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ETABS 18.1.

0 License #*1XGQ639NTQDH2QP

Pushover Curve - ASCE 41-13 Displacement Modification

Summary Description

This is the data for a ASCE 41-13 displacement modification pushover analysis.

General Input Data

Name Pushover1

Load Case PUSHOVER YY Plot Type ASCE 41-13 NSP

Demand Spectrum Input Data

Damping Ratio 0.05 Source ASCE 7-10 General

Include SSI No Accel Ss 1

C2 Type Default Value Accel S1 0.4

Cm Type Default Value Site Class D

Pushover Plot
Tl 8 sec
Base Shear,

Target Displacement Results

Displacement 0 cm Shear 0 kgf

etabs jes al centro nuevo.EDB Page 1 of 02/12/202

ETABS 18.1.0 License #*1XGQ639NTQDH2QP

Calculated Parameters

C0 0 Sa 0g

C1 0 Alpha 0

C2 0 uStrength 0

Ti 0 sec Dy 0 cm

Te 0 sec Vy 0 kgf

Ki 0 kgf/cm Weight 0 kgf

Ke 0 kgf/cm Cm 0

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Capacity Curve Coordinates

Monitored Displ Base Force

cm kgf
0 0
-0.0135 155191.64
-0.0147 172466.56
-0.0159 212277.57
-0.016 212320.41
-0.0176 225930.36
-0.0185 326449.98
-0.0204 341986.3
-0.028 369643.25

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