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Put one suitable word in each space.

1. An old school friend 

When John saw the large crowd (1) which... had gathered (2)_________
the street, he wasn't sure (3)_________ first what had happened. There were
(4)_________ many people blocking the entrance to the hotel, that he had to
push his way (5)_________ them to get (6)_________ the door. At the
door he found two policemen (7)_________ were trying to hold the crowd
back. 'What (8)_________ earth is going on?' he asked them. Then John
noticed that some of the crowd were holding placards (9)_________ read:
'We love you Sally.' (10)_________ course, that was it. Sally Good was a
footballer, the first woman to play for England. (11)_________ John wasn't
really interested in sport he decided to join the crowd and wait
(12)_________ she appeared. About ten minutes (13)_________ , a smiling
woman appeared and waved to the crowd. John was taken completely
(14)_________ surprise when she took his arm and said, 'Remember me? I'm
the girl (15)_________ used to sit next to you at school.'

2. Asking for directions

Have you ever tried asking people for directions? I (1) go to
London on business recently, and I soon realised that I (2)_________ have
bought a street map. Whenever I followed the directions of passers-by I got lost.
'You can't (3)_________ it,' they would say. 'Carry straight (4)_________ ,
it's opposite the bank.' After walking for half an hour, I would realise that I
(5)_________ have gone wrong somewhere. '(6)_________ you tell me
where the bank (7)_________ , please?' I would ask someone. I
(8)_________ to have known that this was a mistake. 'Which bank do you
mean? I think you (9)_________ go back to the station ...' I now see that I
(10)_________ have taken a taxi. After all, London taxi drivers
(11)_________ to pass a test on their knowledge of its streets. But of course,
whenever I thought of this, I (12)_________ not find a taxi. In the end I
found a solution. I went up to the first tourists I saw and asked if I
(13)_________ look at their tourist map. They turned out to be from Scotland,
and they (14)_________ me very detailed instructions. The only problem was
that I wasn't (15)_________ to understand exactly what they said.
3. Holiday problems 
Somehow I always have problems when I go away on holiday. (1) ​Every​.y​ ear my travel
agent promises me that my holiday will be (2)_________ best I have ever had, but none of
these promises has ever (3)_________ true. This year I got food poisoning (4)_________
day I arrived. It must have been the fish I ate at the hotel (5)_________ evening. In (6)
_________ morning I felt terrible, and I was seen by two doctors. I tried to explain my
problem to them, but (7)_________ of them spoke English, (8)_________ didn't help. It took
me (9) _________of the first week to recover, and I spent three or four days sitting next to
(10) _________hotel swimming pool reading newspapers. By the time I felt better,
(11)_________ weather had changed, but I was determined to go sight-seeing, and do (12)
_________swimming. Unfortunately (13)_________ of the museums were open, as there
was (14)_________ strike. I would have enjoyed myself (15)_________ if I had stayed at

4. Parents and children 

I was reading an article last week in which the writer describes how her children had
changed as they (1) ​grew ​up. When they were small, she had to(2)_________ up with noisy
games in the house, or (3)_________ in their interminable games of football in the garden
which (4)_________ her out. If the house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were
(5) _________up to, or what crisis she would have to (6) _________with next. She dreaded
the fact that they might (7) _________after her husband, who admitted having been an
uncontrollable child who (8) _________most of the time (9)_________ off to his friends by
breaking things or(10) _________ into fights. What was worse was that everyone else
thought he was a sweet child, and he (11)_________ away with terrible things! However,
she had experienced an even greater shock with her children. They had (12)_________ out
of all their naughty behaviour, and (13)_________ up serious hobbies such as chess and
playing the piano. They never did anything without (14)_________ it over first, and coming to
a serious decision. She had to (15)_________ up to the fact that they made her feel rather
childish, and that in some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy!

5. The first day in the job 

I will always remember my first day working at the Excelsior Food Company. First of (1) ​all ​, I
was given a greasy overall. (2)_________ had worn it before had certainly never washed it!
When I mentioned this to the foreman he said, 'You're not afraid of a bit of dirt, (3)_________
you?' I wanted to say that I thought (4)_________ was supposed to be a high standard of
cleanliness in a food factory, but I managed to control(5)_________ Then I was given my
first job, (6)_________ involved sweeping the floor. (7)_________ only was my overall filthy,
but the whole factory looked as if (8)_________ had ever cleaned it properly.(9)_________
were also (10)_________ I later discovered to be pigs' ears scattered around the place.
(11)_________ it was my first day, say anything about this. (12)_________ that I had to put
pies into the rest of the morning. (13)_________ was supposed to put them cold-store, but
(14)_________ this person was, they had obviously about it. As a (15)_________ , there
was soon a huge pile of boxes be moved. Then I discovered that I was supposed to be
moving them! I didn't boxes for into the forgotten waiting to





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