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Questions for DMO

97 1
1) If 19 = 𝑤 + , where w,x y are all positive integers, then w+x+y equals
2) The sum of the squares of 5 consecutive positive integers is 1815. What is the
largest of these integers?

1) In the diagram below, ∆ABC is isosceles with AB= AC and BC = 30 cm. Square EFGH, which
has a side length of 12 cm, is inscribed in ∆ABC, as shown. The area of ∆AEF, in 𝑐𝑚2 , is

2) If 496 = 2𝑚 − 2𝑛 , where m and n are integers, then 𝑚 + 𝑛 is equal to?

1) Determine all ordered pairs that satisfy, (𝑥 − 𝑦)2 + 𝑥 2 = 25, where x and y
are integers and 𝑥 ≥ 0.
the number of different values of y that occur is ______.
2) Suppose 30% of the women in a class received an A on the test and 25% of
the men received an A. The class is 60% women. Given that a person chosen
at random received an A, what is the probability this person is a woman?
97 2 1 1
1) Rewrite 19 = 5 + 19 = 5 + 19 =5+ 1 by comparison , w-5,x-9 and y =2. Thus w+x+y
2 2

2) Since we are looking for 5 consecutive perfect squares which add to 1815, then the
middle one of these squares should be close to 5 1815)=363. Look for the closest perfect
square to 363...√363~19.05, so 192 − 361 is closest to 363. Try 172 + 182 + 192 +
202 + 212 − 289 + 324 + 361 + 400 + 441 = 1815. So the largest number is 21.
Solution :
1) Let M be the midpoint of EF and N be the midpoint of HG. By symmetry, N is also the
midpoint of BC. Also, the line through A and M will also pass through N, and will be
perpendicular to both EF and BC. Since the side length of the square is 12, then EM= HN
= 6 and EH = 12. Since we are told that BC = 30, then BN = 15 and so BH = 9.
Since EFGH is a square, then EF is parallel to HG, and so ∠AEM =∠ EBH , ie. ∆AME is
similar to ∆EHB.
𝐴𝑀 12 1
Therefore, = or AM=8. Thus the area of Δ𝐴𝐸𝐹 is 2 (12)(8) = 48 𝑐𝑚2 .
6 9

2) Since 496 is less than 2𝑚 , we might think to look for a power of 2 bigger than, but close
to 496. 512 = 29 = works and in fact 496 − 512 − 16 = 29 − 24 , so 𝑚 + 𝑛 = 9 + 4 =

Solution to difficult Items

1) Since 25 is the sum of two squares , the only possible values for x are 0, 3,4, and 5.
Substituting each value into the equation and finding the corresponding value of y
gives 5 different values for y.
2) Let A be the event of receiving an A, W be the event of being a woman, and M the
event of being a man. We are given P(A | W) = 0.30, P(A | M) = 0.25, P(W) = 0.60 and
we want P(W | A). From the definition

P(W | A)P(A)= P(W ∩ A)-= P(A | W)P(W)- = (0.30)(0.60) = 0.18.

To nd P(A), we write
P(A) = P(W ∩ A) + P(M ∩ A)
Since the class is 40% men, P(M ∩ A) = P(A | M)P(M) = (0.25)(0.40) = 0.10.
P(A) = P(W ∩ A) + P(M ∩ A) = 0.18 + 0.10 = 0.28.
1) P(W | A) = P(W ∩ A)/ P(A) = 0.18 /0.28 = 0.643

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