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My Son is a Reincarnator… But so am I?!

On Earth, in a small town, a young man was kneeling on the ground, staring hatefully at
a young girl with another man. He glared at the woman and snarled “Why! We never
had any problems! Maybe I don’t have a lot of money but I’m working 3 jobs! Just for

The man on the other side laughed scornfully and the girl looked at the young man with
disdain as she said “Zi Tian. You’re poor. You work 3 jobs and you’re still poor! I don’t
want to live without money! Plus, Sun Tao is the Ceo of his own Multi-Millionaire
business! What are you!? Nothing!”

Zi Yang stared at the girl in front of him in shock for a few moments before sighing
ruefully. The girl was his Highschool sweetheart, Ling Mei. Originally, she was honest
and kind but it changed when they went to college.

Her friend group pushed her for being a poor girl and this was the result.

Zi Yang looked at Sun Tao and grinded his teeth in hatred, thinking ‘If it weren’t for this

Sun Tao sneered at Zi Yang and threw a few bills, waving his hand while saying
“Alright, you have your compensation. Now scram.” Ling Mei’s face changed slightly but
it soon turned to normal as she thought ‘As long as he pays for me…’

WIth that thought, she looked at Sun Tao with an infatuated expression.

Zi Yang clenched a fist tightly as he caught a glimpse of Ling Mei’s infatuated

expression. His anger turned to hatred which soon turned to helplessness as Sun Tao
and Ling Mei walked away without even sparing Zi Yang a second glance.

The kind and honest Ling Mei was gone and the only thing left was a materialistic

Zi Yang wasn’t angry at Ling Mei, after all, they had been together for years and had a
very close relationship. It was unrealistic to be angry. He was completely beyond angry,
as he stood up from the ground, he stared at her back and his eyes slowly turned
All the love and care that he had given her for years was slowly turning to hatred. A
hatred so intense that it couldn’t be described in words. He took out a small black box
from his pocket and shouted “Meimei!”

Ling Mei halted suddenly and turned her head to see the small black box flying over. It
fell to the ground and opened to reveal a diamond ring, she stared at the ring in a bit of
a daze as Zi Yang’s words sounded “This is the last gift I will ever give you. Have a nice

Sun Tao looked at the ring and sneered as he said “What a loser, that ring only cost
5000$! Haha! I can buy hundreds!”

Ling Mei was unresponsive, while Zi Yang glared at Sun Tao with such a bone chilling
coldness, it could only come from the deepest part of hell.

Sun Tao kept his sneer but felt a chill down his spine as he looked at Zi Yang’s eyes.
His own eyes slowly turned cruel and ruthless as he took his attention away and
dragged Ling mei with him, leaving the ring on the ground.

Zi Yang watched them go and only when they were completely out of sight did he look
up at the sky and scream.

The surrounding people gave him looks of pity and secretly shook their heads. The
boy’s roar was filled with hatred, pain, and helplessness, how could they not

Zi Yang suddenly laughed a little crazily and walked away, leaving the scene.

The event was destined to be a small event as even the prized ring was snatched up by
a homeless man, erasing any traces of exchange.

Zi Yang returned to his apartment and resumed life, but it was destined to never be the

Several years passed~

Zi Yang was still a young man, not even reaching 30 but he looked much older. His life
completely fell apart after that day, his bosses all fired him and chased him out, his
apartment landlord even kicked him out!
Zi Yang took everything in with a placid expression, he knew the reason why this was
happening to him. It was too obvious at any rate, obviously it was all Sun Tao!

Realistically, who else would it be?

Zi Yang had nowhere to go. He was in dire straits as debts and criminal charges came
to him out of nowhere, claiming to be either from his deceased parents or his own

Naturally, Sun Tao had a lot of power in his position.

His actions directly pushed Zi Yang to desperation with a simple few sentences.
Eventually, Zi Yang was going through the motions in life with only a laptop, a shitty
apartment, and Dog Tags given to him by his father before he died.

The Dog Tags even had his own name on them, they were his most precious thing.

Zi Yang's parents were in the army and died in battle, a friend of his father brought him
the Dog tags along with the bad news before leaving. Zi Yang never saw that man

Nevertheless, life was pretty bad for Zi Yang. He used to read a lot on online websites
about fantasy worlds, taking the pleasure of putting himself into them mentally, trying to
escape from his dire circumstances.

His dream of revenge on Sun Tao had vanished into a puff of smoke. It was completely
unrealistic! Without Money, you had no power!

That was the brutal truth of the world.

Zi Yang would wish for even a sliver of strength from the books he used to read, even a
sliver would let him get revenge and die happy, unfortunately for him, his wishes were
never realized.

Thus, the situation came to be.

Zi Yang stood on a cliff, looking out to the valley with dead eyes. He was going to die
from unreasonable debt collectors anyway, he figured; instead of going out on their
terms and giving Sun Tao the satisfaction, he would do it himself.

Beautiful concept, terrifying conclusion!

He looked at the ground under the cliff and clicked his tongue in wonder.

He was only 28 this year.

Zi Yang chuckled to himself and mumbled in a small moment of dark humor “Should I
do a flip and go out in style?”

Of course, there was nobody to answer him… Or so he thought anyway…

Zi Yang took a breath and swan dived off the cliff into a beautiful triple spin tuck with 3
and ½ flips before splating on the ground at the bottom into a mere bloodstain and
mangled flesh mixed with bones.

A man appeared over the blood splat, hovering in the air, and chuckled “9/10. The
splatter isn’t symmetrical, what a shame!” he grabbed over the blood splatter and
seemed to grab something invisible before vanishing into thin air as if he was never

If Zi Yang were to see the man, he would be thoroughly shocked, because he had
100% seen that man before!

The man had a feral grin with gleaming and sharp canines, but his most notable
features were the blue crystalline horns on his head, and the blue sclera on the sides of
his eyes!

A man reached out from the void and grabbed Zi Yang’s Dog Tags before disappearing
once more with a chuckle.


Zi Clan Mansion, Outskirts of the Tang Dynasty, Heavenly Sea Continent

A young man was laying down on a bed, breathless, when suddenly his eyes opened!
He slowly fluttered his eyes before holding his head and groaning in pain.

An ENORMOUS amount of memories flooded into his brain, flashing silver occasionally.

After a while, his pained expression died down and he let out a breath, muttering softly
“Zi Tian?” he slowly sat up and his eyes flashed with deep vicissitudes, completely
unlike a 16 year old boy.
He suddenly frowned and the light in his eyes flashed over and over before melting into
his irises, brightening them significantly! Zi Tian’s mouth gaped as he muttered “Wow! A
complete soul integration!”

Naturally, Zi Tian was shocked.

Even a super duper supreme expert would be shocked!

A complete soul integration was impossible and only existed in theory based on
legends! Basically, it was the fusion of 2 souls, creating a seamless new soul! Not only
did it create a new soul, but the old and new soul would vanish and become a new soul

This wasn’t to say that Zi Tian was dead!

Not at all!

A complete Soul Integration would simply merge the 2 souls perfectly and preserve both
memories and souls. The new soul and body of a complete soul integration would
experience a deep cleansing and reform the talent of a cultivator!

Zi Tian was lucky beyond belief!

He was Zi Tian through and through, the only difference was that he had the memories
and experiences of a supreme expert! Not just any supreme expert, but the Supreme
Alchemy and Fire expert, Supreme Song Tian!

Song Tian was a legend and an unfathomable character in ancient times, he died
because of a treasure that broke the laws of the world he was in. It was a Purple Crystal

Zi Tian looked internally at his body’s situation and was again thoroughly shocked! He
had the Purple Crystal Cauldron in his Dantian along with an illusory Purple Fire in his

He glanced at his body and before his eyeballs could roll out of his skull and to the
ground, a cute little maid walked in and shrieked in fright looking at him, she suddenly
ran away, screaming “The Young Master woke up! Notify the patriarch! Hurry!”

In the Patriarch’s study

A man was sitting in a wheelchair with a big frown on his face. He had a head of long
white hair that looked dull, he had big wrinkles on his face, and seemed to radiate

He was the Zi Clan Patriarch, Zi Yang!

Zi Yang had also coincidentally become a complete Soul Integration a few dozen
minutes ago. He gained all the memories of Zi Yang, the patriarch of the Zi Clan.

Zi Yang looked up at the ceiling and sighed “For Fuck’s sake… This damn old man died
at his table with so many damn regrets…” he sifted through memories and digested
them thoroughly.

Strangely enough, Zi Yang wasn’t too shocked by his reincarnation.

Truthfully, he had read so many novels and books that he somewhat expected this
outcome. After all, he chose the cliff with great care. He could cite several stories that
started with the Protagonist jumping off a cliff and becoming a legend fighting Gods,
Devils, Buddhas, and Immortals!

The only thing he didn’t expect was fate to play a cruel trick on him!

The Patriarch, Zi Yang, was one sorry and sad old man. He wasn’t even that old, but
even Zi Yang felt tired looking through his memories! The old man used to be a genius
that traveled far and wide having adventures until he met a beautiful woman!

They shared many life and death situations and slowly fell in love. New Zi Yang wasn’t
surprised as he expected this, but Old Yang was blindsided when his cute wife’s family
found them and took her back.

Zi Yang looked angry at the next events.

Old Yang was helpless against his In-Laws and in the end, his wife begged for his life to
be spared if she went back. Naturally, the family agreed and took her back.

Old Yang vowed revenge and took their then 6 year old son, Zi Tian, back with him to
establish the current Zi Clan.

Old Yang didn’t foresee the obvious countermeasures from his wife’s clan and was
thoroughly crippled.
Zi Yang grimaced at this.

His wife’s clan sure was fierce!

Not only did they cripple his dantian, but they also crippled his legs completely! Old
Yang thought it would stop there, but who would’ve thought that his wife’s brother and
father would even force him to burn his vitality and even cripple his son!

Zi Yang took a deep breath and shook his head in pity. He felt pity to himself, because
he WAS Old Yang and Old Yang was him. Zi Yang remembered the first and last words
he had heard Old Yang say.

‘Damn! You have it tough, Me!’

Zi Yang wanted to punch himself in the face! What a complete bastard! Not only did Old
Yang give him complete control, he even let his consciousness be merged and

What this meant was, Old Yang and Zi Yang were one and the same! Old Yang’s wife
was Zi Yang’s wife and Ling Mei was Old Yang’s old love!

Naturally, it was somewhat strange for Zi Yang to suddenly have feelings for this
woman he ‘hadn’t met’ but the truth was that he had met her many times!

The love for Yao Mu and hatred for Ling Mei were both boundless!

It was very strange.

Old Yang also didn’t like Sun Tao and wanted to slap him to death.

Old Yang is the best.

Zi Yang grinned to himself ‘No matter. I’m Old Yang now.’ he turned his wheelchair to
the side and rolled to the window, looking out at the mountains.

His dull eyes were blood red as his gaze seemed to pierce the firmament and look into
the void. His lips slowly curled up and became crazy, he cackled a bit and uttered
bloodthirstily “Just wait Sun Tao… I will come back for you…”
His eyes brightened harsher than the sun as he cackled “And when I do, death will be a

Suddenly, there was a shout “Patriarch! The Young Master is awake!”

Zi Yang’s eyes dulled and became a bit gentle, his mouth softened into a warm smile
before everything vanished and he uttered coldly “Bring him to me, immediately!”


Zi Yang settled in his wheelchair and looked out the windows at the clan with an
unreadable look in his eyes. He knew a lot about this world and his own clan.

This place was the Heavenly Sea continent and it was the weakest continent in the
Heavenly Cloud World.

The one advantage of being the crippled father figure was that he knew secrets the
Protagonist is always told ‘You’re too weak to know’. He smirked to himself and
processed everything.

Heavenly Cloud World was divided into 3 continents; the Heavenly Sea continent, the
Heavenly Sky continent, and finally the Abyssal Center continent!

But there was an even bigger secret!

The Heavenly Cloud World was merely a ‘Mortal Plane’!

Zi Yang himself knew there was a world above this one, as for if there was something
above that world, he didn’t know, but if his experience in novels was even 1% reliable,
there were many more ‘planes’ or ‘worlds’ perhaps endless?

Nevertheless, Zi Yang was excited.

Then he quickly remembered he was just a crippled old fool.

He clicked his tongue and muttered “What a buzz kill…”

Just as his words died out, there was a knock and the door opened.

Zi Yang continued to look at the clan as his son walked in.

It was Zi Tian!

Zi Tian looked at his father’s back in the wheelchair and clenched his fists tightly. He
was only 6 years old when the enemy attacked, but with his superior soul strength, he
could easily recall all events.

Zi Tian and Song Tian were the same person, just like Zi Yang, so he was feeling true
respect and veneration for his new father. Looking at his desolate back and dull white
hair, Zi Tian felt deep heartache and hatred. He quickly calmed himself and choked out

Zi Yang trembled a bit and turned around, he saw a young man with bright eyes, long
silky black hair, sword-like eyebrows, a sharp jawline, clad in a purple robe.

Zi Yang looked into Zi Tian’s eyes and looked at the features of his face before sighing.
The sigh suppressed shock, amazement, sorrow, pity, heartache, anger, and
helplessness all at once.

It was quite complicated.

Zi Tian didn’t even notice!

There were many reasons for the complicated sigh, one of them was that Zi Tian was
an extremely handsome young man, he reminded Zi Yang of Yao Mu.

Zi Yang got a bit lost in memories as he recalled Yao Mu in detail.

Zi Tian looked at his father and stood there wordlessly, a bit shocked at heart. When Zi
Yang looked at him, he felt like all his secrets were exposed, even his soul fusion!

Zi Tian was spooked and started getting nervous. If his father knew that he was no
longer the same Zi Tian, would he still love him?

These worries were unnecessary and yet Zi Tian was sweating bullets.

Zi Yang opened his eyes again and said “Tian’er.” Zi Tian calmed himself and said
respectfully, “Father, I hope you are well.” Zi Yang opened his mouth and closed it
before looking at Zi Tian with pursed lips.

Zi Tian got nervous again, but Zi Yang suddenly chuckled, saying “Damn brat, I’m in a
wheelchair. How well could I possibly be?” Zi Tian let the rock in his heart drop and
relaxed, feeling much better. He got serious and said “Father, perhaps I have a way to
cure you.”

Zi Yang’s mouth gaped a bit before he said “You?” Zi Tian nodded solemnly and Zi
Yang chuckled, shaking his head. Before he could say anything, Zi Tian took his pulse.

Not that Zi Yang could fight back, he was an old crippled fool.

Zi Tian’s expression turned grave and Zi Yang just let him do whatever. If his own son
killed him, that would be an inevitable fate. He harrumphed in his mind ‘Hmph, I’ll just be
an old fool. No sweat off my back!’

Zi Tian had no idea of his father’s immature thoughts and the tantrum he was throwing
inside his mind, he just looked deadly serious and extremely angry. He said in an ice-
cold voice “Father, who did this to you.”

Zi Yang narrowed his eyes and the entire room turned into an ice-cellar. Zi Tian felt a
cold sweat on his back but he kept a serious expression.

Suddenly, everything returned to normal and Zi Yang said “You don’t need to worry
about this, Tian’er.” Zi Tian looked into Zi Yang’s eyes without saying a word.

They were silent for a few moments before Zi Tian said slowly “I might be able to cure

Zi Yang’s heart jumped but he remained calm on the surface as he said “Oh?” Zi Tian
looked serious and continued “But…” before sighing and adding regretfully “Your legs
are a completely different problem.”

Zi Yang smiled and said “Tian’er, don’t worry too much. I might look useless, but I’ll be
just fine. I only want you to live a peaceful life.” Zi Tian opened his mouth to say
something with complicated emotions in his eyes, Zi Yang patted his shoulders and
smiled saying “That’s enough, I’m tired. Do you need money?”

Zi Tian almost teared up, his father was going through unimaginable pain everyday
without a hope of recovery and yet he worried about his son first.

Song Tian was an orphan in his previous life and never felt familiar affection, Zi Tian
was grateful that he had a father like this.

Zi Yang stuffed a bag of money into Zi Tian’s hand and chased him away with a smile.
Zi Tian left the study and clenched the bag of taels with a firm and determined
expression on his face as he vowed internally ‘Don’t worry, father! I will never let you
suffer in this life and I will surely find a way to completely cure you!’

His expression turned murderous as he added ‘Huang Clan, you plotted my death in my
last life, this is the beginning of your extermination! As for whoever did this to my
father… Hmph!’

His face was pure ice as he left the vicinity and disappeared.

Back in the study

Zi Yang let out a breath and said to himself in shock “Fuck! That was so scary! That brat
is definitely a reincarnator! He even spooked me! What a lad!” Then he turned
thoughtful as he muttered “But his soul is the same as Tian’er…”

He punched his palm with an expression of enlightenment as he exclaimed “He must’ve

got the memories and experience of some old monster but stayed the same Tian’er!
Haha! What a blessing!”

With that happy conclusion, Zi Yang rolled to the window and hummed to himself,
thinking about his son’s bright future. He still loved the boy, even with the new
memories, after all, it was his flesh and blood, plus his soul merged perfectly with his
body, this was not something a takeover soul could do.

Little did Zi Yang know, he was extremely close to the truth. He would never find out
the truth and always believed in his conclusion, thus he was blissfully unaware of the
changes in Zi Tian, allowing the father and son to maintain their loving bond.


The first night of Zi Yang’s new life went very well, he even laughed in his dreams!

However the next morning came with a big shock.

Zi Yang was sitting in his wheelchair in his study, staring blankly into space as a voice
chattered on and on in his mind.

[Are you fucking deaf, you stupid clown?! I already told you my name is Clink! I’m a
system! Do you know what that is?! I am your God!]
Zi Yang massaged his temples and said helplessly “Then why can’t you fix me.”

Clink snorted [I’m not allowed. Once your dantian is fixed, then you will get the reward
from the system, do you think you can just sit here and do nothing while reaping
benefits? What do you think this is? Heaven? The couch potato system?]

Zi Yang’s eyeballs turned and Clink continued [Plus, I’m the Supreme Clan System! My
father is the Strongest System in existence!]

Zi Yang was shocked and said “You have a father?” Clink shouted [Nonsense! Of
course I have a father! You think I’m a bastard like you!?] Zi Yang’s mouth twitched in
rage but before he could say anything, Clink continued [At any rate, this clan is
complete trash! What kind of clan has a cripple as the Patriarch? Honestly!]

Zi Yang spat back “What are you so high and mighty for? You’re basically a copy of the
Stro-” Clink said nervously and quickly [Shut up! You can’t say that! Plus we’re not the
same! That guy is a scumbag.]

Zi Yang was confused and Clink explained [Just don’t ask, it’s very complicated. Plus,
we’re not the same, he can’t do the things I can while I can do everything he can and
better! Plus, I would never threaten my host with death!]

Zi Yang was silent for a moment before finally saying “Alright, give me the rundown.”
Clink coughed and started [Your goal is to be the Strongest Clan in existence…] though
he added ‘For the Grand Master…’ without Zi Yang hearing.

Clink continued [Anyway! To be the strongest Clan in existence, you must be the
strongest Clan Master! To be the strongest Clan Master, you must be the strongest
expert! So really, the System is more helpful to you than anyone else.]

Zi Yang nodded and said “So it’s like a regular system.” Clink confirmed [Yes. Though,
the various means and methods will help the clan as well. In addition to your own
strength, your clan must hold up or else it would only be an empty shell! Therefore, you
will get personal rewards and rewards for the clan.]

Zi Yang nodded, this was obvious. He suddenly asked “Do I have a Starter Package?”
Clink hesitated for a moment before saying [Yes.]

Zi Yang rubbed his hands and grinned “Awesome! Show me!”

A box appeared in front of Zi Yang and opened, revealing the contents. It was a bright
white orb, a cube with a t-shirt design on it, and a little gift box. Zi Yang looked at the 3
items and Clink said [The first one and second one require a choice while the third is a

Zi Yang muttered “A gift? From who?” Clink didn’t respond and Zi Yang whispered “So
secretive…” as he touched the white orb.

His view changed abruptly and he was presented with a weapon rack. He blinked and
Clink’s mechanical voice sounded [Choose a weapon for life!] Zi Yang looked at the
options, there was a sword, a dagger, a saber, a spear, a sickle, and tons of other
weapons, even guns.

He didn’t hesitate and narrowed his eyes as he grabbed the spear firmly. He was
originally a spear expert before he was tragically crippled!

Zi Yang returned to reality and the white orb slowly melted into his body, merging into
his dantian before disappearing. Zi Yang looked around and said “What happened?”

Clink replied [Sealed before your Dantian is healed.]

Zi Yang was dissatisfied but Clink continued [I wouldn’t complain if I were you. The
change that will occur when your Dantian is healed will be immeasurable! This concerns
your future! Haste makes waste!]

Zi Yang rolled his eyes and reached for the box, chuckling “Who’s the old man here…”
the box turned into a selection screen with different clothing choices.

Zi Yang looked at them and his eyes brightened, he always thought that the robes
looked uncomfortable and complicated in the novels. He was wearing one right now and
he truly felt how uncomfortable they were! He started customizing his own clothes
before choosing his option.

Clink chimed [This is basically armor, it’s nothing much but it will guarantee you won’t
get killed by a child.] There was heavy ridicule in Clink’s tone, Zi Yang disregarded him
as he directly wore the new clothes.

It was a thick tank top with a low neck cut, it resembled the military attire in Zi Yang’s
previous life. Naturally he idolized his parents and formed his clothes in their memory.
His top was purple and his pants were close to jeans from his previous life with
sneakers. The pants and shoes were black as well.
He grinned and patted his crotch, sighing happily “Finally some comfortable underwear!”
Clink disdained him, not even bothering to respond.

Zi Yang quickly wore an outer robe over his shoulders and covered his new clothes,
leaving the middle of his body open. His skin was all wrinkly and it didn’t look nice.

He felt the armor wasn’t as simple as it seemed. If he guessed correctly, it should block
attacks from Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators!

Zi Yang grinned in delight, in this Mortal Plane, there were 6 Realms, each consisting of
9 levels. They were as follows; Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core,
Nascent Soul, Soul Fusion, and True Body.

Zi Yang naturally knew the Realms above that but he was still a cripple and they were
too far away, so he disregarded them and focused on the last gift.

He touched the gift box and the bow on top slowly unfurled. The top of the box opened
and a necklace slowly floated out. Zi Yang’s eyes opened wide and he held the
necklace with trembling hands.

It was the Dog Tags from his previous life!

He hurriedly put them around his neck and slowly relaxed, feeling a cooling sensation
from his entire being as he smiled.

At this moment, Clink spoke up [By the way, there is an additional package you can


Zi Yang said “Oh?” Clink chuckled and replied [But this one is special-]

Suddenly, a new voice took over and said [Let me speak, Clink.]

Clink quickly stopped talking and Zi Yang was confused, the voice coughed and started
[Hello!] Zi Yang replied “Um. Hello?” the voice laughed and said [What’s up dude!? I
saw your dive, it was great but you only got 9/10 from me, sorry. The blood splatter
wasn’t symmetrical and my wife was a bit disgusted that you still left chunks.]

Zi Yang’s brain buzzed in shock and he blurted out “Are you God?!”
The Voice was quiet for a second before it burst out laughing, Zi Yang was confused as
he heard [Angel! Did he hear? He asked me if I was God! Haha!] and another voice
[Aren’t you, Darling?]

The second voice was feminine.

The first voice replied [Well… To him, I guess.] the woman’s voice sighed and replied
back [To everyone really.] Zi Yang could’ve sworn he saw the male voice pouting.

There was a beautiful laugh and the male voice came back, saying [Anyway, kid. I was
pretty impressed with your diving skills, so I reincarnated you. You’re a pretty lucky guy!]

Zi Yang held his breath and the voice continued [Anyway, anyway, you want to buy the
second gift pack? It’s a one-time opportunity, there won’t be anymore after this! Limited

Zi Yang’s lips twitched, why did the voice, which he assumed was god, sound like an
unreliable car salesman… Zi Yang sucked in a breath and then asked “What’s the

The voice chuckled and said [It’s very simple! You pay me one reincarnation!]

Zi Yang was confused and asked “One Reincarnation?”

The voice replied [Yup! OH, RIGHT! I forgot, you don’t know. Basically, everyone gets 9
reincarnations before their soul disperses into a puff of smoke and merges with the
universe becoming food and energy for other beings. Unless you get lucky, you don’t
remember any of your previous lives. This is a way for you to protect yourself from your
impending doom!]

Zi Yang was terrified and the voice continued [Annnyway~! You died once, I
reincarnated you with your memories, you have 7 lives left! You pay me one and I’ll give
you the second package, deal?]

Zi Yang said “Wait! Wait! What do you mean I only have nine!?” The voice yawned and
said [Listen kid, you have a lot of questions and my wife made dinner, if I’m not there, I’ll
have to kneel on a washboard again and that’s the worst thing I’ve ever done, so make
a choice.]

Zi Yang said quickly “What do you want one of my lives for?”

The voice mumbled to itself before replying [This is the last question I’ll answer. When I
need something done, I will reincarnate you with your memories and send you into
different worlds to cause chaos or complete a task, simple stuff.]

Zi Yang was still confused and wanted to ask for more info but the voice said [You don’t
have to worry about it because this will probably never happen in your entire life… Well
not at the level you’re at now, when we meet in person, you might barely meet the
requirements to complete a task for me. Think of this as an investment, if you die on the
way, you lose 2 lives. High risk and high reward, kid. Are you All-In or are you Folding?]

Zi Yang grit his teeth and said “Fuck it, I’m in!”

The voice laughed and said happily [Great! Haha! Another good seedling! Don’t
disappoint me kid! I have good wine up here, come have a drink with me, I’ll be waiting!

Zi Yang said quickly “Hold on! You brought me from Earth, does that mean you can
come and go as you please? If so, when can I do that?!”

2 white lights fell into his body and spread to every single cell before falling dormant as
he was still sealed.

Zi Yang waited for an answer and sighed, but then he heard a sentence that rumbled
like thunder in his brain!

[When you can take a punch from me at 50% power.]

Zi Yang’s blood started boiling as his eyes shined like bright red rubies, his expression
terrifyingly fierce. He completely forgot about becoming the strongest Clam Master, he
set his sights on that sentence.


His mind shook and he declared “I will surpass it! 100% power! I’ll take it all!”

Clink started chanting silent prayers for this old fool.

Far far far far far away

The horned man looked at the mirror in front of him and laughed, a woman’s voice
sounded behind him “Dinner’s been ready…” The man froze and then he heard a sweet
mumble “Where did that washboard go…” he jumped up and ran into the house,
shouting “Angel! You made dinner? Haha, wow! I love my wife, she’s so kind and
caring! Haha! The only one for me!”


Zi Yang was going over information about the city and sighed in despair, this was too

First of all, the Zi Clan was in a city and one of the 3 Big Clans. Not only that but the
weakest one.

Old Yang tried his best to make the Zi Clan the Tyrant of the city but his efforts all went
down the drain when he was crippled. Thankfully for Old Yang, he was brothers with the
Huo Clan Master in the city.

Very good brothers in fact!

ZI Yang had arranged for Zi Tian’s marriage to his brother, Huo Gang’s, daughter, Huo

Zi Yang scratched his chin and realized that the engagement was in a few days. He
gawked and laughed at himself, how could Little Tian want to get married to that little
brat of a girl.

Huo Mei was actually the little Overlord of Purple Flower city.

She was unruly, arrogant, and caused trouble everywhere she went.

Despite that, however, Zi Yang liked her a lot! Her trouble making skills weren’t out of
malice, she was just having fun.

Though Purple Flower city wasn’t very large, the amount of trouble the little girl got in
was immense! One time, she accidentally burned down an entire restaurant, trying to
cook for her father’s birthday!

How does that even happen?

Zi Yang had a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it. Not only did he have to
prepare the engagement, but he had to try and calm his own clansmen.

Olg Yang being a cripple didn’t sit right with a lot of the Zi Clansmen and they would
spread rumors about him every chance they got, Zi Yang even heard one maid hoping
he would die soon!

What kind of maids are these?!

Worst of all, Zi Yang didn’t do anything to her!

Not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t!

His patriarch position was in such a precarious spot that he had almost no confidants!
As for other women… What other women? First of all, Old Yang couldn’t even protect
his lover. Secondly, who would want a cripple? Finally, Old Yang and Zi Yang were 1
woman men!

Yao Mu or nothing!

The only reason why Zi Yang was still Patriarch was because of 2 reasons. One of them
was that Huo Gang was protective and the other was because Zi Yang had saved a
young woman once when he was traveling to secure an ore mine.

The young woman turned out to be a core disciple of the Frozen Clouds Sect!

For reference, The Frozen Clouds Sect was the strongest Sect in the Tang Dynasty!

The young woman never said her name, only left saying “I owe you a favor.” She gave
him a token and said that if he crushed it she would come and help him once.

Zi Yang sneered at the token and disregarded it completely after seeing the events in
Old Yang’s memories. That woman was just a Nascent Soul Cultivator, why was she
being so high and mighty?

Old Yang used to be stronger than anyone on this plane by hundreds of times.

He saved the girl merely on a whim, she was even seriously injured and if he didn’t save
her, she would’ve died. Suddenly, she says she’ll do him one favor and they’ll be
Old Yang even used a high grade alchemy pill!

Zi Yang rubbed his eyes and sighed to himself, at any rate, she was useful for keeping
the puppies away from his Patriarch position.

Clink chimed in [By the way, Zi Yang.]

Zi Yang grunted in response and Clink continued [This Clan is really awful! Even the
other surrounding clans are terrible! You have to do a lot of work if you want to even
start and become a proper clan! You can’t even be considered one right now!]

Zi Yang sighed and said “What are you saying?”

Clink replied [Very simple! Just kill them all and start over with fresh blood!]

Zi Yang quipped “They don’t have the Zi bloodline, but neither would new people.”

Clink replied simply [I have a way to fix that, just figure out what you want to do first. By
the way, you’re lucky today. It’s the start of the month, you get a free draw.]

Zi Yang asked, “Free Draw?”

Clink replied [Gacha. Or as the Grand Master calls it, Plot convenience!]

Zi Yang nodded understandingly and said “Start the draw!”

A giant wheel appeared and started spinning and slowly stopped.

Zi Yang looked at it and said “Eidetic/Photographic Memory?”

Clink said [Congratulations!]

Zi Yang suddenly felt an extremely cooling feeling in his head, he let out a satisfied
breath and instantly felt like everything was much clearer. He returned to the files and
information, going over them all and grinning like a madman as time passed.

A maid came to the door and was spooked by the lunatic laugh that she heard, she
shook and shouted “Patriarch, Young Miss Huo Mei is here to see you!” before running
away in fear.

Zi Yang was grinning in his study, flipping through books and scrolls extremely quickly
and storing the information in his brain. He closed his eyes and sorted all the
information into groups very neatly.

He quickly realized that he could even change his mindspace to whatever he wanted
and did so!

He arranged a giant library with multiple sections that seemed to go on forever. They
were clearly categorized and divided by general information, cultivation methods,
cultivation techniques, even alchemy, formation, weapon refining sections were there,
although Zi Yang had very minimal knowledge of those topics.

Zi Yang smiled to himself and was hopeful for the future, everything seemed to be
looking up!

As he was dazed, looking into space, a young woman was standing in front of him and
flailing her arms around, shouting “Uncle! Uncle Zi Yang!

She was Huo Mei!

Despite being a troublemaker, she was quite pretty.

She had clear, unblemished skin with soft eyebrows, slightly larger eyes, a cute little
nose, and cherry lips. Something to note was that she had bright orange eyes that
seemed to flicker like real flames!

Not only that but she had orange tips to her black hair, it was very strange but gave her
a mysterious vibe. Unfortunately…

Huo Mei shouted “You old fool! Have you finally lost it, holy fuck!”

Her personality shattered any sort of mysterious beauty she had, making her look more
like a hooligan than anything…

Zi Yang came out of his reverie and blinked at Huo Mei, who pouted and muttered “He’s
not dead, what a pity…” Zi Yang felt his lips twitch and he looked at Huo Mei strangely
before saying “What do you care if I’m dead or not, dumb girl.”
Huo Mei’s little cherry mouth gaped and she pointed a finger at him, saying “You! What
a bad uncle!” Zi Yang chuckled and rolled out from behind the desk with a smile, saying
“Come tell Uncle Yang what you did.” he patted his chest and added “I, your Uncle, will
wipe your ass clean for you!”

Huo Mei cringed at ‘wipe your ass’ and looked at Zi Yang in the wheelchair, her eyes
flashed with sadness, seeing his situation, but she quickly returned to normal as she
was used to it. She rolled her eyes and giggled, saying “Well… There was that Inn
incident on the way here…”

Zi Yang turned green and muttered weakly “Inn accident?” Huo Mei tapped her chin and
paced in front of him, muttering “I think nobody was killed?” Zi Yang turned white as she
continued “But there’s no Inn anymore…”

He couldn’t help gawking at her before pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing,
saying bluntly “You’re going to make me regret sticking up for you, eh?” Huo Mei
giggled and spread her hands, quipping “You said that you would wipe my ass~”

Zi Yang’s eyeballs rolled in his skull and he sighed again, replying “Come push me, girl.
Let’s go see the damage.” Huo Mei got nervous and laughed awkwardly, saying “Haha,
it’s okay. We don’t have to! Haha!”

Zi Yang blinked at her, he was about to ask, when a maid shouted “Patriarch! The Inn
on the east side of town exploded and 12 buildings have burned to the ground!”

Zi Yang snapped his head to Huo Mei, with a shocked look on his face. She cringed at
his gaze and Zi Yang laughed incredulously, saying “You’re too fucking good! Damn!
Old Gang is gonna blow his top! Haha!”
Huo Mei blinked and felt that her Uncle Yang was a bit different today, she was proven
right when she noticed an excited gleam in his eye and heard “Let’s go see! Haha!
Come on, girl! Push me!”

Huo Mei was just a bit shocked and absentmindedly pushed Zi Yang out of the room.

Zi Yang was excited, his blood boiled at the thought of destruction. He didn’t quite know
why, but Clink informed him with a bit of schadenfreude [The Grandmaster really likes to
scam people… Hehe.]

Zi Yang didn’t know what that meant and replied anxiously “He didn’t ruin me did he?”
Clink replied [Huh? Why would he? He would never do that. He just gave you
something special, that’s all…] then he fell silent and muttered [I think he made it

Zi Yang rubbed his palms and chose to leave it be, if it wasn’t a blessing, it was a
disaster, and the disaster couldn’t be avoided, so just go with the flow.

Huo Mei calmed down and pushed Zi Yang around normally as he looked around at the
disdainful expressions of his clansmen. Even Huo Mei frowned at them, thinking ‘Uncle
Yang might be crippled, but he’s still the Patriarch…’

Seeing Huo Mei’s frown, the clansmen turned white in fear and quickly scrambled away
before she could remember them. The last thing they wanted was revenge from the little
Overlord of Purple Flower city!

Unfortunately for them, Huo Mei was the least of their problems, as Zi Yang had
remembered them all.

He said quietly “Mei’er, go around the entire compound.” Huo Mei was startled and
looked at him, he looked grave and said “Go.” she had no other choice but to agree and
pushed him around.

The duo went everywhere in the Zi Clan Compound and Zi Yang started memorizing all
the disdainful faces and sneers directed towards him, his face getting darker and darker
as they traveled.

He counted them all and out of them all, only a handful of people treated him with
respect. He suddenly let out a grim smile with a touch of cruelty and made mental notes
of them all, as the Patriarch he didn’t need people to revere him as a god, or even be
extremely loyal to the point of kneeling.

But the basic respect was necessary!

He also caught a lot of people who were completely fake people. Faking their respect
with ulterior motives. How could he not notice?

Firstly, Old Yang has been around the world and seen many things! Plus, Zi Yang was
mentally tortured by Sun Tao for 10 years. If he couldn’t distinguish who was good to
him and who wasn’t, he would be the world’s biggest idiot.

Therefore, he knew who had actual respect for him and who didn’t.
He was a bit shocked by the number to be honest, the handful of people that were
respectful to him consisted of 3 maids, 2 elders, and one young man.

The maids were his maids and Zi Tian’s maid, the elders were the 2 in charge of the
Scripture Pavillion, and the young man was a boy that he picked up from the outside.

The young man’s name was Chao Yi. He was a young beggar that collapsed at the Zi
Clan’s door. Zi Yang took him in and treated him kindly, letting him stay. His talent was
negligible and not worth notice, but he was a kind boy.

Zi Yang started formulating plans in his mind immediately and ordered Huo Mei to leave
the compound after giving a maid some instructions. Huo Mei felt a chill down her spine
for no reason whatsoever and looked at Zi Yang before pushing him out into the town.

For some reason, she felt that Uncle Yang was much scarier than the last time she saw
him. Nowhere in her little mind, did she think that the chill down her spine was a warning
to not get on Zi Yang’s bad side…


Zi Yang was pushed into Purple Flower city towards the missing inn spot, all the while
neither he, nor Huo Mei, spoke. As they approached the scene, Huo Mei nibbled on her
lips before saying “Uncle Yang…” Zi Yang’s ears twitched and he lifted his head up
without saying a word, hinting at Huo Mei to continue.

Huo Mei hesitated for a moment before finally asking “Are you alright? You seem
different.” Zi Yang’s eyes flashed for a split second before he chuckled and said with a
carefree smile and closed eyes “Of course!” He immediately turned his head to Huo Mei
and gave her a grin, adding “I can’t be happy because I’m a cripple?”
Huo Mei opened her cherry lips, completely unable to respond as Zi Yang laughed and
shook his head before adding with a satisfied sigh “A little beauty pushing old me
around. This is the life! Hahahaha!” Huo Mei’s mouth twitched and she shook the
wheelchair, grumbling angrily “You stupid old pervert!”

Zi Yang just laughed and they continued down to the Inn…

5 minutes later

Zi Yang sat there frozen stiff at the sight of a black spot on the ground, he shakily turned
his head to Huo Mei while slowly pointing at the spot in pure shock. The poor girl
covered her face as her ears turned bright pink, Zi Yang turned back and gulped,
looking at the people crowded around who were all looking at him for an explanation.

Zi Yang coughed and regained his composure, before lifting his hand in front of him and
saying with a righteous voice “Don’t worry everyone! The Zi Clan will surely give you a
good explanation!” The people who were focused on the missing building turned to Zi
Yang as he got everyone’s attention.

Zi Yang grabbed Huo Mei and pulled her to the front before spinning around with his
wheelchair and wheeling away, leaving Huo Mei stunned silly.

Unfortunately he couldn’t get far…

“HUO MEI!!!!!!!!!!”

Zi Yang stopped and turned his head to the sound as a bright light glew in his eyes
which were now slitted, focused on the newcomer. Huo Mei turned white and fell on her
ass, shivering as a giant man approached her.

The man was almost giant-like with an impressive beard, his muscles even had
muscles! That wasn’t all, however, he seemed to only have one good eye with the other
having a scar running over it onto his nose bridge, it was a miracle that he still had one
working eye at all!

As he stood over Huo Mei, his red hair wafted behind him as if he was the ruler of the
Heavens. Huo Mei looked up and said shakily “D-D-D-D-D-Daddy!” The man narrowed
his one good eye and bent over, reaching his hand out towards her.

Huo Mei covered her face as Huo Gang, the giant father of hers, picked her up by her
collar and straightened out before shaking her in mid air and bellowing “WHAT DID
YOU DO!?” Huo Mei stammered in reply “I-I-I w-was trying to- to-”

Huo Gang shook in rage and demanded “SPEAK!” as she finished “Trying to cook…”
Huo Gang froze as black lines covered his forehead.

The onlookers looked at the remains of the Inn and at Huo Mei in bewilderment as
everything turned eerily silent.

Until a loud laugh rang out.

The laugh was strangely ‘bark-like’ and yet ‘howl-like’ at the same time.
Huo Gang turned his head to the only cripple in a wheelchair at the scene and his
mouth twitched slightly.

Zi Yang was holding his stomach, barking out laughter with tears in his eyes as he
spoke between breaths “Hahawoha! I know where she gets that from!

As Zi Yang almost fell off his wheelchair, the onlookers looked at Huo Gang with funny
faces and covered their mouths with their sleeves, looking away as to not anger the

Huo Mei covered her mouth as she looked at Huo Gang with tears in her eyes as she
shook by herself. Meanwhile, Huo Gang’s face turned red, then blue, then purple as
veins popped up on his forehead as if there was a sale going on.

Huo Mei was dropped to the ground and Huo Gang disappeared with a gust of the wind,
reappearing in front of Zi Yang with his hands around Zi Yang’s neck, choking his
laughter out as he yelled “YOU BASTARD! IN FRONT OF PEOPLE!?”

Zi Yang looked at Huo Gang with his mouth open wide and Huo Gang froze as the
people around quickly fled while laughing. Zi Yang burst out laughing again, making
Huo Gang angrier.

He dragged Zi Yang off the wheelchair and beat him up, saying “You damn bastard, you
think just because you’re a cripple I won’t beat you to death!?” Zi Yang covered his face
as he laughed out “Not my handsome face! HahahahAWOOOHAHA!”

As they were fighting… or well, as Zi Yang was getting beat up, Huo Mei slowly crawled
away in hopes of escaping punishment, unfortunately…

Zi Yang shouted “Old Gang! She’s trying to escape!” Huo Mei froze and Huo Gang
snapped his head towards her, blowing smoke from his mouth. Huo Mei started running
away as Huo Gang chased after her, smashing through a building as he ran off into the

Zi Yang chuckled and pushed himself off the ground, crawling to his wheelchair before
sitting on it and dusting his coat off. He let out a breath and wheeled himself to the Inn
rubble with a smile.
He came to a quivering Innkeeper and said “Excuse me, sir.” The man jumped and said
quickly “Don’t hurt me!” Zi Yang’s mouth twitched and he continued “I will pay for the
damages…” before looking around and adding “Along with the reconstruction…” the
Innkeeper looked at Zi Yang and sniffed as he replied with hope “I-Is that true, Patriarch
Zi?” Zi Yang’s mouth slowly formed a devilish grin as his eyes glowed eerily “Of course!
You just have to do me a favor… heheh” he slowly extended his hand and added “Don’t
worry, you won’t be burdened in any way. I promise.”

The Innkeeper looked at Zi Yang and felt unsettled before slowly shaking his hand and
saying with a gulp “I-I trust you, Patriarch Zi.” Zi Yang’s grin grew as he replied
“Excellent.” while gripping the Innkeeper’s hand firmly, leaving a cold chill down the
man’s spine.

The Innkeeper watched as Zi Yang turned around and wheeled away, wondering if he
made the right decision. Little did he know, his life would change forever the moment he
shook that man’s hand…


Zi Yang rolled away from the site and disappeared from the scene as a head popped
out from the side of a building nearby. The figure stepped out from the shadows and
took off the cloak he was wearing to reveal Zi Tian!

Zi Tian rubbed his chin as he looked in the direction his father went and mumbled in a
voice only he could hear “It seems my father has some plans of his own…” he squinted
his eyes in memory and recalled the scene that just took place.

Zi Tian could see what normal people couldn’t due to his extraordinarily strong soul and
previous experience. When he looked at Zi Yang he could faintly make out something
coming from his body.

As he watched his father, he narrowed his eyes and focused intently.

A few minutes ago~

Zi Tian watched as Zi Yang shamelessly pushed Huo Mei in front of the Innkeeper and
sighed helplessly before halting his breath in shock.

Zi Yang turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Huo Gang, who had just arrived. Zi
Tian covered his mouth as he watched a mysterious, and yet baleful, purple aura cover
Zi Yang.
The aura was unlike anything Zi Tian had ever seen before, it was a strange creature
almost wolf-like, yet not at the same time.

Zi Yang’s eyes flashed and the aura almost solidified while tensing up as if it was about
to strike at a prey.

Zi Tian felt a bone chilling shiver run down his spine as he watched the phenomenon
take place, that was until it disappeared and Zi Yang burst out laughing.

Zi Tian receded into the shadows and stayed silent with a grave look on his face.

Back to the present~

Zi Tian snapped his fingers and clicked his tongue before turning around “At any rate,
seeing from the condition of his body, he is truly crippled… Unless I make ‘that’ pill, he’ll
be a cripple for life…” he clenched his fist and pulled his hood back over his face as he
disappeared into an alleyway.


Zi Yang was humming to himself, looking around at the town with bright eyes. He saw a
bunch of buildings, none of them were particularly luxurious but they were still
somewhat decent.

What caught his eye was a brothel named ‘Purple Spring Garden’.

He rubbed his chin and looked at his shriveled hands before turning in his wheelchair
and wheeled himself to the door. The woman working outside looked at Zi Yang and her
lips twitched as she said respectfully “Patriarch… Zi.”

Zi Yang smiled happily and said “Hello!” the woman blinked and returned the greeting
before asking awkwardly “Would you like service today, Patriarch?”

Zi Yang smiled and asked “Could you actually ask the Madam if I can see her?” the
woman was startled and asked anxiously “Wh-” Zi Yang tilted his head with his eyes
closed to slits.

His white hair waved from the motion and the woman felt a shiver down her spine, she
straightened up and said “R-Right away, sir!” before running inside.
Zi Yang chuckled to himself and wheeled to the door, it opened by itself and he wheeled

He was greeted by an extremely beautiful interior.

He was awed by the red rugs with golden linings. The art displayed was also top notch!
He gasped as he looked at the crystal chandelier, he had never seen something so
luxurious in his entire life!

Old Yang didn’t like luxury.

What a simpleton!

Zi Yang loved it, it was a shame he was a poor bastard in both lives.

As he was admiring the decor, a fat man rolled down the stairs while a beautiful young
woman followed behind him, displaying extreme grace and elegance.

She caught Zi Yang’s eye from the moment she walked down the stairs.

Who was this chick, why did she act like she was the center of the world?

The fat man got up and wiped his sweat with a golden handkerchief. Zi Yang’s mouth
twitched as he looked at the fat man’s actions.

Was this making him feel bad about being poor?

The fat man laughed and smiled “Patriarch Zi! What a surprise! I promise you will have
the greatest entertainer at our fine establishment!” Zi Yang stared at the fat man in
silence and the fat man slapped his forehead, laughing again “Forgive me! I am Qi Hou,
the owner.”

Zi Yang looked at the fat man’s hand and smiled “Fatty Hou, may we talk somewhere
private?” Qi Hou was stunned and all the girls in the room looked at Zi Yang in disbelief.

He seemed to have just called the boss ‘Fatty Hou’ right?

The graceful sun in the galaxy woman behind Qi Hou covered her mouth and looked at
Zi Yang with a stunned expression in her eyes.
Fatty H- Qi Hou swallowed back his anger and forced a smile “Of course, Patriarch Zi.
Right this way.” as he walked up the stairs.

Zi Yang’s eyes flashed and he said “Fatty Hou, this doesn’t seem to be cripple
accessible, right?” Qi Hou clenched his fists and turned around, replying “My apologies.”
He looked at the woman he came with and glared at her.

The woman shivered slightly and smiled elegantly “Patriarch Zi, I can aid you if you’d
like.” her voice was as soft as a breeze and as warm as the sun.

Zi Yang felt better just hearing it and he nodded with a smile, the woman grabbed the
handles behind Zi Yang and brought him up the stairs without any effort.

Zi Yang hummed to himself as she pushed him, following behind Fatty Hou until they
came to a door. Qi Hou opened it and Zi Yang rolled in with the woman.

Qi Hou grinded his teeth and closed the door, when he turned around his smile was as
normal as it ever was.


Zi Yang was pushed to a table and Qi Hou sat on the couch next to it, smiling “What can
I do for you, Patriarch Zi?” Zi Yang smiled lightly with his ugly wrinkled face and sipped
on the teacup placed in front of him by the woman.

He looked at the woman and ignored Qi Hou, asking “What’s your name, girl?” The
woman was startled and pointed at herself before realizing her mistake and looking
down as if she hadn’t heard him.

Qi Hou spoke for her and smiled “This is my personal maid, Qin Hua. Her family died
and she was sold to me.” Zi Yang smiled and looked at Qin Hua, commenting “She’s
very elegant for an orphan, don’t you think Fatty Hou?”

Qi Hou’s mouth twitched and he said “Well, that’s to be expected… She was previously
the daughter of a noble in the capital. They committed treason and only she was
pardoned because of her father’s previous merits. Her father killed her mother before
being executed, only she was left to run…”

Zi Yang interrupted, “I see, she didn’t run very far I assume?” Qin Hua clenched her fists
and Qi Hou nodded with a smile “Exactly, Patriarch Zi.” Zi Yang hummed and changed
the topic “Fatty Hou, I was wondering, who designed the decor in your establishment?”
Qi Hou smiled “Patriarch Zi likes it? I will gift you a painting, how about it?” Zi Yang
laughed softly “Oh, could you? That would be great Fatty Hou! I’ll hang it in my clan

Qi Hou smiled and clapped his hands, a woman walked in and bowed before handing Zi
Yang a painting scroll.

Zi Yang unfurled it to see a beautiful woman, naked, making a seductive pose. He

grinned and looked at Qi Hou, who winked at him while sipping his tea.

Zi Yang rolled the scroll back up and smiled “I just remembered, I had something to do.
I will leave you to your business, Fatty Hou.” Qi Huo stood up and smiled, “Allow me to
escort you out, Patriarch Zi.”

Zi Yang waved and smiled happily “Don’t bother, Fatty Hou- No! Brother Hou!” Qi Hou
smiled and nodded as Zi Yang smiled “I’ll be off now, thank you for the painting, Brother
Hou! If anyone bullies you, they’ll have to deal with me first! That’s a promise!”

Qi Hou’s eyes lit up and he shook Zi Yang’s hand, saying emotionally “Brother Zi, thank
you. This Hou will remember your kindness!” Zi Yang clasped Qi Hou’s hand and said
seriously “Brother Hou. There’s no need for thanks between brothers. If you treat me
like a brother, don’t say these kinds of things.”

Qi Hou smiled happily “Brother. Please come again.” Zi Yang smiled and nodded, Qi
Hou waved “Hua, take Brother Zi out! Treat him with respect, you hear me?!”

Qin Hua nodded and shivered as she brought Zi Yang out of the room.

The doors closed and Qi Hou’s smile disappeared.

He touched his chin and muttered “I may be able to buy that cripple’s friendship with
more erotic items. Maybe even send him a few more women… After that my place in
this town will be as solid as a rock.” he grinned to himself “I’ll be rich!”

The smile Zi Yang let off when he saw that painting was genuine in his eyes, he thought
he caught a big fish!

Zi Yang smiled all the way down the stairs as he scanned the building, he suddenly
asked “Qin Hua, are you truly a slave?” Qin Hua shivered and nodded silently, Zi Yang
looked at her before asking “What are you able to do? What are your skills.”
Qin Hua was confused and Zi Yang rolled his eyes, adding “If your just retarded, then
forget I asked.” Qin Hua froze and muttered “I’m good at music, painting, strategy, and

Zi Yang took out a little black book and wrote down ‘Qin Hua’ before adding her skills,
then he asked “What do you think of this?” as he unfurled the painting in front of her.

Her eyes flashed disgust and she forced a smile, saying, “It’s quite good, Patriarch Zi.”
Zi Yang laughed and tore the painting in half, adding “Lie to me again, and you’ll
disappear from this earth, understand?”

Qin Hua froze and shivered intensely, scared stiff. She nodded quickly and Zi Yang
smiled, asking again, “The painting, Qin Hua the slave.” Qin Hua swallowed and finally
spoke “It’s a very trashy painting with poor brushstrokes. The content is appalling and
crude. Overall, it’s better Patriarch Zi lights it on fire.”

She covered her mouth and looked around in fear, Zi Yang laughed and clapped saying
“I like you, Qin Hua!” they reached the door and Zi Yang chuckled “Don’t end your own
life, and perhaps you can turn everything around…”

Qin Hua was confused and Zi Yang rolled out the door, waving behind him “See you

She said “Wait!” but Zi Yang ignored her and continued wheeling away, humming to
himself like a mad man, causing the people on the streets to get out of his way in fear of
catching whatever he had.

Qin Hua sighed and went back inside, her gracefulness and elegance seemingly
engraved in her bones.

Meanwhile, Zi Yang continued to look around the town.


Zi Yang took notice of everything in the town. All the shops, the restaurants, markets,
etc. He was surprised to see that the town was actually doing quite poorly, the buildings
were old and tattered while the people had low cultivations.

He thought that towns where the Main Character grew up were supposed to have
hidden experts around every corner!
This must be a fake town.

Despite that, Zi Yang took note of some hidden gems he spotted as he went around the
town. He put them all down in his little black book and smiled as he had 3 names with
talents and skills.

He wheeled away and went through Old Yang’s memories before grinning and turning
into an alley.

He stopped at a door with a slit on it and an upside-down crescent moon marking. He

knocked 3 times in a row before pausing and knocking again, then pausing and
knocking twice.

The slit opened and the man looked at Zi Yang before opening the door, Zi Yang
wheeled in and the door slammed shut behind him.

Zi Yang looked around to see a big room with tables, chairs, and a bar. There were
people sitting around everywhere, some were wearing black cloaks, while some had
their hoods down, drinking and talking quietly.

Some were even laughing loudly, but they shut up very quickly after receiving glares
from the others.

Zi Yang wheeled to the bar and smiled at the bartender, saying “Hello!” The bartender
had an emotionless expression as he said “What do you want.” Zi Yang grinned and
said “I’d like to put up a few missions.”

The chatter in the hall stopped and they turned to Zi Yang, while the bartender nodded
and took out a slip of paper. Zi Yang took the paper and looked over it before asking “I
can only post 1 mission?”

The Bartender nodded and Zi Yang sighed, scratching his chin, muttering “That’s
tough… Well whatever.” he wrote down a mission and put the reward before turning
around and saying with a smile “Not what this mission is, but whoever kills Fatty Hou
will get 5 Spirit Stones.”

The cloaked men froze and the Bartender looked angry as he said “Patriarch Zi, do you
think our rules are a joke?” Zi Yang turned to him and said “Naturally not. Rule are very
important, whether you have to follow them or not depends on the person. For
His eyes turned sharp and he chuckled “If I don’t want to follow the rules, what can you
do to me?” The bartender frowned and felt a bit of fear from the cripple, he didn’t
understand what it was, why was he so scared!?

Zi Yang grinned “Do try and kill me. Old Gang will be here faster than you can say you
were kidding.” he wheeled to the bar and stuck his neck out, adding “Come on, weren’t
you tough before?! Come on! Kill me!”

The Bartender took a step back and blinked at his own actions before muttering “Are
you mad?!” Zi Yang laughed “Yeah, I’m crazy! Kill me! What are you waiting for? Do I
have to post a fucking mission for you to kill me?!”

The Bartender was stunned and Zi Yang took his neck back, looking around at the
cloaked men, who were similarly stunned, he spat on the ground and sneered “A bunch
of pussies playing assassin. Is it fun?”

He turned his wheelchair around and wheeled to the door, adding “Nevermind, cancel
my mission. I need killers, not women playing dress-up.”

Just as he was about to reach the door, a young man stuck out his foot and blocked Zi
Yang. He looked at Zi Yang and said solemnly “Don’t come back here if you’re going to
disrespect us.” Zi Yang turned to him and his eyes glew as he replied “What are you
going to do about it?”

The young man was expressionless and with a flash, a sword was centimeters from Zi
Yang’s eye. Zi Yang grinned and moved forward, saying “What are you waiting for?
Come on.” The young man stared at Zi Yang for a moment before pushing forward.

His dagger was stopped by two fingers pinching the blade.

Zi Yang and the young man turned to see an old man with black robes. The old man
smiled “Little Hei, play nice with Patriarch Zi.” then he turned to Zi Yang and smiled “So
the famous Patriarch Zi has finally visited me on this day!”

Zi Yang smiled and tilted his head, “I hope you have good wine, Mr.” The old man
laughed and waved his hand, Zi Yang was lifted into the air and the old man walked
away, replying “Only the best for you, my friend!”

Little Hei said “But Gramp-” the old man glanced at him and he stopped talking, sitting
down and looking glum.
The old man and Zi Yang disappeared up the stairs and the cloaked men slowly started
chattering again.

Zi Yang was brought into an office and the old man sat behind a desk, he waved his
hand again and wine appeared on the table, pouring itself into 2 cups. The old man
sipped his wine and said “You have the guts of a leopard, Zi Yang. Walking into my
building and acting like you’re untouchable. What’s stopping me from killing you right


Zi Yang sipped the wine and clicked his lips, replying “Well, how else was I supposed to
get your attention? Also, your grandson is pretty good! Lucky you!” Then he shook his
head and added “The rest of your so-called ‘Assassins’ however…”

The old man sighed and said “What can you do? This town doesn’t have many talents
that are available for the taking.” Zi Yang leaned over and clicked his tongue, saying
“Old man, haven’t you heard the saying ‘Hard work beats talent’?”

The old man sneered “What are you talking about, old bastard. You need talent to be an
assassin, what do you think this is? We have to train from childhood to be good. You
think just anyone can pick up a sword and become an assassin? Please.” the old man
shook his head and laughed.

Zi Yang’s eyes lit up and he asked “So… Old man assassin, I assume this is your
organization?” the old man frowned and said “What do you mean?” Zi Yang grinned
“Yours. You old bat, are you going deaf?! I asked if it was yours or if you have some
sort of god-like backer! Why is everyone so tight-lipped nowadays?”

He crossed his arms and added “I’m on my deathbed, there’s no need to lie to me…”
The old man gawked at him and said “You… You just called me deaf?!” Zi Yang looked
at him in shock and knocked on the table, replying “Hey… old man I was just kidding,
are you actually deaf? I spoke for like a minute and that’s all you got?”

The old man almost spit out his wine as he said angrily “Of course I heard you! I was
just shocked and repeated what you said for confirmation!” Zi Yang rolled his eyes and
answered “Good. Now can you give me an answer? I’ve been waiting.”
The old man suddenly narrowed his eyes and said “Why are you asking me this.” Zi
Yang ignored the pressure and smiled, swirling his wine in his cup as he responded
“Well, I was just wondering… Maybe we could do something about that.”

The old man frowned “You want me as your underling?!” he was getting angry at this
point. Zi Yang tilted his head from side to side, replying “Ehhhh… Sorta? Not really. It’s
complicated to explain.”

The old man sneered “Try me.” Zi Yang chuckled and winked saying cutely “You can’t
tell anyone, ‘kay? Our little secret~” The old man shivered and Zi Yang suddenly
frowned and added “Hey. Old man, I was just playing around. I don’t have that kind of

The old man leaned back in his chair and Zi Yang almost threw the wine cup at his
head, he took a deep breath and said calmly “Simply put, I’m thinking of reforming my
clan thereby this city. I am looking for potential candidates to become a part of my Zi
clan and spread around the city.”

The old man looked at Zi Yang like he was an idiot before bursting out laughing as he
said “Are you serious?! Bahahahahaha!” then he started coughing and slamming his fist
against his chest, having gotten wine in the wrong pipe.

The old man calmed down and wiped his eyes before patting Zi Yang’s shoulder, saying
solemnly “Zi Yang, you have a bright future in comedy. I will be at every show.” Zi
Yang’s eyes twitched and he said through gritted teeth “I’m not joking, you old fuck.”

The old man gasped and said in disbelief “You’re not?! What!?” Zi Yang snorted and
finished the wine in his cup, pouring himself more. The old man looked at him in shock
and added “Hey, Old Yang. Are you okay? Did you hit your head? How are you going to
do all the things you said, you can’t even have a stable position in your own clan and
you want the entire city, you’re a bit too greedy, no?”

The old man looked to the ceiling and calculated “Not to mention, you’re completely
crippled. No cultivation, can’t even walk…” he shook his head and looked at Zi Yang in
confusion, asking “What gives you the courage?”

Zi Yang replied in a bad mood “What does it matter to you? I have my secrets, you have
yours. Does it matter what it is? If it can be done, are you willing to become my
subordinate? That’s all I need to know.” the old man went silent for a moment as he
thought about it.
Zi Yang looked at his wrist and noticed that he didn’t have a watch. He sighed to himself
and looked around for a clock. Finding nothing, he looked out the window with a lonely
expression, could it be? I’m the only educated person in this world?

After all, who didn’t have a clock?

Cavemen surely.

Zi Yang gasped to himself, was he surrounded by cavemen?!

The old man looked at Zi Yang, who was lost in his own world, and his lips twitched. He
coughed and Zi Yang came back to reality before asking “Have you decided?” as if he
had been paying attention all this time.

The old man couldn’t grasp onto the level of shamelessness this guy had, he was so
old, couldn’t he be more reserved?

At least pretend to be wise and calm!

The old man put his words into practice and pretended to know the secrets of the
cosmos as he stroked his beard “Hmm… If Patriarch Zi can really do it… then perhaps I
can do you a favor…”

Zi Yang rolled his eyes and pointed at the old man’s nose, saying with a straight face
“Listen Old man, no bullshit. I want to know if you’re in or you’re out. Not of this fence
sitting garbage, stop pretending to be an immortal in front of me. I don’t care how old
you are.”

The old man choked and shouted “You’re very rude, you know that?!” Zi Yang frowned
and replied “I don’t care. I want people, good people. I don’t care about cultivation
talent. I just need skills and personality. So far, your grandson is the one I’m interested
in, not you. I’m taking you along by chance. We’ve been talking so long because I’m
showing you respect.”

The old man’s face changed and he gawked at Zi Yang, who continued seriously “If it
wasn’t for your grandson, I wouldn’t bother with your rag-tag group of pretend
assassins. Tell me right now, are you in or not.”

His eyes were sharp and piercing, the old man was dazed and asked “Wha-” Zi Yang
reached across the table and grabbed the old man’s beard, pulling him close to his face
and staring at him in the eyes as he said again “I. Said. Are. You. In. Or. Out.”
His tone got colder with every word and the old man suddenly shivered for some
strange reason, he looked into Zi Yang’s eyes to see the flames of ambition and

This was a man with a motive!

The old man had been conquered.


He nodded in a daze “I’m in.”

Zi Yang let go of him and smiled “Good.” The old man woke up and said “Huh? I
agreed?!” Zi Yang looked at him and the old man sighed, drained his wine cup and
looked at Zi Yang, saying “I hope I don’t make a mistake.”

Zi Yang smiled and replied “You haven’t. By the way, old man, what’s your name?” the
old man’s lips twitched as he responded “Zu Bai…”

Zi Yang nodded and said “Alright, Old Bai. We need to talk about your little organization
then…” Zu Bai raised an eyebrow and Zi Yang tilted his head, continuing “First of all
grab 5 of your best men, then rest can disappear. I only want the best of the best, as for
the rest… I will handle your fresh blood.”

Zu Bai was stunned and Zi Yang added “Oh right! Forget about Intelligence, just focus
on assassination. I have a plan for the intelligence aspect. You will come into contact
with the intel when I actually have it in my grasp…” he muttered to himself after that
“Hopefully, she is properly ready otherwise I’ll have to push back my plan for a year…”

He sighed to himself and Zu Bai sat there, stunned stiff.

Did he just say push back his plans for a year?

He couldn’t help but ask “Zi Yang… How much do you have planned?” Zi Yang looked
at him and blinked “Just the next 5 years, why?” Zu Bai’s eyes twitched and he asked
“What do you mean?”

Zi Yang looked at his fingers and said “The complete takeover of the city, the wiping of
all hidden dangers, and the merging of the clans into my one Zi Clan, plus remodeling
the city to my tastes…”
Zu Bai shivered and shut his mouth, this guy was too scary!

It was like everything was already in his hands.

He had plans for his plans!

What a mad man!

Zi Yang frowned and muttered “Though, the merging will be tough. Oh right! That
reminds me…” he pulled out a paper and scribbled on it, saying “Old bai, sign this.”

Zu Bai looked at the paper and asked “What is this?” Zi Yang rolled his eyes and
answered “Would I hurt you? Just sign it, jeez.” Zu Bai sighed and signed the paper
without reading it.

A red light flashed and entered Zu Bai’s chest.

Zi Yang sighed “Old bai, here’s a warning. Never sign something you didn’t read.” Zu
Bai shivered and said “What did you do to me?!” he tried to attack Zi Yang but felt
intense pain, Zi Yang looked at him sadly and asked “Old Bai, do you think I’m a
brainless idiot?”

Zu Bai sat in his chair and grinded his teeth, Zi Yang patted his shoulder and said
seriously “Old bai, listen to me. Don’t be upset.” Zu Bai grinded his teeth and said “You-”
Zi Yang cut him off and said “Old Bai. Do you truly trust me? Do you think I would trust
you because of your word?”

Zu Bai shut his mouth.

Obviously not.

If he did that, he was a fool.

Zi Yang nodded and said “In these times, l can’t trust anyone without a back up plan.
I’m not taking any chances, not only for my safety but my son’s as well.” Zu Bai looked
at Zi Yang, who looked serious as he continued “The contract you just signed will stop
you from disclosing any information that I give to you. Basically, it’s a secrecy contract.
You can’t tell anyone and you can’t attack me or my son. Sorry, Old Bai. You’re a nice
old man, but I just met you today, if I trusted you like that, I would probably die the next
He looked at Zu Bai and said “This is insurance. You will not betray me, I will not allow
it. Though if you really want to betray me, you’ll die. Not that it matters, I have your life
and even if you’re gone, I’ll do the same to your grandson.” his eyes sharpened as he
continued “I can manipulate that kid like a puppet, I’m sure you understand what I’m
trying to say.”

Old Bai looked at Zi Yang silently as he added “I will not treat you poorly, I can promise
you that. If you read the contract, it even says in it. You can look if you want.” Old Bai
grabbed the contract and read it, it said ‘Zi Yang will not harm Zu Bai or his family and
will not mistreat them, or use them as slaves, etc. should this be breached, Zi Yang will
die and the contract will be nullified.’

Old Bai looked dazed and turned his attention to Zi Yang, who smiled “Put your faith in
me, Old Bai. This little assassin doll house will become a force to be reckoned with. I
promise.” Old Bai smiled weakly “I don’t really have a choice…”

Zi Yang smiled happily and nodded “Yup! You are tied to my pirate ship now, Old Bai.”
Old Bai rubbed his forehead and muttered “I suddenly have a bad feeling… I should've
beat you to death when I had the chance…” Zi Yang kept smiling as he nodded again,
answering “Yup! You really should’ve! Anyway, get to scouting your own men. When I’m
ready, I’ll call you to bring the 5 to me. See you, Old Bai!”

As he turned around and wheeled away, Old Bai sighed and wheeled him out of the
building, looking sullen.

One minute he was a respected old man, now he was a pirate…

What sin did he commit in his last life…

Zi Yang passed by the assassins before looking at little Hei, saying “Come with me kid.
You’re taking the mission I posted.” Little Hei looked confused and Old Bai said “Hei’er,
go with him.” Little Hei said in shock “Gramps!?” Old Bai glared at him and the kid
shivered before sulking over to Zi Yang.

He had looked at the mission, it was to protect Zi Yang for a month. It was a rich
mission but none of the assassins wanted to do it because they didn’t like Zi Yang.

Another man stood up and said “I will take this mission too.” Little Hei looked at him and
said coldly “I have this mission already.” the man said expressionlessly “It says 2 people
preferred.” Little Hei snorted and said “Whatever.” before pushing Zi Yang out of the

The man followed the duo and Old Bai watched them go before looking at the rest of the
assassins. They looked at him and he said “In the following days, we’ll have a ranking
tournament. The top 5 will be awarded with Superior Body Refinement pills.” before

The men in the hall all got lively, with the exception of a few, as they chattered about the

Completely unaware that failure meant death.

Zi Yang looked at the new guy and asked “What’s your name?” The man stayed silent
and Zi Yang chuckled, “Then I’ll just call you Rico.” The man’s eyes twitched but he
stayed silent.

Zi Yang smiled and waved “Alright, little Hei and Rico. I’m sure you have concealment
techniques. Go conceal yourselves.” The two disappeared immediately and Zi Yang
wheeled himself through town, returning back to the Zi Clan compound.


On his way there, Zi Yang came across a little girl.

She stumbled out onto the road, covered in dirt and mud, wearing only a tattered cloth.
Her hair was everywhere and she looked ready to bite someone.

Zi Yang wheeled over to her and said “Are you okay, little girl?” the little girl jumped up
and looked at Zi Yang vigilantly. Zi Yang’s expression became weird, why did this little
girl look at him as if he was gonna kidnap her?

Sure enough, the little girl said cautiously “Are you a bad uncle?!” Zi Yang was stunned
and stared at the girl with his mouth open, she pointed at him and gasped “Bad uncle!
You’re drooling! Ah! I’m too young to get kidnapped!”

The people started looking at Zi Yang with frowns, he looked at the little girl and said
“Hey… You’re slandering me! If I was a bad uncle I would’ve given you candy, no?” the
little girl paused and mumbled “That’s true…”
Zi Yang smiled and said “Do you want a candy?” the little girl froze and turned white,
pointing at Zi Yang before fainting in fear. Zi Yang blinked and scratched his head, he
was just kidding…

He looked around, the people were looking at him.

Was he going to kidnap the little girl?

Was he really a bad uncle???

Zi Yang coughed and said “Ah! This child had Pure God Yin of Primordial Chaos Origin
Veins! What a find! She shall be my disciple from now on!” he grabbed the little girl from
the ground and threw her over his shoulder before wheeling away as the surrounding
people stared at him in shock.

The Pure God Yin what?

Did this guy take them all for idiots?!

A young man looked on with envy, saying “I wish I had the Pure God Yin of Primordial
Chaos Origin Veins…” he sighed and the people looked at him before quickly walking
away, clearly this young man was retarded.

His friend patted his shoulder and said “Brother, this is impossible.” the young man
looked at his friend and said “You think that senior was lying?” the friend shook his head
and replied with a sage-like expression, “Brother, Yin is for women. You’re a man, it
would be ‘Yang’.”

The surrounding people covered their eyes and quickly ran from the scene, birds of a
feather flock together it seems…

Another man walked over and asked “Fellow Daoist, may I ask what you’re talking

The people who hadn’t left yet wished they could fly, their conversation was killing their
brain cells…

Finally, Zi Yang returned to the Zi Clan with the little girl.

He rolled into the compound and looked around at the shabby buildings, his eyes
flashing disgust. He was gonna need to change these for sure.

As he wheeled by, the clansmen looked at him with disdainful looks.

Zi Yang ignored them and continued on until Chao Yi bowed to him, saying “Patriarch
Zi.” Zi Yang smiled happily, saying “Little Yi! What’s up?” Chao Yi was confused and
replied respectfully, “The sky, Patriarch.” Zi Yang’s smile stiffened and he grumbled
“You acting smart with me, little Yi. Do you want a beating?!”

He waved and said “Someone get me a stick!”

Chao Yi was stunned and said “Patriarch?!” Zi Tian’s maid brought a stick over and Zi
Yang smacked Chao Yi with it, not hurting him in the slightest. Zi Yang nodded and
threw the stick away, saying “That’ll teach you.”

Before he wheeled off, leaving a dumbfounded Chao Yi behind.

Zi Tian’s maid was also speechless and Chao Yi looked at her, asking “Um… What was
that all about?” Zi Tian’s maid shook her head and said “I don’t know…” she bit her nails
anxiously and added “Maybe the Patriarch has gone mad?!”

Chao Yi covered her mouth and said “Shush! Don’t say such things! Patriarch is still the
patriarch.” the girl nodded her head and Chao Yi nodded before walking away,
muttering “Hopefully, Patriarch Zi is okay…”

Zi Yang ignored the rest and wheeled back into the main hall, passing his two good
maids, saying “Anything happen while I was gone?” the maids bowed and said “A visitor
came and asked for you, Patriarch. She’s in your study…”

One of them said anxiously “Patriarch, she looks like an important person! Are you in
trouble?!” Zi Yang patted her head and smiled “Nonsense! It’s probably one of my many
female fans!” the maids looked at him speechlessly, why did he feel so cheeky today?

Did he take the wrong medicine?

Zi Yang hummed to himself and wheeled into the study, to see a young woman sitting at
a chair, sipping tea with an impatient look on her face.

He closed the door and smiled.

The maids outside looked at each other, one of them said angrily “Xixi, did you give
Master the wrong medicine?!” Xixi shook her head with tears in her eyes “I didn’t! It was
the normal medicine! I would never do that to the Master! I double check every

She started crying and grabbed the other girl’s sleeve, sobbing “Die! You have to
believe me!” Die felt uncomfortable and patted her hand, saying “It’s okay, I believe
you.. Can you let go of me now?” Xixi hugged her and cried, falling to her knees and
wiping her tears on Die’s robes, sobbing “I hic- love the Master! Hic- He’s like my Hic-

Die almost cried too.

Why did she have to rub her nose on her robes, she just got these…


Inside the room.

Zi Yang was sitting behind the desk and smiled at the young woman.

It was that young woman he saved from some sect or whatever.

She still had a haughty, high and mighty attitude.

It was really annoying actually.

Zi Yang smiled naturally and said “Miss Ling! How nice of you to visit!” Ling cut him off
and said coldly “You asked for one entry to the Titan Sect as a favor. I am here to repay
you, don’t mistake this for me trying to make relations. Choose your person and I will
leave, I am very busy.”

Zi Yang nodded and said “Of course. I will gather my clansmen, this is a big event!” He
shouted “Die! Xixi! Gather the clan, I have a serious announcement! We shall meet in
the Grand Hall!”

He wheeled out from behind the desk and smiled, waving his arm forward, saying “Right
this way, Miss Ling.” she snorted at him and walked out by herself, he chuckled silently
and followed behind her.

As they came out of the door, Zi Tian happened to be walking by.

He looked at Ling and his eyes were confused before looking at his dad, who smiled
and jerked his head in a certain direction.

It was towards the handles of his wheelchair…

Did this guy want him to push him around?

What about this ice cold beauty?

Was she ignored?

Zi Tian nodded and walked over, pushing Zi Yang to the Grand Hall. Ling looked at Zi
Tian strangely, this youth seemed somewhat familiar?

Zi Yang looked at Ling and Zi Tian, he smiled to himself, seems like they know each

What a coincidence!


The trio arrived at the Grand Hall and all the clansmen were in attendance. Zi Yang was
pushed to the throne in the middle of the room and he vaulted into it, leaving the
wheelchair behind.

He flew through the air with such grace!


Zi Yang sat on the throne and became solemn as he said “Good Evening everyone! I
have gathered you all here today to announce that one of our own Zi Clansmen shall be
following Miss Ling to the Titan Sect to represent our entire clan!”

The youngsters looked excited and the elders smiled happily, this was something good!

One of the Elders looked at Zi Tian and sneered, this trash couldn’t possibly be going…

He frowned and said “Patriarch!”

Zi Yang ignored him and continued “Miss Ling is a Core Disciple of the Titan Sect with
an exalted Master. Truly a single step to heaven for you all! I am proud to see one of
our own stepping out into the world, bringing glory to the Zi name!”

Ling looked at Zi Yang strangely, why was this guy spouting nonsense?

She was busy, you know.

Zi Yang swung his fist righteously, ignoring the elder, who said “Patriarch!”, as he said
“Youngsters! Hear me! Ignite your hot blood and achieve your dreams in a single step!
This is your chance!”

The youngsters had stars in their eyes and started cheering.

Ling frowned, Zi Tian covered his face, and the elder shouted with qi “PATRIARCH!”

The hall immediately quieted down and Zi Yang frowned “What.” The elder was startled
and gawked for a moment before coughing and regaining his composure as he said
“Patriarch, I assume you will choose your own son for this heaven sent opportunity. This
humble elder would like to suggest my grandson to be the chosen individual to follow
Miss Ling.”

He chuckled and added “We all know that Zi Tian is a talentless waste. KIt would be a
shame to ruin the Clan for the sake of familial feelings.” he bowed and said loudly “I
request Patriarch Zi to change his mind!”

The other elders, excluding the scripture pavilion elders, all nodded and added “I do as

Zi Yang nodded and asked “Anybody else thinks so?” Zi Tian said “Father!” Zi Yang
looked at him before looking away as Zi Tian shut his mouth, Ling just sneered at Zi
Yang, looking at the elder in boredom.

Zi Yang watched as almost everyone, with the exception of the scripture elders, Chao
Yi, Zi Tian’s maid, Die, Xixi, and the little girl on Zi Yang’s lap, raised their hands.

Though the little girl was still passed out…

Hopefully she’s not dead.

Zi Yang nodded at them and smiled “I have long decided the candidate! It shall be First
Elder’s Grandson!” Zi Tian was stunned and Zi Yang said with sadness “My own son
cannot compare! Little Bing, come here.”

Little Bing was excited and ran up, smiling at his grandpa.

He bowed before Zi Yang and said “Patriarch.” Zi Yang patted his shoulder and said
emotionally “You are the hope for the Zi Clan! You must show resilience, strong will,
tenacity, and hard work! Do you understand? The entire clan rests on your shoulders!”

Little Bing looked up and nodded with contempt hidden in his eyes as he thought
‘You’re just a cripple, shut up bro.’ Zi Yang said righteously “There’s gold on the knees
of the men from the Zi Clan, we shan’t kneel to heaven, earth, or anyone with the
exception of our parents! Understand, little Bing?!”

Little Bing said thoroughly “Yes, Patriarch.”

Zi Yang smiled and said “You may return.”


Ling watched the scene with a sneer, if this was the best… This so-called Patriarch Zi
was going to be disappointed.

She had completely forgotten the familiar feeling when she heard Zi Tian was a
talentless waste. It seemed his father had no backbone either, was a bunch of country

She regretted promising a favor to Zi Yang.

Zi Tian walked over to Zi Yang and said “How could you do this father! I can make you
proud! I-” Zi Yang cut him off, replying “Son. You’ve done enough, Little Bing is far more
talented than you. As a father I’m ashamed to admit it, but it’s the truth.”

He sighed and shook his head as if his dreams were crushed.

Zi Tian felt stifled and said “I can beat h-” Zi Yang shouted “Oh Son! Must you humiliate
me so?! Enough! Return to my study, I shall punish you there!” He glared at Zi Tian as if
he was really upset with him and Zi Tian clenched his fists, spitting out “Yes, Father.”
through gritted teeth.
Zi Yang sighed and waved him off, holding his head as though he had a headache.

He looked at Ling and smiled weakly “Miss Ling, I can only beg you to take care of Little
Bing. He’s our clan’s last life line!” Ling flicked her hair and her eyes glew with disdain
as she replied “Very well.”

Little Bing hugged his grandpa and said emotionally “I’m off gramps. I’ll make you
proud.” the old man wiped his eyes and replied “I’m proud of you, Little Bing. You’ll bring
our clan to glory.” Little Bing clenched his fist and teared up before wiping them and
walking away with a backpack.

He felt like the main character!

He stopped next to Ling and smiled charmingly “Miss Ling.” She snorted and said “Let’s
go.” before disappearing from the spot along with Little Bing.

Zi Yang said happily “Little Bing has gone to great horizons. I hope you can all make
him proud when he returns. Continue to work hard, perhaps when Little BIng returns he
can take more of you all to the sect with him.”

The youngsters eyes lit up and they left without bowing or showing any respect at all.
The elders left just the same, leaving Die, Xixi, Chao Yi, Zi Tian’s maid, and the two
elders from the Scripture Pavillion.

The elders walked forward and said with frowns “Patriarch… This-” Zi Yang put his hand
up and said “It’s alright Elders. Death looms closer every day.” they were stunned and
said in shock “Patriarch, you?!” Zi Yang nodded and wheeled away, waving “I will be off
now, please continue to work hard.”

Everyone bowed and returned with sullen expressions.

Zi Yang returned to the study and saw Zi Tian sitting in the chair, looking at him coldly.

Zi Yang closed the door and glared at him, wheeling behind the desk. He stopped and
looked at Zi Tian before he lost his cold look and laughed out loud, slapping the desk in
front of him and tearing up.

Zi Tian was so shocked he forgot why he was even mad.

While the little girl woke up and looked around to see an unfamiliar place, she saw Zi
Yang and shrieked in fear before passing out again.
Zi Yang choked and said “I forgot this little fellow was on my lap…” before tossing her to
a couch… gently…

She rolled over and started snoring.

Zi Yang muttered “What a curious kid…”

Zi Tian came back to his senses and said angrily “Father! Tell me why-” Zi Yang cut him
off and gave him a thumbs up saying “I almost forgot about you kid! You did a great job!
Your acting was 10/10! I would give you the Oscar.”

He leaned back and sighed happily “We really put on a good show and fooled all those
morons. Heh. Idiots.” as he sipped from a wine cup.

The two assassins in the shadows’ mouths twitched, they were fooled too…

Zi Tian was confused and said “Wha-” Zi Yang interrupted him again and smiled “You
really helped this time, Tian!” Zi Tian spoke quickly “Father, what do you mean? Isn’t it a
good thing to go to the Titan Sect?!”

Zi Yang sneered “What Titan bullshit? Trash name for a trash sect, you little moron,
who’s better than your father?” The assassins almost fell down and unconcealed
themselves, what do you mean trash sect!?

That was a highly prestigious sect!

Zi Yang waved and said “Rico, Little Hei, come out.” Zi Tian looked at the shadows and
two men came out, one of them was a young man and the other was an older man.

Zi Tian nodded at them, having already known about their existence.

The 2 assassins were slightly stunned and Zi Yang waved “What are you gawking at?
My son is a genius, okay? What bullshit Titan Sect, even if they begged me to send you
there I wouldn’t.”

He sneered “Plus that dumb chick, who does hse think she is? All high and mighty, with
such a shit cultivation. She really thinks she’s at the pinnacle of human achievement…”
he suddenly turned solemn and looked at Zi Tian, adding “Tian’er, listen to me. This is
extremely important.”
Zi Tian felt like his father was all over the place, talking about 17 things at once, he was
having trouble trying to follow. He nodded and got serious, replying “Yes, father.” Zi
Yang continued “When you see these Ice cold jade beauties that seem to be fairies
untouched by the mortal world with looks that could destroy nations and bring kings to
their knees, eyes to the sky, disdainful of everything in life itself, you must do one thing.”

Zi Tian blinked and nodded, feeling like his father was about to enlighten him on
something very important. The two assassins also listened carefully.

Zi Yang said very seriously “These women, you must avoid at all costs.” Zi Tian’s face
faulted and the 2 assassins’ mouths twitched, Zi Yang added “These women will bring
you nothing but trouble. They may only like you for your talent, if you want to find
someone to truly love you, you must search for heart.”

He looked up to the ceiling and shook his fist, declaring “One day, she may be with
another man who’s wealthier than you and more talented than you.” his eyes emitted
intense hatred as his fist shook and an intense bloodlust leaked from Zi Yang’s body.

Zi Tian and the 2 assassins shivered in fear of the aura and Zi Tian asked “F-Father,
you don’t mean…” Zi Yang blinked and smiled, everything disappeared as he said
“Nonsense, it happened to a brother of mine. Anyway, Tian’er you must remember this.
Love is a very sacred thing, you can’t just give it to anyone…”

He paused and added “Also you can’t give it to multiple people, when you find someone
you love, other women will seem like dust and debris compared to the one you love…”
He sighed and continued “Of course.. If she’s ugly, your father will break your legs.”

Zi Tian: !?

The 2 assassins: ???

Zi Tian asked “Wha-” Zi Yang looked at him as though he was an idiot and said “Moron!
Do you want to curse my grandkids to be ugly!? Your mother will break my legs! They
must be pretty, but not devastatingly beautiful! How hard is that to understand??”

He looked at the assassins as if to say ‘Can you believe this guy?’ their lips twitched as
they didn’t really understand either.

Zi Yang pinched the bridge of his nose and said “Tian’er, just listen to dad. I know the
way the world works, okay?” his eyes lit up and he punched his palm, saying “I got it!”
He looked at Zi Tian and said “Okay, imagine you have a jade beauty who’s looks can
tame gods, demons, ghosts, and immortals and she gets captured…” As Zi Yang
explained the cons of having a jade ice mountain beauty, the little girl woke up again

The air in the room stilled and Zi Yang chuckled “I really didn’t, you guys gotta believe


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