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1, JANUARY 1, 2016 53

Development of an ANN-Based Pressure Transducer

Vaegae Naveen Kumar, Member, IEEE, and Komanapalli Venkata Lakshmi Narayana, Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents the development of an artificial Pressure transducers using passive and active signal
neural network (ANN)-based improved inductive signal condi- conditioning circuits such as conventional ac bridges, op-amp
tioning circuit for pressure transducer with bellow as sensor. based circuits have been reported in literature for converting
A bellow is an elastic-type mechanical pressure sensor. The
deflection of the bellow due to applied pressure must be translated mechanical sensors output into an electrical signal. A pressure
into an efficient electrical signal for continuous monitoring, to electrical transducer with elastic capacitor as transduc-
wireless transmission, and digital readout. A ferromagnetic wire ing element is proposed for the measurement of pressure
attached to the bellow as a part of an inductive coil arrangement, ranging from 0 to 1psig [1]. In [2], intelligent differential
gets deflected due to applied pressure, thereby changing the self pressure transmitter is developed to maximize the sensor
inductance of the coil. An op-amp inductive signal conditioning
circuit (OISCC) is designed to produce voltage proportional to output and minimize cross-talk. Yamada et al. [3] designed a
changes in self-inductance, but the OISCC voltage versus applied switched capacitor interface for capacitive pressure sensor that
pressure exhibits a considerable nonlinearity error due to stray provides a linear digital output with accuracy higher than 8-bit.
inductances and component drifts. The ANN modeling estimates Matsuoka et al. [4] have proposed a pressure transmitter
and compensates the nonlinearity of OISCC. An embedded unit based on Piezo-resistive effect using silicon diaphragm as
is used for implementation of ANN learning process. The pressure
transducer with significant stability has exhibited high linearity pressure sensor with an over-protection mechanism. An intel-
and sensitivity of ±0.35% and 10 mH/psig, respectively, in the ligent digital pressure transducer using universal frequency-
measuring range of 0–70 psig. The design and experimental to-digital converter is reported in [5]. Subramanian et al. [6]
aspects of the technique are reported. have developed a MEMS-type capacitive pressure sensor with
Index Terms— Artificial neural network, bellows, inductive sensitivity in the order of a few femtofarads per kilopascal.
pickup, multilayer perceptron-direct modeling, operational Bakhoum and Cheng [7] introduced a novel ultrahigh-
amplifier, pressure measurement, signal conditioning circuit. sensitivity pressure sensor for measurement of pressure over
the range of 0.77Pa, but the sensor should be vertically
I. I NTRODUCTION mounted and larger tilt angles degrade the accuracy. A dual
diaphragm based vibrating wire transducer for pneumatic pres-
T HE measurement of pressure in process industries is
important and critical as it is interrelated to monitoring
and control of various other physical quantities. A pressure
sure measurement is developed in [8]. It has high sensitivity
and dynamic response, but reduced precision and resolution.
transducer generates an electrical signal proportional to the In this paper, bellow is used as a primary sensing element as
change in the property of the sensing element due to the exer- it is simple, rugged in construction, capable of providing large
tion of force per unit area. Typically measurement of pressure force and wide pressure range. However, the major drawback
is performed in two stages of transduction. The first stage is that it is unsuitable for dynamic measurements and can be
of transduction involves sensing of pressure by mechanical used as local indicator only. In industrial application, the pres-
sensors such as Bourdon tube, diaphragm and bellows etc. The sure measured at one location is required at another location
output of first stage is mostly displacement or deflection of the and needs to be transmitted to a remote distance. Hence an
sensor. Various resistive, capacitive and inductive transducers additional circuitry is needed for converting and processing
are available for converting the displacement changes into the bellow movement into an electric signal, so that the
electrical signal in the second stage. In general, these types of reading can be transmitted to a remote location. An inductive
transducers are compatible only for local operations and needs pickup is used to sense the bellow movement, but the change
effective signal conditioning circuit for continuous display, in inductance of an inductive transducer due to change in
wireless transmission and digital readout as well as on-chip process variable is generally very small. This small change in
interface. inductance is required to be measured accurately in industrial
measurement systems. Hence, various analog and intelligent
Manuscript received June 19, 2015; revised August 31, 2015; accepted signal conditioning circuits have been proposed by differ-
September 3, 2015. Date of publication September 9, 2015; date of current
version December 10, 2015. The associate editor coordinating the review of ent investigators to measure the small change in inductance
this paper and approving it for publication was Prof. Zeljko Ignjatovicc. irrespective of stray capacitance effects, stray electromagnetic
V. N. Kumar is with the School of Electrical Engineering and the School field effects etc.
of Electronics Engineering, VIT University, Vellore 632014, India (e-mail: Conventional bridge circuits like Maxwell’s bridge,
K. V. L. Narayana is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Anderson’s bridge, Hay’s bridge etc; are balanced by means
VIT University, Vellore 632014, India (e-mail: of mechanical change of trimming resistances. The balancing
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at of bridges is very difficult in many situations due to electrical
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2015.2477458 interference between the bridge circuit and human body or
1530-437X © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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some part of the mechanism used. Modified bridge methods

are proposed to measure inductance effectively, but these
methods are time consuming, tedious and balancing requires
several iterative steps. Per Holmberg presented an automatic
bridge circuit balancing method for capacitive sensor to reduce
electrical interference [9]. A modified Maxwell-Wien bridge
for measurement of displacement based on inductance change
has been developed in which the effect of stray capacitance
and inductance are minimized [10]. A linearity of ±2% is
reported and the large value of percentage deviation is due
to aging effects and calibration error of bridge components.
An improved inductance circuit with Bourdon tube as pressure
sensor is proposed in [11] and the range of pressure
is 0 to 45psig with a resolution of 5 psig. The large sensi-
tivity of the circuit decreases the signal-to-noise ratio of the
circuit. In [12], a position sensor using modified differential
inductance measurement circuit was proposed. The limitation
of the circuit is that the direct connection of inductance in
the feedback path of op-amp provides derivative action to the
input signal, which may damage the op-amp. An op-amp based
pressure transmitter has been designed in [13] with a linearity
of ±2.5%.
An effective signal conditioning circuit also suffers from
stray effects, ambient factors, component tolerances and
ageing etc. Hence the signal conditioning circuit with the
integration of intelligent capabilities through soft computing
techniques is a potential solution for continuous monitoring, Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed ANN based pressure transducer.
wireless transmission and digital readout as well as on-chip
interface. In the past, ANN based linearization techniques have
been proposed for various sensors [14]–[16]. An intelligent
pressure sensor has been proposed in [17] with computer
simulations. In [18], artificial neural networks are proposed
as one of the most efficient techniques of self-compensation
of sensors based on linearization to build reconfigurable
measurement systems. Even though the investigated methods
are suitable for pressure measurement specific to a location,
no techniques reported so far to provide efficient solution
for digital readout, on-chip interface, wireless transmission,
component tolerances and time drifts as a whole.
This motivates the need to develop a novel and efficient Fig. 2. Schematic of bellow sensor with inductive pickup.
pressure transducer using an ANN based improved inductive
signal conditioning circuit with bellows as sensor. An analog
OISCC is designed to produce a dc output voltage proportional Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm to estimate and
to the pressure sensed by bellow, but the output voltage compensate the nonlinearity of the OISCC. The ANN-MLP
exhibits nonlinearity which is estimated and compensated improves the linearity of the OISCC output to an appreciable
by ANN modeling technique. The linear output voltage of range. An embedded unit incorporates the intelligence of
ANN is converted into 4-20mA by voltage to current (V-I) ANN and generates a linear voltage. A V-I converter converts
converter. A plug-in-module is proposed to implement the the output linear voltage into a 4-20mA current signal for
ANN technique. further processing. The following sections describe the design
aspects of various stages of the proposed technique.
The block diagram of proposed pressure transducer is shown
in Fig.1. The OISCC produces an analog voltage proportional A. Theory and Design of Bellow Sensor With Inductive Pickup
to the change in displacement of the bellow sensor due to A straight ferromagnetic wire is attached with the rod of
applied pressure. The relation between the input pressure bellow as shown in Fig.2. One end of the wire is rigidly fixed
and OISCC voltage is quite nonlinear. The nonlinear voltage to the rod of bellow by a brazing technique, while the other
after digitization is processed by an ANN which is a simple end is inserted as a core of the pickup coil. In this design, the
multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network implementing ferromagnetic wire acts as a sensing element. With the change

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in pressure, the rod of bellow along with the wire moves.

The movement of the wire inside the pickup coil changes
the self inductance of the coil. Let us consider Δx to be the
deflection of the rod of the bellow when it is subjected to a
gauge pressure (P-Po ). Here P is the applied pressure to be
measured and Po is the atmospheric or initial pressure.
Hence, from the principle of bellow [19], the pressure-
deflection relationship is give by
Δx = 2N A(P − Po ) (1)
Et 3
where Rb , A and N represent the mean radius, effective area,
and number of convolutions in the bellow. E and t represent
Young’s modulus of elasticity and thickness of the bellow
material respectively. If E, A, N, Rb and t are fixed for a
bellow, then the deflection of the rod of bellow is linearly
related with pressure. So eqn. (1) can be written as
Δx = k(P − Po ) (2)
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of OISCC.
k = 2N A 3 (3)
Et Comparing (9) with (4),
here k is the spring constant of the bellow. Since the ferromag-
netic wire is rigidly attached with the rod of the bellow, the x = (10)
linear movement of the wire may be assumed to be equal to k1
the deflection of the rod of bellow. If the ferromagnetic wire By using (2), (10) can be written as
is allowed to move freely through the pickup coil, then the
effective self inductance of the coil increases with the increase L = kk1 [P − Po ] = k2 [P − Po ] (11)
in pressure. At atmospheric pressure or initial pressure Po , the here k2 = (kk1 ) is a constant and the change in inductance is
rod of bellow is at rest and the inductance of the coil is L 1 . proportional to the gauge pressure.
Let at pressure (P-Po ), the deflection of the rod from its
position at initial pressure Po, be Δx and self inductance of
the pickup coil increase from L 1 to L x by an amount ΔL, B. Op-Amp Inductive Signal Conditioning Circuit
so that The change of self-inductance is measured by using OISCC
and the schematic is shown in Fig.3. The OISCC consists of
L x = L 1 + L (4) an improved inductance measuring circuit (IIMC) and absolute
The length of the ferromagnetic wire with permeability μ value circuit (AVC) constructed by operational amplifiers,
and cross-sectional area A1 inserted into pickup coil at initial diodes and passive components. The IIMC produces an
pressure is l1 . Let the total length, cross-sectional area, ac voltage Vac , proportional to the change in self-inductance of
permeability and number of turns per unit length of inductance pickup coil and AVC generates a dc equivalent of Vac . Three
of the pickup coil be l T , A T , μo and n respectively. The self op-amps IC1, IC2 and IC3 are present in IIMC. IC1 produces
inductance of the pick coil is voltage due to pickup coil, IC2 produces voltage due to
dummy inductor and IC3 acts as a high gain differential
L 1 = μA1 n 2l1 + μo [ A T − A1 ]n 2l1 + μo A T n 2 [l T − l1 ] (5) amplifier. The inductive pickup coil with bellow sensor forms
L 1 = [μ − μo ] A1 n 2l1 + μo A T n 2l T (6) one arm of a T-network and the other two arms are resistors.
This T-network is connected in the feedback of IC2 and
Let [μ − μo ] A1n 2 = k1 and μo A T n 2l T = L o , then (6) can be a similar T-network with dummy inductor L o equal to the
written as, inductance of pickup coil at initial pressure Po , is connected in
the feedback of IC1. The necessity of using a stable impedance
L 1 = k 1l 1 + L o (7)
of large value in the feedback of an op-amp can be overcome
At a gauge pressure (P-Po ), due to the deflection of the rod by T-network. In IIMC, the resistors in the T-network are
of bellow, the insertion length of the ferromagnetic wire into 1k resistors (R2 = R3 = R5 = R6 = R), the input
pickup coil changes from l1 to l1 + Δx. The self inductance resistors of IC1 and IC2 are 10k (R1 = R4 ) and resistors of
of the coil changes from L 1 to L x and is given by differential amplifier are 10k (R7 = R8 = R9 = R10 = R  ).
The input excitation voltage Vin is provided by a stabilized
L x = k1 [l1 + x] + L o (8) sinusoidal oscillator.
Substituting (7) in (8), At atmospheric or initial pressure Po , the output of
IC1 and IC2 are same and the differential output Vac is zero.
L x = L 1 + k1 x (9) At pressure P, the deflection of the bellow rod is Δx and

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Fig. 5. Schematic of plug in module.

one neuron each in its input and output layers, and five
neurons in hidden layer. The MLP topology consisting of only
three layers is an excellent solution for small application
specific circuits such as sensor linearization [20], [21] as it
requires reduced number of arithmetic operations. The non-
linear operation of a MLP neural network compensates
the nonlinear characteristic of OISCC. MLP feed forward
neural network is a universal function approximator and
is simpler in implementation than other neural networks.
Fig. 4. Multilayer perceptron neural network for OISCC. The activation function in hidden layer is tan hyper-
bolic and output layer uses linear activation function. Tan
the change in inductance of pickup coil in IC2 is ΔL and hyperbolic activation is a monotonic S-shaped function
self-inductance is L x . and exhibits graceful balance between linear and nonlin-
The output voltages V1 , V2 and Vac of IC1, IC2 and IC3 at ear behavior. It maps numbers in the interval [−∞, +∞]
a frequency ω Hz are given by into a finite intervals such as [−1, 1] or [0, 1]. The impor-
  tant feature of activation function is that the nonlinear-
R j 2ωL 1 ity is smooth and is differentiable everywhere [22]. The
V1 = − 1+ Vin (12)
R1 R training and learning process for MLP is implemented by
R j 2ω (L 1 + ΔL) LM-algorithm. The LM algorithm is the most efficient algo-
V2 = − 1+ Vin (13)
R1 R rithm for training small and medium sized problems, as it
  has a faster convergence time and lowest mean square
Vac = V1 − V2 = j 2ωΔL (14) error [23], [24]. The LM algorithm is a combination of the
steepest descent method and Gauss–Newton algorithm.
The output of IIMC is applied to AVC which produces The sum of the squared errors is minimized by updating
corresponding dc voltage VS . The AVC is a high input the weights in the direction of the greatest reduction of the
impedance absolute value circuit with a filter at the output least square function in the gradient descent method, whereas
to get pure dc voltage. The full-wave rectifier is made of only it is minimized by assuming the least squares function is
two matched resistors. The output of the AVC is locally quadratic, and find the minimum of the quadratic in the
Vin Gauss-Newton method [25].
VS = |Vac | = 2ωL (15)
R1 The output voltage of OISCC is normalized in the
range [0, 1] and applied as input to MLP. The OISCC
Substituting (11) in (15),
output is normalized to generalize and simplify the process
Vin of information handling for any variable and measurement
VS = 2ωk2 (P − Po ) (16)
R1 range. The target data for the MLP is a straight line with a
VS = k3 (P − Po ) (17) unitary slope. The LM algorithm trains the MLP and iteratively
updates the weights as well as biases. The coding for the
where k3 = 2ωk2 VRin1 is a constant. This shows output
MLP is carried out in MATLAB. The output of the MLP is
voltage of OISCC is proportional to change in pressure.
the linearized voltage V AN N .
The implementation scheme of the ANN is carried by a
C. ANN-Based Direct Modeling Technique plug-in-module (PIM) and is shown in Fig. 5. The PIM embeds
The ANN based modeling of OISCC comprises of a simple the intelligence of ANN by performing necessary opera-
MLP neural network and is shown in Fig.4. It consists of tions on the frozen weights and biases through registers,

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a mean effective area of 445.35 mm2 and a Young’s modulus

of 28 × 106 psi. The bellow is subjected to a pressure supplied
from a pressure tank which is fitted with a gauge to measure
gauge pressure. The deflection of the bellow produces a change
in inductance of sensing coil and is measured by a LCR meter.
The pressure versus change in inductance is plotted and shown
in Fig.8.
The OISCC converts inductance change into dc voltage.
All the op-amps of OISCC are OP 07 operational amplifiers.
The input excitation voltage Vin of 5V and 100 Hz is provided
by a stabilized sinusoidal oscillator. The offset inductance of
Fig. 6. Experimental setup. 1. Ferromagnetic galvanized iron wire. 2. Bellow the sensing coil with initial pressure is 50 mH. Hence, the
sensor. 3. Pressure tank with gauge. 4. Multimeter and LCR meter. 5. Dummy base inductance of pressure sensing coil with initial pressure
inductor. 6. Analog signal conditioning circuits - OISCC, V–I converter.
7. Transistorized power supply. 8. Microcontroller based plug in module.
is approximately 50 mH. The dummy inductor is connected
9. Laptop for ANN and microcontroller programming. in the feedback of op-amp, IC1 of IIMC is set to 50 mH to
get zero output voltage and then, the pressure tank is filled by
multipliers and adders. The registers of PIM store weights, air in steps of 5 psi. The output voltages of IIMC and AVC
biases, weighted inputs, intermediate sum, activation functions for different values of the air pressure are measured in both
and output of ANN. In the PIM, W, b, V , h, represents increasing and decreasing modes by three-and-one-half digit
weights, biases, weighted inputs, and hidden layer outputs voltmeter. The AVC generates an absolute value of the output
respectively, whereas S7 and O7 represents weighted sum and voltage of IIMC.
output of final layer. Also NF denotes normalization factor The normalized OISCC output voltage is applied as input
to be multiplied with the output of ANN to get the physical to MLP for training. In the training phase, 15 data points
linearized voltage. A micro-controller embedded unit is used are chosen from the experimental data of the OISCC output
to implement PIM. voltage in the pressure range 0-70psig. The target data for the
MLP is a straight line with unitary slope. During the testing
D. Voltage to Current Converter phase, the data points which are not used in training phase
The output of the PIM, V AN N is linearly related to the input are applied as inputs to MLP. The outputs of the MLP in
pressure and is given by the testing phase are closely matched to the desired response.
After training, all the information of the linearization remains
V AN N = (P − Po ) (18) embedded in only ten weight values and six bias values. The
Pmax parameters of the training phase are tabulated in the Table I.
where Pmax is the maximum value of pressure to be measured. The implementation of PIM is carried out by ATmega328
The output of the PIM is applied to the V-I converter through a microcontroller unit which is operated at a maximum
buffer to avoid loading effect. The output of the V-I converter frequency of 20 MHz and coding has been done in AVR studio.
is 4-20 mA and is related to input pressure as ATmega328 is a high performance, low powered, low cost
  microcontroller with enhanced RISC architecture. Fig. 9 shows
(P − Po )
I = 16 +4 . (19) output voltage versus pressure characteristic of the OISCC and
Pmax ANN techniques. The effectiveness of the ANN technique is
clearly reflected from the graphs as its output closely matches
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS the desired response.
The experimental setup and schematic diagram of the pro- The nonlinearity error is obtained for the OISCC and
posed technique is shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 respectively. ANN techniques and the percentage nonlinearity error is
A ferromagnetic galvanized iron wire of 2 mm diameter obtained as,
and 30 mm length is used as a pressure sensing element.
MV − T V
As one end of the wire is rigidly fixed to the rod of bellow, the E= × 100 (20)
other end is inserted into the inductive pick coil to act as a core. FSR
The inductive coil is made from 1230 turns of a 46 standard where E is the percentage nonlinearity error, MV is the
wire gauge super enamel copper wire. The coil is uniformly measured value, TV is the true value and FSR is the full scale
wound on an insulating cylindrical former and placed inside reading. The error analysis of the OISCC and ANN technique
an aluminum cover tube to protect from mechanical damage is shown in Fig. 10. The nonlinearity is specified as maximum
and external magnetic effects. The aluminum cover tube with deviation from the desired response. It has been observed
coil is fixed by brazing it onto the rear side of bellow, while that the nonlinearity of the OISCC and ANN techniques are
ferro-magnetic wire is taken out through a small hole of the ±3.0% and ±0.35% respectively.
cover tube, so that it can move freely with the movement The measurement uncertainty can be used to evaluate the
of bellow. The bellow is made up of SS316 stainless steel precision of the measured data. The uncertainties of the
with 10 convolutions, a thickness of 0.889 mm, an outer measurement process are obtained by calculating the standard
diameter of 31.75 mm, an inner diameter of 15.875 mm, deviation of the outputs of OISCC and ANN techniques.

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Fig. 7. Schematic diagram of the proposed technique.

Fig. 8. Characteristics of the bellow sensor with inductive pickup. Fig. 9. Output voltage-pressure characteristic for OISCC and ANN

Fig. 10. Error analysis of the techniques.

where σ is the standard deviation indicating the dispersion of

measured data from its desired response, E d is the deviation
of the measured value from the desired value and N is the
number of data points. The standard deviation characteristic
The standard deviation is given by of OISCC and ANN techniques are shown in Fig.11. The
 static characteristic graph is drawn by plotting output current
E2 of 4-20mA against pressure variation from 0-70psig and is
σ = (21)
N −1 shown in Fig.12.

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Fig. 11. Standard deviation characteristics.

Fig. 12. Pressure transmitter characteristic.

The performance characteristic of the proposed pressure

transducer is found to be quite linear with high degree of
repeatability. The notable feature of the transducer is very are overcome by the proposed technique. This technique is
simple and low cost. The technique is flexible with adjustable much simpler than the conventional Piezo-resistance or strain-
measuring range and sensitivity. The modified op-amp based gauge-type technique. The proposed ferromagnetic wire sensor
network permits offset inductance compensation of pressure has a higher operating temperature range with a longer life
sensing coil. The non inverting terminals of op-amps IC1 and period when compared to the Piezo-resistive pressure sensor.
IC2 are connected to circuit common, the inverting terminals The proposed technique of pressure measurement has very
are at virtual ground. The stray capacitance between terminals good accuracy and resolution compared to the conventional
of the sensing coils is negligible, since the sensing coil is measurements available in literature. The developed pressure
connected between ground and output. Thus, the inductance transducer is calibrated using dead weight tester having a
measurement may be considered to be free from error due to resolution of 5psig and it may be concluded from Fig.9 that
the stray capacitance effect. the transducer will follow the same linear characteristic at
In a Piezo-resistance or strain-gauge-type pressure measur- a resolution of less than 5psig. The comparative study of
ing technique, the sensing element is mounted on a diaphragm various developed pressure transducers is shown in Table II.
or Bourdon tube which acts as a primary sensor, and the The pressure transducer proposed in [11] exhibits a linearity
change in the resistance of the sensing element is measured of ±2% in the range 0-45psig, whereas the proposed trans-
by dc bridge circuits having a fixed sensitivity and con- ducer calibrated by dead weight tester, exhibits an improved
stant excitation. Moreover, the sensing element mounted on linearity of ±0.35% in the measuring range 0-70psig. The
the diaphragm is in direct contact with the process fluid. range of developed pressure transducer may be enhanced by
Therefore, an additional circuitry is required to compensate the proper selection of bellow and sensing coil. The uncertainty
effect of the fluid temperature. This makes the whole sensing analysis of sensing technique is performed and it has been
circuitry more expensive than the proposed technique. In the found that there is a reduction of uncertainty of the pressure
designed transducer, the major part of the bellow element with measurement.
the sensing ferromagnetic wire is held at atmospheric temper-
ature. Hence, the effect of the air temperature is negligible. IV. C ONCLUSION
The T-network with inductive coil is used in feedback path A pressure transducer using an ANN based improved
of op-amps. It provides the stable impedance without deriva- inductive signal conditioning circuit with bellow as sen-
tive effects in op-amps. The stray effects, balancing limitations sor is described. The proposed technique effectively over-
and component tolerances of conventional bridge techniques comes the limitations of conventional bridge, modified bridge

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