So, what leads us to
stumble upon this wonderful technique. It is a cost-effective method with various aids
on the environment. Recently, farmers have switched to vermicompost over chemical
fertilizers. Most common reasons are increasing demand for organic food products and
it’s easy on the pocket as compared to chemical fertilizers. Zhou and others (2022)
studied composting technologies which come a long way, developing from static heaps
and windrow composting to smart, artificial intelligence-assisted reactor composting.
While in previous years, much attention has been paid to identifying ideal organic
waste streams and suitable co-composting candidates, more recent efforts tried to
determine novel process-enhancing supplements. According to Bellitürk (2018) That
vermicomposting is an environment friendly process used to convert organic waste into
valuable agricultural product. The interest in the vermicompost is increasing day by
day in the whole country.

4.0 Conclusion

This study concludes that vermicomposting is a sustainable and cost-effective

method of waste management that has numerous benefits for both the environment and
agriculture. By transforming organic waste into nutrient-rich fertilizer,
vermicomposting reduces greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution while
enhancing soil health and plant growth. However, successful vermicomposting requires

careful monitoring of environmental conditions and proper management of the worm
population. More research is needed to optimize vermicomposting practices and
increase its adoption in various settings. Overall, vermicomposting represents a
promising solution for addressing the challenges of waste management and promoting
sustainable agriculture.

5.0 Recommendations

Educational programs. They can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices
like vermicomposting. By including topics related to sustainability and waste
management in the curriculum, educational programs can raise awareness among
students and encourage them to adopt sustainable practices.

Farmers & gardeners. They can share their experiences and success stories with others,
encouraging more people to try it out.

Government agencies & local municipalities. They can encourage vermicomposting

by providing subsidies, tax breaks, and grants to individuals and businesses that adopt
vermicomposting practices to support the development and expansion of
vermicomposting initiatives.

Future researchers. They can conduct experiments to determine the best method for
vermicomposting and analyze the resulting soil quality.

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7.0 Appendices

Appendix A

Appendix B


This work was undertaken to explore the use of vermicomposting technology in

food industry waste management. Various combinations of CD with PD and FIS were
vermicomposted using an epigeic earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and the vermicompost
quality and growth & fecundity were estimated in different waste mixtures. The final
vermicompost was rich in important plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and
potassium) which indicate their agronomic importance.


Person. (2023). Bioresource Technology. In

Yadav, A. & Garg, V.K. (2010, October 25). Recycling of organic wastes by employing
Eisenia fetida. (pp. 2874-2880). Retrieved March 26,2023 from


An innovative discipline of vermiculture biotechnology, the breeding and

propagation of earthworms and the use of its castings has become an important tool of
waste recycling the world over. Epigeics like Eisenia foetida and Eudrilus euginiae have
been used in converting organic wastes (agro waste and domestic refuse) into
vermicompost. In FRI, the division of Ecology and Environment has started a project on
vermitechnology using the earthworm species Eisenia foetida.


Aalok, A., Tripathi, A.K. & P. Soni (2017, October 24). Vermicomposting: an alternative for
solid waste management (pp. 59-64). Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


The article reviews the literature on the composting process, which is one of the
technological options for the processing of municipal solid wastes (MSWs). The process
assumes a great significance, particularly from the point of its economic viability,
capability for recycling of nutrients and waste minimization with minimum

environmental problems. A number of studies on various aspects of the composting
process, including process control and monitoring parameters such as temperature, pH,
moisture content, aeration, and porosity are reviewed. Salient observations on microbial
properties of composting are described and details of vermicomposting, as well as a
detailed analysis of patents on composting of MSW, are presented.


Kumal, S. (2010, September, 20). Composting of municipal solid waste (pp. 112-136).
Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


Solid waste management techniques such as incineration, pyrolysis and

gasification have high investment costs. Composting and vermicomposting of solid
organic waste have been considered as an economically viable and sustainable waste
management technologies. However, wastes often contain pollutants, such as heavy
metals that are toxic to decomposer micro-organisms. Thus, heavy metals are a
challenge for the successful biological treatments. Waste may also contain a mixture of
organic pollutants that certain microbes, such as micro-algae are known to degrade. The
present review paper focuses on understanding the role of vermicomposting as a
management tool in mitigating solid organic wastes. It is noteworthy to mention that
the microbes also play a pivotal role in the degradation process, wherein the enzymes
secreted during the process aid in decomposition of complex molecules into simpler


Alshehrei, F., Ameen, F. (2021, June). Vermicomposting: a management tool to mitigate solid
waste (pp. 3284-3293). Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


Generation of the huge amount of solid waste around the globe is a major
ecological and technical problem. Vermicomposting may be the viable option to handle
solid waste in an environmentally friendly way. This review provides a general
overview of viability of vermicomposting processes as an ecofriendly approach. The
integrated approach of composting and vermicomposting processes provides better
results. Further, to optimize the process of vermicomposting, co-digestion of organic
wastes provides better opportunity for both microorganisms and earthworms to
convert the organic fraction of solid waste under controlled environmental conditions.


Usman, A., (2015, February 17). A review on vermicomposting of organic wastes (pp.
1050-1062). Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


Since vermicompost is organic in nature, it is not harmful for the environment.

Vermicomposting process is also easy to operate and can be successfully prepared by
unskilled small and marginal farmers. Amidst the environmental degradation and
increasing food demand, vermicompost can be a solution. Although, its use alone in
agriculture would not be able to meet the food demand but its use with chemical
fertilizer through integrated manner can achieve sustainability in food production. The
adoption rate of vermicompost is low and there is tendency of adopting vermicompost
by female famers only. The potentiality of vermicompost is still not fully exploited yet.
Hence, there is a need to appoint more extension workers to educate the farmers about
vermicomposting and its benefits for achieving sustainability.


Saha, P., Barman, A. & Bera, A. ( 2022, February 26). Vermicomposting: a step towards
sustainability. Retrieved March 26,2023 from


Vermicomposting (i.e., the processing of organic waste by earthworms) is a low-

cost rapid technique for transforming large amounts of waste into a safe and valuable
product called vermicompost. The effects that earthworms have on microorganisms
largely determine the rate of decomposition of organic matter during the process and,
in turn, the quality of the final product. Recent studies highlight the importance of the
earthworm gut as a major shaper of microbial communities. Passage of the material
through the earthworm gut favors the existence of a reduced but more active microbial
population in the egested material. The addition of these microbial communities to
fresh organic matter has been shown to modify the level of activity and the functional
diversity of microbial populations in vermicomposting systems.


M. Gómez-Brandón & J. Domínguez (2013, September 2). Recycling of solid organic wastes
through vermicomposting: microbial community changes throughout the process and use of
vermicompost as a soil amendment. Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


It can be concluded that home and community composting has a great potential
to be a massively implemented strategy in organic waste management in developing
national and regional programmes. One important reason for this expansion is the fact
that home composting has passed from being a hobby to a scientifically based
technology. From the environmental and economic points of view, home and
community composting appears to be superior to industrial composting in most of the
environmental categories, which again makes this strategy attractive to be included in
waste management programmes.


Sánchez, A. (2022, April 26). Decentralized composting of food waste: a perspective on

scientific knowledge, a review. Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


In the vermicomposting system, earthworms and microorganisms play critical

roles in the decomposition of organic materials. As a biological reaction system,
vermicomposting can also be influenced by many environmental factors such as water
content, moisture, pH, organic matter, temperature, carbon to nitrogen rate, ammonia
and etc. Moreover, the operation conditions like earthworm’ density and retention time,
sludge loading and height, and useful devices also strongly affect vermicomposting
performance. The environmental temperature can directly affect the metabolism,
growth, reproduction and activity of earthworm and microorganism, thus affecting
their ability in degradation of organic matter. The temperature set in vermicomposting
showed a stronger inconsistency and most studies selected the room temperature (15–
30 °C) as vermicomposting temperature, displaying a wide range of temperature for
treating sludge (Huang et al., 2020b).


Sharma, K. PHD & Garg, V.K. PHD (2019). Sustainable resource recovery and zero waste
approaches, vermicomposting of waste. Retrieved March 26,2023 from


As the number of humans grows, so does the consumption of natural resources

and the production of trash. Since the industrial revolution, consumers have embraced
a linear economy model based on the "take-make-dispose" philosophy. Vermicompost
has the potential to be a sustainable strategy in the circular economy.


Kamar Zaman, A.M., Yaacob, J.S. (2022, January 16). Exploring the potential of
vermicompost as a sustainable strategy in circular economy: improving plants’ bioactive
properties and boosting agricultural yield and quality . Retrieved
March 26, 2023 from


In-depth research has been done in recent years on the use of earthworms to treat
solid waste. Vermicomposting solid wastes serves two purposes: it reduces pollution
caused by intensive farming, urbanization, and population growth by turning trash into
a product with added value.


Renuka Gupta & V.K. Garg. (2011, April 7). Potential and possibilities of vermicomposting
in sustainable solid waste management, a review. Retrieved March 26, 2023


Vermicomposting has been reported as a practicable, economical and swift

technique for proficient management of the solid wastes. But Non-toxic fraction of the
solid wastes can be used as feedstock for various biological processes to recover or
produce value-added products from solid wastes.


Sharma, K., Garg, V.K. (2017, December 8). Vermicomposting: a green technology for
organic waste management (pp. 199- 235). Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


Vermicomposting is a biological process in which earthworms are employed to

cooperate with microorganisms in order to convert organic wastes into a valuable
product. It is considered as a relatively low cost and environmentally-friendly method
of waste treatment.


Aleksandra Sosnecka, Małgorzata Kacprzak, & Agnieszka Rorat (2016).

Vermicomposting as an alternative way of biodegradable waste management for small
municipalities. Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


Vermicompost production recycles food trash, paper sludge, livestock manure,

and yard debris. This action reduces the expansion of landfills and returns the waste to
the earth as a valuable fertilizer. The biodiversity of increased microorganisms in our
soils is supported by vermicompost.


Staggs, Heather (2021). Vermiculture: a viable solution for sustainable agriculture.

Retrieved March 26, 2023 from


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