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Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971


Part 2: Why do you like gardening?

I love gardening, I do it every weekend. I feel relaxed and comfortable after finish
cleaning grass in my garden.

Part 3:
A: Why did you join?

I decided to join the club because I can meet a lot of friends who have the same
gardening interests as me. Therefore, we can share our knowledge and experiences
in gardening.

B: Tell me about your garden?

I live in a big city so I just have a small garden behind my house. At first, it was just
empty land, and then I bought some trees and flowers to grow on that. I take care of
them every day and now it becomes a beautiful garden.

C: Is gardening popular in your country?

I think it depends on which areas. In big cities, people almost go to the office from
morning to evening so they don’t care much about gardening. However, in the
countrysides, gardening is a job so they put much effort into taking care of it.

Part 4:
Dear members.
I have to say that the talk show “The Japanese garden" spoken by Mr. Seiken will be
canceled because of his sickness. Instead, we will invite Mr. Jon to talk about “The
British garden” one more time.
1. Email to friend to give your opinions


Have you received the latest announcement from the club about the upcoming

I’m so disappointed to know about the news because I have been waiting for it for a
long time.
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

I’ll send an email to the manager to express my opinion. What about you?


2. Email to the manager to give your opinions.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Diana, I have been in the planning department of your club for about 2
months. I write this email to give you my opinion about the change in the upcoming

According to the news, “The Japanese Garden” show will be replaced by “The
British Garden” which we have listened to before.

I was really disappointed to get this news because I had to wait for the show of “The
Japanese Garden” show for a long time and I did not want to watch the British
Garden again.

I believe that the number of the audience joining the upcoming event will decrease
because they have already watched it. Instead, we should talk about another topic
which we haven’t done it.

I hope my suggestions will be useful to you.

Best regard.


Part 2: Please tell us about the days and times you can come and the food you enjoy
cooking and eating.

I work from Monday to Friday so I can come on the weekend. I love eating healthy
food such as salad and fruit because I care too much about health and don’t want to
gain weight.

Part 3: You are a member of the club. You are talking to Jim in the cooking chat
room. Talk to Jim using sentences. Use 30 - 40 words per answer.
Jim: Hi! I hear you've just started taking cooking classes. I've been a member for

about two years because my children want me to get better at cooking. Why did you
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

I’m not good at cooking so I want to join the club to know more recipes and the
methods to cook many delicious meals for my family. A good and nutritious meal
brings all members of the family together.

Jim: I go once or twice a week. How often do you think you'll go?
I think I’ll go once a week on Saturday because I have to work from Monday to
Friday. Moreover, I want to spend Sunday with my family. We will cook a meal at

Jim: OK. What do you think about the price of the classes?
For me, it is affordable. However, it will be a high price for some women who have
low incomes. Therefore, I think the class needs to divide into different small ones at
low prices.

Part 4: You are a member of the club. You received this email from the club's
Dear Members,
I am writing to inform you that next week's cooking classes will be canceled
because your teacher is on holiday. Extra classes may be available when the teacher
returns. I am sorry if this creates any difficulties for you. Unfortunately, we will not
be able to offer you a refund at this stage,
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would
like to do. Write about 50 words.

Have you received the latest announcement from the club about the next weel’s
coocking classes?

I’m so angry to know about the news because I have been waiting for it for a long
time and I can’t get a refund.

I’ll send an email to the manager to express my opinion. What about you?


2. Write an email to the manager. Write about your feelings and what you would
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

like to do. Write 120-150 words.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Diana, I have been in the planning department of your club for about 2
months. I write this email to give you my opinion about the change in the next
week’s classes.

According to the news, next week's cooking classes will be canceled because our
teacher is on holiday. Extra classes may be available when the teacher returns.
However, we cannot get a refund if we cannot join extra classes.

I was really angry to get this news because I had to wait for the classes for a long
time and I have arranged my schedule to join it. However, I cannot get a refund if I
do not attend the extra classes.

I believe that a lot of people have the same idea as me because most of the students
in our class are officers and they are so busy, and not available to join the class at
any time.

I hope my opinion will be useful to you.

Best regard.


Part 2: Describe where you live (20-30 words)
I live in Hanoi which is the capital of Vietnam. It is a big city with a lot of modern
buildings. Life here is bustle and hustle.

Part 3:
A: You have to stay in the bedroom but have to share with your brother. How do you

I feel uncomfortable because it is inconvenient. I have been familiar to stay alone if

someone stays in my bedroom that makes me not concentrate on my work.
Therefore, I love being alone in the room.

B: It is better to live in the city than in the countryside. Do you agree? Why?

I don’t agree with it because living in the countryside also brings some benefits.
First, the atmosphere here is peaceful. Everyone is kind and willing to help other
people when they are in trouble. Second, the environment is not polluted. The air is
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

so fresh with a lot of green fields.

C: Nowadays, old buildings are demolished and replaced with modern buildings. I
feel we should protect historic buildings. What do you think?
I think we should protect buildings which have historic values. These bring the
young the knowledge relating to the war and the victory in the past. That makes us
understand life.

Part 4
Currently, there are many young families who want to buy a house or an apartment.
The club wants the members to make suggestions to help them find homes.
1. Write to a friend (50 words- 70 words)

Have you received the latest announcement from the club about the trend of buying
house among young families?

I’m so excited to know about the news.

I’ll send an email to the manager to express my opinion. What about you?


2. Write to the manager of the club (120 words-150 words)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Diana, I have been in the planning department of your club for about 2
months. I write this email to give you my opinion about the recent issue.

According to the news, there are many young families who want to buy a house or
an apartment and we need to make suggestions to help them find homes.

I was really excited to hear this news because the living standard of young people is
higher than in the past so they can buy a house or an apartment.

I believe there are many ways to find a suitable place. First, they can go to an agency
which supplys information about new buildings to you to choose from. Second, they
can find it in a group on Facebook.
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

I hope my opinion will be useful to you.

Best regard.


Part 2: Please tell us about the last time you listened to music?

The last time I listened to music was yesterday after a hard-working day. I listened
to K- Pop music and I am a big fan of the Big Bag band. Music makes me feel
relaxed and comfortable.

Part 3:

1. How often do you listen to music?

I listen to music every day and listen when I have free time because music plays an
important role in my life. It helps me reduce stress and feel comfortable after hard
working days.

2. I plan to give my son music lessons but he doesn't like it. What should I do?
I think everyone has their own preference and we should respect it. So if your son
doesn't like music lessons you give, you should find out what your son's hobbies are
and develop their interest.

3. Do you agree music is important in culture?

I think everyone has their own preference and we should respect it. So if your son
doesn't like music lessons you give, you should find out what your son's hobbies are
and develop their interest.

Part 4

Dear members,
Recently, our club has had some concerts and plays music at night. However,
residents living nearby our club complain about the noise from our concerts. Please
give me some suggestions to solve this problem,

1. Write an email to your friends. Write about your feelings and ask for advice on
how to deal with them. Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Hi San,
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

How are you?

I am writing to let you know about our club's recent news. Do you know our music
club received some complaints about playing music frequently in the evening,
which annoys other people living nearby? I felt sad about that. I think we should
turn down the volume when playing music at night.

What do you think? Tell you.


2. Write an email to CLUB, write about your feelings and to find a solution. Write
about 120-150 words. You have 20 minutes.
Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Yen, a member of your music club. I am writing to give my opinions in

regard to the email I have received.

According to the news, our music club received some complaints about playing
music frequently in the evening, which annoys other people living surrounding

I feel saddened to hear that news because it badly affects our club's image.

Therefore, I would venture my suggestions. One alternative solution is that we can

rent another venue for the concert. People around here are not influenced by the
noise. Another one you should increase the membership fee to hold the concerts in
the morning or afternoon to avoid affecting the neighbors.

I believe that our members have the same ideas as me.

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Best regards,


Task 2: What do you often do in your free time?
I often listen to music in my free time with my friends. I love many kinds of music,
especially Pop. It helps me relax after hard-working days.
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

Task 3:
A. Why did you join this language course?

I joined this language course because I'm really interested in English. I can use it for
my job and for traveling. Moreover, it's a chance for me to make new friends with
the same hobby as me.

B. How many times have you taken a course here? How long did it take you to find
a suitable course? Did you encounter any troubles?
I have taken a course here twice. It took me a week to find a suitable course. At first,
I had some troubles with speaking but with the help from other members in the
class, I was better.

C. What do you expect to gain after finishing this language course?

After finishing this language course, I hope I can be good at English. I will have
many great chances to work for big companies to improve myself. Moreover, I can
communicate well with new friends around the world.

Task 4:
Question 1: Your friend is finding a suitable language course and he's asking you
where he should study. You need to write an email to your friend to introduce the
course you're taking. Talk about your experience here and advise your friend to join
the course with you. Write about 50 words.

I'm happy when I know that you're finding a suitable language course. I'm attending
a very great language course. I've learned a lot of good things. Everyone is very
helpful. I think you should join me, and your language will improve day by day.

See u,

Question 2: You cannot attend that last class of the course and you need to write an
email to your teacher to explain why and also express your feelings and thoughts.
(120-150 words)

Dear Teacher,

I am Diana, the student of your language class. I am writing this email to explain the
reason that I cannot attend the last class of the course.
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

I know that there will be many exciting activities in the last class, but I am busy, so
I cannot go there.

After three months of the course, I learned a lot of good things from you and other
members in the class. People are very friendly and helpful.

I feel very happy because the course is interesting and useful. It helped all members
in the class be closer.

After the course, I am confident to use and communicate in English to everyone.

I hope to see you again in an advanced course.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Part 2: What do you usually use a computer for?

I usually use a computer for my work. I need a computer to write a report and search
for information on the Internet.

Part 3: You are talking to other members of the club in the chat room.

A: When I was studying for my exam, my computer stopped working and I lost
all my notes. Can you tell me a time you had a bad experience with technology?

I had a bad experience with Google Map on my phone. It showed me the wrong way
to my friend’s house so I was late and couldn’t join her birthday party.

B: I watch films online on my laptop and I hardly ever go to the cinema. Which
do you prefer doing and why?
I prefer going to the cinema because I love the feeling of sitting in a large area with
a big screen and a high-technology volume. Besides, watching movies with
strangers is an amazing thing.

C: Improvements in technology always make our lives better. What do you

I agree with it. Technology makes our lives change a lot. For example, a smartphone
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

helped us keep in touch with relatives who live far away from us, as well as, a
washing machine that made our clothes cleaner.

Part 4:
As you know, our members are active online and like to post comments on our
website. Unfortunately, some people are posting negative comments about other
members. At the moment, we are thinking of identifying who posted such
comments. We would like to hear your ideas and what you think should be done
about this problem.
1. Write to your friend and express your ideas?

Did you receive the email from our club about some people posting negative
comments about other members?

I’m so sad to hear that news because we didn’t do something wrong but still receive
bad things from other people.

I’ll drop a line to the manager of the club to express my ideas What about you?


2. Write to your manager of the club and express your ideas?

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Yen, a member of your club. I am writing to express my opinions in

regard to the email I have received.

According to the news, our members have received negative comments on our
websites and we did not know who did it. Now, you asked me whether we should
identify who posted such comments.

I feel sad when the news came, however, I think we should not find out who did it.

If we spend time identifying those posted negative comments, we will not have time
to care about other activities of the club. Therefore, I think we just block the account
of those and do our best so everyone can see all the comments are not true and do
not care about them too much.

I believe that our members have the same ideas as me.

Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

I look forward to your prompt reply.

Best regards,

Part 4:

Dear members
The club is preparing to welcome a group of foreign tourists visiting our country for
the first time. Do you have any suggestions to welcome them and communicate with
them because they do not speak Vietnamese?

1. Email to the friend


Did you receive the email from our club about welcoming a group of foreign
tourists visiting our country?

I’m so excited to hear that news because we will have a great chance to know more
about their culture and practice English with them.

I’ll drop a line to the manager of the club to express my ideas What about you?


2. Email to the manager

Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Diana, I have been in the planning department of your club for about 2
months. I write this email to give you my opinion about the upcoming event.

According to the news, our club will welcome a group of foreign tourists coming to
our country for the first time and they do not speak Vietnamese so we need to think
of a way to communicate with them.

I was really excited to hear this news because it is a great chance for our club to
know more about their culture.

I think we can ask some members who know how to speak English to pick
them up from the airport. Besides, we can have some camping activities to connect
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

them and guide them to some famous places in our area

I hope my opinion will be useful to you.

Best regard.


Part 2: Do you like science?

Yes, I love science. Thanks to science, a lot of inventions that helped our lives
become better and easier are created.

Part 3:

A: Why did you decide to join the club? How often will you go to the club?
I decide to join the club because I want to find someone who has the same interest as
me to share knowledge and experiences. I can go to the club twice a week.

B: Do you remember anything about science which you were taught at school?
I cannot remember anything about science which I was taught at school because I
graduated 5 years ago and now my job isn’t related to science. I work as an
accountant so numbers and math are the things I use most.

C: Who is your favorite scientist?

I don’t have any favorite scientist, my major is International Business so most of the
lessons I will learn about Math and Economy. Besides, I’m not interested in science.

Part 4: You have received an email from the Science club

Dear members,
Our club is going to organize a science exhibition next month. Please give some
suggestions to encourage both children and adults to attend this exhibition. Besides,
should we give free entry fee or not? Could you give our club some ideas for the
event and the fee for tickets?

1. Email to friend. Write about your feelings and express your ideas?


Have you received the latest announcement from the club about organizing a
Mai Hien – GV Aptis - 0975864971

science exhibition next month?

I’m so excited to know about the news.

I’ll send an email to the manager to express my opinion. What about you?


2. Email to the president of the club. Write about your feeling and express your
ideas about the entry fee and some ways to encourage children and adults to
Dear Sir/ Madam,

My name is Diana, I have been in the planning department of your club for about 2
months. I write this email to give you my opinion about the upcoming event.

According to the news, our club will organize a science exhibition next month and
we want to encourage children and adults to join it so we consider a free entrance
cost or not.

I was really excited to hear this news because it is a great chance for our club to
make more people know about the club.

I think we should post the information about the science exhibition on some social
platforms like Facebook, Instagram or ask members of our club to share the
information on their Facebook wall. About the entrance fee, we should not give it
free because we need an amount of money to prepare for the event.

I hope my opinion will be useful to you.

Best regard.

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