Final Speech

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Your excellence Sir krippe, Sir (other prof’s na pumunta) and distinguished delegates,
Before I start I wanna share this story where a husband was looking for her wife who
taught she was being helped to find a job in abroad, not knowing she was sold by a
friend to another country to be a sex slave. Human trafficking, called slavery as its
modern means, is considered to be violation of fundemental human rights in Turkey and
preventive measures are taken against those violations and criminal sanctions are
stipulated for criminal acts. Human trafficking happen in almost every region of the world
which is very alarming.


The crime of human trafficking, which is one of the most serious human rights violations,
in which human beings are turned into a commercial commodity, poses a serious threat
to the freedoms of individuals, public order and public security. Carried out by traders in
different areas and with different methods every day.

Turkey has taken a number of steps to combat trafficking in human beings. The relevant
national legal framework has evolved over the years, in the light of the country’s
international commitments.

Turkey has adopted the 4P method (prevention, protection, prosecution, and

partnership) within the scope of combating human trafficking.



Prevention, one of the most important areas in the fight against human trafficking,
requires the identification of areas of exploitation, prevention of exploitation of these
areas, and mobilization of all institutional potentials for an integrated fight against human
trafficking. Turkey carries out increasingly effective activities in the field of prevention
with the cooperation of public, private sector and non-governmental organizations in this
One of the important activities to raise awareness and coordination in the field of
prevention in Turkey, Anti-Trafficking Coordination Committee meetings. The
Commission regulated in Article 5 of the Regulation on Combating Human Trafficking
and Protection of Victims, meets regularly every year to carry out studies on the
prevention of human trafficking and the creation of policies and strategies to combat this
crime, to prepare an action plan, and to ensure coordination between public institutions
and organizations, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations.


Victim support services are divided into two. These are: victim support programs offered
in shelters and voluntary and safe return procedures.

Persons identified as victims are issued a Victim of Human Trafficking Residence Permit.
A residence permit for victims of human trafficking is granted without seeking the
conditions of other residence permits. Articles 48 and 49 of Law No. 6458 states that
foreigners who are or are strongly suspected to be victims of human trafficking are given
a 30-day residence permit by the governorships so that they can recover from the effects
of their experiences and decide whether to cooperate with the authorities and the
residence permit issued to allow time for reflection, may be extended depending on the
special situation of the victim.


Human trafficking being criminalised under Article 80 of the Turkish Criminal Code, the
rights of victims of trafficking to a recovery and reflection period and a renewable
residence permit are included in the Law on Foreigners and International Protection.
Further, the Regulation on Combating Human Trafficking and the Protection of Victims,
which entered into force on 17 March 2016, lays down the rules and procedures
concerning the identification and support of victims of trafficking.

Comprehensive national policy and national acts is made, Prime Ministry published two
different National Action Plans on Combating Human Trafficking and Protection of
Victims in 2003 and 2009. In the national action plan published in 2003, it has been
foreseen to amend the legislation for regulating procedures and principles for punishing
acts of human trafficking, to establish hotline for protecting victims and preventing
human trafficking crime and to amend the required legislation in order for Turkey to fulfill
its obligation arising from Palermo Convention. In the national action plan published in
2009, there have been provisions on required measures to be taken and access of
victims to support services under the titles of prevention, protection and prosecution for
victims of human trafficking Coordination Committee on Combating Human Trafficking
took the decision on drawing up 3. National Action Plan in the meeting..

Cooperation against human trafficking is provided at two levels, national and

international. At the same time, cooperation has a separate dimension within the
framework of the dynamic between the public, and national nongovernmental
organizations and institutions as well as international establishments and organizations.

Various activities were carried out in Turkey in 2019 to prevent the crime. The first of
these was the training of public personnel working in the field, private sector employees
and non-governmental employees. In 2019, training and awareness-raising activities
were organized for a total of 3,384 people, including 3,087 public officials, 297
nongovernmental employees, private sector employees and students. In the same
scope, a total of 12,879 people were provided with face-to-face and online training in
2020. In 2021, 1.9843 people received education on human trafficking.

BUDGET: ( if possible na ipasok to isama na ko na din yung budget sir hehe )

Furthermore, Coordination Committee on Combating Human Trafficking was established

by the Regulation on Combating Human Trafficking and the Protection of Victims. The
budgets allocated for Department of Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking were
4.491.000 (four million four hundred ninety one thousand euro) and 2.919.000 (two
million nine hundred nineteen thousand euro)


Together we can, together we will, together we have and together we are stronger let us
fight together and beat human trafficking around the globe, thankyou and God bless you

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