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1. The primary concern of Management (1 pt)

1.1 Achievement of goals

2. The management processes and definition of each (4 pts)

2.1 Planning – the determination of short-to-long range plans to achieve the objectives of
2.2 Organizing – the development of sound organization structure according to predetermined
2.3 Direction – stimulating and motivation of personnel of the organization according to
predetermined plans.
2.4 Controlling – offers assurance that direct action i.e. plan-in-action, is taking place as per plan.

3. The 4-M’s of creative efforts into construction facility. (4 pts)

3.1 Material
3.2 Manpower
3.3 Machines
3.4 Money

4. Elements of Planning. (8 pts)

4.1 Goal-oriented
4.2 Prime managerial function
4.3 Pervasive
4.4 Efficient, economic, and accurate
4.5 Coordinated
4.6 With limited factors like money, manpower, etc
4.7 Flexible
4.8 An intellectual process

5. Stages/phases of construction projects (4 pts)

5.1 Conceptual phase
5.2 Definition phase
5.3 Project execution phase
5.4 Turn-over phase

6. General characteristic of construction projects. (3 pts)

6.1 Field and project oriented, producing unique products usually not suitable to mass production or
a controlled manufacturing environment.
6.2 Concerned with fabrication and field erection.
6.3 Temporary in nature.

7. Construction project categories and 3-samples for each (12 pts)

7.1 Building projects
7.1.1 Housing / Office / Educational buildings
7.1.2 Light Industrial / Commercial buildings
7.1.3 Social / Recreational facilities
7.2 Engineering projects
7.2.1 Highways / Roads / Bridges construction
7.2.2 Airports
7.2.3 Water ways / other public utilities
7.3 Industrial projects
7.3.1 Power plants
7.3.2 Petro-chemical plants
7.3.3 Mining facilities

8. Primary goals of construction team (4 pts)

8.1 Finish the project as specified.
8.2 Finish the project on schedule.
8.3 Finish the project within budget.
8.4 Finish the project on quality levels required by the contract.

9. Owner-side project team composition (3 pts)

9.1 Architects & Engineers (AÊ)
9.2 In-house management/Services department
9.3 Project management consultants

10. Owner’s expectations of the project (4 pts)

10.1 The best quality for the money.
10.2 On time completion.
10.3 Completion within budget.
10.4 A good project safety record.

1. The activity of distinct process which is primarily for the task of goal achievement. (1 pt)
1.1 Management

2. The distinct management process steps and definition of each (4 pts)

2.1 Planning – the determination of short-to-long range plans to achieve the objectives of
2.2 Organizing – the development of sound organization structure according to predetermined
2.3 Direction – stimulating and motivation of personnel of the organization according to
predetermined plans.
2.4 Controlling – offers assurance that direct action i.e. plan-in-action, is taking place as per plan.

3. The tasks that the manager is called upon to perform. (8 pts)

3.1 Planning
3.2 Organizing
3.3 Staffing
3.4 Directing
3.5 Motivating
3.6 Controlling
3.7 Coordinating
3.8 Communicating

4. Controlling steps to realize management plan (6 pts)

4.1 Identify potential problems.
4.2 Select mode of control.
4.3 Evaluate performance in terms of planning.
4.4 Spot significant deviations.
4.5 Ascertain causes of deviations.
4.6 Take remedial measures.

5. General characteristic of construction projects. (3 pts)

5.1 Field and project oriented, producing unique products usually not suitable to mass production or
a controlled manufacturing environment.
5.2 Concerned with fabrication and field erection.
5.3 Temporary in nature.

6. Construction project types and 4 samples for each. (10 pts)

6.1 Process type
6.1.1 Liquid/Gas Processing Plants like petrochemical plants, Refineries .
6.1.2 Liquid/Solid Processing Plants like Pulp & Paper Mills, Mineral & Ore Dressing Plants.
6.1.3 Solid Processing Plants like Cement Factories, Smelting Plants, Glass & Rubber Processing
6.1.4 Power Plants.
6.2 Non-process type
6.2.1 Manufacturing Plants like Automotive & heavy equipment assembly plants, Electronics
components plant, Shipyards.
6.2.2 Civil Works projects like Dams & Irrigations, Highways, Bridges, Water & sewerage treatment
6.2.3 Support facilities projects like Laboratories, Test facilities, R&D facilities
6.2.4 Commercial and A&E projects like offices, high-rise buildings, residential buildings, shopping

7. Primary goals of construction team (4 pts)

7.1 Finish the project as specified.
7.2 Finish the project on schedule.
7.3 Finish the project within budget.
7.4 Finish the project on quality levels required by the contract.

8. Contractor project team composition (7 pts)

8.1 Construction project management 8.2 Field supervision
8.3 Labour/manpower supplier 8.4 Materials supplier
8.5 Equipment supplier
8.6 Subcontractors
8.7 Construction service providers like QC laboratories, quantity surveyors, etc.

9. Owner’s expectations of the project (4 pts)

9.1 The best quality for the money.
9.2 On time completion.
9.3 Completion within budget.
9.4 A good project safety record.

Quiz 2

1. The contract document whereby the particulars of responsibilities of the contracting parties are
outlined and detailed. (2 pts)
1.1 Matrix of Responsibilities

2. The first construction activity the Contractor will carry-out after receiving the notice-to=proceed
(NTP) letter from the Owner. (2 pts)
2.1 Mobilization

3. Under the terms of the sample contract, the condition a main Contractor may sublet or assign
portion of the Contract to another party. Under what section of the Contract Provision is it
covered? (4 pts)
3.1 When expressed in writing by the Owner.
3.2 CP-4 Assignment

4. Under the terms of the sample contract, what kind of delay the Contractor will be entitled for a
time extension but cannot claim compensation for any losses cause by the delay? Under what
Contract Provision is it covered? (4 pts)
4.1 CP-16 Force Majeure
4.2 Government actions, civil disorder, other delaying events the Owner agree to grant Contractor
time extension only and w/out compensation.

5. Under the terms of the sample contract, the legal grounds for the Contractor to terminate the
contract are: (4 pts)
5.1 Failure of the Owner to settle 45-calendar days after due date of the approved and certified
progress billing; and
5.2 The Owner declares bankruptcy or insolvency and will be unable to meet its financial obligation
or continue to complete the Project.

6. The legal instrument that protects the Owner from any liens against his completed project if the
Contractor fails to pay his subcontractors or suppliers. (2 pts)
6.1 Payment Bond
7. The hand-over of a 360-days, ₱57M government bridge project undertaken by XYZ Construction
Corp was delayed by 32 days. Determine the corresponding penalty amount or liquidated damages
the government will impose upon XYZ Construction Corp using the same terms as the sample
Penalty Calculation. (20 pts)
1. The process considered as the lifeblood of engineering and construction industry. (5 pts)
1.1 The bidding, proposal, and contracting process.

2. Prepares the Tender/Bid Documents for the Owner. (2 pts)

2.1 The Architect & Engineers (A&E), or the Owner’s Design Consultants

3. Describes, spells out, and details the project to be constructed and delineate the
responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor before the award of Contract. (5 pts)
3.1 Bid/tender package documents

4. Bid/Tender package documents components: (4 pts)

4.1 Plans & Drawings
4.2 Technical Specifications
4.3 Contract Provisions
4.4 Proposal Form

5. The important proposal items the bidder/contractor should submit when bidding. (6 pts)
5.1 The business or commercial proposal
5.2 The technical proposal
5.3 The project-execution proposal

6. Three (3) principal bonds and describe the protection each provides the Owner. (6 pts)
6.1 Bid bond – protection against failure of the contractor to enter into agreement after the contract
has been awarded to the contractor.
6.2 Performance bond – guarantee that the contractor will finish the work. If the contractor fails to
perform the work, the surety will provide the completion of the work according to plans and
6.3 Payment bond – guarantee from any liens against the completed project. If the contractor fails to
pay his subcontractors or suppliers the surety protects the owner from any claim.
7. The hand-over of a ₱65M government-owned project contracted by ABC Construction Corp for
250-days was delayed by 45 days. If the government will impose penalty on the same terms set forth
in the Sample Penalty Calculation, what will be the amount? (20 pts)

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