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Conceptual Framework

Figure 2 presents the conceptual framework paradigm of the

study. This will discuss the library's e-resources, including

the increasing importance of electronic resources and the need

to assess their effectiveness in meeting user needs.

Input: Availability of electronic resources: Refers to the

presence and accessibility of electronic resources such as

computers, e-books, online databases, etc. Library staff's

expertise: The proficiency of library staff in utilizing and

managing electronic resources. Library users' digital literacy

and access to technology: The level of users' skills in using

digital tools and their access to technology. These inputs

collectively contribute to understanding the contextual factors

and resources available in the library that influence the

effectiveness of electronic resources and their impact on

library users' experience.

Process: Evaluation of electronic resources: Assessing the

quality and relevance of electronic resources to meet the needs

of library users. Integration of electronics resources:

Incorporating the identified electronics


resources into the library's collection and services. Staff

training and development: Providing training opportunities to

enhance the skills of library staff in effectively using and

managing electronic resources. Promotion and marketing: Creating

awareness and increasing usage of electronic resources among

library users through promotional activities. Monitoring and

assessment: Regularly monitoring and assessing the effectiveness

of electronic resources in meeting library users' needs and

making necessary adjustments.

Output: Increased usage and satisfaction: Users utilize

electronic resources more frequently and express higher levels

of satisfaction with the resources and services provided by the

library. Improved quality and relevance: Electronics resources

in the library's collection and services exhibit enhanced

quality, accuracy, and relevance, resulting in a valuable and

up-to-date collection for users. Enhanced skills and expertise

of library staff: Library staff members acquire improved skills

and expertise in effectively using and managing electronic

resources, enabling them to provide better support and

assistance to users. Increased efficiency and effectiveness:

Operations related to electronic resources

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