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Ar jistory is abaut Roy Cliveland Solivan, was strock bay laitning on seven different
oqueishons and survaid ich taim, this jappend bituin naintin fory two and naintin fory
seven. For this rison, he ernd the nickneim of the juiman laitning rod.
Solivan was born in Grin Cauny, Viryinia, on febiuary seven, naintin tuelf, began work in
naintin ziry six, as a renyer Shenandoah, Nashional park. Solivan is reconaizt bai
Guinness buk of worlds records as the person ju was strock mor taims bai laitning than
eny oder jiuman bieng.
It was avoired bai pipol presaisly bicos of the fir of being strock bai laitning. Uans he
rimemberd: he was wolking with the chif renyer guan dey when it soddenly stared tu
The boss told mi: Ail si yu leider. He livd in the Dums kemiunidy. Tu of his renyer hats ar
on display at the Guinees World Esposishon in New York and South Carolaina.
The seven reys
1) De first dakemened laitning straik tu straik Solivan japend in eiprol naintin fory
two. He was jaiding from a storm in a fair lucaut tauer. As the tauer had bin bilt
ricenly, it had no laitning rod at the taim. Solivan ran aut and only a fiu fit awey
recivd what he kensiderd his worst laitning straik. It bernd a half-inch strip daun
the leng of his rait leg, damaying his to and living a jol in his shu.

2) Was atacktd aguen in yulai naintin sixty-nine, guail draiving a track on a mounten
rod, which is rer, sins the meral bary of a viacol protects pipol bai acting laik a
Fereday keich. The laitning first strock nirbai tris and deflected inda the open
windo of the trock. Solivan was nock onconshes. His aibros, ailashes and her
wer bernd. The encontrold trock kept muving intel it stop nir a Cliff.
3) In naintin seventy he was strock bai laitning guail in his yard. The bolt strock a
nirby power trensformer and fron der yontt to his left shoulder, burning him.

4) While working in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, he was struck by another bolt
of lightning. It set her hair on fire and Roy tried to pot it out with his jacket. That
happened in 1972. Oldo he was never a fearful man, after the fourth blow he biguen to
believe that some force was trying to destroy him. For months, whinever he was caught
in a storm while driving his truck, he would stop and lie in the front seat intel calm
ritornd. He also tot that he would somehow attract lightning even if he stud in a crowd of
people, and he even kerrid a can of water with him.
5) While on petrol on oguest 7, 1973, he saw a thundercloud forming and quickly muvd
away. But the cloud, he said, simd to follow him. Shortly after he was struck by lightning:
it went down his left arm and leg. Still conshes, Sullivan crold to his truck and pord the
can of water over his head, which was on fire.

6) The sixth lightning strike inyerd his encol on June 5, 1976. It was reported that he
saw a cloud, thought it was following him, tried to run away, but was struck by the
discharch anyway.

7) On the morning of June 25, 1977, he was struck by another lightning strike while
fishing in a freshwater pool. It hit the top of his head, set his hair on fire, came down and
bernd his chest and stomack. Sullivan ternd back to his car when something
onexpected happend: a ber approucht the pond and tried to steal traut from his fishing
line. He had the strengk and courech to confront the enimol with a tree branch. He
cleimd that this was the twenty-second time in his life that he had defended himself
against a ber with a stick.

According to The Washington Post, Sullivan speculeired in an inerviuw that "some

kemical, some mineral" in his body made him very suceptibol to lightning strikes. "I have
a feeling," he áded, that "one day they will hit me again."

On September 28, 1983, Sullivan died at the age of 71, taking his own life with a
firearm, shooting himself. The cos of the susaid is believed to have been
disappointment in love.

Well that has been the story, we kentiniu with the favorite fery tel.

Finaliza la historia, inicia el cuento de hadas

Uans apan a taim there was a gud man who had the misforchen to bicom a wiregor shortly after guiren
merid. Yirs leirer he met a very min and eregant woman, but who, despait that, meneshd to meik him
foll in love.

Both merid and went to liv with der dorers. The woman had two dorers as eregant as she was, guail the
man had a singol dorer who was suit, gud and biuriful laik no oder. From the beguining the two sisters
and the stepmother meid laif imposibol for the guerl. They forsd her to wer old and diry clouths and tu
du oll the housework. The poor thing spent the day sweeping the floor, making the beds, and as if this
were not enof, iven when she rested on the ashes of the fairpleis, they meid fan of her.

- Cindirella! Cindirella! Luk at her, she's full of ashes aguen!

Despait ebrything she never compleind

2da diapositiva

Guan dey she herd her sisters seatty that they were going to attend the dens guiven bai the King's son.
Cindirella rily waned tu go, but she neu it wasn't cat aut for a guerl laik her.

She airond her sisters' dresses, helt them dress and comb their her, and sadly sent them off. When she
was alon, she berst inda tiars of sorrow for not bing eibol to go to the dens. Then her fery gadmother

- What happens Cindirella? Why are you craying laik that?

- Bicos I wuld laik to go to the dens laik my sisters, but I have no wey.

- Hmmm... I zink I can fix it, she sed.

With a flick of her wand, she tornd it into a magnificent golden kerrich drown by six white steeds, a
greishes couchman and six helpful footmen.

- Oh yes, I forgat! - sed the fery gadmother.

And with a last flick of her wand, he tornd her rags into a magnificent gauwn of gold and silver tishu and
coverd her feet with denty little glass slippers.

Just one more Cindirella thing. Remember that the spell will be broken at midnight, so you must return

When Cindirella arraivd at the palas there was an enormous silence. Everyone edmaired her beauty
while wondering who that beautiful princess was. The prince soon asktd her to dens and from the
moment he was eibol to contempleit her beauty up clos, he cudent stop edmairing her.

The same thing happened to Cindirella and she was so comterbol that she didn't rilais that it was
straiking twelve. He gat ap and ren out of the palas. The prince, worid, also ren awey oldo he cudent rich
her. Only one of her glass slippers, which the yong woman lost while running.

Days later the prince arrived at Cinderella's house with the glass slipper. The prince had orderd that all
the wuimen in the kingdom try it on intel he found its oner. So the stepsisters tried it on, and although
they tried their best, they couldn't get their feet induet. When it was Cindirella's turn they laughed, and
even said that she didn't need to try it on because there was no way she could be the princess they were
looking for. But Cinderella tried it on and the shoe fit her perfectly.

So Cindirella and the prince were merid and they were very happy and the young woman showd her
kainess again by forgiving her stepsisters and mering them to two lords of the court

The story of Cindirella is a story of kainess. The young woman shows her kindness by triring her sisters
well when they have never been connndescending to her and takes her to the extreme when they ask
her for forgivness and forgivs them without thinking about it, offering them her onconditional love

Is all thanks

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