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Task 1 (Chọn từ phù hợp với chỗ trống)

Hi Will,

Sorry about missing training this week. Yesterday, I attended a tennis match with my father.
It was a semi-final between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer. We were (1) …… to get tickets!
We (2) ….. there early to see the warm up at the court. We tried to get an (3) ….. from both
players, but it was (4) …. The game was very (5) ….. , about three hours, but we saw an
incredible match. Would you like to go to the final if I get tickets? See you soon, Harry.

1. A. fast B. fortune C. lucky

2. A. arrived B. stayed C. moved

3. A. sign B. autograph C. notice

4. A. impossible B. difficult C. hard

5. A. short B. long C. large

Task 2 (Sắp xếp câu thành đoạn văn có nghĩa)

Part 1:

1. People liked it as he sold 3000 copies in just over a week.

2. While he was still a student he wrote several stories on his own.
3. He sold more and more books and was rich before he was twenty.
4. He loved reading all kinds of stories as a child at school.
5. He sent them to lots of publishing companies but they refused to publish them.
6. So he decided to do it for himself and printed his first book of short stories in 2014.

Part 2:
7. These will help visitors to find their way to our beautiful town.
8. This road is busy during the summer when tourists visit the area.
9. They don't know the road, because many of them are here for the first time.
10. For this reason it is easy for them to take the wrong turn and get lost.
11. These visitors will improve our town's economy and local businesses.
12. This is why we think there should be more signs along the road.
Task 3 ( Chọn người nói đưa ra định nghĩa phù hợp này )


Person A

My mother bought me a microwave oven recently. I couldn't believe it - like me, she was
never very keen on modern technology and there she was, buying me a microwave. I live on
my own in a one-bedroomed flat and it just about fits into the corner of my tiny kitchen. I
have to admit, it's extremely handy, particularly as I don't have a great deal of time to cook
when I get home from work. I virtually depend on it now.

Person B

Like most people we have our fair share of appliances. I couldn't imagine living without a
freezer or a washing machine; and who hasn't got a cooker or a fridge nowadays? I know
people had to cope without these things 40 or 50 years ago, but the world was a different
place then, wasn't it? Everything's so much faster now, and in some families men and women
work just as many hours as each other away from home. We couldn't do that and bring up
children without the support of all these labour-saving devices.

Person C

First of all, of course, we got a PC, partly because it's so useful for work, but also, I suppose,
because everyone else seemed to have one. That was fine for a couple of years, but then the
kids took it over with their computer games, so we got ourselves a laptop for our own
exclusive use. It doesn't take up much room, and being portable we can use it in any part of
the house. After that, we just couldn't help ourselves every time a new piece of technology
came out; a palm top or personal organizer, a digital video camera, a video mobile phone -
we just had to have it. And the more things we buy, of course, the more we want.

Person D

We're a bit too old for all this technology. A friend of ours says we should be on the Internet
but I can't see why, and to be honest I'd be too scared to use it. It's all too fast for me. In the
old days everything used to be so much more simple and people seemed to spend a lot more
time chatting to each other. That's one of the things I miss in this technological world.
Who thinks ...
1. finds it impossible to resist buying the latest technology.
2. is frightened of some of the new technology.
3. likes the speed with which things can be done.
4. thinks people talk to each other less now.
5. has changed her way of thinking.
6. feels that technology is important in the modern-day family.
7. doesn't have much room for domestic appliances.
Task 4 (Chọn tiêu đề phù hợp với đoạn văn)

A. Mercenary soldiers from Europe

B. Enlightenment ideas
C. Devoted to the American cause
D. French withdrawal from North America
E. Undercover support
F. A valuable support and new expectations
G. Impossible to remain neutral

1. From the point of view of some Europeans, the American Revolution pitted the ideals of
the Enlightenment, republicanism, and democracy against Europe's established order, as
exemplified by Britain. Some countries found that watching wasn't enough—they joined the

2. One of these countries was France. Without France, a very important ally of America in the
Revolutionary War, the Americans might not have defeated the British army. The French
supported the Americans for a number of reasons. A weakened England could only heighten
France's status and influence—both in Western Europe and around the world as various
countries competed to establish colonies. Some French might have been seeking payback.
Only twelve years before the American Revolution, France was at war with Britain in the Seven
Years’ War, and they lost. This resulted in France being forced to give North American
territories to Britain.
3. Five months after the Declaration of Independence was signed, Benjamin Franklin traveled
to Paris. He hoped to explain the revolutionary cause to the French and enlist their support.
Franklin was already popular in France for his writings and scientific discoveries, and he was
able to secure French support. At first, France supported the Americans only in secret.
Gunpowder, ammunition, weapons, and money were smuggled into the country, hidden in
commercial ships. Military strategists crossed the Atlantic to advise Continental Army military

4. In February 1778, France officially recognized the United States (following the Battle of
Saratoga, in which the Continental Army decisively defeated the British army and gave a
resurgence of hope to the Americans’ fight for independence), and the countries signed an
alliance. French soldiers fought alongside Americans; French and British fleets clashed from
Rhode Island down to Georgia. In addition to manpower, France contributed money and
weapons. For helping the American cause, France spent the equivalent of what would be
about 13 billion dollars in the U.S. today.

5. Spain also supported the Americans. First, like France, the Spanish contribution consisted
of money and weapons. But in 1779, Spain joined France with military support. Also like
France, the Spanish navy played an important role in combating the formidable British fleet.
Land and sea battles were sometimes fought far from the North American continent—in the
Mediterranean and West Africa. But French, Spanish, American, and British armies were not
the only armies fighting in the American Revolution. A quarter of all soldiers under the British
flag were actually from the area known as Germany today—30,000 hired men in all. These
soldiers were known as Hessians, because many of them were from the independent
principality of Hesse-Cassel.

6. Native Americans also fought in the American Revolution. Most considered the United
States to be a threat to their territory, so they fought on the British side. In total,
approximately 13,000 Native Americans fought for the British. But other Native Americans
fought against them. The Revolution was, for some Native Americans, a controversial and
divisive matter. For instance, the Iroquois Confederacy, also known as the Six Nations, was a
powerful organization of tribes that tried to stay neutral. But pressed to choose a side, the
Confederacy could reach no agreement; it split up, with two tribes pledging their allegiance
to the Americans, and four to the British.
7. Other notable figures were two men from Poland: Tadeusz Kościuszko and Casimir Pulaski.
Tadeusz Kościuszko was born in Poland, moved to France, sailed to America, and rose to the
rank of brigadier general. His countryman, Casimir Pulaski, has been called the “father of the
American cavalry.” Pulaski organized and trained the Continental Army's horsemen, which
had been used mostly for scouting. Pulaski was also promoted to general but was killed in the
war. Pulaski and Kościuszko joined the Americans out of idealism. They believed in the
struggle for freedom and self-governance. As Pulaski wrote to George Washington after his
arrival in Massachusetts, “I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to
live or die for it.”


GRAMMAR ( Chọn đáp án phù hợp với chỗ trống )

1. They ............. been waiting for ten minutes before they realised they were in the wrong

A. have B. were C. had

2. I really ........... not to tell you because I promised to keep it a secret.

A. should B. must C. ought

3. The shops will close soon, so we ............ go immediately.

A. ought B. must C. shall

4. ............ your sister live with you?

A. Do B. Does C. Don't

5. If I d passed my school exams ........... to university.

A. I'd have gone B. I have gone C. I'd go

6. We ate dinner and ........... we watched a film.

A. then B. since C. so

7. We’re ........... in a beautiful holiday home at the moment.

A. stay B. staying C. stayed

8. When I got home, Jenny ............. on the telephone.

A. was speaking B. speaking C. speak

9. Coffee ............. to be much cheaper a few years ago.

A. would B. has C. used

10. I’m not sure about my future. .............. I will start a business.

A. Perhaps B. Shall C. Might

11. She didn't ............ the cake

A. eat B. ate C. eats

12. If only I ............ law instead of English when I was at university

A. studied B. had studied C. have studied

13. I liked him because he ............ always help me with my homework

A. should B. ought to C. would

14. Jane broke her leg last Saturday, so she ............. been to school this week

A. hasn't B. isn't C. didn't

15. Excuse me, ........... you got the time'?

A. have B. do C. are

16. I saw Wi Joo this morning and she .............. if you were free tomorrow.

A. told B. asked C. said

17. When I go to university, I may ............... history.

A. study B. to study C. studying

18. It ................ be meat free – it tastes just like chicken!

A. could B. can C. can’t

19. It was a dark, moonlit night when the traveller .............. at the in.

A. arrived B. was arriving C. had arrived

20. If I hadn’t gone out last night, I .............. be so tired now.

A. won’t B. wouldn’t C. hadn’t

21. If I .......... enough money last year I would have bought this house

A. have had B. had had C. would have

22. ..........they will have to do the test again That s what I heard, anyway

A. Apparently B. Clearly C. Fortunately

23. He asked me if I knew where .........

A. was the bank B. was it the bank C. the bank was

24. A: I cant believe I lost my ringl

B: You .......... know. It might turn up somewhere

A. never B. shouldn't C. didn't

25. ......... you finish your work'?

A. Did B. Have C. Are

Task 1 (Chọn một từ trong danh sách có nghĩa giống nhất với từ bên trái)
1. Choose Train
2. Close Look after
3. Improve Make decision
4. Care Shut
5. Practise Propose

Task 2 ( Chọn từ phù hợp trong danh sách để hoàn thành định nghĩa )
6. To answer is to ... Claim
7. To link things or people is to ... Bother
8. To tell someone what to do is to... Commit
9. To surprise is to ... Enter
10. To change is to ... Choose
Task 3 (Chọn từ phù hợp để hoàn thành câu)
11. A warm … is good for growing plants model
12. All letters must be put in a special ... climate
13. All this noise is giving me a terrible ... mechanic
14. Collecting stamps is a really good ... household
15. You'll need a reliable ... to fix that car envelope

Task 4 (Chọn từ trong danh sách có nghĩa giống nhất với từ này)
16. Timetable Line
17. Reward Command
18. Queue Mess
19. Phase Schedule
20. Error Stage

Task 5 ( Chọn từ trong danh sách thường được sử dụng nhất cùng với từ này )
21. Bunk Ink
22. Cardinal Rush
23. Fountain Friend
24. House Bed
25. Baby Tunes

Part 1: You want to join a food club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. What’s your favorite sport?
2. How many people in your family?
3. What did you do yesterday?
4. How do you go to school?
5. What’s your hobby?

Part 2: You are a new member of a food club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20 –
30 words.
Why did you decide to join the club?

Part 3: You are a member of a food club. You are talking to three other members in the
food club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. Who did you have dinner with? And where?
B: Hi! Do you prefer eating out or eating at home?
C: Should a tax be imposed on unhealthy food?

Part 4: You are a member of a food club. You received this email from the club.
Dear member,
The club will invite a famous chef. What will the chef guide to cook? Please give a suggestion
for both young and old people.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would like to
do. Write about 50 words.
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings and what you
think the club should do about the situation. Write about 120 - 150 words.

Task 1:
- Do you have a large family?
- Tell me about the place you live in.
- What’s your favourite season? Why?

Task 2:
- Please describe this picture.
- When did you last attend a wedding?
- Why are weddings important to the families

Task 3:
- Tell me what you see in the two pictures
- What would it be like to work on these two farms?
- Which method of farming is better for the community?

Task 4:
Tell me about a time you went on a long journey.
How did you feel about it?
How do people travel long distances in your country?

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