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Format: short size bondpaper, courier new (font style), double spacing

Chapter 1 (TVL)

 Background and theoretical/conceptual framework – related lit should be included here.

- 2 -3 pages
- Research paradigm
 Statement of the problem
 Definition of terms
 Scope and delimitation
 Significance of the study

Chapter 2:

 Research design and methodology

 Research design
 Methodology
- Respondents
- Data gathering instruments
- Data gathering procedure
- Statistical data analysis
- Ethical consideration

Proposal Defense:

- (January 9 – 13)
- LNHS Logo only (left side)
Format: short size bondpaper, courier new (font style), double spacing. Font size – 11

Chapter 3:

 Research design and methodology

 Research design
 Methodology
- Respondents
- Data gathering instruments
- Data gathering procedure
- Statistical data analysis
- Ethical consideration

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