Guide in Writing Chapter 1

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STRAND & SECTION: __________________

GROUP # _________________

GROUP LEADER:________________________________________________
1. ____________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________

Guide in Writing Your Qualitative Research Paper




Topic Sentence: At this time of pandemic, the contagious

disease COVID-19 that continue spreading worldwide
has left a great impact in schools across the world that
caused shutdown of schools across the whole world.
1. Define and discuss the variables/topic. Globally, there are lot of things affected by the pandemic,
one of the most affected are jobs and education.
Education is important as it develops our young minds
2. What is the Problem or Issues in your proposed Research into matured one, as learning will never stop and still
Topic continues after every student graduates and find decent
jobs that perfectly suit them. Therefore, education is a
bridge to someone’s success. In order to cope with the
difficulties everyone from across the world struggling and
in able to continue learning, Department of Education
pursue the Remote Learning Platform.
Definition of Important terms / Variables According to Albert et al. (2020) remote learning platform
occurs when both student and educator are not present in
a face-to-face learning, the traditional classroom
environment. Thus, information was is transferred
through technologies, great example are: Google Meet,
Zoom, Facebook, messenger and online assessment.
Remote learning platform is another type of learning
strategy where in it is conducted virtually

Why is it a Problem? Global perspective Globally, there are over 1.2 billion students who
were affected and stop attending traditional classroom
environment. As a result, the previous type of learning
What argument can you think of, that supports your claim? (Face-to-Face Classes) changed to what everyone stated as
the “New normal”. Thus, e-learning arise and teaching and
learning is conducted remotely and on digital platforms
with the great help of the technologies. (Li, 2020)
How big or serious the problem is to you and to the society?
Many countries in the world have adopted this
approach. Schools in New York, the United States,
What is the impact of the problem to the society/respondents prepared for online learning by distributing gadgets to
their students, ensuring they had access to learning
materials. As of early April, education authorities here in
the Philippines have distributed around 500,000 laptops
and tablets to their students, allowing them to participate
in classes online.

Why is it a Problem? National perspective In The Philippines, just before classes

started, students already cries for academic freeze
because they knew for sure that being involved in a remote
What argument can you think of, that supports your claim? learning platform is way difficult and yet classes still
manage to started, Hence, the researchers focus on how do
the learners cope up with those factors affecting home
learning environment in the remote learning platform.
How big or serious the problem is to you and to the society?
According to Poblador,(2020) remote learning in the
Philippines will be difficult to some who don’t had studio
type rooms, office-like settings to conduct remote-
What is the impact of the problem to the society/respondents learning. Also, learners who is renting in crowded areas
will deal with burden of the outside noise that can
discourage focus in remote learning platform in the home
learning environment.
Why is it a Problem? Local perspective Nagpayong High School is one of the public schools
in Pasig City where most of the students still struggle in
remote learning platform. After all, it was really good
What argument can you think of, that supports your claim? enough to have a device or gadget supported by the
Government that can surely help learning in this remote
platform there are still barriers and factors faced inside of
the home learning environment. One student in
How big or serious the problem is to you and to the society?
Nagpayong High School shared his experiences in remote
learning at his home-learning environment.

What is the impact of the problem to the society/respondents He has a small study place, enough for him to focus
at least at learning alone. The physical structure of his
study place was pleasing because he found the wall paint
relaxing. He also has stable internet connection but then
the home learning environment is still not conducive as he
gets distracted by feeling unmotivated due to lack of
parental support. In Nagpayong High School, the type of
learning modality the learners and the educator deal with
is the remote learning platform where in learners manage
to educate themselves together with the help of their
educators through text-based learning, modular learning
and online-learning (video conference using Google meet
or zoom meeting).

What is the Purpose of the Study? Therefore this study hoped to understand the
conduciveness of the home learning environment in the
remote learning platform in a hope to shed light on how to
Who will benefit if ever it is solved? make the home learning environment conducive in remote
learning platform for the betterment of learning process.

Specifically, the researchers conduct this study to

How will they benefit? comprehend the factors that affect the conduciveness of
the home learning environment in this remote learning
platform of the learners. Furthermore, the study hoped to
understand the impact of the factors affecting the
conduciveness of home learning environment to their
learning achievement within the remote learning platform
as well as to know the coping mechanisms that they have
employed to resolve issues underlying the conduciveness
of the home learning environment within the remote
learning platform. The researchers believe that the results
of this study will somehow benefit learners and educator
for the reason that both sides are working in their home
environment in a remote platform.


(Find a theory that fits your research concept)



(What are need to be gathered?) (How to gather the needed info?) (Expected outcome)
(based on SOP)
(put description)

Example: Your Work:

In the illustration above of the conceptual framework of the study simply illustrates the three
(3) interrelated parts of the study. Input, Process and Output.

The Input of the Conceptual Framework of this study has Four (4) parts. Indicated
in the part 1 is the Socio-demographic Profile of the respondents, while for the part two (2)
contains the Factors that affect the conduciveness of the respondent’s home learning
environment within the remote learning platform fa, Part three (3) indicates the Impact of
the factors affecting the conduciveness of home learning environment to their learning
achievement within the remote learning platform and the last part which is part four (4)
focuses on the coping mechanism applied to overcome factors affecting the conduciveness of
the home learning

The process box contains the methods and process used in this study such as
validating the interview questions with experts then conduct a focus group discussion then
analyzing data through Thematic coding, interpret and make conclusion.

The Output box of the conceptual framework of this study illustrates the Data
Gathered on the factors that affect the conduciveness of the respondent’s home learning
environment, the Coping Mechanisms of the participants on the Conduciveness of Home
Learning Environment within the Remote Learning Platform and Recommended Strategies
on the conduciveness of home learning environment within the remote learning platform


( to checked and approved by adviser)


Parts Sample Your Work

General Purpose of the Study Primarily, this research is focused on determining the effect of
Corporate Social Responsibility practices on the organizational
performance of the IT Industry.

Variables Used In this study, the corporate social responsibility (CSR), is

consists of four dimensions which are economic, ethical, legal
and philanthropic or discretionary dimensions which served as
the independent variables whereas, firm’s performance
represents the dependent variable.

Target Respondents: The participants of the study were limited to priority SME’s and
Large IT where the researcher applied the Slovin’s formula and
administered to the computed number of IT companies most
specifically those who belong to finance and Marketing
department of the company.

Research Locale/Place where to conduct This study will be conducted in selected cities in National
a study. Capital Region.

Time Frame or Duration of the study The study would be conducted in a short period of time or less
than a year so as to avoid the effects of maturation.

Data and other Resources Needed To answer the research questions effectively, the researcher
utilized a validated survey questionnaire and necessary sales
report from the respondents.


Who will benefit? How will they benefit?

Example: This study may also reflect the same issues and concerns they encounter along the implementation of K to 12 from which they may gather
ideas on how to synchronize the predicaments of the business industry partners and their position as the implementers of the new
School Administrators program.

Your Work here:

Source: Nagpayong High School

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