Othello Scene-By-Scene Analysis

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PEEP eee eee eee eee eee The RSC Shakespeare Otho lakes re Ps era gh erate, The RSC Shakespeare William Shakespeare OTHELLO Ecited by Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen Introduction by Jonathan Bate A The Modern Library Neve York QUARTO PASSAGES THAT DO SCENE-BY-SCENE ANALYSIS NOT APPEAR IN THE FOLIO ACT 1 SCENE 1 Following 13.267 after "erorsf br choke): shemasthace change she must Lines 1-84: The action begins mass etablshing the pace of the pla, As ago snd Rodrigo hurry along, they revel events pie Rein 15.388 sy to this point The audlencesinialy excluded from soe ky infor ation, however, establishing the themes of secrey and misunder theo Noxnone of drowning, do you ea standing: Rodrigy complains that, although he has be giving reoomeo Tam change | Ssg0mone: ago hasnt told him ofthis” athough we are not old lowe 21:89 what “tis” is He claims that Iago sail that he hated someone, And bengal Cypeus comfort "eerred toby bth of them as “hi,” an, later, “the oor"; noone ‘efers to Othello by name in heist scene ei enti chiety by ing 3.1.25 his racial “othernes.” and “labeled!” by pronouns or epithets, cea, xsi Do, gpm fiend Inga negative sens of his Mendy (another theme) anlextailshing loving 3.1.45: the power of language. The ater portculary signet to age Tota he sft ocaslon by the front who manipulates others through his laguistic kil evident i he : placaton of the gale Rodoign and description of Bis hatred for allowing 34.98: theta. ag clams that els iter because Othello promoted Caso monn Tp tlkme of C eee eer | tobe histieutenant and made ag hisensgn eg complains that he isan experienced soir, while Casio's “solership" "Mere pra. tle without practice,” erating tension between words and ston Rodorigo comments that i he Anu be des chide with you. durknes, past ofthe structure of oppositions tha ran through the play including darklght, black'white, words/actns. ode, ‘ind malefemale Both men shout to wake Brabant, ba a's an ‘guage more drat alanis, and elective. Lines 85-186: Brabantio appears ove, demanding to know “the enon of this tele summons.” Rodorigo polly inquires ether ailrabanos family“ with.” but Lago takes over, warn Tig Hest thet “an old back any Ts tapping his] white ewe fs sustained se of base srl gery further dehumaniaes Othello and enrages Bran, Rodorgo enti msl, bat ag) remains anonsmous, secretly manipultin tnd “rector” Rodergn has previously tee to cout Rrabanto's Ahughter Desdemona, and Brabant aeuses him of coming all of dstrmpecing draughts oes et. Wi inflammatory nterectins from lags. Redorigo explain to Brabant zt they have come to ‘var him that Desdemona bas eloped with “a lscivous Moot" Bra Santo rouses his household and Tago leaves, explaining that he uno peat be against Otello Brabanto conn that Desde ‘mona ssn His dnjontd speech reflects his dstress and anger ashe suarats that magic has been used on he, Rodorgo offs to {ake him to Othello and Desdemona, ACT 1 SCENE 2 Lines 1-64 ag, gine lyaty to Othello, express concern that Brabantia wilt to lore a avore, bt shell assures him that he wil"out-ongue”Brabeni's complains emphasing he deme of Tanguog. He xsures ago that he peniney loves “the gentle Desde mona” The se torches appeoaching and assume that Brabantio has come lag urges Othello t go indoors, bat hel snot fal reminding loot hsp”. and "pecec sou” inoducing ‘other opponion in the ply, that ofthe pial versus the spi tual Is not Brabant, however, but Casso and his oes, who have come to tll bel pwst-bate™ on milzaty busines. Otello leaves beefy to “end & tron in the house and Iago informs Caso that tel s marc, hatte Duke wishes t see him "haste again dseibng the event through coarse sexwalinnuendo. Bra to and Rodrigo aie Lines 65-117: Brabantlo eecuses Otello of being 8 “oul thie who has “enchant Desdemona, He dehumaniges thelr Fingto him as“ thing” and tes to arrest him as 9 "pect" of egal magic: Othello explains that the De has summoned ul, and Brabato decides that he wil o as wel cetaa that the Duke wilsympathie with his complaint agalast tel ACT 1 SCENES Lines 1-134: The Duke and his senators discuss reports that the Turkish Meets heading foe Cypras. sar brings news that hey now appear tobe traveling towend Rhodes, alhough Senator su eststhat “ts pageant, keep usin false gaze” emphasing the rks eet has unl wie eafocements ad tha they areonce agai heading or ‘Cyprus, Brabantio and Otello ave. companied by Las, Casin, fad Rodorigo. The Duke sssumes that aban i there to discus the urgent miltary business, but Brabant concerned wit his ‘om worries, creating tension between pola and personal eon cers, He tells the Duke that his daughter hasbeen stolen” and corrupted / By spell ond medicines. "The Duke promises that wh ‘ve isinvolved in "this ol peoceding” wil be puns Brabantio names Othell, Othello amis that he has “t‘en sway” Desdemona and married her, but nalts hat this is hi only ese. He offers toexpain, warning that he "Rein hisspeech beng only a solder, and can only tell a ound unvarnisted tale, bouthis claims tht he Ile ese withthe soft phrase of peace are by hls carfl and persuasive arguments, Brabantio main tains that Desdemona was “never bod” and ofall” spi rein Forcing the pasty evoked by Othllas description of he as “get Desdemona in the previous sone ad emphasing the pley's con een with the way Hentity can be crested by ters, through repeated use theme of deception. A Messenger repos tht the weds and phrases in ssocaton with character: Lines 136-320: oihelo describes how Brabant used to nem tohis house and ovr he woul tll Brabant tales of “morn dts by ond and el and “heirbreodth scapes timminent daly brsach.” He tel them that Desdemona led him "forthe dangers® he had undergone and hain arn he lore her because she di ply them." He lame that bis words are the only “with rf that he has wed, again emphasing the pote of language The Duke urges Brabant to make thebestof the sltution, Desde mona areves, and Brabant aks bet of al the wsembled “noble compan.” whom she owes the most obedience to. Desdemona fnsies that she has dvd duty” between her father ands und, bur pots ou tha. keer modhee before her. she mast put her husband fist, While this specch emphases tht Deslemonas subject to male authority, also shows that she is conden and frtculate,rabentio unhappy resigns himself andthe Duke tris o fone / Ts the next way to draw new mischief 00” reminding us of Tago’ desire for revenge The dlacusion turns tothe milltary situation and the Duke tls Othe that emus goto Cyprus suggesting hat Desdemona return to aban’ home. In a mong spec, Desdemons requests tobe allow oo with Otello The Duke agrees an ewes with the sen tors and Brabant. Otho asians Tago to esart Desdemona 19 rpms belevnhim to bea man of honesty and tus comment that shows Othe’ ck of perception and introduces the mod of honesty Oth and Desemonn lve to prepare fo is departs hat "To mourn mischief thats pst and Lines 321-890: Rodorin melodramatcally claims that bis het orment” now that he has lost Desdemona ago argues thatit an not be lng that Desemons sho continue her lve othe Moor” and clans that Othello wl soon tof Desdemona because “These Moors are changeable in thelr wills” enforcing the popalar opi ion of Othel's osbecess although its uncertain whether [ag> allewsthis, rs merely using thee to his own ends). Constantly tring Rodorign to “put money in thy purse” he lis that he ean ‘estoy the fll wow" between “an erring barbarian and supersab- le Vesa” and promises that Rodrigo wl soon “enjoy” Desde ces to money and sex sw Iago’ preoscupation withthe physical rather than spinual aspects of human existence, He suggest that Rodorgo“cuckld” Otel, They atrange to meet the et ds Lines 81-412: Alone, lgo reveals his contempt fi Roorign com: senting: “Thus do ever make my fool my purse.” He rlterates his ‘hatred for Odell end rewalsancthe posible mote: he believes hat Othello as slept wit is wil, Eni although he is not se He is willng to act on “mere suspicion" howe saggeting that ogo’ dese wo destroy Othello bas on something more complex ond inherent than simple revenge. ng utlnes hs pan co convince Odhalo that Caso is having at flair with Desdemone nnd com ‘ments that Othllo’s “fee and open nature* makes him gle AGT 2 SCENE 1 Lines 1-187: tn Cypeus. Montano and two gentlemen discuss the Storm at, a metaphor fo the turn that ag isabout to create ‘Neves rcvesthat the torr ha destroy he Turis lect and that Caso has arine, but that hi ship was parted rom Oubel' a sio aries and starts to report when eis of "a sll” are hear He sends to find out if Otel has arrived an begins ot Montano of Othelo's mariage. clearly showing his aiation fr Desde ‘mona, maid hat paragonsdesepin,” Igo enters wits Desde ‘mona, Rodorign, and Fina, snd Caso mediately kneels before Desdemona, chivalroulygreting her a “The rches ofthe shi. Desdemona thanks him briefly, at more cancer forthe sty of her husband, Ashe describes how they were parted, anther hip issighted and Cassio sends once more for news. Aste wait every ‘ane talk ghtheartely ago shows bis quick wt but, even thou the toe sight, his negate, pera aggresive tite tomar ‘women revealed particulary his own wife whom he das not es itate to extezen pub. Destemona makes clear that shes jo tng in out of politeness and demonstrates heron wi, but he chit concerns Othello Caso dears her apart an thy tl observed by Tago. Hes pleased atthe attnson that Cassio pays to Desdemona slthoagh Cassio sony being courtous, ago reveals that "with as Tite web this" hewil"ensnareasgretw fla Css The wae tof ald emphasizes the scrcy and deception of his characte. and the changetn langue sas ntreting sesh into prose He ‘sinterruptd by the rumpet announcing Othello’ sarcval Lines 188-290: Othello and Desdemona ae reunite, Othello ro. ically sends “goo Tago (who le ploting aside how he wil destroy theichappines) to overs the disembarking of his ship. Alone with odor ag els him ciety thet Desdemona isin lore with Cas slo gin siting into peose and wing coarse sexual mapery ago orpues that Desdemonasalreadyteig of "the Moo” and islooking fare younper"secondcliie” in Cassio, Rodorgo skeptical ats, but lag esl coinces him and eowal plan to destroy Casio. He ells Rodorgo to ind Casio when he on watch that night and {o“find sme ocasion to ange” him. He clans that Cass ras and wil “sre at” Rodoeigo, which wil give lago the weapon he ool against him, Lines 201-917: Iago soliloquy retrates ls hated for Othellound hissupicon that Otello has lee with lia. He declares that be wll be revengd"wife for wif.” He lo suspects Casio of seeping with Ei, suggesting esos ad iational side to his character Feintends ta dtr Othello's “peace and qult Ben tomadnes. ACT 2 SCENE 2 ‘The Hera snnounces a feastin celebration of Othello’ mari ACT 2 SCENES Lines 1-182: Othe places Casio in charge of “the guard” and leads Desdemons aay to bad observing that they have yet to con- sumumatetelrmarrlage (fot that undermines lps repeated ep Fesetations of their redo ax purely sex). [ago suggests thatthe dria Obes heath. Cassio reluctant, explaining that he has “unhappy bras or draking" but ago silly persuades him and sends Caso to callin the gallant withthe wine. Tago reveals is intenti quarel and offence, vtcher areal to ply Casi with alcool making him “ul of He observes that Rodrigo and three other very rank. havng Been “ster wh fo ing cue” by hime Cas ers having been phen wd fy -drunkeniness on his own part, Cassio'sincree sani einaly confused speech shows hs rong ‘and logo sends him after Cassio, There isa cry within and Redo sand tls hin that els denk Cao and ontano exit and Lago, sill in control, sends Rodorigo to “cry a mutiny,” befo beginning to call out ‘ | Lines 163-262: helo ass and stg | | os the ght, assed by Tago ‘who is nw playing he rol of hisoyal flower Otello ass “Ho, ¢st ag” who begs the gt, bu lags ais hedoes ot knew Cas self-defense, Frustrated, Othello ; =o ums that his “hoa bens to ule” his reason, showing tht he ean be demands to know f ran It” Feignng reluctance and appeering to defend Casio, ago Bans him, Othello ional rates agus “honesty and ove” defending Cassio and etrips Cas, Si of his ofetshp. Desdemona interrupts them, and Ott’ ol erly tone Is contrasted ith his loving ressurances tis weetng" ashe ead her back indoors Lines 259-976: {the loss of hi a ulation.” Ironically reinforcing the distance beeween appearance and eel lgo tls Casio tha Reputation ans sand most ise impostion,” He gets tha Cassa appeal to Desiemona to intrcee with Othello. Caso agnees and leaves Alone, fag dels onthe subtty of hs pln, plese tha no oe | could actualy say that he “plas] the villain asthe adc he hs sen Casio s god. He ads however, that “When devils il the aches sins put on / They do suggest al fst wth heavenly shows, reinforcing the blak/wilte and goodievil mots ay well a the theme of deception, ented tel Otello that Dewlemonss only pleading for Cassio becatie she desires him. Rodrigo returns, com Plainiag hat he stl doesnot bare Desdemona Tago reassures him fand sends hn way. ago decides to gt Bala to persuade Desde- move to plead for Cassio wile e sets up Othello to fnd Cass Solltng” Desdemona, ACT 3 SCENE 1 asso instructs some musicians to play beneath Othe window, the previous scene, the Clown engages in a series of Bavdy quibbles beloe ago interrupt them ‘Cassio tells him that he as sent to ask mia if she can aerany some acces t0“vituous Desdemona.” igo flrs to draw Otello tof the way s0 Casio may spel re rey and Cassa observes how “kind nd honest” go Emin brings the news tht Dest ‘mona hesalredy spoken to Othello aout Cass, Caso wishes to speek to Desdemona however. an Eis agrets to lp hn. mn comic contrast othe events ACT 9 SCENE 2 (nhelo instr ingot meet hin ater ACT S SCENE 3 Les 1-86: Deenons resis Ca hts wl ek Ghesatin As tense el een ber mae Do igus wrt ce Suge Ooo cl Ca back Bt i oii rocally comments that her husband iasgievod by Lines 100-809: 1 cousy and dou while appearing supportive and loyal. ii tec niques are clever and sue: he neve takes any diet statements and is always ambigvous. seeming to prise ad deny where he is doing others and always answering Otell's questions with sf his on He irnically wars Otello again the green-ved ‘monster of jealous. bt tel im o watch Desdemona when sei th Casio, He reminds thot Deslemone scape of decep tion: she decetedBrabantio to marry him, He begs Othello nt to think ay more abot yt suggests that Desdetana pleads on shall "With any strong or ehement important / Mich wile een that" Ohl led with pain and ange, gives his st sobloquy of the play (the audience has more acces to the nee ‘houghts ofthe “villa” of the play than is eponymous “hero Bren in soshor atime, fago has saccade in making Cello doubt Desdemooa’s fidelity. As Deemons approaches, however te see that esl lowes her and that he finds thar to beleve that she fase Lines 810-628; Dealomonsa perce that thf “not wl.” She offers him her hankereie but he pushes it away and she drops Asthey leave, Ball picks up the bandkerhie observing tht was thet’ rst it to Desdemona, She reveals that ago hs repeatedly asd her to steal although she do Ing eters and alia gveshim thebandkrc bel but he wll ately he ot ko anti and send her sway. lone, he reveals his intention to lease tam Cassio lodging. As be contemplates how he has alcad changed “the Mooe” with his polson.” Otello returns, mutring contemplates Desdenonas mands that go rome that Des Tago feigns rt, tonal observing that to be “irect and honest isnot safe" He aks Othe wtp ately Lago figs concern a Otel sonposed betrayal He angry de he wants, ago claims to have shared ro With Casi recently and ove heard him ploting with Desdemona in it sls. Othello delaes ‘hat he wail Year” Desdemona “alto pees” Iago tls Otello that Ines sean Casio “wipe his beard” with Desdemona’shandkerchiet Thee «alls “lod, blood blood” and swears revenge He Kael before Tago. emphstang the shiftin power between them, Igo wears alle lance to “wronged Othello” end agrees to kill Cars, Im reason we associate with Otello seems oka im ashe ACT 3 SCENE 4 Lines 1-104: Desemons snd Emilia search for Cass’ lodgings, accompanied by the Clown, whose banterng creates contrast with the violent emotions ofthe previous cen. Des domain sends him to find Casio. Fla deals all knowlege ofthe lost handkechel when Desdemon questions her, completing he charcterzation with» potenti shit from nae to deci. Desdemonn ls wore that Othello will be put to “il thinking” by the low. but exsures Derslf that he snot jealous man, Otello arives and ia a ase that marks his withdrawal from the eatonstip, comments on ‘how hard itis to "dissemble” as he res oat normaly, Desdemon, ‘unaware, contin to petition for Casio. tbl ask for her hand lhl and tl’ her it history: me ve to Otel’ mother by si Egyptian “charmes” who told er that "while she epi it would subdue Othallo's father “Enely to he love. I she lot it, tow cer, Othell' father should hold be loath" Othello warns Des ‘demon that to owe the handkerchief wool! mean “perdion” and noting her dsress, demands to ee i. Desdemona denies that is lest and returns to the subject of Cassio, Othello eas abrupt, Lines 105-177: lag ures Csso to “importane” Desdemona. He oes, bat berdeed Desdemona tell htm tht she hs incurred Othal's“dspleasure” and tha “My lon isnot my lor,” empha ing the apparent ci Tago goes to find ‘Othello, Desdemona convinces herself that Othll ie toubled by state busines, easonng that she has never given him “case tobe jelous She tls Cassio to wait while she Ginds ell, ge In Otelo's Ken Lines 178-217: When the women have gone, Csso ls epproached Bianca who Mies with him, He gies her Desdemena's and: clit and asks her to cony the embroidery, She jealously essumes thatit is “token fom another woman, but he ‘hate doesnot know whose its east und ei is chamber He stosee Bianca soon ACT 4 SCENE 1 Lines 1-175: Togo continues w subtly increase Othel'sfary through his use of sexval innuendo as he ell Otel hat Cassa has the hundkerehlet and implies tht he bas confess tosleeping ich Desdemona. Alou sill uncertain, Othell'sdijinted language shows the breakdown of his self-control. He falls down "unconscious as Casio aries, and ago claims tat Otello has epilepsy. waeaing that he breaks into “savage madness” i woken From fi thus further undermining Otell's eputaion, He sag fests that Casio tur later Othello wakes and Tego tells him to hide and stem in while be peaks to Cassio. Othello withdraws and Tago reveals that he is aciually goin to speak to Cass bianca knowing that reference to Bianca’ ore for him wll make Cassio laugh. Cassio aries nnd, brely oat of Ot’ bering, TagoreferstoBlanca, causing Cassio to laugh, Their bawdy conver sation continues, observed by Othello, whose asides reveal he believes them tobe speak unexpectedly and angrily returns the hanaderchet to Casi, Insising that it must e *Some minx’s token.” She and Cassa Lines 176-302: Othelo is convince and declares that he wll Desde Iss that he Togo urges him to “strange een her bt” and prom il kil Caso, Desdemona aries, biting Lodovico with news rom Venle Othello appears calm. but Ladovico ingles ater Cassi and Destemona tls him about the “unkind breach between them, innocently commenting oa her on “ove” ar Cass, Othello loses control and sks Desdemona, calling he “dei, ‘Once Othello has let. Lavi expreses shock and questions Othel's reputation asthe “noble Mor could not sha blely as wel ns personally ACT 4 SCENE 2 Lines 1-189: Otel questions Plo who say that Desemon honest chaste and true” ad insists that she cannot have ber nfo Othello sends het etch Desdemona electing tha he oes not have to tlle Bla a she is “a spe bad” En shows Desdemona in and thelitelsher o gan the door Sensing Othe’ fury Dedemonais confused, epaaly when he aksher tajwear that she is"honest" She bogs abe told "what ignorant sa she has commited, and Othello aouses her of being a "stumped fd a “whore.” Amaze, Deslemons denies this, but Otello un moved and faves. Gna tee to comfort, Desdemona, but she reples traced and aks ber to etc ago, ago figs concer tnd pretends to comfort Deedemson while Ema ns ronialy that "Some busy and insinaating rogue” must hare “devised ths slander" Desdemona aks tgo to advise her end kneels before im Othello ddim Ac 2 Scene 2, emphasing broth Jago reassures er that Othello mast be trouble by some ousines of eae” sends her and En nt supper. his ows ove ther Lines 190-258: Rodorigo aries, accusing Igo of not deling july” wih him, acurately observing that lags "words an por formances are no Kin together” Desplte ths, lagn manages to talk him arourd, promising that be wil ‘enky” Desiemona pevided that els Css, He utes plan whercby the two of the wil tack Casio ese leaves Bianca's that night. Rodrigo seems ‘unconvinced, and lags eas him avy. promising to expla ater ACT 4 SCENES Presenting @ united font in public, Othello and Desdemona say sedbye to thelr visor, Lovlea, Othello offers to escort him ot indtels Desdetona to dismiss and etto bed one Instant. The follwing scene ia tender exchange between th two women ts Emilia prepares Desdemona for bel. ila has pt Desdemona’ wedding shots herbed at er rquest an Des telly asks iia that sh her in them, Desdemona sings the melancholy willow song that prop a ie before hr, she wll shroud se learned tom hee mother's mad, aptly named “Barbas” wo Fad been forsaken in lore, The convertion tuons to nel and Desdemona swears she wuld never be nihil to Otel, cle Ing she cannot understand why a woman would chest on hee hus ‘and showing amore pragmatic atte. and perhaps advocating ‘more equal eationship betwen men and women, Fla oberves tha many husbands ate unfaithful and that the sexes are jaded unequal: ACTS SCENE 1 Theseting of darkness means that the characters respond hyo what they bear, electing the role of rumor inthe action of the de pe, Tago and Rodorgo walt for Caso. Lag conceals hime as Cass aries, nd Rodrigo strikes with hie sor, Hs low falls, ba Cs Slo retlates, seriously wownding Radorgn. As he does, unseen, sabe Cassio in the lg. Cass cies out ands heard by Othelo, who recognizes his voce and assumes that go has killed him as promised. Gating he eaes to find Desdemona, promising that her “usttained” bed “sball wih fut’ blood be spotted. lodovieo and Gratiano arive and hearing Casio and Rodorgos les, far for thele own sft. ayo enters with ight and weapons, pretending that he has come to investigate the nose. Cassio hears Tago’ voice and cals ot, Fegning shock and concern for Cassio, Ingo quickly finds Rodrig and kills hen under cover of the dark ns dist aking aeton forthe ist ime in the pl He lp Cas si, asking Lodoico and Gratian to assist hin. They are joined by ‘Bianca andthen ni. As Casio's carid ont, Ingo accuses Banca of beng hind the attack. saying that ti "the Ruts of whoring He sens Ena to tel Otello and Detemiona, ACT 5 SCENE 2 Lines 128: Othello approaches Deslemons’s be, holding light visual symbol of thelght/e, date desth imagery that runs throughout hissolloqy. He dwells on mapesof purty suchas alabaster and sno, and ing of det, mar‘ which havea sex- talconntaton, such asthe phackedrowe He KssesDesdemonaand Fis resne almost bres. She wakes an he tel her that she mist prays he cannot kil her “aprepart sp." Desdemona pleads With Othello repeating that she does not ove Cassio and didnot ave him th handkecie, Othello afore her that Casio is ead and, ‘misunderstanding her inocen ears at this ews be smothers her, Aste ess, li calisfor. Hcl certainty breaks own ws the nctuates between Ela’ calls and Desdemona’ bods. Bent aly helets Ea Lines 124-270: mii reports that Casso has ile Raorign, and Othetois dismayed to lear that Cssois not dead, Asthey ta, Des Desdemona clams that she is “gules” and, denying Othll's responstlty mona’ nal acts further evdence that Desdemona sa lar gone to burning hall” and tls aia that hell his wife because "she twas a whore” Ela segues that Desdemona was ‘and Othello eis r that her own husband od him of Desderons's ‘Mar with Caso, Ella stunned and unable to say anything fexcent “My husband?” for some time, before scomfully telling Othello that ago hed an that he is“ She calls or help. Mon tao, Getiano, and Igo enter, and Raa el’ Tago that he “toi a ean ous damm." a sharp contrast to the label of honesty hes ben given throughout the pla. She announces that Dee ‘mona ls deod and Grane and Montano are hore. Gratin eveas that Brabant ns ded in ea is daughter’ marsag Othello insists that Desdemona was “ol” and unfit and ells them that se gave Cassio the handzrele Despite lago's threats, tls bravely evel that shefound the bandkerehit and gaveitto him, Otello teas tol Iago bul agp stabs ila and ees nana pring the bed exrtins, Ema fds her hr mde, she des. Ola ower ses Desde Lines 271-416: Fino 10 be laid by her mistress ie Mon tano tells Gratiano to guard "the Moot” hile he pursues lp. Ela’ lst words ae to are Othe tnd her lowe for hin. As Othello laments Desdemona’ death novi ad Montano bringin lgo asa plsoner and the wounded ‘Caso, Othe stabs ago ba falls tk hi. With lhe remaining characters assemble, the tuth is established and edence peo duced of Tag's iain, bute nefuss to explain himself and vows From tis tine forth neve wl speak wor,” Oslo isiped of his command and Cassio gen leadership ln Cyprus. Ashe to be ed ay, Othello heps to be remembered as one that ved nok svisey bt too wel!” before stabbing himself He Kses Desdemona as he dls. aps punisment for Caso to decd, Lodorico eco ‘ends the use of torture while he returns immediatly to Veneto report what has happened,

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