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Christian Life Education 2

3rd Quarter
Long Test # 1

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is correct and False if

incorrect. Write your answer on the blank before the number.

________1. Through Moses, God gave the Jewish people the Ten

Commandments. True

________2. Jesus summed up the ten commandments into two great

commandments – love your family and love yourselves. False

________3. Jesus calls us to love our family as ourselves only. False

________4. When we love our neighbor, we are loving others as God loves us.

________5. The act of expressing love is limited only to our families. False

________6. You must love God with everything you have. True

________7. Jesus calls His first disciples at the Sea of Galilee. True

________8. The Church tells us that not all are children of God. False

________9. We become members of God’s family through birth. False

________10. The followers of Jesus are called Christians. True

II. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the number.

______11. Who among the following is like the Good Samaritan?

A. Kyle asks a piece of paper from Lian without saying thank you.
B. Mandy ask her yaya to clean her room.
C. Nacey donates foods and clothes to the street children.
D. Zera takes her classmate’s food without asking permission.

______12. How can show your love to your neighbor?

A. I will not listen to my teachers.
B. I will help with chores at home.
C. I will make fun of my classmates.
D. I will throw my garbage on the floor.

______13. Who among the following is a good neighbor?

A. Ben fights with his siblings.
B. Jian loves to bully her classmates.
C. Donna talks back to her older brothers/sisters.
D. Erika takes care of her siblings when their parents are not around.

______14. Which is not one of the two Great Commandments?

A. Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength
B. Love your neighbor as yourself.
C. Love your pets as a brother.
D. Love God when it is convenient.

______15. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the
will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." Exodus 20:7.
does it mean to take God's name in vain?
A. Leave God's name out of our prayers.
B. Erase God’s name from the Bible.
C. Use God's name disrespectfully.
D. Misspell God's name.

______16. The Fifth Commandment instructs children to honor their father and
mother. How do you do honor your parents?
A. Do anything you want without asking permission.
B. Shout at them for not allowing you play.
C. Cry for they did not buy you toys.
D. Obey all their commands.

______17. The Sixth Commandment was do not kill anybody. Which of these
follow the Commandment?
A. Sharing foods to my classmates.
B. Call my friend unkind names.
C. Pushing my friend while she is running.
D. Being mad at my seatmate without a good reason.

______18. One of your classmates got a low grade in one of your subjects. How
you show your love to your neighbor in this situation?
A. Give her some advice to study hard next time.
B. Show her your score in the test to give an inspiration.
C. Spend a few hours tutoring your classmate to help him.
D. Tell your teacher to give consideration and make her grades higher.

______19. You see another kid taking candy from the store without paying for it.
He hands some of it to you outside and says the store will not miss it.
really looks tasty. Which commandment should you follow?
A. Honor your father and mother.
B. Remember to keep the Sabbath Day holy.
C. Do not steal.
D. Do not lie.

______20. Who is the head of the Church?

A. Jesus Christ
B. The Priest
C. Peter
D. Pope Francis

______21. Who among the following is a true Christian and a follower of Christ?
A. Aika always sleeps during Mass.
B. Jack says bad things about his teacher.
C. Audrey laughs whenever her classmates make mistakes.
D. Abby listens and participates in their classes.

______22. As a Christian and a member of the Church, what will you do when you
see your playmate crying in a corner?
A. I will ask my mother to comfort her.
B. I will tease her.
C. I will tell her to stop crying and cheer her up.
D. I will ignore her.

III. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the sentence with the correct answer.
Choose the correct answer from the parenthesis below. Write your answer on
the blanks.


Neighbor Yourself


23. Love your ________________ as you loved yourself.

24-25. The _____________ is the Body of Christ and His followers are called

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