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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

l. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will able to:

A. Identify the gender of nouns (masculine and feminine)

B. Recognize the gender of nouns (masculine and feminine)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Properties of nouns; types of gender (Feminine and Masculine)
Materials: Guess me, PPT, Flash card, Paper and Pen, Table

III. Procedure
I. Preparatory of Activities

 Greetings
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance

II. Review
Last meeting, the teacher tackled the 2 types of number nouns (singular and plural). And
now, teacher will proceed to another lesson that’s connect to types nouns which is the Properties
of nouns in terms of gender.

III. Motivation
The teacher prepared a short exercise for the students to identify the types of gender
nouns. This activity called “Guess Me” the way it works is that the students identify the given words
flash in screen whether feminine or masculine

Girl, man, woman, boy, men, husband, wife, mother, uncle, auntie

Masculine nouns- refer to words for a male figure or male member of a species

Feminine noun- refer to female figures or female members of a species

A. Introduction
 As the teacher note, the teacher will group the students into two pairs and
identify/recognize the given 10 words whether it’s feminine or masculine number
that write on the board.
 After they answering, the teacher must ask the class if they really understand the
difference of feminine and masculine nouns.

- husband
- wife
- mother
- uncle
- auntie
- daughter
- son
B. Lesson Proper
1. Discussion

 Based from the previous activity, the class will now divide into 5 groups. For
them to better recognize the gender of nouns.
 The teacher will discuss and give more example about the gender of nouns
 Each member recognizes and identify the gender of nouns, by creating a
meaningful essay about their experiences, any kind of experience.
 After 10minutes of collaboration, each group through a representative will be
given 5 minutes to present their output.
 After the group presentation, the teacher will sum up the lesson by
presenting a power point presentation to the class.
2. Developing Mastery

 Through the activity given earlier the teacher prepared a 2 table for them to
answer the difference of feminine and masculine through 3-5 sentences of each
and students underline the written gender on their sentences.

Feminine Masculine

C. Generalization
Ask the students the following questions as far as their understanding of the lesson is concern:

 What is feminine and masculine nouns?

 Examples of gender nouns?

D. Evaluation
Individual Work: Change the underline nouns from the feminine/masculine to the
Example: My uncle visits her niece every weekend.
My aunt visits her niece every weekend.

1. The gentleman has several ducks on his farm

2. The daughter is talkative.
3. Does any actress like to play the role of the princess?
4. Their king is very kind
5. Where is your father?

IV. Assignment

Directions: Teacher give the students assignment; do an advance reading about the uses of nouns for next lesson.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Princes Joy V. Pagaduan Dr. Rosalie Valdez
Student Professor

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