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international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439

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[FeFe]-hydrogenase gene quantification and melting curve

analysis from hydrogen-fermenting bioreactor samples

Katariina E.S. Tolvanen*, Ville P. Santala, Matti T. Karp

Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 541, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland

article info abstract

Article history: In this study, quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to quantify [FeFe]-hydrogenases and
Received 29 November 2009 subsequently melting curves were analyzed from hydrogen-fermenting, mixed-culture
Received in revised form bioreactor samples. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis was also
26 January 2010 performed to the reactor samples revealing a clostridial dominance in the reactor. Primers
Accepted 28 January 2010 targeting [FeFe]-hydrogenases were designed based on known clostridial [FeFe]-
Available online 24 February 2010 hydrogenase gene sequences and tested with several clostridial strains. The results show
that amplification efficiencies of four different clostridia are highly similar and melting
Keywords: curves of the clostridial strains were within 1  C of each other. We compared the melting
Quantitative PCR curves to the hydrogen percentage and observed a correlation between the results. The
Biohydrogen closer the melting curves were to those of clostridia, the better the hydrogen production.
Clostridia Based on these results, the primers and melting curve analysis of [FeFe]-hydrogenase
Mixed-culture analysis amplicons can be used for analysing hydrogenase genes from bioreactor samples.
Community characterization ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bioreactors [3–9], which makes the [FeFe]-hydrogenase

a valuable target for analysis.
A growing amount of research on biological hydrogen In order to efficiently operate biohydrogen-producing
production has also created interest around the enzymes dark fermentation processes or adjust parameters upon
responsible for the hydrogen production, namely the malfunctions it is important to understand how the system,
hydrogenases. Hydrogenases can be divided into three meaning the microorganisms, work. Quantification of the
groups based on their metal content in the H2-activating main producers, monitoring their hydrogenase expression
sites: [Fe]-hydrogenases, [FeFe]-hydrogenases, and [NiFe]- and monitoring the changes in the community structure
hydrogenases [1]. The [Fe]-hydrogenases have been found during operation is important for understanding what kind
in some methanogens and catalyze an intermediary step in of community changes are linked to changes in the biore-
methane production, the [FeFe]-hydrogenases are respon- actor operation. Monitoring of several strains indepen-
sible for the actual hydrogen production according to dently would give information on the interactions between
2Hþ þ 2e 4 H2, whereas the bidirectional [NiFe]- different strains, but not necessarily about their functions
hydrogenases are most often involved in the oxidation of in the community. Targeting for example the [FeFe]- and
hydrogen [2]. The [FeFe]-hydrogenases are mainly present in [NiFe]-hydrogenase genes separately could allow the
gram-positive bacteria such as Clostridium spp. These detection and division of the microbes to functional groups,
bacteria are often considered to be the main group of such as the [FeFe]-hydrogenase group containing only
H2-producers in mesophilic, hydrogen-fermenting hydrogen producers and the [NiFe]-hydrogenase group

* Corresponding author. Fax: þ358 3 3115 2896.

E-mail address: katariina.tolvanen@tut.fi (K.E.S. Tolvanen).
0360-3199/$ – see front matter ª 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3434 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439

containing hydrogen producers and consumers [10]. In 2.2. DGGE analysis of bioreactor samples
a hydrogen-fermenting bioreactor, where the community
structure can change substantially over time, functional DNA samples taken from the bioreactor during operation were
detection would provide a rapid tool for bioprocess moni- prepared for analyses as described in [10]. For the DGGE analysis,
toring. Operational parameters could be adjusted during partial bacterial 16S rRNA genes were amplified from the
operation to favour the hydrogen production resulting in genomic DNA using the primer pair GC-BacV3f [20] and 907r [21]
more stable production. as described in [5]. DGGE was performed with INGENYphorU2x2
Melting curve analysis after PCR is most often used to system (Ingeny International, Goes, The Netherlands) using 8%
verify that the signal increase in qPCR is specific to the polyacrylamide gels (acrylamide/bisacrylamide gel stock solu-
target amplicon and not the result from primer dimers. tion 37.5:1) with a denaturing gradient from 40% to 60% (100%
When double-stranded DNA is gradually heated, the mole- denaturing solution contains 7 M of urea and 40% formamide).
cules melt in a series of steps depending on their GC-content Gels were run at 60  C in 1  TAE with 100 V for 21.5 h, and
[11,12]. This property has been utilized in denaturing stained with SYBR Gold (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, USA).
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) for separation of DNA The dominant bands were excised from the gel, eluted in sterile
fragments of different base composition [13,14], but simi- H2O, and re-amplified for sequencing as previously described
larly, it can be utilized in melting curve analysis to compare [5]. Sequences were compared with those in GenBank (http://
amplicon base compositions. It has been reported that www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/) and the Ribosomal Database
melting curve analysis can be used for mutation and SNP Project II (http://rdp.cme.msu.edu/index.jsp).
detection in human genome analyses e.g. [15,16]. It has also
been used to identify group isolates of Streptococcus angino- 2.3. Primer design for hydrogenase amplification
sus [17], differentiation of beer-spoiling bacteria of the class
Clostridia [18] and quantification and diversity analysis of The previously characterized [FeFe]-hydrogenase coding hydA
ruminal methanogens [19]. In a recent study, the melting gene sequences of Clostridium acetobutylicum (CAU15277),
curve analysis was used to monitor microbial changes Clostridium perfringens (AB016820), Clostridium pasteurianum
during operation of a continuous-flow enriched nitrification (M81737), Clostridium paraputrificum (AB159510), Clostridium
system [11]. saccharobutylicum P262 (CAU09760), and C. butyricum
In our previous studies, we have used probe based quan- (EU689097) were aligned using ClustalW algorithm [22]. Based
titative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) systems to specifically monitor on the alignment (a part of the alignment is shown in Fig. 1)
Clostridium butyricum 16S rRNA gene and hydA gene and gene a primer set (hydA_f GCTGATATGACAATTATGGAAGAAG,
expression in mixed-culture bioreactor samples [7,10]. These hydA_r TCCAAATATTTGTTGTGGTGATTT) was designed to
methods provide information from the reactor at a single amplify a conserved domain region of the hydA gene. The
species level. In this study we present [FeFe]-hydrogenase oligonucleotide binding sites are shown in Fig. 1. The designed
targeting primers and apply them to bioreactor sample primers were analyzed with BLAST (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.
quantification and melting curve analysis. The primers were gov/Blast.cgi) and Primer BLAST with maximum number of
tested with several clostridial strains and resulting melting mismatches allowed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/tools/
curves were compared to those of the bioreactor samples. The primer-blast/) to confirm that based on the sequence data
hydA quantification and melting curve results were examined available, they only target hydrogenases.
in relation to hydrogen production and community structure
analyzed by DGGE. 2.4. Microbial cultures

Several clostridia cultures were used to determine the speci-

2. Materials and methods ficity, amplification efficiency, and linear range of the qPCR as
well as make reference melting curve analyses. Serial dilutions
2.1. Bioreactor of genomic DNA from C. acetobutylicum (792T), C. pasteurianum
(525T), C. saccharobutylicum (13864T), and C. butyricum previ-
This study presents a follow up on the previous study where C. ously isolated from a bioreactor [7] were analyzed using qPCR
butyricum hydrogenase was quantified from bioreactor and standard curves were made to determine the amplification
samples [10]. The bioreactor was a sucrose supplemented, efficiencies. Amplification efficiencies were calculated using
continuous-flow, completely-stirred tank reactor (CSTR) the Equation (1). Standard dilution series were made by calcu-
(working volume 400 ml) operated at 37  C for 150 days and lating the genome numbers using the genome sizes of 4 Mb,
inoculated with pretreated sludge from anaerobic digester. 5 Mb, 5 Mb, and 4.5 Mb, respectively.
The DNA samples analyzed here were taken during operation
days 114–144. The bioreactor was re-inoculated once during E ¼ 101=slope  1 (1)
the operation on day 120 with a similar seed as in the begin-
ning to reduce the lag period. 2.5. Quantitative PCR and melting curve analysis
Gases (H2, CO2) were measured using an HP 5890II gas
chromatograph equipped with a 6 ft Porapak N column (80/100 The qPCR and melting curve analyses were performed with
mesh) and a thermal conductivity detector. The oven, injector, Applied Biosystems StepOne Plus instrument (Carlsbad, CA,
and detector temperatures were 50, 80, and 80  C, respectively. USA) on duplicate reactor samples. Each 20 ml PCR reaction
N2 was used as a carrier gas. contained 1 Dynamo Flash mastermix with SYBR Green and
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439 3435

Fig. 1 – A part of a nucleic acid sequence alignment of clostridial hydA with previously characterized clostridial hydrogenase
sequences. HydA_f and hydA_r denote the oligonucleotide binding sites and gray highlights denote identical bases at the
binding sites. The numbering is according to hydA of C. butyricum.

ROX passive reference dye (Finnzymes, Espoo, Finland), 0.3 mM acetobutylicum, C. butyricum, C. pasteurianum and C. saccha-
primers (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ulm, Germany), and robutylicum was used to determine the amplification efficien-
template. PCR program was as follows: initial denaturation at cies and linear ranges for different strains (Fig. 2). The result
95  C for 7 min followed by 40 cycles of 95  C for 15 s, 52  C for was that the amplification of these hydrogenases was almost
10 s, and 72  C for 15 s. Each PCR run included triplicates from equally effective and highly linear between 5E1 and 5E6
all samples. C. butyricum genomic DNA was used as a standard genomes. Similar amplification efficiencies of different clos-
and negative control included a run with no template. Another tridia allow the use of these primers for quantitative analyses.
control with [NiFe]-hydrogenase gene containing Escherichia coli Melting curve analysis was also performed to the amplified
K-12 MG1655 genomic DNA as template, was used to ensure
that no unspecific amplification occurred. Melting curve anal- 34 C. acetobutylicum
ysis was performed at the end of PCR with temperature range 32
C. butyricum
C. pasteurianum
from 52  C to 95  C at heating ramp of 0.3  C. Quantitative PCR 30 C. saccharobutylicum
data analyses were performed using the StepOne Plus software 28
version 2.0.2 (Applied Biosystem, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Melting
curves were drawn based on the multicomponent data
obtained from the StepOne Plus software using the equation (2)

where i is the temperature point, x is the fluorescence at that
point, and Dt is the temperature difference between measure- 20
ment points in melting curve analysis. 18
xði þ 1Þ  xði  1Þ
DxðiÞ ¼ (2) 14
2 3 4 5 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of hydA

3. Results and discussion Fig. 2 – Standard curves for C. acetobutylicum, C. butyricum,

C. pasteurianum and C. saccharobutylicum hydA after
A primer pair was designed to amplify a segment of clostridial quantitative PCR. Error bars represent the standard
[FeFe]-hydrogenase genes. DNA extracted from C. deviation of triplicate samples.
3436 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439

possible additional copies of [FeFe]-hydrogenases in the

Table 1 – PCR efficiencies of different clostridial hydA
amplifications and melting temperatures of different genome, which affect the calculated amount of the gene in the
clostridial hydrogenases determined by melting curve standard.
analyses of the standard curve samples. The primers were used to quantify clostridial [FeFe]-
Strain PCR efficiency (%) R2 hydA Tm ( C) hydrogenases from mixed-culture bioreactor samples
(Fig. 3). The hydrogenase numbers in the first samples were
C. acetobutylicum 83 0.999 75.9  0.1
barely detectable and also the H2% was low in the reactor.
C. butyricum 83 0.995 76.2  0.1
Both the hydrogenase numbers and the H2% were the lowest
C. pasteurianum 78 0.998 75.5  0.1
C. saccharobutylicum 83 0.999 75.5  0.2 on day 120. An increase in hydrogenase numbers and H2% can
be seen on day 121, after the re-inoculation on day 120. The
clostridial hydA sequences after qPCR. The amplification effi- H2% was quite stable after the re-inoculation but the numbers
ciency of about 80% was most likely due to some mismatches of hydrogenases continued to increase until day 130, and also
in the primer binding sites that can be seen from Fig. 1. The from day 135 onwards. It seems that although the number of
resulting melting temperatures (Tm) were within 1  C of each hydrogenases, and therefore hydrogen producing organisms
other for these four strains and the values are listed in Table 1. increased, the maximum hydrogen production capacity of the
Designing the hydrogenase primers to universally target reactor had already been reached since the H2% did not
the [FeFe] hydrogenase sequence based on the data available increase further. The hydA results are in good correlation with
resulted in a few mismatches in the primer sequences the previously reported C. butyricum specific hydA results and
compared to the target sequences (Fig. 1). Most of the show a similar trend after the re-inoculation [10]. The differ-
mismatches are in the middle of the sequence or closer to the ence of hydA numbers and H2% can be the result of varying
50 end and were, therefore, not considered to cause problems hydA expression, varying enzyme activity, metabolic state of
in amplification. The only mismatch more disturbing to the
primer binding is the A/C mismatch close to the 30 end of the
primer hydA_F when comparing it to the C. pasteurianum
A 120000
C. butyricum
hydrogenase sequence (Fig. 1). After testing the amplification
day 114
on pure cultures, similar amplification efficiencies were day 116
observed for different strains. The mismatch can affect the day 120
threshold cycle of the sample in question, since the mismatch
affects the amplification in the early cycles until most of the

template contains the primer sequence. In the future, the

mismatches can be accommodated better by inserting some
degenerate bases in the primer sequences. This might also be
required to accommodate the sequences of new [FeFe]
hydrogenases, which are constantly updated in the sequence
databases. The different threshold cycles (Fig. 2) can also be 20000

affected by the accuracy of the genome size estimations and

50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Number of hydA DNA per

Temperature (°C)
ng of extracted DNA


8000 B 120000
C. butyricum
day 121
100000 day 127
4000 day 130
day 134
2000 80000 day 142
oper day vs DNA
day 144

oper day vs DNA

Hydrogen %

20 40000


115 120 * 125 130 135 140 145
Operation day 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 3 – Time course of hydA concentrations (top) and H2%
(bottom) in a mixed-culture, hydrogen-fermenting Fig. 4 – Melting curves of bioreactor sample amplification
bioreactor. The bioreactor was re-inoculated on day 120. after quantitative PCR. (A) Melting curves from operation
Error bars (top) denote the standard deviation of two days before reactor re-inoculation, (B) melting curves after
reactor samples. In some cases the error bars are smaller re-inoculation. Light gray curve represents the melting
than the symbol. curve of C. butyricum.
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439 3437

Fig. 5 – A DGGE profile of the reactor samples from operation day 114 to 144. Sequence information according to the band
markings (roman numbers I–VII) is presented in Table 2.

the cell [23,24], and hydrogen consumers and other hydrogen indicates high hydrogenase expression or presence of
producers in the reactor community. unknown hydrogen producers, such as Enterobacter cloacae
Melting curve analysis was performed on the reactor (Fig. 5 and Table 2). The melting peak around 82.5  C increases
samples after PCR, and it showed several different melting from day 114 to day 120, with declining H2%. Unknown
peaks and melting temperatures compared to the sharp peaks sequences might not be amplified well with the clostridial
of the pure strains around 75–76  C (Fig. 4, C. butyricum melting hydrogenase primers resulting in detectable melting curves
curve is shown as a reference). These results indicate that the but still low quantities of target. Neither the hydrogenase
primers are able to amplify previously unknown sequences expression nor hydrogen production by other species is stable
from mixed-culture samples, and based on the quantitative since the H2% is declining. At the highest point in H2% on day
analysis of the samples (Fig. 3), the target DNA amounts 121 the melting peak is also closest to that of clostridia. Since
during the first sampling days are very low. Fig. 4A shows the clostridia are often dominating the mesophilic, hydrogen-
melting curves before reactor re-inoculation and Fig. 4B after. fermenting bioreactors, the shift in hydrogenase melting
When the results were compared to the H2% it was clear that curve position could be an indicator of bioreactor performance
the further the melting peaks are from those of clostridia, the deterioration. A rapid analysis following hydrogenase quan-
lower the H2% in the reactor. In the first two days (days 114 tification could reduce the response time to adjust reactor
and 116) (Fig. 3) some hydrogen is produced despite of the very parameters and reduce the risks of unstable hydrogen
low numbers of clostridial hydrogenase gene detected. This production.

Table 2 – Affiliations of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences excised from DGGE gel (Fig. 5).
BM (acc)a Familyb SLc Closest affiliation (acc)d Sim (%)e

I (GU170369) Clostridiaceae 524 Clostridium butyricum (DSM2478) (X68177) 100

II (GU170370) Clostridiaceae 525 Clostridium sulfatireducens (AY943861) 99.6
III (GU170371) Enterobacteriaceae 549 Enterobacter cloacae (AM778415) 100
IV (GU170372) Enterobacteriaceae 549 Enterobacter cloacae isolate HQ040619-1 1 (EU073021) 99.8
V (GU170373) Clostridiaceae 524 Clostridium sporosphaeroides (X66002) 96.8
VI (GU170374) Clostridiaceae 524 Clostridium sporosphaeroides (X66002) 96.9
VII (GU170375) Clostridiaceae 525 Clostridium intestinale (AY781385) 100

a Band mark in Fig. 5 with GenBank accession number in parentheses.

b Family according to Ribosomal Database Project II or GenBank databases.
c Sequence length.
d Closest species in the GenBank database with an accession number.
e Similarity (%).
3438 international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439

A DGGE analysis (Fig. 5 and Table 2) of the bioreactor hydrogenases from acidophilic ethanol-hydrogen producing
community was made and the results are compared to the reactor by DGGE. Their forward primer was designed to target
melting curve and H2% data. Several clostridial species were the same conserved region as the forward primer presented
detected in the reactor samples during days 114–144 (Table here, but the reverse primer targeted different sequence than
2). Clear changes in the community structure can be seen the primers presented in Xing et al. [27]. The resulting frag-
around day 120 when H2% was very low. After re- ments were 500–600 bp in length and could be separated using
inoculation C. butyricum and Clostridium sulfatireducens DGGE and sequenced. The longer amplicon is well suited for
begin to dominate the culture and continue to be present DGGE analysis, but for quantitative PCR shorter amplicons are
until the end. The shift in community structure towards usually preferred due to more efficient amplification.
clostridia domination after re-inoculation is also visible Similar to DGGE analysis, the melting curve method is an
from the hydrogenase melting curve analysis, H2%, and the end point method and therefore not quantitative. In DGGE the
quantitative analysis of clostridial hydrogenase genes. The number of bands in lanes can be used to qualitatively estimate
presence of good hydrogen producer E. cloacae (Fig. 5 and the number of targets in one sample and a similar qualitative
Table 2) [25,26] might have an effect on the H2% during analysis can be done using melting curves. The resolution of
operation and might be the reason why before day 120 and melting curves is not as good as for DGGE due to shorter
right after the H2% shows greater fluctuation than the amplicons in quantitative PCR and because clamped primers
numbers of clostridial hydrogenases. It is noted, however, are used in DGGE to obtain high resolution. In melting curve
that the highest H2% was measured when clostridia were analysis the sequences are not separated and therefore
present in the reactor, and not at day 120 when clostridia cannot be separately sequenced. The strain specific informa-
seem to be less dominant and E. cloacae is detected (Fig. 5). tion obtained by DGGE analysis might, however, not be
The problems with the forward primer regarding the C. necessary if the bioreactor is viewed as a functional entity.
pasteurianum sequence were not considered to be a problem Functional information based on known hydrogenase stan-
in this case since it was not detected by DGGE analysis of dards linked to hydrogen production could provide a func-
the reactor samples. tional landscape describing population distribution and
In our previous studies, we have used probe based qPCR eliminating the need for sequencing and individual strain
systems to specifically quantify C. butyricum 16S and hydA assessment. More studies are still needed to link the rapid
from bioreactor samples [7,10]. In this case we chose to use melting curve analysis to quantitative DNA and gene expres-
SYBR Green based qPCR because as an intercalative dye it is sion (RNA) analyses and to operational changes and hydrogen
not sequence specific and is therefore able to detect variable production.
sequences. A probe would have added another level of
specificity and is therefore better suited for single target,
specific analyses. Additionally, it seems that melting curve
analysis gives very interesting information from reactor 4. Conclusions
samples at a functional level, and this analysis could not be
done using probe based systems. The clear correlation [FeFe]-hydrogenase targeting primers were designed and
between the melting curve results and H2% indicate that applied in quantitative PCR and melting curve analysis of
this method could be an easy and fast tool for bioreactor hydrogen-fermenting bioreactor samples. Quantification of
performance monitoring and analysis. When the hydroge- hydrogenases showed changes in the amounts of hydroge-
nase is detected from the reactor samples at a point of low nases during operation. Melting curve analysis showed that
hydrogen production, the problem can be investigated the closer the curves are to that of clostridia, the higher the
deeper than the community structure as such. Melting hydrogen % in the bioreactor. The melting curve and hydrogen
curve analysis of the hydrogenases gives more information production data also correlated with community changes
than just performing a qualitative PCR because melting during operation. Correlation of the hydrogen production data
curves provide information on the sequences. Changes can to shifts in hydrogenase melting curves can provide reactor
be seen in the reactor samples instead of just a positive or function based information at a molecular level quickly with
negative result. We used the H2% rather than the hydrogen a single assay. This can reduce the response time to adjust
production rate because the H2% describes better the situ- reactor parameters and therefore reduce the risk of bioreactor
ation at a specific time in the reactor, just like community malfunction and interruptions in hydrogen production.
sampling for DNA analyses are only able to capture one
point in time. Hydrogen production rate is often calculated
as the average of two measurement points and can, there-
fore, be misleading. Acknowledgements
Mertoglu et al. [11] studied population shifts in an enriched
nitrifying system under increased cadmium loading by tar- The authors would like to acknowledge Perttu Koskinen’s
geting the ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) gene and per- work in the lab and Sakari Halttunen for assistance with data
forming melting curve analysis. They also observed several analysis. The research was funded by the Tampere University
different melting peaks during operation and linked the of Technology Graduate School (K.E.S.T.), the Academy of
differences to microbial community changes analyzed by Finland (HYDROGENE project no. 107425; GM-Hydro project
DGGE. Xing et al. [27] presented degenerate hydrogenase tar- no. 108623; Äärimikro project no. 126974) and The Nordic
geting primers, which were used to analyze the diversity of Energy Research (BIOHYDROGEN project no. 28-02).
international journal of hydrogen energy 35 (2010) 3433–3439 3439

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