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Gud morning ticher and classmeits.

This is mai comunicativiti activity namber wan

Wen ai was a chayld yused tu get ap at eich in de morning tu ran, bicos with may frends ai
yused tu hav a lot of fun, and in de afternun araund for ay yused tu gou out tu pley soker, bats
if ay dident yused to weyk ap may parents., ay yused tu gou aut silent.

Wen ay was a chayld ay laikd tu watch cyures yorsh is program, slupterra, somtaymz ay yused
tu watch it with may sisters yom and Jerry, altougt mey bi somtaymz what ay saaw simd boring
tu dem, ay cud ends stop watching thoz programs.

Wen ay was at escul ay laikd tu yus da blackbord chak tu Paint may classmeits, somtaymz it
mey bi dad ay was very restles and ay pleyd practicol joks on may frends layk meykend dem fol
from deir cheirs altougt it cud by dad they hurt demsels badly, hauever bicos of da academic
sayd if Hi stup out well, bat if Hi dident yused tu arrayv erly tu escul, after class Hi only yused
tu pley soker or slip. Thenk yu

When I was a child I used to get up at eight in the morning to run, because with my friends I
used to have a lot of fun, and in the afternoons around four I used to go out to play soccer, but
if I didn't usually wake up my parents, I used to go out silent.

When I was a child I liked to watch Curious George's program, Slugterra, sometimes I used to
watch it with my sisters Tom and Jerry, although maybe sometimes what I saw seemed boring
to them, I couldn't stop watching those programs.

When I was at school I liked to use the blackboard chalk to paint my classmates, sometimes it
may be that I was very restless and I played practical jokes on my friends like making them fall
from their chairs although it could be that they hurt themselves badly, however because of the
academic side if he stood out well, but if he didn't usually arrive early to school, after classes
he only used to play soccer or sleep.

Cuando era niña yo solia levantame a las ocho de la mañana a correr, porque con mis amigos
solia divertirme mucho, y en las tardes a eso de las cuatro solia salir a jugar futbol, pero si no
solia despertar despertar a mis padres, solia salir en silencio.

Cuando era niña me gustaba ver el programa de jorge curioso, bajoterra, aveces solia ver con
mis hermanas tom y jerry aunque tal vez aveces les parecia aburrido lo que veia, no podia
dejar de ver esos programas.

Cuando estaba en la escuela me gustaba usar la tiza de pizarra para pintar a mis compañeros,
aveces puede ser que era muy inquieta y hacia bromas pesadas a mis amigos como hacerles
caer de la silla aunque podria ser que se lastimaran fuerte, sin embargo por el lado academico
si destacaba bien, pero si no solia llegar temprano a la escuela, despues de clases solo solia
jugar futbol o dormir.

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