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184 Part III • Elements of Logistics Systems

All-Indian Logistics Services (AILS) is a third-r
logistics provided headquartered in South Delhi, India. infrastructure and pool of experienced personnel to
The company was founded by two former logistics handle a wide range of logistics activities. AILS consid-
executives ers itself a specialist in customized logistics solutions and
from Tata Steel (one of the biggest and oldest compa- services. Its services include:
nies in India) with expertise in ocean shipping, customs
• Imfiort consolidation. AILS has a well-developed
clearance, forwarding, and land transportation. Over the
network of offices and trade connections in the
last five years, AILS has been successful in building an
United States, Europe, the Far East, and the Middle

Jammu &
Himachal A
Punjab g
N Haryana Arunachal
Delh Sikkim Pradesh
Jaipur . Agra L BHUTA
Rajasthan " uttar N Nagaland
Bihar Manipur
Gujar Madhya Pradesh m
(Calcutta A
Mumbai . (Bombay) a

Arabian Sea Andhm


Bengaluru " (Madras) Andaman and
(Bangalore) Nicobar Islands
" z Pondicherry

Tamil Nadu

SRI 0200400KM
A 0100 200 300 MILES

EXHIBIT 9.A Map of India

Chapter 9 • Facility Location 185

East to render import consolidation by both air and ucts, electronics, televisions and components, rice, stone
sea to any part of India. It promises a personalized, for stone crafting, etc.
prompt service with value for cost. AILS has slowly expanded its consulting offerings
• Door-to-door services. AILS is fully ec{uipped to to include site selection for manufacturing plants and
deliver door to door, which includes cargo pickup ware- housing facilities. Recently, AILS was retained on a
from the supplier’s warehouse, warehousing prior to site selection project by American Athletic Apparel
customs clearance, complete customs clearance of (AAA), a large multinational supplier of athletic clothing.
exports from overseas, and freight booking with air- AAA has asked AILS to determine the best location for a
lines/shipping lines to receive cargo in India. It also manufac- turing plant that will produce wickable athletic
undertakes local customs clearance and transporta- shirts for export to North America and Western Europe.
tion to deliver to the door of the customer. AAA has one key stipulation for the chosen site:
• Exports. AILS has expertise in handling exports o1 The manufacturing plant must be located in a city with
various kinds of cargo by ocean and by air freight, a population of between 1,500,000 and 3,500,000 resi-
and ensures the timely movement of cargo at the dents, which excludes places like Delhi, Mumbai, and
most competitive rates. The company takes care of Bangalore, among others. Because the majority of shirts
both the complete export documentation formali- will be exported from India via water transportation (air
ties and the physical movement of cargo. freight may be utilized in extraordinary situations), AAA
• Consultancy on customs and logistics. AILS can has agreed to let AILS leverage its existing relationships
guide customers regarding various modes of with logistics personnel at Mumbai Port. With this con-
transportation and can help customers optimize sideration in mind, after several months of arduous work
utilization of space and save on freight. It acts as AILS narrowed the r lant location to two metropolitan
liaison with different Indian authorities like the RBI areas: Patna (in the state of Bihar) and Lucknow (in the
(Reserve Bank of India), the Ministry of Shipping, state of Uttar Pradesh).
the Ministry of Railways, and the Ministry of Road
Transport and Highways, among others, on behalf
of clients for various permissions and quotas related
to import and export of cargo. India’s red tape, 1. With respect to the natural resources needed to make
bureaucracy, and corruption preclude anyone lack- wick- able shirts, is Patna or Lucknow the prclcrrcd
ing clout or established relationship channels from lrication? Why?
conducting business in India. 2. With respect to transportation considerations, is Patna
or Lucknow the preferred location? Why?
Today AILS handles an average of 200- r lus TF.Us 3. With •••r • ct to labor characteristics, is Patna or
(20-foot container equivalents) of imports and exports Lucknow the preferred location? Why?
every month between Delhi and Mumbai (Bombay), 4. With respect to quality-of-life considerations, is Patna
which is the nearest big port (a distance of 1,407 kilo- or Lucknow the preferred location? Why?
meters). (Sec Exhibit 9-A.) Luckily, most containers are 5. Should All.S recommend that the manufactutinc' plant
used for trafhc in both directions; moving empties is un- lac lcicatcd in Patna car Lucknciw? Why?
productive. Main items for export arc bathroom fittings, 6. Would your answer to question 5 change if the shirts
agricultural e‹juipicent, chemicals, scientific ec{uipment, ate exported through the Port of Ifiolkata? Why or
why not?
medical equipment, food processing machinery, and fur-
7. Supp‹asc that AAA clccidcs tc› ncarsciurcc prciduction t‹a
niture and kitchen equipment. Main items for import are Lat- in America. keeping in mind the key stipulation
automobile engines and spares, cotton yarn, food prod- presented in the case, where might AAA locate its
production plant in Latin America* Why*

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