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SY 2022-2023

Name:______________________________ Date:___________________________
Grade, Strand and Section _____________ MR. NOEL C. PELLEJA

I. True or False
Directions: Read the following sentences. Write TRUE if the statement is correct,
write FALSE if it is not.

_______ 1. Nonfiction is fake. In a nonfiction books, the pictures are not realistic.
_______ 2. Book about real people and real events are nonfiction.
_______ 3. An autobiography tells about other’s life.
_______ 4. The purpose of nonfiction is to summarize a certain article.
_______ 5. Adventure tells true stories about crime, an investigation or puzzling event.
_______ 6. Writing creative nonfiction is also known as literary or narrative nonfiction.
_______ 7. In personal essay, there might be only one event to be written.
_______ 8. Reading is the most artistic and romantic aspect of the total experience.
_______ 9. When you elaborate with sensory details, you give the reader a much
clearer idea of what you are describing.
_______10. Setting refers to the place only of the story.

II. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read the following sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer
on space provided before the number.

_____ 1. It is a true story written in the literary form of a novel.

A. new journalism B. memoir C. nonfiction novel D. trade articles

_____ 2. It is something happens to make the story more interesting have the
characters have a problem.

A. Falling Action B. Rising Action C. End D. Plot

_____ 3. This refers to the perspective from which a story is told.

A. Setting B. Characters C. Point of View D. Theme

_____ 4. It refers to any kind of prose writing that is based on facts, written prose that
deals with real people, things, events, and places.

A. Imaginative Literature B. Creative Nonfiction C. Prose D. Poetry

_____ 5. It is the meaning or concept we left with after reading a piece of writing.
A. Theme B. Characters C. Point of View D. Climax

_____ 6. It provides pieces of information.

A. Dialogue B. Details C. Article D. Diction

_____ 7. It is a literary device in which an author hints certain plot developments that
perhaps will come to be later in the story.

A. Flashforward B. Flashback C. Foreshadowing D. Dénouement

____ 8. It is an expression that is written in verse, often with some form of regular

A. Prose B. Idioms C. Figurative Language D. Poetry

____ 9. It is a literary art where the evocative and aesthetic qualities of language are
brought out or lieu, or together with the language’s apparent meaning.

A. Nonfiction Prose B. Poetry C. Genre D. Prose Fiction

_____10. This is a story intended to be acted on stage.

A. Comedy B. Drama C. Tragedy D. Farce

_____11. It is the writer’s choice of words.

A. Details B. Diction C. Dialogue D. Duration

_____12. It is any element. Subject, idea or concept that is constantly present through
the entire body of literature.

A. Imagery B. symbol C. Motif D. Order

_____ 13. It is a literary device in which an earlier or past event is inserted into the
present chronological order of a narrative.

A. Flashforward B. Flashback C. Foreshadowing D. Dénouement

_____ 14. The most suspenseful part of the story.

A. Theme B. Characters C. Point of View D. Climax

_____ 15. It is the arrangement of events in a work of literature. It is the structure of

something is the way that thing is put together.

A. Importance B. Chronological C. Order D. Plot

_____ 16. It is a book published every year that contains facts about the movements of
the sun, moon, etc.

A. Atlas B. Thesaurus C. Almanac D. Dictionary


_____ 17. It is a type of thin book with a paper cover that contains stories, information
about local events, advertisements, etc.

A. Newspaper B. Magazine C. Periodicals D. Flyers

_____ 18. It is a book in which words that have the same or similar meanings are
grouped together.

A. Atlas B. Thesaurus C. Almanac D. Encyclopedia

_____ 19. It is a third person point of view if the narrator shadows one of the characters.

A. Poet B. Omniscient C. Limited D. Parameter

_____ 20. This includes country, region, province, city and town.

A. Time of year B. Mood and Atmosphere C. Locale D. Climate

_____ 21. It refers to the language conventions used to construct the story.

A. Technique B. Figurative language C. Strategy D. Style

_____ 22. It is a literary device that contains several layers of meaning that means
something more than its literal meaning

A. Image B. Symbol C. Idiom D. Tone

_____ 23. It is the writer’s attitude toward his or her subject matter.

A. Symbol B. Alliteration C. Rhythm D. Tone

_____ 24. It is a work intended to the interest, involve, amuse the reader or audience, in
which no terrible disaster occurs.

A. Tragedy B. Drama C. Comedy D. Farce

_____ 25. It is a short, pointed, and memorable saying that is based on facts which is
considered a veritable truth by the majority of people.

A. Allegory B. Adage C. Allusion D. Anaphora

_____ 26. It is a rhetorical term for juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced

phrases and clauses.

A. Antimetabole B. Antithesis C. Aphorism D. Anaphora

_____ 27. It is a statement of truth or opinion expressed in a concise and witty manner.

A. Adage B. Aphorism C. Allusion D. Allegory

_____ 28. It is a figure of speech in which some absent or non-existent person or thing
is addressed as if present and capable of understanding or replying.

A. Apostrophe B. Assonance C. Asyndeton D. Cacophony

_____ 29. It is a figure of speech in which two or more clauses are related to each other
Through a reversal of structures in order to make a larger point.

A. Cacophony B. Chiasmus C. Asyndeton D. Cacophony

_____ 30. It is a term or phrase that cannot be understood by a literal translation, but
refers instead a figurative meaning that is understood through common use.

A. Cliche B. Chiasmus C. Idiom D. Colloquialism

_____ 31. It is use of informal words, phrases or even slang in a piece of writing.

A. Oxymoron B. Litotes C. Colloquialism D. Euphemism

_____ 32. It is a cunning combination of consistently copied consonants.

A. Alliteration B. Assonance C. Resonance D. Consonance

_____ 33. It refers to polite, indirect expressions which replace words and phrases
considered harsh and impolite or which suggest something unpleasant.
A. Chiasmus B. Irony C. Euphemism D. Personification

_____34. It is a figure of speech which is an “over casting”, an exaggeration of ideas for

the sake of emphasis.
A. Hyperbole B. Oxymoron C. Synecdoche D. Irony

_____ 35. It is a literary device referring to how a person, situation, statement or

circumstance is not as it would actually seem.

A. Chiasmus B. Irony C. Euphemism D. Personification

III. Directions: Read the following examples of the figures of speech below. Write
the kind of figure of speech written on the box. Write your answer on the space
Hyperbole Euphemism Alliteration Antimetabole

Allusion Idiom Apostrophe Antithesis

Adage Anaphora Assonance Irony

_______ 1. “God helps those who help themselves”

_______ 2. A big bully beats a baby boy.
_______ 3. “Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her”
_______ 4. “Eat to live, not live to eat”- Socrates
_______ 5. “I want my money right now, right here, all right?
_______ 6. “Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk you again”
_______ 7. Men sell the wedding bells.
_______ 8. Its raining cats and dogs today!
_______ 9. “kick the bucket”
_______10. My mom is going kill me for ripping a hole in my jeans.

IV. Explain the quotation “To be creative means to connect. It’s to abolish the gap
between the body, the mind and the soul, between fiction and nonfiction.

5. TRUE 43. C
6. TRUE 44. A
7. TRUE 45. B
9. TRUE 46-50 (SEE RUBRIC) Short Explanation Type
11. C
12. B
14. D
16. A
17. B
18. C TOTAL 5
19. D
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. D
26. D
27. C
28. B
29. B
30. C
31. C
32. D
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. B
38. B
39. A
40. B
41. C
42. C

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