Lesson 2 The Hotel Organization

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There are two main types of organizational structure:

1. The Flat Organization - large number of employees reporting to one supervisor (with wide span of
2. The Tall Organization - a small number of employees report to a supervisor, necessitating a larger
number of supervisors (with narrow span of control)


1. Front Office Department - is the "nerve center" in the entire hotel operations. All the transaction passes through
within this department. It acts as the public face of the hotel, the first and last point of contact for the guest.

2. Housekeeping Department – their main function is to clean and prepare guest rooms, and maintain the
cleanliness of hotel common/public areas.

3. Food and Beverage Department – prepares and sells food and beverage to the guests. Comprised of 2 main
areas: (1) Production/Kitchen, (2) Service/Dining Areas.

4. Sales and Marketing Department – handles reservations, room sales and banquet sales, as well as marketing the
products to different market segments.

5. Finance/Accounting Department – prepares the payroll of employees, financial statements, accounts receivables
and payables of the hotel, and other accounting transactions.

6. Human Resources Department – handles recruitment, selection, hiring and retention of employees.

7. Engineering Department – maintains, repairs, and improves physical structures of the hotel.
8. Security Department – their main task is to keep the guests and the hotel properties safe and secured.

Revenue Center versus Support Center

Revenue Centers Support Centers

Profit generator Support and help providers
Front office Housekeeping
F&B Outlets Accounting
Room service Engineering
Retail stores Sales & Marketing
Human Resources

Front of the House versus Back of the House

Front of the House Back of the House

With guest contact and interaction Minimal guest contact and interaction
Front Office Kitchen
Restaurants Housekeeping
Uniformed Services Accounting

Hotel Organizational Chart

(Upscale or 5-Star Hotel)

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