Agga Rwal A 1967

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B. D.

On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate 217

ZAMM 47 (1967)Heft 4, Seite 217-227

On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate


Die Durchbiegung einer Parallelogramm- Platte wird unter den folgenden Belastungsfallen untersucht:
1) Einzellust i n der Mitte, 2) Gleichma~igeBelastung, 3 ) Uber eine Kreisflache im Zentrum verteilte Bela-
stung, 4 ) Einzellast i n einem beliebigen Punkt, 5 ) Uber eine Kreisflache beliebiger Lage verteilte Belustung.
Es werden verschiedene numerische Ergebnisse angegeben.
Bending of a parallelogram plate under various kinds of loading has been investigated. The following
kinds of loads are considered (1) Isolated load at the center of th. plate, ( 2 ) Uniform load, ( 3 ) Load distri-
buted over a central circular area, ( 4 ) Isolated load at an arbitrary point of the plate, ( 5 ) Load distributed
over an arbitrary circular area of the plate. Various numerical results are given.
B pa6oTe wccnenyeTccI nporw6 nnammmm (PopMbi napannenorpaMMa B cnenymwwx cny-
y a m : (1) cocpeRoToseHHaR Harpy a ~ aB cepenmae, (2) paeHoMepHan ~ a r p y a ~(3) a , Harpyma
Ha Kpyre B UeHTpe, (4)cocpenoTosenHas ~ a r p y a ~B anro60ii Tome, ( 5 ) n a r p y a ~ aHa Kpyre
C nm6b1M IIOJIO~eHBeM. & U O T C R 911CJIeHHbIe pe3ynbTaTbI.

1. Introduction
While there is considerable amount of literature on bending of rectangular and circular
plates, very few problems seem to have been solved for any other shape for the obvious reason
that the geometry of the plate is not very helpful in the mathematical treatment of the subject.
Numerical techniques t o the solution of plate problems have been applied by KENNEDY[S].
141, STEVENSON [13], SETH [12] and AGGARWALA [l, 21 have applied complex variable tech-
niques to the solution of these problems. CONWAY [7] has advocated approximate solutions based
on exact satisfaction of differential equations and approximate satisfaction of boundary conditions.
As pointed out by MORLEY[9], plates in the shape of a parallelogram are important in the
design of swept wings in aircraft and approximate solutions to some problems related to these
plates have been obtained in [9]. AGGARWALA [3] recently solved a problem related to rhombic
plates with the help of conformal mapping. In the present paper we treat in detail the problem
of bending of a s i m p l y s u p p o r t e d parallelogram plate under various kinds of loading. The
following types of loading are considered; (i) concentrated load a t the center of the plate, (ii) uni-
form load over the plate, (iii) load distributed over a central circular area, (iv) isolated load a t an
arbitrary point of the plate, (v) load distributed over an arbitrary circular region in the plate.
Numerical results are given for various shapes of the plate.

2. Conformal Mapping
Consider a parallelogram, of sides A and B ( A S B), and interior angles k n and ( 1 - k ) n
(0 <k l/2) situated in the z-plane. The mapping
t - 00

z = iiJ ( 1 - t2)k-1 ( 1 - t: t2)-k dt = A a, I n , say

0 n=l

where t, (= eiel) is a point on the unit circle in the i-plane, maps the parallelogram onto a unit
circle in such a fashion t h a t the center of the parallelogram (z = 0) goes into t = 0 and the four
corners go into -1, A,, 1, t,. We require 1 to be positive. The two quantities L and 8, depend
upon the lengths of the two sides of the parallelogram, A and B . To find the relation between
A , B and 1, 81 we make the substitution

and the relationship is a t once seen to be given by

k) F k, 1 -

B=-T(k)T(l -k)F
2 + 2cos 81)'
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate

where r
and F denote the gamma and hypergeometric functions respectively. For numerical
calculations it is expedient t o use the following relation [5]

In the above the value 8, = nj2, corresponds to A = B , and in this case,

A 4cosnkl2

The value 8, = 0, corresponds t o the case of an infinite strip B / A = 00, and 1. = 2 A sin n kjn.
The values of BIA and AlA for different values of k and O1 are given in Tables 1 and 2.
T a b l e 1. V a l u e s of l o 3 . BIA

N i
1 90'
80' I
70' I
50' 1
40" j
30' 1
20" ~

10" 1
1175 I 1279
1732 1992
.45 1000 1082 1174 1276 1396 1540 1724 1981 2389 M
.40 1000 1080 1168 1268 1383 1523 1700 1947 2340 00
.35 1000 1076 1160 1254 1363 1493 1660 1892 2260 co
.30 1000 1071 1148 1234 1334 1453 1605 1816 2150 00
.25 1000 1063 1132 1209 1297 1402 1535 1720 2012 00

T a b l e 2. V a l u e s of I . lO4/A

-1 I 1 1 I i
-~ ~

90 80 ~ 70 60 50 ~ 40 30 20 10 ~ 0

.50 5394 5597 5776 5932 6064 6173 6257 6318 6354 6366
.45 5336 5535 5710 5863 5993 6099 6181 6240 6276 6288
.40 5162 5349 5514 5657 5779 5878 5955 6010 6044 6055
.35 4875 5043 5191 5319 5427 5515 5584 5633 5662 5672
.30 4477 4619 4745 4853 4944 5018 5076 5117 5142 5150
.25 3970 4084 4183 4268 4340 4398 4444 4476 4495 4502

3. Central Load
Consider now the plate in the z-plane to be loaded by a concentrated load P a t the center
and t o be simply supported a t the edges. The deflection w of this plate is governed by
v4w = 0 except a t z =0

w = v2w = 0 a t the boundary

and /
D-(v2w)ds = P,

where c is any curve surrounding z = 0 and n denotes the outward going normal to this curve.
D is the flexural rigidity of the plate.
Consider the function
This function is harmonic a t every point in the plate except a t z = 0 and vanishes on the boundary.

J$ (log t t> ds = (2 Arg t ) ds =4 n

C c
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate 219

so t h a t we require
(5) v2w =---
log t i, w =0 on the boundary.

(5) gives
l6 lV
- z Z log f 2 - (z 1f dt + complex conjugate + a harmonic function.
The harmonic function is to be adjusted to satisfy w = 0 on the boundary.
16nwD -


= z Z log 1 t - A2 in +
complex conjugate a harmonic function. +
a,,( x p = Re (a, 5,) + i Im (a, Z p )
and we get
16nwD - " 1
(6) p = z 2 log t t - 2 1' Z
p=i n
cos (n- p ) 8- Im (a, gP)sin (n-p)
[Re (a, iiP) e] +

+ 2 R2 L' Z: 1 @-nl [He (a, Z p ) cos (n - p ) 8 - Im (a, ix,) sin (n - p ) e] .

Equation (6) gives the defection of the plate a t any point.
The maximum deflection wo occurs a t the center and is given by


( 7 ) is a rapidly convergent series and good approximation to wo is given by

The accuracy of (6) can be judged from the fact t h a t in the case of a square ( k = 1/2,
8 = n/2), it gives correct result within .23%. As the sides become unequal, the error in the approxi-
mation (8) goes up. I t is 2% when the side ratio is 1.5 and
4% when the side ratio is 2. As the side ratio tends to
become infinite, the error reaches its maximum value 5.1874
which is the maximum error in (8) for a parallelogram of ;=
any shape and size. The approximation (8) is always too
low as is apparent from (7).
We write

(9) w --p P 1 2
as the exact result and give the values of the correction 2
factor, p, for various values of k and in Fig. 1. The figure
indicates that if one replaces a parallelogram by an infinite
strip, then, for a given side ratio, the error is less for
smaller values of k . In case of a the rectangule, the error
is about 2.5% if the side ratio is 2, .8yoif the side ratio is 2.5.
For large values of k (1/2 2 k >
1/4) one may replace the 70 e, 50 3u O95
parallelogram by an infinite strip if the side ratio is 2.5 or Fig. 1
greater while for small values of k ( S 1/4), one may replace
if the side ratio is 2 or greater. The deflection under the load for an infinite strip is given
by wo = P a2 (1.0518)/2 n3D where a is the width of the strip.

4. Uniform Load
Let q be the intensity of the uniform load so t h a t the problem reduces to
v 4 w = q/D 3 w = v2w=0 a t the boundary.
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate

Successive integration and satisfaction of boundary conditions gives :

C e n t r a l d e f l e c t i o n . The deflection wo a t the center of the plate is given by

16 D wo
9 l4
= - 4 C 2 2: at a n - k &p i n - p +
2 L'
u ~ l u
k -
a p a p + u at G+u + +

+ (2 fin *

We may write
w o= 9 l4

16 D d 2
The values of wo for various values of k and are given in Fig. 2. 'A' in the figure denotes
the smaller side of the parallelogram.
I t is pertinent to check the rapidly of convergence of the series involved in the expression
for w,. Taking the first few terms of these series, we obtain

15 say.

Fig. 2 Fie. 3

The values of 6, as against those of 6; are given for a few cases in Table 3 for the particular
case of a rhombus. For the case of a square, e.g., (14) is in error by less than 1% while for a rhom-
bus with 45" angle, the correction is about 40/,.This would seem t o suggest t h a t the series in
(12) are quite rapidly convergent.

-T a b l e 3. V a l u e s of 6, a n d 6; (see e q u a t i o n s 13 a n d 14)
- - -~ ____________
j .5 j .45 1 .4 I .35 I .3

k ~ .25

I 'j .771
.766 1 .780
I .796
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate _____ 221

B e n d i n g m o m e n t s : Bending moments at the center can be calculated if we know the

values of w x x ,wyy,and w x ya t the center. Since the value of v2w
is known from (lo), oneneeds
only calculate w x x and zuxy. In terms of e and 8; these operations a t the origin are given by

We get

+ .,>
(z' a,, (2 i .2 as+2 C.C.) + -
The rapidity of convergence of these series is of the same order as t h a t of the series represent-
ing wo. Thus a good approximation may be obtained by retaining a first few terms.
The values of D 02wIq A2, D w,,/q A2 and D wx,/q A2 calculated a t the center are given in
Figure 3, and tables 4, 5, and 6 for various shapes and sizes of the parallelogram plate. I t
is interesting to note t h a t v 2 w / A 2(calculated a t the center) appears to be a linear function of 8,,
the angle appearing in our mapping function. .A' denotes the smaller side of the parallelogram.
S h e a r F o r c e s : I t is easy to see from the expression for w t h a t the shear force a t the center
is zero.
T a b l e 4. Values of -105 D v2w/qA2 a t t h e c e n t e r , see e q u a t i o n 10

.45 7223
.40 7821

T a b l e 5. V a l u e s of -lo5 D wxx/qA2a t t h e c e n t e r , see e q u a t i o n 16

80" I
~ 50" ~ 40" 1 30" 1 20" ~ 10" 1 0"
, ,
I 1

.50 3684 3912 3995 3919 3673 3263 2699 1993 1148
.45 3374 3582 3664 3603 3392 3032 2526 1886 1098
.40 , 2944 3122 3192 3144 2968 2663 2234 1680 989
.35 2436 2575 2629 2587 2444 2199 1853 1402 831
.30 1887 1984 2019 1984 1873 1687 1425 1082 645
.25 1341 1402 1419 1390 1310 1177 999 760 455

T a b l e 6. V a l u e s of -lo5 D wgy/qA2a t t h e c e n t e r , see e q u a t i o n 17

90' 1I
80" 1 70" 1 ~
60" 'i 50" 1 40' 1 30" 1 20" 1 10" 1 0"

359 738 1097 1386 1560 1561 1345 850

.45 0 310 636 945 1199 1348 1354 1168 741
.40 0 254 521 772 979 1103 1108 957 610
.35 0 196 401 594 751 846 850 734 467
.30 0 141 287 424 535 600 602 519 331
.25 0 92 187 275 345 386 386 332 211
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate

6. Load Distributed over a Central Circular Area

We assume the intensity of the load t o be given by p, where r is the distance from the
center of the circle and s is a given constant. Let wl denote the deflection of the plate under the
loaded area and w2 denote the deflection in the rest of the plate. We may write

(18b) w2 = 5 fa(') + 'fim + V z ( 4 + @&) .

The conditions t o be satisfied are
(19) w, = v 2 w z = 0 a t the boundary of the plate,

where p o is a known constant; s' = s + 2; c = the radius of t h e loaded area.

We write
w1 =z (12 - 11) +' U Z - 71) + (p2 - PI) + @2 - @I) 7 w2 = (s2
s12 D)
so that we need

Since y, is a function of r only, we assume yl, which is biharmonic, to be a function of r

also. So that we may write
y1 = A, A, log r +
A, r2 A, rz log r + +
where A,, A,, A,, A, are constants t o be determined from (21). Simple manipulation gives [4],


Po denotes the total load on the plate.

If now we assume [4]

(24a), (24b)
(22) will give
f , = Q ~ f 1: n , P + z l o g t 1 , p2=Q 1
(25a), (25b)

f l = Q ( n ~1a : , t n - z l o g - c t , 'I yl=Q

f, and 9, are chosen in such a fashion that f l and yl are regular a t the origin after the conditions
a t r = c have been satisfied. From (22), we get

(26 a) a, - a; =(+ - I)%, n = 1 , 2 , . ..,

(26b), ( 2 6 ~ ) b, - bb = ~

(s +
+ l)c',/A2, b, = b i , n = 1, 2, 3 , . .. .
To determine the constants a,, bn we go to the boundary conditions (19). We have
+ C.C. + Q d 2log I T ,

(27) W, = QAz 2 2 a,, MP t" E' + C.C. + Q Z Z log t i+ QA2 2 b, t"

1 1 0
On Bending of a Parallelogram Phte

We substitute (28a) in (27) and satisfy w2 = 0 a t e = 1. This gives

All the constants have now been determined.

C e n t r a l d e f l e c t i o n w, is given by

The last two terms are due t o the fact t h a t the load Po is spread over an area instead of being
concentrated a t the center. The values of 2 (an %,In) = /? are given in Fig. 1. The other two
terms can, be easily evaluated.
B e n d i n g m o m e n t s a t t h e c e n t e r : From
w1 = Po r-s+2 (s2 d 2D ) + f l ( 4 + z L(Z) + q1(4 + FIG)
we get, a t z = 0

M, =D +
(wxz v wry)= 2 D Re

My= D (wyy v w x x )= 2 D Re

Mzy= - D (1 - v) w X y= 2 D (1 - v). Im

where Re and Im denote “real part of” and “imaginary part of” respectively.
These expressions give

+ V) - 2(1 log

Because the series involved are very rapidly convergent, we observe that the bending
moments a t the center depend heavily upon the first two co-efficients of mapping.
As numerical examples, we consider the case of a rhombus. Let 2 a denote the length of
the major axis and k n the acute angle of the rhombus. We consider uniform load over central
circular areas of radii a13 and al4. The values of w DIP, a2, M,/Po, M,IP,, where Po is the total
load over the area are given in Table 7 for v = .3. The direction of x is assumed to be along the
major axis. Mxyfor this case is zero.
T a b l e 7 . Central d e f l e c t i o n and bending m o m e n t s for a rhombus
l o a d e d over c e n t r a l c i r c u l a r area Y = .3 (see e q u a t i o n s 29 a n d 30)

.50 .203 .167 .167 .186 .137 .137

.45 .168 .156 .161 .152 .126 .131
.40 .135 .144 .154 .121 .114 .124
.35 .lo5 .130 .145 .091 .lo1 .114
.30 .077 .114 .134 .065 .085 .lo3
.25 .052 .096 .119 .041 .068 .088
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate

S h e a r f o r c e s : I t is easy t o see t h a t shear forces a t the center vanish.

The value of the shear force a t any point on the boundary can be obtained from (18b).
We get

a t the boundary. So t h a t

In the case of a rhombus, this becomes

I t should be noted t h a t the distribution of shear force a t the boundary in this case is the
same as if the entire load were concentrated a t the center.

6. Concentrated Load at an Arbitrary Point of the Plate

Let zo be the point of application of the load and to (= Po eieo) be the corresponding point
in the t-plane. We transform the unit circle in the t-plane onto the unit circle in the w-plane in
such a fashion t h a t t = to corresponds to w = 0. We have z = 1 2 a, tn. Writing

t = pe,-__- + eo
. (0
1 (0 Po

We write this last equation in the form


The deflection w a t any point of the plate is now given by

(34) = ( z - zo) (Z - Zo) log GO 0 - 2 A2 C C" 1 -R p + , [Re (pn p,) cos (n - p ) pl -

P 1 l n
- Im (Bn p,) sin (n - p ) p] + 2 A2 2 C
RIP-"I [Re (pa 6,) cos (n - p ) p --
1 1

- Im (Bn B P ) sin (n - P) PI 3

where P = intensity of the load, cu = R exp (i pl).

The deflection w oa t the point of application of the load is given by


The values of b, are given in Tables 8 and 9 for a few particular cases.

.25 .857 --.180 1 .269 1 .781 I -582 .683

B. D. AaaARwALA, On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate 225

T a b l e 9. (lzol = a/2, see e q u a t i o n s 35-38)

.50 .644 - .293 .267 .492 - .772 578

.45 .633 - .266 .260 .471 - ,701 ,562
.40 .622 -.237 .252 .449 - .624 .537
.35 .609 - .207 .242 .426 -541 .504
.30 .596 -.176 .230 .401 - .455 .464
.25 .581 - .144 .216 .375 - .366 .419

7. Load Distributed over a Circular Area Anywhere in the Plate

Let w1 denote the deflection of the plate under the loaded area and w2 denote the deflection
in the rest of the plate. As before (see Section 6) we assume po F2to be intensity per unit area
of the load, where now / z - zo/ = r, z = zo being the center of the loaded area. If we write

w1 = &&o
[(z - 20) (2 - 20)ls"2 + (5 - To) fd.4 + (2 - zo) flcz) + Y l ( 4 + F1@) >

w2 = (Z - To) f z ( 4 + ( z - 20) GCZ) + PZ(Z) + FzCz) *

We must have, as before (see equation (22)),af Iz - zol = c,

We write
+ c'2 l o g w
and get
f2 = Q[1.f
a,wn + (z - zo) log OJ b, w n

(36a) a, - a; = (+ - l ) p n , n = I , 2, . . .,

(36b) (36c) bo-bbj,= (si2+l)g,

__ b,=b;, n = 1 , 2 , 3 ,...,

(compare with equation 26). Also, as before

a,= - -Pn
(36d) n

Deflection wo a t the center of the loaded area is given by

On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate

As an illustrative example, we consider again loading on a rhombic plate. As before, let 2 a

denote the length of the major axis and k n the acute angle of the rhombus. We shall consider
the cases when the load is distributed over a circular area whose center is on the major axis
a t a distance of ,u = a/4, a12 from the center of the figure. The values of different constants
appearing in the expressions for w,, M,, M,, M,, will depend upon the intensity of the load and
the area over which the load is distributed. However, the values of p,, p2, /I3, b,, b,, and b, are inde-
pendent of these two considerations. The values of these constants for the two different cases,
namely when the load is centered a t a distance of a/4, a12 from the center of the rhombus are given
in Tables 8 and 9 respectively. With the help of these values, the values of w,, M z , M,, M,, may
be readily calculated provided the law of distribution of the load and the area over which it is
distributed are known. If e.g., the acute angle of the rhombus be 45", the load be centred a t
a distance of a14 from the center of the rhombus, and be distributed uniformly over a circular
area of radius a/4, we have s = 2, c = a/4, c f 2 = a2/32, v = .3, say, 1 = .4297 a, /I1 = 23569,
p2 = - .1804, p3 = .2694, b, = .7807, bl -- = .5818, b, = .683O.
These give a t the center of the loaded area

Perhaps the most interesting of our numerical results is indicated in Fig. 3. It appears
extremely likely that, in the case of uniform loading, the sum of the bending moments a t the
center divided by the smaller of the two sides of the plate is a linear function of 8,, the constant
appearing in the mapping of the parallelogram plate onto a unit circle. 8, is determined only by
the ratio of the two sides of the parallelogram and the linear relationship t h a t we postulate here
is true for any value of k n, the acute angle of the plate. As the ratio B / A ( B 2 A ) increases
from one to co,8, decreases from n/2 t o zero, and v 2 w / A 2 ,calculated a t the center, goes up
linearly with respect t o 8,. Since i t is relatively easy to compute this value for the case of a rhom-
bus (8, = 4 2 ) and an infinite strip (8, = O ) , i t would appear t h a t this important physical quan-
tity can be calculated for any parallelogram plate with relative ease, once the constant 8, has
been determined for the plate. This constant can be looked up in Table 1. I t may be stated in
this connection t h a t for a rhombus il = 4 A cos (k n/2)/B (k/2, 112) where k n is the acute angle
of the rhombus and A , the length of one side. Also a t the center

For an infinite strip, we have, a t the center, ' Z Y

9 A2 sin2 k n
8 0
where the strip is being looked upon as the limiting case of a parallelogram with sides A and B
( A 5 B) and acute angle k n.
Take, for example, the case of rectangle. For a square we have

so that a, = 1, a5 = . l , as = 1/24, . . . . Neglecting of the we get, a t the center of

the plate

V2w 1 -YA2
4 0
~ (1.012) = -
A 2 (.074)
(Value of ilmay be looked up in Table 2). For an infinite strip

v 2 w = - 9 A 2(.125) ~

in this case. Thus for a rectangle with side ratio 1.4 (8, = SO0), we have, a t the center,
(.125 - .074)4J -
- 9 A2
- -(.O97) .
9 D
On Bending of a Parallelogram Plate 227

The corresponding value in Table 4 is ,09673. I t would appear t h a t .097 is a surprisingly good
approximation, considering the very little amount of labour involved and considering the fact
that the method will work for any parallelogram.
Finally, we point out t h a t our results coincide with those available in the literature. For
the case of the square, e.g. TIMOSHENKO [15] gives for v = .3 (Mn)max= .0479 q A 2 a t the center.
Our value turns out to be .04789 q A2. For a rectangle with side ratio 1.4, TIMOSHENKO [15] gives
for v = .3 &Iz = .0755 qA2, M y = .0502 q A 2 a t the center. Our values are .07554qA2 and
.05021 q A 2 . And for side ratio 2, TIMOSHENKO [15] gives M z = .lo17 q A2, My = .0464 q /I2
while in our case, for side ratio 1.992, the corresponding numbers are .lo145 q A2 and .04641 q A 2

The author is thankful to the McGill University Computing Center where all the numerical work was
done. Thanks are also due to Canadian Mathematical Congress for granting a Summer Research Fellowship
during the summer of 1965 when all the above work was done.

1 B. D. AGGARWALA,ZAMM 34, pp. 226-237 (1954).
2 B. D. AGGARWALA,Cal. Math. SOC.Bull. 47, pp. 87-114 (1955).
3 B. D. AGGARWALA,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., 19, pp. 19-82 (1966).
and N. 0. M. HANNA,
4 W. A. BASSALI Camb. Phil. SOC.Proc. 57, p. 166 (1961), pt. 1.
5 H. BATEMAN,Higher Transcendental Functions, vol. I , McGraw Hill, 1953, p. 111.
6 W. A. BRADLEY,A.S.C.E. Proc. 84, EMl, p. 37 (1963).
7 H. D. CONWAY,J. Appl. Mech. 27, ser. E, p. 225 (1960).
8 J. B. KENNEDY, Structural Eng. 42, (Feb. 1964).
9 L. D. S. MORLEY,Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 15, pp. 413-426 (1962).
10 N. I. MUSKHELISVILI,Some basic problems of the mathematical theory of elasticity, Noordhoff, 1963.
11 K. R. RUSHTON, Aeronautical Quarterly 15, p. 169 (1964), pt. 2.
12 B. R. SETH,Phil. Mag. (ser. 7) 38, p. 292 (1947).
13 A. C. STEVENSON, Phil. Mag. 34, p. 105 (1943).
14 V. I. WEINQARTEN, J. Aero. Sci. 24, p. 384 (1957).
15 S. TIMOSHENKO, Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, 1959.
Manuskripteingang: 7 . 4 . 1966

Anschrift: B. D. AGGARWALA,
Mathematics Department, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.

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